PlayboyKouji [Discontinued Fo...

By RainSennin

184K 7.1K 3.5K

You've all seen Ayanokouji unintentionally create a harem because of his actions and his looks, but what if h... More

Vol. 1: The Start of it All
Vol. 1: Early Encounters
Vol. 1: Rise in Popularity
Vol. 1: Class 1-D
Vol. 1: S-System
Vol. 1: Gaining a Headstart
Vol. 1: Becoming the Leader
Vol. 1: Making Connections
Vol. 1: A Talk with Horikita
Vol. 1: Trouble Brewing
Vol. 1: Ghost of the Past
Vol. 1: Club Fair
Vol. 1: Building Bridges
Vol. 1: Honami's Potential
Vol. 1: Socializing with Others
Vol. 1: Trust
Vol. 1: An Unexpected Guest
Vol. 1: Scars
Vol. 1: Friendship
Vol. 1: From the Ground Up
Vol. 1: Swimming Class
Vol. 1: Girl Problems
Vol. 1: Don't Hold Back
Vol. 1: The Harem Plan
SS1: Kiyo's Harem Plan #1
SS2: Chiaki Matsushita
Discontinued, Not Apologizing

Vol. 1: Raising Flags

6K 270 179
By RainSennin

Ayanokouji POV

I've read in many books that girls treasure their first kiss, and they would save it for the person that they love. I have no idea if boys think of it in the same way, but I'd like to have my first kiss with someone that I love as well.

But now, that was impossible.

Because this girl named Himeno Yuki from Class B just swooped down and stole my first kiss.

I couldn't move as soon as I felt her lips on mine, partly because Himeno was grabbing my collar tightly and prevented me from pulling away. The main reason is that I didn't really want to move.

As a teenager, I find this situation pleasant and thus, I see no need to stop this. I may have wanted to have my first kiss with a girl I love, but I don't really feel that way towards anyone as of the moment.

Plus, I'm not in a relationship, so this is completely fine.

We kept on staring at each other even with our mouths connected. Himeno wasn't frowning anymore and her expression had softened, because her attention was put into this kiss she gave me. I do wonder what made her do this, though.

I was a little caught off guard when I felt her tongue inside of my mouth. I didn't expect her to be that intimate with me, but I'm not going to complain at all. In fact, I did the same to her and pushed my own tongue into her mouth, turning this into what people call 'french kissing'.

(Hornykouji: Yes, you are liking this and you should definitely do the same to the girls that flock around you.)

Our lips continued to move against each other while our tongues met inside our mouths. It felt so good.

But before I knew it, Himeno pulled away, about a full minute after she kissed me. Her face was still inches away from mine as she flashed me a grin.

Himeno: You're not bad for a first-time kisser, Ayanokouji.

My lip slightly curled upwards as I gave her the same smile, or smirk rather, that I gave Horikita.

Kiyo: Same to you, Himeno-san.

Himeno: So you can show emotions..... why do you keep on showing everyone that apathetic look on your face, then?

Himeno sat back down on her seat like nothing happened, which made me feel strangely disappointed. It's like I was hoping for more, but I immediately ignored that part of me. I'm not going to give in to teenage hormones just because of a kiss.

Kiyo: I'm still getting used to it. If I could smile, I would. Unfortunately, I have yet to reach that point.

Himeno shook her head and drank some iced tea, allowing me to turn my attention to our companions at the table. I don't want them to think like we've forgotten about them.

I'm not surprised that they all had dumbfounded looks on their faces. Anyone would have been shocked to see such a display. I felt sorry that they had to witness their own classmate kissing me, but I don't regret doing the same to her.

Mako: S-So bold......

Kozue: ......I can't believe what I'm seeing. Did Himeno-san really do that....?!

Kobashi: Awawawawawawa....!

Chiaki: Y-Y-You k-kissed each other......

Honami: Himeno-san..... you....... Ayanokouji-kun....... what....

It appears that their brains have short-circuited from shock. I wish I can help them calm down somewhat, but I have no idea what to tell them. As a matter of fact, I'm quite sure that if I try to say something, this whole situation will become worse.


I suppose it's now time for answers.

While I enjoyed that moment of intimacy between me and Himeno, I would like to know what suddenly got her to kiss me out of nowhere. It was too sudden, even for someone like me.

Kiyo: Not that I'm complaining because I just got a kiss from a beautiful girl, but why did you kiss me?

The easy answer would be to say that she has a crush on me, but I have mixed feelings about that. If she did, then what's with the frowning that she sent my way up until the moment when she kissed me. It was all confusing.

She could also have less-than-pleasant intentions behind the kiss she gave me, but that's plain impossible. While she did have that frown on her face earlier, I never felt the need to worry about her. She doesn't seem like she's someone whom that man would send to bring me back.

Anyway, if I want a clear answer, there's only one person who can give me that.

I looked towards Himeno, who had her elbow on top of the table while resting her head on top of her palm. She stared at me for a brief moment, before putting on a smirk.

Himeno: I've been wanting to kiss you ever since I met you earlier.








I blinked a few times in surprise. That can't be true, can it?

Kiyo: I somehow doubt that. You've been glaring at me ever since earlier that I was thinking if I did something wrong to you.

She chuckled.

Himeno: You're not wrong but you're not right, either.

Kiyo: Is that so?

Himeno: I wanted Ichinose-san to confirm that she doesn't have any feelings for you and she did just that. Matsushita-san also said that you two weren't a couple. I even checked if you and Horikita-san had a thing going on, but it didn't seem that way. After all the boxes were ticked off, I didn't feel there would be anything wrong with kissing you.








.....I'm not going to lie, I actually didn't see that coming.

I thought she was just going to be another version of Horikita in Class B, but I was wrong. Himeno obviously knew what she was doing and she executed it well.

Wait, does this mean..... I can be caught off guard without me seeing it beforehand? Does this mean that the so-called 'masterpiece' can be beaten at his own game?

.....does this mean that I can lose?






Himeno, I am grateful to you.

You just made me doubt my own abilities, something that hasn't happened ever since I became a test subject in the White Room.

Sure, it may be because I have no experience in things like romance and therefore, had no idea that she was planning to kiss me all along. However, it was still a defeat on my part and that's what mattered to me.

I couldn't help but smile/smirk (I really need to learn how to properly smile, otherwise I will never get a girlfriend at this rate) at her after hearing her explanation.

Kiyo: I see. I have to admit that I didn't see that coming.

Mako: W-Why are you unaffected?! Himeno-chan literally kissed you out of nowhere!

I turned to Amikura, who looked flabbergasted at my calm demeanor. I can't blame her for reacting this way, but she doesn't know how I really feel.

Kiyo: On the contrary, I am still in shock that Himeno-san could do something like that out of nowhere. However, I am also pleased and happy that I was kissed by a beautiful girl.

Himeno chuckled, which slightly caught me off guard as I listened to her voice.

I have to say, she has a beautiful laugh. Am I insanely lucky for being able to witness this?

Himeno: Well, if you ever want to kiss a girl again, just find me and I'll give your lips another one to remember.

Oh, so she's teasing me now? Two can play at that game.

Kiyo: The offer is tempting, Himeno-san. I'll keep it in mind, but I warn you. I might not be able to keep myself under control next time.

Matsushita: B-But Ayanokouji-kun! You can't.....!

I turned towards Matsushita after her sudden intervention. She had her hands raised in front as if she was telling me to stop, something that doesn't make sense.

Kiyo: What? It's not like I have a girlfriend, Matsushita.

Matsushita couldn't say anything in return.

Himeno: A girlfriend, you say? Well, if that's what you're worried about, Matsushita-san, I don't have any intentions of asking Ayanokouji out. If you want, you can go confess to him right now.

Ouch. So that kiss was for nothing, then?

That twin-tailed minx from Class B then smirked at me.

Himeno: Buuuuttt..... if it's the other way around and he asks me out, then I have no problem being his girlfriend.

Oi, oi, what the hell is even going on here? Kissing me out of nowhere is one thing, and now you're sending me mixed signals? You're even adding Matsushita into the mix, when she has nothing to do with this.




Come to think of it, I have spent my first two days here in this place interacting with girls almost the whole time. The only times I've spoken to a guy that doesn't include the entire class would be my interactions with Sudo.

And even then, those were just instances where I'm trying to form good relationships with my classmates.

At this rate, I'm going to consider myself a harem protagonist who raises flags with every girl he encounters.

My high school life isn't supposed to be this way. I only hoped to find someone to love and for that person to the same for me. I wasn't looking forward to becoming a pseudo-harem protagonist at all.

But it's like my high school life is turning into something similar to the light novels I've read.

Honami: S-Stop it already, you two.....!

Ichinose's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked at her. She stood up from her seat, her face red, and her hands waving frantically.

Himeno: Hooooh? But I thought you didn't like him in that way? Were you lying about that, Ichinose-san?

Honami: I-It's not about that at all! I want to ask Ayanokouji-kun about a few things!

For a moment there, Ichinose had raised her voice to the point that it surprised even her classmates. I guess they haven't seen her like this but in my opinion, even the nicest people have a breaking point that they wouldn't want to cross.

Ichinose seemed to realize what she just did, so she took a few deep breaths to calm herself

Honami: Please don't make this more complicated, Himeno-san. If you want to f-f-flirt with Ayanokouji-kun, please do it some other time.

Himeno stared at her for a while before shrugging her shoulders. I suppose this is the right time for me to speak up.

Kiyo: Then let's not waste any more time. Ask away, Ichinose.

It seemed that my words had some kind of effect on her because it got her to calm down completely.

After taking a moment to further calm herself, Ichinose finally sat down and faced me. She didn't have her usual smile or the friendly look she's been giving her classmates. She looked both curious and serious at the same time.

Honami: Okay, so..... yesterday, why didn't you tell me that you actually got a perfect score on the entrance exams? I was really shocked when the chairman revealed it to us.

I stared at her for a bit, before I noticed that her classmates had gone quiet, whether it's because they wanted answers too or it's out of respect for Ichinose. Matsushita already knew the answer to this question, but she still chose to listen.

Kiyo: I didn't tell you because it wasn't important.

Ichinose looked stumped at hearing my answer.

Honami: Not important? But-

Kiyo: The entrance exams are just tests that measure how much a student knows before enrolling in a school. In the grand scheme of things, it's really nothing compared to the real tests that will happen while we're here in this school.

She nodded slowly afterwards.

Honami: I see. T-Then I want to ask you this. Do you think it's strange that the school is giving us 100,000 points on a monthly basis?

Matsushita: -!

I noticed that Matsushita became nervous for only a second but thankfully, nobody noticed her. She must have thought that she inadvertently gave them information about the class system.

In an attempt to keep her calm, I placed my hand on top of hers before looking back towards Ichinose.

Kiyo: What do you mean?

Honami: I mean.... if this school gives its student 100,000 points monthly, and if 1 point is equal to 1 yen, wouldn't it be bad for Japan financially? There's a lot of students in this school too.

Interesting...... so she realized the same thing as I did. I wonder if she can come to the same conclusion as me, though.

Kiyo: You make a very intriguing point, Ichinose. But where exactly are you going with this?

Honami: Well, I'm not completely sure about this and the reason why I'm telling you is because you're really smart, but..... what if we receive less than 100,000 points next month?

Kiyo: I see.

Right then and there, it made me realize that Ichinose isn't just full of smiles and happiness.

Underneath those things was a capable student who can do so much more than what she thinks.

Like what she just showed her classmates a while ago, she was capable of being serious if need be. Her placement in Class B wasn't also for nothing, because she's apparently smart enough to figure out that something's up with our monthly allowance. I wonder if she can figure out the whole thing like I did.

Anyway, I think I might have actually found my preference in girls. My subconscious mind already said it earlier. I wouldn't mind if Ichinose became my wife in the future.










Huh. You know what? I think I get it now.

My placement in Class D isn't just because I'm terrible when it comes to social skills.

It may also be because of the fact that I'm thinking about marrying one of my fellow students in the future just after being kissed by one of her classmates.

I'm such a degenerate.


Yes, yes, you are. There you go, by the way. Himeno kissed him because she just wanted to, lmao. We also got a bit of jealous Honami and Chiaki, so kissing Yuki is gonna bite Kiyo in the ass later on, especially when Suzune finds out. The next chapter is gonna wrap up this day, by the way. I feel like I've dragged this on for too long, lol.

Oh, and guys, this will also be the end of me updating daily. I challenged myself to write and publish new chapters daily for two weeks and now that I have done it, I'm stopping. Not to worry, I still write fast like what you have seen from me for the past two weeks.


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