The lost triplets

By R3b3cca09

1.7M 55.5K 9.2K

Alexander, James and Skye were triplets. They were stolen from their family at the age of 4. The family searc... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
the house
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 4

44.5K 1K 205
By R3b3cca09

Alex easily managed to wake up James, they both turn looked at Skye. It had only been an hour, they knew when they woke her up, she wouldn't sleep again.

"Maybe we can ask Lorenzo to carry her to the car" James whispered feeling bad for waking her.

"No. He's not touching her" Alex quickly said.

"I know. I can't stop thinking about it too. If I had have kept a tighter hold of her maybe it wouldnt have happened. It's just she's exhausted, he carried her into the room, and if we watch carefully we can stop him before he does anything"

"No. Have you seen him. If he gets hold of her and does something we won't be able to stop him" Alex said. He went to gently wake Skye up but James grabbed his arm before he could place his hand on her shoulder. "It will make her ill not sleeping, if they wanted to hurt us they would have, we are in a plane with just them, it's the perfect opportunity"

"You trust them already? You haven't even spoken to them?"

"Of course I don't trust them. I just don't think they are going to hurt us yet. I'd rather let Skye sleep longer"

"Please Alex, she needs sleep"

Alex finally gave in. "I'll ask him, he will probably say no anyway"

Alex walked back out. Rafael looked at him wondering why his siblings weren't with him.

"So James is awake but we are concerned if we wake Skye up she won't get back to sleep, is it okay if we keep her asleep a little longer" he asked nicely.

"Why won't she be able to sleep later" Rafael questioned.
"She's just a bad sleeper" he replied.

"It's a little dangerous" Lorenzo said, referring to not being fastened in or even in a seat whilst landing.

Alex was ready to go wake his sister up not willing to put her in danger.

"Go fetch her in here Lorenzo, she can stay sleeping in the chair" Rafael said.
He could quite easily do it himself but he was almost 50, he'd rather let Lorenzo do it.

Lorenzo nodded and went into the room. James practically jumped back when he saw Lorenzo enter. "Go take a seat James" Lorenzo said as he lifted Skye up.

James nodded and walked ahead.

Alex almost glared when he saw James walk out, thinking he'd left Lorenzo alone with Skye, thankfully he came out straight after him.

The only reason Skye was still asleep was due to exhaustion. She normally would have woken up by just the presence of a person, well that's if she slept which she didn't.

Lorenzo placed her on a seat next to to where Alex had been sitting. Alex took his seat. Lorenzo knelt slight and reached round to fasten the seatbelt around her but Alex didn't see it like that and pushed Lorenzo "don't touch her" he snapped.

Lorenzo was annoyed. Slightly angry even. "I was fastening her seatbelt but by all means keep her unfastened. That way if anything goes wrong she will most likely get injured" he snapped taking his seat.

Alex felt a little guilty and quickly fastened her in himself. He had just issue when it came to his siblings especially Skye, last week hadn't been the first time a man had touched her and he was unable to do a thing. He always tried. One time they broke his legs stopping him from coming over, he still tried though, he had screamed in pain as he tried to get to her which had made them laugh.

Once the plane landed, Lorenzo and Rafael shared a look. It was quite a bumpy landing  and she still hadn't woken up.

"Is she usually such a heavy sleeper" Rafael asked.

Alex nodded knowing she was too sleep deprived.

Once the doors were open, Lorenzo was first to stand as he took Skye in his arms. Alex followed very closely.

Rafael took this as a chance to talk to James.

"Come on James" he said when he noticed James was falling behind. James was hesitant to walk so close to Rafael in case it wasn't allowed. He chose to stay behind out of respect and didn't want to intrude on his personal space either.

"Did you manage to get a nap" Rafael asked.

James shook his head.

"Maybe you will tonight. I know none of you trust us but I can assure you we don't have any bad intentions with you three"

James was not convinced. "If you hurt Alex or Skye in any way I can assure you that we will have a problem " he finally spoke.

Rafael was a little taken back with how cold James sounded but nodded.
"That's only fair".

The car journey home was quiet. Lorenzo had placed Skye in the middle seat so both brothers could sit next to her.
None of them said anything though.

They reached home within the hour.

James and Alexander couldn't help but stare in shock at the home.

(I know the architecture is different for both images but its sorta like a combination of the three. The middle one is the back of the house.)

Alexander had noted all their surroundings on there way, in case they needed to run. He was pleased that the house would probably be easy to leave from too.

Lorenzo went round to take Skye from the car after James got out but she stirred. She looked at him with fear so much fear and then she turned frantically trying to spot Alex. Lorenzo had backed off as soon as she woke but continued to watch her. Something was wrong with them. Very wrong.

"She's awake" he finally said before leaving and heading inside.

Alexander was quick to reach her, he comforted her with the help of James who mainly just held her as Alex explained where they were.

"Is it okay for us to go in" their dad called, he had been patiently waiting.

Alex nodded and the three triplets followed Rafael into the mansion. They were holding hands with Skye in the middle of them.

As soon as they entered Leo and Nico were stood waiting with eagerness for the triplets to come in. They had practically ran to the door when they heard it open but unfortunately it was only Lorenzo.

Nico suddenly became very nervous. He didn't remember much and he doubted they would remember anything.

"Hello I'm Leonardo, I'm 22 and your second eldest brother, you can call me Leo" Leo quickly introduced.

In response to this Skye shrunk away and leaned into Alex.
She didn't like meeting new people especially men.

"Now I know this little one is Skye but do tell me which one is Alexander and which is James" Leo said.

"I'm Alexander, this is James" Alex replied.

James refused to look at the man so his focus was on the floor.
Nico took this as opportunity to jump in "I'm Nico, I'm so glad you are here, I'm no longer the youngest and everyone is boring here"

"Don't corrupt them Nico" Leo said.

"I wouldn't dream of it" Nico said smiling.

"Ok I have some work to do. Why don't you both give them a tour of the house" Rafael had no work to do but he sense the triplets would feel more comfortable with Leo and Nico.

"Now that dad's gone we can show you all the fun stuff, you will love it here" Nico said already excited.

Leo rolled his eyes "calm down, you're way to hyper" he told Nico turn turned to the others. He noticed Alexanders emotionless expression. He reminded Leo of a mini Lorenzo. James was looking at the floor like it was the most interesting thing. And Skye was clung to Alexander.

"We will start downstairs then will show you upstairs and then your rooms"

Leo and Nico turn proceeded to show their siblings around. They didn't get much out of them only a few nods or shakes of their head from the boys but Skye just followed her brothers around.

Eventually they had seen most of the room and were taken upstairs. "So on the top floor is my office, dad's office and Lorenzos office, try keep going up there to a minimum, only if you need something because we do get alot of work done up there" Leo said.

"Now on this floor is the bedrooms, now we haven't had much time to do anything and so the rooms are pretty basic but that's okay because you can decorate it to your preferences" Leo explained

The triplets were confused but said nothing.

"So the bedroom order did go from age but since you guys are in guest rooms they are dotted about"

Alex's hand tightened on Skye. It sounded like they were going to seperate them. They all listened and followed nervously down the hallway.

"On this side we have Nico and Marcos room. Across from that there is two spare rooms which we have given too Alexander and James" Leo said.

The triplets weren't happy hearing this. Nico opened one of the doors to reveal a very large room. They expected it to be a dirty mouldy room but instead were pleasantly surprised. The room was nice and very spacious.

Alex found himself feeling guilty for wanting this room. The  bed looked so invited. He had never slept on a bed before at least not since the age of 4.

"What about Skye" Alex finally asked.

"Oh she's up the other side" Leo said.

Alex didn't like this one bit. "No. I won't let you take her up there" he said. How was he suppose to protect her. They had never been seperated like this before.

"You're protective I get it but you can spend as much time on each others rooms, just you each need your own place to sleep" Leo gently explained.

"We have always shared a room, why can't we now" Alex said not telling them that the room was a basement that they were kept locked in.

"Well you boys could I suppose but I think it's best for you guys to have your own space. You can't with Skye though as you are all too old to share rooms with her"

Skye had tears running down her face as he spoke. She didn't want to leave her brothers.

"Let's go down the other corridor and we will show you Skye's room" Leo said.

On the way down he spoke again "I understand it must be hard to be apart but you are all growing up so your own space is essential but you can still visit each others room if you wish"

Nico opened a bedroom door and they all went inside.

Skye was amazed by the room. She was scared of what it would cost her but in that moment she didn't care. She had never had a bedroom, she had never had her own space.

But still the dread creeped back up. Surely they weren't just going to give her a room.

All three siblings were extremely warey and wondered if it was a trick. They figured it was a way of separating them so they could beat them without the others stopping them.

"I know they aren't exactly age appropriate but after dinner we can all sit down and order whatever items you want" Leo said.

He chose not to decorate it fully, he and Nico just changed the bedding, Nico added lots of books to each room. Leo added a star projector to Skye's room.

11 year old Leo had a fascination with stars and forced a very unhappy Lorenzo to take him to see them. The triplets were three at the time and when Skye heard him talking she was confused because he talked about the sky alot but she was Skye. Leo found it adorable and afforded to show her. From then on despite the triplets always being together, Leo managed to convince Lorenzo to take them up to the spot where Leo liked to watch the stars. Lorenzo was very unhappy now that there was two of them, he made that clear but everyone knew he secretly enjoyed it as he never missed their scheduled time.

It was the only thing Skye did without her brothers.

(This is just a image showing how the ceiling in Skye's room would look)

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