AH's + GE's family

By OkieDokie10101

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Art by: YunJins_Polearm :)) So... AH and GE are raising a family! This book is about the most disaster moment... More

Before the book starts
GE flies into a window
East and West accudentally summon USSR
East and West can shapeshift
Family cursed incorrect quotes
This is your sign to get a best frenemy
4 chaotic children burn down a house
East and West fail to keep a job, 2/2
Missing or just hiding again?
When Hungary fell asleep first
West accidentally steals a cat
West gets sick

West and East fail keeping a job 1/2

280 3 38
By OkieDokie10101

This is based on a disaster idea and I was like, well, screw it. I'm writing an oneshot about it to empty my mind otherwise I will explode

(I also made them older for this oneshot for legal purposes and basic logic)

This is a draft I did on the drive to Poland- I'm working on my current requests :))

Part one out of two :))

Austria, Hungary, East and West were looking at a movie on the laptop all together, Austria leaned over to spill the popcorn bucket on Hungary by accident.
'Oi!' Hungary let out, swiping the popcorn on the ground.

'Hungary- NOW WE HAVE TO CLEAN THE FLOOR!' East called out,
'Be glad it's my room not dad's.' West added before jumping off the bed and picking up the pieces before throwing it in a nearby bin, quickly returning to the room.

'You guys this movie sucks, Hungary, you have the worst movie tastes.' Austria complained,
'For real, this movie isn't near good, even though popcorn is nearby which is supposed to make any movie fun.' West agreed.

'Hungary, did you watch this movie just for the popcorn.. because well... you're HUNGRY.' East scoffed.
'FUCK YOU!' Hungary yelled, 'Oh crap.'

'Hungary language! Kosovo is downstairs and we don't want to teach him bad words!' AH yelled from downstairs.

'HE IS 7!'
'YEAH BUT HE HAS MORE BRAINCELLS THAN YOU EVER WILL!' Prussia shouted back. Austria held back laughter
'Imagine being told off by Prussia.' Austria cackled, West and East closed Netflix on the laptop.

'Seriously what do we watch?' West asked the others, 'So many siblings and yet no good movie recommendations.' West sighed, Austria snatched East's laptop and typed something on it.

'How about this horror movie!' Austria suggested, Hungary, West and East stared at the laptop.
'YESS!' West agreed, 'HORROR IS SUPER!!' East yelled out as well.

'Unfortunately I don't like it.' Hungary said, 'Kind of scary to be honest.'

'How about this movie about murder? Is kind of horror without the jump scares though.' Austria clicked on another movie, 'We can watch the trailer Hungary, see if you like it or not.' Hungary nodded and they quickly sped through the trailer.

'I like this one!' Hungary approved the movie.
'Eh...' West let out, he wasn't interested in the movie, he was more of a horror guy or crack comedy.
'Hmmm... how about I go to the horror with West, and you two go to the murder movie with each other?'

'I'm not going with somebody that makes me look 9!' Hungary complained.
'Um.. thanks for complimenting my looks I guess?' East thanked, 'I go with West, you two together?' Everybody decided to stick with that plan. 'Don't we have to get a job to go there...?'

'Yep! I'm for SURE babysitting, if I have to deal with this weird Walmart bag then I can deal with other children.' Austria pointed at Hungary, who was probably going to explode from that mild insult.
'I'm not into trying to go to be a cashier or something so ill just help people with their lawns.'

'Basic.' Austria commented and Hungary mildly slapped her.
'I feel like pizza.' West thought about it, 'I'll just torture myself by being a cashier at a pizza place.' East stared at West.

'I'll deliver pizzas, I'm not going to stand still and deal with Karens.' East said, 'Alright, plan is done, now we START!!' West opened the window.

'Alright you wingless losers, not you East, Austria and Hungary, have to walk!' West giggled before leaping out the window and stretching his wings out to glide, East followed West quickly and let her wings out to catch up with West. Austria and Hungary rolled their eyes  and left to quickly offer people to help them in exchange of "some" cash.

'I'm probably going to get my wound on my wing infected by today so I might as well fly.' West shrugged, East stared at him.
'Thank the Schnitzel lord that I'm delivering pizza's not you.' East responded to West's random speech. After a while of almost crashing into multiple buildings and trees and somehow even bushes, they arrived and quickly checked if the pizzeria had some open job positions, which thankfully they did otherwise that would be half an hour of wasted flying skills.

They opened the door and in no time got hired, West held his uniform up and inspected it.
'Why is it so small?'
'Maybe because your a tiny ahhh rat looking bird?' East replied, West turned to stare at East passive aggressively. 'Where do we even change?'

'There are some staff areas to change in... on your right there!' FI showed the two, East and West quickly rushed in the there and West went in first since he boosted himself with his wings.
'IF I AM POCKET SIZED TO YOU THEN I CAN DO THIS!' West yelled back and quickly changed meanwhile behind the door. FI chuckled at their "conversation", when West left East quickly changed as well in the area before exiting.

'Do I get a motorcycle or car to deliver the orders?'
'I think car.' FI said, 'Let me lead you there, West, you know where the cashier area is right?' He nodded frantically and FI smiled, 'Alright! Good luck!' West smiled in return and rushed to the area and put the little hat on the way.

He stood into the cashier area and looked at the buttons before seeing the screen he was supposed to use to charge the customers.

A country was quickly by the counter and tapped the glass between them quickly, West turned his attention to the country.
'Oh! Hello! What would you like to order?' West greeted, he quickly placed on his glasses to see the flag better and basically everything else.

'It's my first time ordering, is there anything you would recommend?' Turns out it was Czechia, and probably the last person to be able to make an decision, his sister Slovakia probably ordered for him majority of the time.

'Well there are a lot of options but some best sellers, AKA the popular ones are cheese, margarita or pepperoni pizza!' West answered, Czechia quickly processed it.

'I'll have a... pepperoni pizza please with some kofola please! If you don't have kofola then Pepsi is fine too!' Czechia smiled, Germany checked the drinks section.

'We have kofola don't worry, would you like a large, medium or small pizza?'
'Small please.'
'Okay! Your total will be.. 14€ or about.. 340 kč!' West concluded, Czechia quickly pulled out a card. 'You want to pay by card?' Czechia nodded and West quickly gave Czechia the small thing where he could tap his card (my English isn't englishing)

Czechia tapped his card and a small sound was made, showing the transaction was successful.
'Thank you for your order.. your order number is 18!' Germany handed the receipt and order number token to Czechia before quickly writing down the order on the machine and grabbing a Kofola to give to waiter nearby to give it to Czechia ahead.

East meanwhile was focused on her work so far, she already delivered pizza to some nearby street, it was some medium pineapple pizza with Fanta but to be honest, East held in a strong urge to start questioning the person's life choices for choosing pineapple on pizza.
Basically, I am insulting myself

She quickly hopped in the car and returned back to the pizzeria to collect her next pizza to deliver.

West looked at the line by him, was he and Japan the only people working working? And why did he have the bigger queue he wondered to himself, he turned to the person in front of him and quickly took more orders.
'How's work so far West?' Japan asked, West turned his head left while quickly canceling a order.

'It's a lot of people..?' He responded, 'Not my type of environment I enjoy but I am saving up to go to movie with East.'

'You're doing great so far, other cashiers have quit faster than me reading any type of mystery book, their too addicting!' Japan giggled, West chuckled in response, Japan did have a good taste in books, but at the same time based on what she said that he will likely encounter some entitled people, which was practically his weakness.

East stopped the car and got out to get another pizza to deliver.
'What's the address?' East asked,
'It's the street over there... the second house, it's nearby.'
'Well that's very professional, thanks.' East thanked sarcastically and quickly took the pizza boxed and bag before placing them carefully in the car and driving off.

After a couple minutes, East arrived at the house and almost dropped the delivery from tripped at the steps.
After a couple attempts of pressing the doorbell with her full hands, which she ended up using her elbow, she rung the doorbells and the door opened.
'Oh hello! This is a delivery for number... 28?' East left it in a question mark at the end, slightly unsure from the horrible instruction she got from her coworker.

'Yes! This is order 28! Thank you so much.' A woman greeted happily and helped East get the amount of pizza boxes and bag off East. 'Sorry if I made you carry so much, it's for my son's birthday party.' East smiled.
'I hope your son enjoys the party, have a nice day!' East quickly said goodbye and waved as she started to get her way back to the pizzeria for the second time.

West was starting to get overwhelmed from the amount of people,
'I thought people preferred burgers??' West thought to himself as he wrote down orders, he also was being called by multiple people at the same time.

'Do I look like mega mind? I have one brain to function with no two so why are so many people speaking at once? What if I send the wrong order oh my gosh I want to go home so bad' West was thinking to himself for the possibly 100th time today. Suddenly a loud sound was made and he quickly turned his head to see an angry customer pushing West's queue aside.

'Order from that burned circle red velvet cookie flag creature.' The customer commanded, Japan seemed weirded out, who described the Japanese flag that way?! The customer slammed their hand by the counter and West looked at them in pure confusion.

'Why would you put pineapples on my pizza?!'
'I'm sorry miss... sir... ma'am... mister... but I don't make those pizzas I just take the orders!' Germany couldn't tell who it was, he never saw them right?

'Well, you wrote down my order to be pineapple pizza?'
'....' (No)

Japan stood between them.
'Excuse me ma'am, but you need to wait in line... actually, sit somewhere else while we find somebody who actually cares for your bull crap.' Japan crossed her arms,

'You don't have to scare my friend here, he literally stared working today. This is Pizza Hut, the pizza there you are holding is from dominos.' Japan argued,

'So, you wasted all your braincells on complaining and making our staff uncomfortable instead of actually finding the right location and ordering the right pizza.' Japan added, the people waiting on Japan's line had a small laugh and the customer turned back to West angrily.

'The customer is always right! Besides, you just insulted my intelligence!'

'Wait.. you had intelligence?' West let out before quickly shutting up, he didn't mean to say that out loud one bit. She glared at West and immediately started walking towards the door that only cashiers were supposed to enter. 'Wait! Please don't enter this area this isn't for customers...' West quickly warned, she flung the door open and opened the pizza box for dominos.

'You think insulting your customers is funny?' She grabbed West's glasses and chucked them at the ground before throwing the entire box at west, where he quickly landed butt first on the ground. 'You find that funny huh?' West pulled the pizza box off his face and wiped his face which was covered in sauce, some of the pineapple juices got in his eye and his eyes started watering.

'Ow?' West rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of the stupid pineapple sting.
At this point multiple people started taking out their phones and recorded the scene instead of actually trying to help.
'Learn to respect your elders!' Japan gasped and was about to help West when she saw East in the back having the most irritated, shocked face.

East was supposed to check up on West when she saw the scene, she walked up and pulled the Karen from the area and slapped her, unprofessional and probably unneeded, but well deserved.
'You think slapping my twin brother with a pizza box, filled with fresh pizza makes you gain some actual intelligence? Unfortunately it makes you lack respect as well! Japan please get the manager to kick out this weird person.' East requested and Japan nodded before stepping out the way to get to manager.

She rushed to West and took a nearby napkin to wipe off more sauce off his face.
'West, Are you okay?' West nodded while holding back angry tears, it was humiliating to get a pizza box thrown at your face. East searched a bit and found his glasses, which luckily were still in tact and no damage was done to the spectacles. She placed them back on West and helped him up.

'You think the customer is still right when you could've hurt him?' East scolded, 'Maybe you should go back to kindergarten to learn some respect! Even kindergartners don't behave like this!' FI, AKA the manager has arrived at the scene.

'So you are the manager? Oh yes so this girl and this one with the glasses insulted me!'

'I saw everything on camera, please leave before I call the cops.' FI answered calmly as he held up his phone calmly, 'You realize you can get arrested for what you've done? You can possibly even injure him from these actions and for trespassing.'

'Trespassing? That is overreacting.'

'Just Like you.' East interrupted, 'You heard the manager, leave before I throw you out myself.' The Karen didn't want to get arrested so she quickly left the scene and the queue went back to normal, but this time Bavaria took over as the cashier and since East and West decided to be on break after the attack.

'Everybody I apologize for the inconvenience.' FI apologized to the crowd of people before West and East decided to leave the area for now.
'West would you and East like to work as the chefs here rather than.. the current job after your break?' The two looked at each other and nodded, 'Okay, enjoy your break for now.'

Ray and West quickly ran outside and West jumped a little.
'Absolutely, I'm never working as a cashier again.' West replied, 'I don't care if the Karens can be rare, I'm not being smacked by pizza for a second time.'

West looked at the car that East used during the time she worked.
'You get to drive a car?!' West tan towards it, 'LUCKYYYY!!' West jumped around the car being full on hyper and eventually that escalated to small game of tag with East for about 15 minutes before West randomly tripped on a small rock.
'Whoops.' East couldn't help but laugh a bit before helping West up, at this point he probably forgot he got smacked by a pizza box approximately 20 minutes ago.

East checked the time and quickly realized they were supposed to go on their shift.
'Uh West its time to go to the shift.'
'Oh!' West quickly ran towards the building again and saw the kitchen area, it was decently big and East also looked at it.

'Why are there like 12 ovens, and none of them are regular ovens.' West asked.
'It's Pizza Hut not IKEA.' East mumbled before looking at the list of orders they had to make, at least they got some other people working there otherwise they would be doomed. 'I wonder how Hungary and Austria is doing.'

'Definitely having an easier time than us.' West scoffed before quickly putting some sauce on the pizza, he quickly shoved a generous amount of cheese and pepperoni on the pizza before. 'East what is that cursed stick thing- oh it's right here! Alright first pizza done.' West narrated, East meanwhile was getting less focused after every pizza, the boredom was absolute torture.

West decided to take a break and replaced the gloves which were covered in cheese crumbs from putting cheese on the pizza.
'East want to check out something?' West offered and she turned, now interested what West was going to show her.

West reaches his pocket and pulls out something that looks like a pineapple piece.
'Did you sneak a pineapple in pocket? Oh gosh you took five of them.' West chuckled.
'NEIN, look! It's a smoke bomb I made for fun under disguise so Austria doesn't steal them to attack Hungary after every single argument, remember the massive cleanup I had to do after Austria attacked Hungary during a monopoly game?' East nodded.

'Okay but why pineapples? You could have done erasers or something.'
'Austria hates pineapples, basically an Austria repellent.'

'I have a feeling you have something against our own siblings.'
'THEY FIGHT TOO MUCH!' West cried, 'My room is next to them and they are probably in some boxing documentary if that's even a thing! No wait, they do boxing, karate and wrestling, at this point they even stole Vater's flame thrower once!'

'You have a point-!' Before East could finish, Bavaria came in throwing his hat in the ground.

'These people are driving me crazy, thank goodness Slovakia took over for my break- West why are you holding pineapples in your hand?!' Bavaria shouted at them, West hid them behind his back.

'Ummmm....' West didn't say anything afterwards, Bavaria looked at the order screen and quickly looked at the pizza that East was about to make into a pineapple pizza. He walked over to West and quickly snatched the "pineapples" from his hand and placed it on the pizza before adding more pineapples and toppings and quickly put it in the over.

'There! I'll do this one for you, please, don't play with food.'

'Bavaria you Smurf table cloth, t-that was a smoke bomb!' West exclaimed, Bavaria turned to the oven and


The oven exploded from all the force of about 5 smokes bombs and half of the area was filled with yellow powder, you could have mistaken it for somebody spilling an entire plush of garlic powder in the kitchen.

Bavaria, East and West along with Taiwan who was also working there started coughing but East and West also laughed at the same time, they found it hilarious for some reason.

'HUH?' Taiwan quickly reacted and wheezes slightly, she was also holding in laughter. 'West is this your smoke bomb?!'

West was now burst out laughing with East in response and Taiwan sighed knowing it was them.
'Ba-Bavaria *wheeze* did that!' West didn't stop wheezing and laughing at the mess and Taiwan quickly left the kitchen to clean up the mess.

'I do!'

Taiwan entered with a mop and looked at West.
'How did you blow up an oven with smoke? How much power did you put into those?' Taiwan asked.

West shrugged and offered to help Taiwan clean up, which Taiwan accepted. East and Bavaria meanwhile watched before quickly joining on to clean the job.
'AYO it's not nice to take peoples things!' West said sarcastically and Bavaria rolled his eyes so far back it probably went to Mars. East and West had fun during that and found it funny, but their boredom wasn't cured.

'West.' East whispered the West, who turned back and listened. 'Wanna do something else as well?' He nodded and the two secretly left the kitchen as East grabbed her car keys (which was provided for work) before going to the parking lot to cause more drama.

Should I do a part two because that's where the chaos starts >:)

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