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(onikam): @beyonce started following you. Still, It Was Worth It I Would Do It Again I Know You Hurt Me, But... More



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I miss Onika.

I was on group Facetime with my friends but instead of paying attention to whatever they were talking about, I was reading all the texts she sent me.

I didn't mean to ignore her texts, I just wasn't on my phone that much for a while.

I've had a lot going on. My life is kind of a mess right now.

She texts me everyday. Sometimes she'll just say goodnight or she'll saying something she misses or how much she likes me.

I want to respond but I'm going to wait until I'm not upset anymore.

I'm in the huge furry cow hoodie she got me and laying on the cow pillow she got me.

I sighed, "Guys why do you think hasn't she texted me yet?" She texts me every night but it's past midnight and she hasn't texted me yet.

Kelly matched my sigh. "Did you not hear anything we were just talking about?"

"Not really. Onika hasn't texted me goodnight like she usually does."

"Stand up and get a grip nigga." Brysons one to talk. He wants to die every time Kelly's mad at him.

"She texts me every night or at least once during the day and today she hasn't. Something is probably wrong if she's not following her daily routine."

Or she doesn't care anymore.

"Bey maybe she's just busy. If she doesn't text you by tomorrow night, then you can start to worry." This is why I love Frank.

"Oka- she's calling me!" I covered my mouth because I didn't mean to be that loud late at night.

Do I answer?

Well her birthdays tomorrow so maybe I should answer to just say happy birthday.

I hung up on my friends and answered her call, "Hello?"

"Bey! You answered!" Now I know why she called me, she was drunk.

"Are you okay?"

"This is the worst fucking birthday ever."

I guess since it's past midnight, it's technically her birthday.

"What happened?"

"First some weirdo ruined my night and I walked off from my friends and now I'm drunk and stranded."

"Do you want me to come get you?"

"You want to come get me? I- I should've just called Robyn. I'm sorr-"

"I don't mind. Send me your location." I think I just wanted to see her for a little bit.

"Are you sure? You don't have to."

"I want to make sure you get home safe, really."

"Okay, I'm sending you my location now."

"See you soon."

I hung up and got out of bed. She was drunk alone so I didn't waste any time and left my house.

It was a little far but the drive let me calm my nerves down. I was really nervous for some reason. We haven't seen each other since I found out what she did.

I couldn't find the exact location of where she was but I drove around until I found her sitting on the curb.

She looked like she was crying so I got out of my car. "Onika, what's wrong?"

She stood up and hugged me. "Thank you for coming to get me."

"Did something happen?" She was squeezing me so tight I could barely breathe.

"I'm just already having a shit birthday."

"I'm sorry, happy birthday."

"Thank you." She started crying even harder.

"Did I say something wrong?" l

"I just realized you're wearing this cow thing I got you, oh my God. I thought you would've thrown it away." She's just crying like this because she's drunk.

"It's really comforting." I wear it all the time.

"I really miss you. I'm so sorry."

I sighed, "Let's just get in the car."

"Okay. Sorry." She let go of me and I helped her to my truck.

I closed the door for her then went around and got in the drivers seat.

"Am I taking you home?"

"Shit. My mom is going to kill me if I come home at this time. Can you take me to Indias house?"

"Yeah, where is it?"

"Just drive to my house, I'll tell you when to turn."

"Okay." I turned the radio up and started driving to her house.

The silence was really comfortable, it was nice just being in her presence.

I kept driving until I got to Onikas house. "Where should I- oh." I looked over and noticed that she was sleeping now.

I shook her thigh trying to wake her up but instead she softly moaned in her sleep and opened her legs.

What if I was someone else and she was just opening her legs for me?

My friends would probably know what to do so I texted them.


: Uhh I have a slight problem

Kelendria: what?

Meg: why didn't you call us back?

: I went to pick up Onika

: But now she's alseep in my passenger seat and she won't wake up

Bry: that sounds like a song lyric hold on

: What do I do? I can't take her home but I don't know where her friends house is

: Actually Bryson don't you know where India lives?

Kelendria: you're trying to be funny giselle?

: A little 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Frankfurt: just take her to your house atp

: Well I don't want to just take her to my house without her approval

Bry: we saw all the messages she sent you im sure she'll be fine

: Okay. I'll talk to you guys in the morning

: Goodnight Kelly

: Goodnight Meg

: Goodnight Bryson

: Goodnight Frank

I turned my phone and put my car back in drive.

The drive to my house was the same as the drive to hers, quiet. When I got to my house, I tried to wake her up again but she just slapped my hand away.

I was tired and I knew she wasn't going to get up. I got out of the car and walked around to the other side.

Her head was leaning on the window so when I opened the door her head almost fell out.

I held her up with one hand and unbuckled her seat with the other.

She reached for me like a baby but it actually made it easier for me to pick her up.

Onika was right about the hay bales, they made me really strong so she felt like a feather.

Even though I technically didn't have to sneak back in, I was still silent walking back into my house.

I got a water bottle and Advil for the morning and went upstairs.

She finally started to wake up after I laid her down on my bed.

"We're at your house?"

"We are. You wouldn't wake up so I didn't know where to go."

"Help me take this off." She started to pull her very tight dress up but I didn't go far since she was laying on it.

"I'll get you something to change into and leave the room."

I went into my closet and threw shorts and a big hoodie on the bed next to her.

She started to take her dress off so I quickly left the room before she did.

My friends were still up talking in that groupchat but I didn't want to talk to them.

They were somehow simultaneously talking about graduation and their weird sexual fantasies. 

They get weird in the middle of the night.

After what felt like enough time, I knocked on my door. "Are you done?"

She said something that sounded like a yes so I opened my door but I covered my eyes just incase.

"Are you decent?" I sound so old.


I uncovered my eyes and she was already in my bed under my blanket.

"Do you need anything? There's water on my nightstand."

"I already drank one when you were gone."

"Really?" I looked over and one of the two water bottles was empty. Oh wow.

"It sobered me up."

"Well that's good." I awkwardly got into bed next to her.

I like that she knows what side of the bed I like to sleep on and always goes on the other side.

She tried to cuddle with me and I moved over. "Onika, let's just-"

"Oh. Sorry, goodnight." She scooted and turned on her side with her back to me.

Now it's awkward. I just wanted to go to sleep so I turned on my side too and closed my eyes.

This was Onika and I's first time spending the night with each other. I thought it would've been a lot more special than us sleeping with our backs to each other.

I woke up the next morning when I heard someone say my name. I started to slowly wake up and open my eyes but I jumped up when I saw my mama standing in the doorway.

Now this doesn't look good at all.

Onika wasn't in my hoodie anymore so even though she couldn't see anything, it still looked like we were doing something we weren't.

I quickly sat up. "Hey mama, what are you doing in here?"

I'm trying to make casual conversation like she didn't see the half naked girl in my bed. "I'm assuming this is Onika?"

Onika must be a light sleeper because she woke up at the mention of her name. She started to sit up but she was just in her bra so I held the blanket up.

"So you're the one that-"

"Mama!" She's about to embarrass me.

I got out of bed and left the room with her to avoid her saying something to Onika.

"I hope you're not having sex in my house."

"We weren't, she just needed somewhere to stay. I promise."

"You should've told her to stay with that girl she was kissing on." This is why I didn't want to tell her what Onika did.

"It's her birthday, please be nice."

"We'll talk later. I'm going to check on your sister, she's outside doing the chores you should've done earlier."

I guess I overslept because of Onika.

"I'm sorry, my alarm must've not gone off." We need roosters.

"It's okay, for today. Tend to your guest but she can't stay for too long, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay mama, thank you."


She went downstairs and I went back into my room. Onika was sitting on my bed with my hoodie on now.

"Are you okay?"

"Your mom hates me."

"She does not hate you." She just doesn't love her yet.

"Yes she does."

"Oh! Happy birthday." I almost forgot to say it to her.


"I got you a gift." I wasn't planning on giving it to her, I bought it before I saw that video.

"Really? Why?"

"It doesn't matter, here." I went into my night stand and handed her a small wrapped box.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth." She started to unwrap the present and I didn't want to see her reaction so I went into my bathroom.

I got her a gold necklace that says 'Little Lady' on it. It's dumb and I don't think she would wear a necklace that says that, I thought it was cute at the time.

I was brushing my teeth when I heard Onika squeal. That means she just opened it.

When I opened the door after I finished brushing my teeth, Onika was standing right in front of me.

She hugged me and I was surprised but I still hugged her with one arm. "Thank you. You're so nice and thoughtful, I don't deserve this."

She doesn't. "I have an extra toothbrush if you want to brush your teeth."

"Okay, thanks." She let go of me and went in my bathroom.

While she was doing that, I sat down on my phone and texted all my friends good morning.

I didn't even notice Onika left the bathroom until she was directly in front of me.

Why is she being creepy today? "Yes Onika?"

She smiled, "So todays my birthday..."

"I know, happy birthday again."

"Do you know what I really really want?"

"What?" I probably not going to give it to her, she doesn't deserve anything else from me.

"I would really like a birthday kiss. It would make my whole year."

"I don't know Onika.." I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

"Please? Just a little teeny tiny kiss."

I sighed, "Fine. Okay."

I'm acting like I don't want to kiss her too knowing I want the same thing.

I guess because she thought I was unsure, she didn't ask anything else and kissed me.

She lied when she said she wanted a teeny tiny kiss. There wasn't any tongue but it wasn't a small kiss.

I pulled away from the kiss after she started to move her hands.

"I thought you were into the kiss, what happened?"

"That's how you touched her."


"The way you just touched my face and neck. It was the same way you touched her in that video." I've watched it so many times, I know exactly what she did to that girl.

She looked like she was about to cry. "Bey-"

"I should get you home, you probably have plans for your birthday." It was really early in the morning, she definitely didn't have plans anytime soon.

"Do you want to come?"

"Come to what?"

"My birthday thing. You don't have to but it'll be fun."

"I have plans later, sorry." No I don't.

"Oh. Well can we go somewhere and talk another day?"

"Yeah, maybe." I awkwardly cleared my throat and stood up.

"I'll return your clothes to you through Frank or something."

"You can keep them, I don't want them anymore."

I walked ahead of her to the door and held it open of her. She walked out first and we walked downstairs together.

My mama was in the kitchen cooking so I popped my head in. "Mama, I'm going to take Onika home now."

"Okay baby."

Onika also popped her head in, "I'm really sorry-"

"Don't worry about it. Happy birthday sweetheart."

She smiled, "Thanks."

We left the kitchen and got in my truck. This car ride was a lot more awkward than the one from last night.

I could tell she wanted to say something but she wasn't going to.

When we finally got to her house, she didn't move. "I really miss you, I don't want to go."

"Happy birthday Onika."

"Can I have another kiss?"

I turned and pecked her lips for just a second.

"Bye Bey." She got out of my car and I waited for her to get inside and wave at me from the window to drive off.





Bey going to pick Onika up?

Tina catching Onika in Beys bed?

Bey still giving Onika a birthday present?

Bey and Onika kissing?

Should Bey forgive her?

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