Falling For My Brother's Best...

By LazySince1998

3.4K 236 45

Jungkook has a crush on his older brother Namjoon's best friend. His older brother's STRAIGHT best friend, Yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 ⚠️
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Thank you 💜
My other books ✌️

Chapter 25

73 6 0
By LazySince1998

~Jungkook's POV~

Voices. Everywhere, all at once. It's so much noise, can't they keep it down? My head hurts so much and the constant banging of their voices in it is only making it grow stronger. My mind feels hazy, like I've slept for far too long, how long have I been out? I can't understand anything being said, I'm that groggy.

I try to open my eyes but it's like some weight is pulling them shut. Then I hear shuffling and it gets really quiet. Someone is standing next to me, but who?

"Jungkook? Can you hear me?" Namjoon?

My eyes flutter again as I try to open them one more time. This time I don't give in to the pull to leave them shut, and manage to crack them open a little enough to see Namjoon leaning over me, a concerned look on his face. My big brother,always there to take care of me. Namjoon never lets me down and I can tell he is really upset.

"H-H-Hyung." I manage to get out through my heavy chest.

"Shh, don't force yourself, it's okay, relax." He says stroking my hair. "God, I'm so glad you're okay, Kookie."

I smile faintly, and move my hand, the grogginess seems to be leaving me the more I stay focused on the here and now. Reaching for Namjoon's hand I give him a reassuring squeeze. It's the best I can do right now. I look around the room to see where all the voices I heard were coming from. Jin is standing behind Namjoon, he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Wh-where is Yoongi?" I ask my voice heavy.

Jin's face falls and he looks at Namjoon. I look over at Namjoon too, what is going on? The only sound in the room is my distressed breathing as I wait for one of them to tell me where my boyfriend is. I don't want to think what their silence means. Please God, don't tell me he.. No, he couldn't have. Please. Tears spring to my eyes. I plead with Namjoon, who is looking at me, to just tell me what is going on.

"For goodness sakes, just tell him." A voice commands.

I cringe. It couldn't be. Turning my head slowly to the other side of the room, I see my mother and father. They are standing in front of the giant window that gives the room light. My breathing becomes more distressed as I look at them. Why are they here? I don't want them here! Get them out!

"Jungkook, look at me. Look at me!" Namjoon demands. I look up at him and see regret on his face. "You needed surgery for your leg, your ligaments were messed up. They needed parental consent, I'm sorry."

My leg? Surgery? I look at my leg and see that it's in a cast. Semi-suspended in mid-air. Why hadn't I noticed that before? Parental consent? No, I don't want them here!

"M-make... them...go...away." I wheeze.

Namjoon nods and turns to Jin. "Can you show them the way out?"

Jin locks eyes with me, then nods. "Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, please leave."

"What? First of all, he is my son, I have all the right to be here. Second of all you are the one who has no reason to be here so I suggest you leave." My mother sneers.

"Really? We are not your sons. We're just two people who used to be your punching bags. Now get the Hell out!" Namjoon demands.

Poor Namjoon, he had to fight with our parents all our lives. It's like second nature for him to defend me and keep me safe. I wish he didn't have to grow up so fast but our mother made sure that our childhood was anything but that. We had to learn the cruelties of the world faster than most. It was worse for Namjoon since he took most of the blunt trying to keep me safe. He needs to stop trying to protect me and find what makes him happy. I wish I could tell him that, but I can barely talk.

"What is going on in here?" A sweet voice asks from the doorway.

It's a woman, about twenty five years old, wearing scrubs with a badge hanging from them. A nurse? Or a doctor?

"You need to keep it down, this is a hospital."

"Pl-please...make...make...them... go away." I get out.

"Make who go away sweetie?" She asks coming over to check my monitor. "You need to calm down, you're readings are too high. Who do you want to leave?"

I manage to lift my hand and point at the two people who call themselves our parents, as if. My hand falls down to the bed with a thump as the energy I had is drained from me. I just want them to leave so I can find out what is wrong with Yoongi, and more importantly where he is. Please someone get them out!

"Your parents? You want them to leave?" I barely move my head in a nod. "But they are your parents, are you sure?"

"Please." I plead, if she doesn't get them out then they won't leave. My monitor spikes as my heart sped up from that thought. I don't want them here!

"Okay, okay, we will get them out calm down." The nurse tells me as she turns to my parents. "Please, I need him to relax and with you here apparently he cannot, please leave."

My mother looks about ready to argue but it's my father who speaks up this time. "Of course, let's go Shim Cheong , the boy doesn't want us here."

"I am his mother." She spits.

"You are not my mother! You are a monster!" I yell surprising even myself. I sag onto the bed drained as my breathing comes out as short pants.

The nurse gives me a quizzical stare before understanding crosses her features. "Get out. Now!" She commands.

My father grabs my mother's hand and drags her from the room. Her eyes are locked on me as she walks out and there is something frightening about the way she is looking at me. Lord, don't let her get near me again.

"I'm sorry, no child should have to go through that." The nurse says. "I'm Robin, your nurse, I'll go get the doctor so he can give you a check. I'll be right back."

I smile gratefully at her as she walks out of the room. When she leaves, she has the curtesy of closing the door behind her. Turning to Namjoon and Jin, I see them looking at anywhere but me. They know I'm going to ask about Yoongi.

Taking a deep breath I ask. "Where is he?" I manage to sit up on the bed and Namjoon comes over to set the bed to a sitting position with the control.

Jin looks at me then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath seeming to find it hard to talk. "Maybe we should wait until you feel a little stronger." Namjoon says besides me.

"Where is Yoongi?" I persist, they won't be able to shake me off, I'm not weak enough to not be able to handle what they throw at me.

"He is in surgery." Jin says his eyes still closed. I don't know if he is doing that to not see my reaction or so that we can't see his. Either way I know he is hurting, I don't have to see him to know that.

Apparently Namjoon knows too because he says. "He will be okay, he will make it through."

"Surgery?" I ask. "So he was shot. I thought I dreamed that. Is he gonna be okay?"

Tears fell from my eyes with force, it no longer mattered if people saw me cry or if it only made me feel weaker. The sobs came in waves as the implication of Jin's word hit me in full force.

"Jungkook, calm down. I'm sure he will be fine." Namjoon reassured me.

"The bullet missed his vital organs, the doctors have hope, which according to them is a very good thing. He did lose a lot of blood though, so they are not a hundred precent sure what is gonna happen."

Everything in my vision was a blur of color as the tears in my eyes continued to fall. I don't know if I'm crying because of Yoongi or all that's happened in the last few hours. The monitor next to me is going haywire as my breathing becomes more and more difficult.

"Jungkook! Look at me, can you see me?" Jin asks rushing to my side, I nod through my tears and tight breathing. "He would not want you to be like this! Now calm down!" His voice is so trustworthy, I would have stopped no matter what he said. But he's right, I need to be strong, for Yoongi.

I calm myself enough to think rationally and have the heart monitor reading normally again. If Yoongi is in surgery and Jin is here with me and no doubt Jackson is somewhere in the hospital for his leg injury, where is Kat? No one had said anything about her. Oh God, nothing happened to her did it? Nothing could happen to her, if it did, it would be my fault!

"Where is Kat?" I whisper.

Namjoon and Jin exchange looks, I don't like that. "I don't think it's the best time to talk about this." Namjoon says.

"Just tell me, hyung, please." I say defeated, how bad could it be right? Bad question.

"Jungkook, do you remember the letters? The one's that Yoongi was getting?" Jin asks me. Namjoon glares at him. "He deserves to know."

"I remember, what about them?"

"Do you remember my text message, that Jin had found out who was sending them?" Namjoon asks.


"It was Katherine."

"What? Kat would never do that, she's one of my best friends!" I protest.

"It was her fingerprints on the pages." Jin puts in. "When Namjoon told me who she was, I tried calling you, but you never picked up."

"That's when I fell, I was going to answer the phone. I got dizzy, Kat grabbed my arm, but then she let go and..." No. I'm remembering wrong, she couldn't have done that.

"What is it Jungkook?" Namjoon says worried.

"I think she pushed me." I breath out, fresh tears falling. "She was the reason I fell down the bleachers."

"Damn it." Namjoon curses.

"Where is she?" I whisper. "What did she do?"

"She got Jackson to help her try and... try and kill Yoongi. She set fire to the school and shot both Jackson and Yoongi." Namjoon responds.

"I managed to get her but she went crazy and ran into the cafetaria, where the fire was. I couldn't worry about her, Yoongi was shot. I had to get him out, he had inhaled too much smoke and with the gunshot wound, it was bad." Jin continues.

"She stayed in the school." I state rather than ask.

"They found her body when they put out the fire, they said she died of smoke inhalation. I'm sorry little brother." Namjoon says sadly.

Tears rolled down my face, at this rate I'll be dryer than a raisin by the time all this drama is over. I can't believe Kat would do anything like this. It's too much to take in. How can I understand that my best friend tried to kill my boyfriend and then basically killed herself? That's too much for an adult to take in much less a teenager. Why? That simple word keeps running around in circles in my mind. Why? Why would she do this? Why would she throw everything away? Why?

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Namjoon's voice sounds so distant, like his voice is coming through a bad phone reception.

"I think he is in shock." Jin says in that same far away voice.

"What do we do?"

Before Jin can reply the door to my hospital room bursts open. Kim JooYeon  walks in looking extremely tired and worried. Her hair is in a messy ponytail at the nape of her neck and she is wearing sweats and a T-shirt. Her face is a mixture of fear and hope wrapped into one.

"Jin!" She exclaims going over to him. "He is out of surgery."

"Yoongi?" Jin asks, she nods and hugs her oldest son, sobs rocking her body. "Mom, why are you crying?"

"He is going to make it. The doctors said the surgery was perfect and that they expect a fully recovery."

I sit up in the bed, my attention focused on the woman who just said the words I want to hear. Yoongi, he is going to be okay. Thank you, God. I can't take my eyes off JooYeon, please don't let me be dreaming. Please let this be real, let Yoongi be okay. I can't handle anything else.

Jin pulls his mom into a tight hug and I swear I see a fine mist cover his eyes before he blinks it away. His eyes land on me and a genuine smile lights up his face. I smile back, a warm glow filling my body. As sad and confused as I am about the whole Kat issue, I can't stop myself from feeling relieved and happy that Yoongi is okay.

"Mom, Jungkook is awake." Jin says pulling his mom away and turning her towards me.

JooYeon looks at me and fresh tears spring in her eyes. "Oh, thank the Lord above that you are alright Jungkook! I was so worried. How do you feel?"

I smile. "Tired and relieved."

She nods. "I'm sorry for all you had to go through, sweetie."

"No, I'm sorry." I choke out. "I'm the reason Yoongi is like this."

"Don't be ridiculous." She scolds as she comes to my side and takes my hand in hers. It's so gentle and soft, no one had ever held my hand like this, it's such a motherly hold. "It was not your fault, so get all those crazy ideas out of your head this instant."

"Yes, ma'am." I submit.

"Excuse me?" A voice says from the open door way. "I'm Dr. Murphy. I'm here to check up on Jungkook."

"Of course, doctor." JooYeon  says ushering Namjoon and Jin to the door. "We'll get out of your way."

"JooYeon." I stop her before she can leave. "When can we see him?"

"Not for a while. He will be out for a couple more hours. You will be the first to know when, I promise."

I smile gratefully at her as she leaves me alone with the doctor. These are going to be very long hours.

What a long chapter! Thank God that Jungkook and Yoongi are okay.

Sucks for Katherine though.. I mean, poor Jungkook but it was her own fault.

Stay tuned and beautiful! 💜

Peace out ✌️

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