Infinite Crisis


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Thanks to Oliver Queen's sacrifice, life was given a second chance in the universe. Earth Prime heroes are st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

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Back at Star Labs, while some where still giving Hro Talak a tour around the place, the rest of the team discussed what they would do about the Thanagarians. Kara found Oliver alone in the corridor and approached him, feeling a bit nervous since they have kissed and still didn't have the opportunity to talk about it.

- Hey... - Oliver turned around, noticing Kara looking at him and blushing. – I... I'm sorry about before...

- No, I'm the one who needs to apologize... I left in a rush and we haven't talked about it ever since...

- It's ok, we have so much going on right now...

- Is not an excuse, I was rude... - Kara said

- I understand Kara – Oliver said – I'm really worried with the Thanagarians and everything that's happening... I'm still a bit confused and...

- I told you I was going to help you, and I'll keep my word. I just felt guilty.

- Why?

Kara paced from one side to the other, trying to find the right words to express what she felt the moment their lips touched.

- My entire life I thought I was missing something, I felt like I should be doing more... When I became Supergirl, I felt that was it, the thing that I was missing... And I won't lie, I love being Supergirl, but recently... Sometimes I wonder if life should be more than being Supergirl. And at the same time, I feel like I don't have the luxury of having what humans has, room for...

- For love – Oliver completed

- Yes. And with everything that's going on I felt guilty for allowing myself to just feel that moment.

- I'm just as worried as you are Kara – Oliver said as he took a few steps closer to her – I just came back from the dead, and I keep trying to figure out what Prometheus meant about all he told me before I came back. And everything we found out so far makes me even more worried, but I know everything it's going to be ok, because I have a bunch of smart and great heroes with me, by my side... I have you. I don't know how, but I know we'll be ok.

Kara smiled as Oliver reached for her hand

- But I get what you said. We need to bring our best game if we want to avoid another huge crisis, and beat another super villain. So if you feel like you need space or time, I'll respect that. But I won't pretend our kiss didn't happen, because it meant something to me. – Oliver smiled, letting go of her hand.

- Thank you for understanding. – Kara said before Oliver turned around – And it meant something for me too.

Oliver stopped and looked back, watching Kara leaving, and smiled. He knew somehow, someday, everything would work out. Cisco's voice echoed around the lab facilities, asking everyone to go to the cortex and Oliver just shook his head, focusing back on the problem they had to solve.

- I told my team to start working on the devices, they will be using some of your tech if you don't mind – Hro Talak said in a deep serious voice that gave Constantine chills.

- No, we don't – Nate said, staring at Oliver – And... are waiting for something, or someone?

- Sort of... I need you all here so we can test the devices safely.

That sounded weird and didn't make sense at all and Constantine couldn't stop feeling like he needed to do something. He whispered a few words from an old spell he learned, to make himself invisible long enough so he could follow his instincts and go outside. He felt like something was calling for him, so he followed the vibe he felt.

It seemed like his spell worked, because no one seemed to notice him gone. He left Star Labs and went to the hangar where the Thanagarian ships were parked. There was no one around so he went inside one of them, making sure it was empty. For his luck, it was and he started to look around.

- Bloody hell! – He said as he entered a tiny room surrounded by computer screens.

He felt like darkness was surrounding him, so he closed his eyes, murmuring a spell as quickly as he could. He felt there was someone behind him and as soon as he finished the spell.

- It's a shame you came here and saw all of this – A Thanagarian guard said, making Constantine turn around

- What did you do?

- What's necessary.

- You aren't protecting the Earth... You want to use it to access Gordanians homeworld... This will destroy Earth. – He looked around – what are those devices for?

- Oh, you'll see – The guard said and smiled, knocking Constantine out before he could do anything to stop him.

Inside Star Labs, Oliver felt something itching on his chest and ran outside the cortex. He found Cisco's lab empty and ran towards a mirror hanging on the wall. He opened his shirt and staring at a message written on his chest as if someone had carved it there.

- It's a trap. – Oliver read in a whisper – They need to be stopped – Oliver read as the next message appeared on his chest.

He looked around, trying to think about what to do next, closing his shirt quickly. He started to walk back to the cortex when he saw Kara walking towards him, worried.

- I don't like this – She told him as soon as she reached him.

- I need to show you something.

Oliver grabbed Kara's hand and brought her back to Cisco's lab since it was empty, dark and no one would notice them gone, especially Thanagarians.

- Here – Oliver opened his shirt, showing Constantine's message – Constantine is not here, and I felt my skin burning... it must be some spell of his, warning us. We need to find him, he must be in danger.

- Trap... - Kara said, touching the words in Oliver's chest with the tip of her fingertips – We need to warn everyone.

- Not with them watching. They must have done something because I tried to use the comms and they are not working. I'm afraid we won't be able to contact the team in the past or anyone outside Star Labs.

- So we need to take them down now. We can do it. – Kara whispered

- Yes, but we need to be smart because we don't know if they have Constantine hostage or something...

Kara and Oliver heard voices and Oliver did the one thing he could think of that wouldn't put them in any serious trouble with the Thanagarians.

He grabbed Kara by her waist, bringing her closer to him, lifting her up as he pulled her sat on the table next to him. He reached for her neck, bringing her face closer to his as he gave her a passionate kiss, and standing between her legs. Kara was caught by surprise but gave in as soon as she felt Oliver's hand bringing her closer to him, kissing him back with the same passion. Her hand explored his torso the exact moment the lights went on.

- MY LAB IS NOT A MOTEL ROOM! – Cisco yelled in shock covering his eyes, with a Thanagarian behind him staring awkwardly at them – Close this shirt and get out of here...I'll pretend I didn't see this, and you two... have some decency... Here – he pointed at the table – I have the tool here somewhere – He said as he looked around his table, among his things as the Thanagarian followed him. – HEY! – Cisco yelled, making Oliver and Kara stop and look at him – I want to know everything later...not everything, but you know what I mean...

Kara blushed as she followed Oliver out of Cisco's lab. She was still shaking a bit because of the scare of getting caught, relieved because they managed to have a perfect excuse why they were away from everyone, hiding in a dark room, at least the Thanagarian didn't seem to suspect anything. She was still out of balance because of the kiss, but tried her best to focus back on the task ahead: warn everyone about the trap and do something to stop them and make sure Constantine was safe.

- Make sure Cisco keeps them occupied. I'll go check on Constantine and do my best to find out more and stop whatever they're doing on their ship. – Oliver said

- Ok – Kara said, taking Oliver by surprise when she threw her arms around his neck, bringing him closer and kissing him. He wasn't expecting it but welcomed her kiss fully embracing her by the waist. – Good luck – she whispered – Any sign of danger, let me know. I'll be hearing you so just let me know and I'll fly there.

As soon as Kara let go of Oliver, she saw Alex and Anissa smiling at her with their thumbs up and murmuring "go girl", making her blush even more. Kara approached them and hugged them both.

- What? – Alex asked confused, huggind Kara back

- We're in danger, find Oliver – Kara whispered to them and let go of Alex and Anissa, smiling – I'm... hungry... I'll grab something to eat and be right back. – She said going back after Cisco and the Thanagarian.

Alex and Anissa stared at each other understanding Kara's message. They looked around but there were Thanagarians everywhere, there's no way they would be able to warn everyone they were in danger. Alex tried her comms but they didn't work.

- Now what? – Anissa whispered

- We need to think fast... J'onn – Alex stared at him across the room – He can warn everyone telepatically.

Hro Talak excused himself and ordered the other Thanagarians to follow him, to make sure all the devices were turned on correctly. Alex waited for them to leave and ran towards J'onn, whispering for him to read her mind.

- You need to warn everyone in a quiet way that we are in danger. Kara told me Oliver could explain it better, but there's something really wrong with the Thanagarians. I don't know if it's safe for us to talk out loud about it, if they can hear us.

J'onn nodded with his head and started to reach everyone else's mind to warn them. He gave some instructions to everyone so the Thanagarians wouldn't know they were aware of their real intentions, meawhile Kara looked outside Star Labs hangar for Constantine.

Back inside the Thangarian main ship, Hro Talak walked around, with a satisfied look in his face. He sat across the main computer and used its system to hack all transmitions and communications in the entire world.

- Earth beings, your planet has now been taken by the brave warriors of Thanagar. There's no point in fighting, there's no point in resisting our forces. Your communication has been cut; our warriors are right now arriving on each city, each country, anyone who tries to fight us, will perish. You are now under martial law.

All other ships that surrounded Star Labs started to open and many Thanagarians came out, ready to fight. Kara heard everything from Cisco's lab and as soon as the message ended, Kara turned around and knocked the Thanagarian guard that stood by their side.

- Ok, I totally forgive you and Oliver for earlier. Let's kick ass!

Back in the cortex, everyone prepared to fight while more Thanagarians reached the heroes, surrounding them.

- Carter, what the hell? Stop this... - Kendra said taking one step further

- I can't. I'm with my kind and so should you. We will take Earth over; those people can't do anything to save it. Only we can. Join us.

- I'll not betray my friends. They can protect their home, just tell them to stop.

- Like I've said, I can't. And I'm sorry, but if you stand against us, there's nothing I can do to protect you.

- I don't need your protection, I can defend myself.

Kendra's wings opened and she attacked Carter while everyone else also move forward and a huge fight broke out.

Kara used her super speed, knocking out a few Thanagarians. She couldn't help but think Oliver and Constantine were taking too long to come back and she started to worry.

Thea reached for the gift Oliver gave her a few months ago, something he used to make things easier when the Green Arrow was needed, and now Speedy was more than needed. She grabbed a device from her pocket and pressed a button and just like that her bow appeared in front of her.

- I love this thing – she smiled as Cisco breached a bunch of arrows he kept in his lab just for sure – Thanks.

J'onn used his powers to take down 3 Thanagarians at once. He turned to Kara, reaching for her mind.

- I'm having a bad feeling about this... You need to go after Oliver and Constantine; we can take care of things here. GO!

Kara nodded and flew in a hurry. She landed in front of the main ship, staring at Hro Talak as he came outside, with a pleased look on his face.

- If you're looking for your friends, you're too late.

- What did you do to them?

- The same I'll do to you and everyone else that tries to stand in my way.

- I'll stop you. We all will stop you.

- Oh, I want to see you try.

Kara used her freeze breath but Hro Talak was fast enough to escape it. His huge wings opened and he flew towards Kara with his fists closed. Kara started to feel ill and weak, tried to block his punch but couldn't.

- What...

She looked around confused as she fell to the ground, bleeding on her forehead.

- Blood? I don't...

- Did you think I would come here unprepared? Like I've said, I studied all of you. I know about your weakness, Kryptonian! – He opened his hand, showing a piece of kryptonite on it.

- Coward... - She whispered, still feeling weak.

Hro Talak grabbed Kara by her neck and lifted her up. He was about to punch her one more time when a sonic wave hit him, sending him far away. Kara looked to her side and smiled, seeing Laurel.

- Do you like my singing? – Laurel said as she ran towards Hro Talak, using her sonic scream until his ear started to bleed.

Kara took advantage of the situation to use her heat vision on the piece of kryptonite, destroying it. As soon as she did it, she got up, feeling better right away.

- Thank you, Laurel. I can take care of him now. You need to find Oliver and Constantine, he did something to them and I have no idea where they are.

Laurel nodded with her head and ran inside the ship, fighting a few more Thanagarians.

In the past, things weren't looking better for the rest of the team. Dinah, Sara, Renee and Nia were on the ground, hurt and bleeding. Lex got up and grabbed his kryptonite dagger, walking towards Clark that lay on the floor, weak.

- You know your problem, Superman? – Lex said as he slowly approached him – I'll always beat you, because you'll never have the courage to kill me and...

Lex stopped in shock as he felt something cold in his back.

- Yeah, he'll never have it...but I do. Former assassin, old habits... you know – Sara said as she twisted the knife she threw on Lex back and took it from him

It happened so fast, he could barely proccess it. Barry punched him in super speed while Clark used his super speed to reach Sonny and bring everyone inside Wave Rider. Sara and Barry were the last to go back inside as they watched Lex on the ground, still alive, but out in the ground.

- Knowing this bastard, he will find a way to go back and haunt us again – Clark said as everyone prepared to time jump

- He can try, but for now let's get back to 2020. – Sara said – Everyone buckle up!

- I'm sorry Captain Lance, but I'm afraid we can't go back to 2020 – Gideon said

- What? Why not? – Sara asked, trying her best to pilot the ship through time.

The ship started to shake, lights went out and Gideon's voice was glitching.

- Don't... can't go...

- GIDEON! – Barry yelled

Everything went back to normal and Sara managed to land the Wave Rider calmly to the ground.

- Gideon where are we?

- Los Angeles, 1984.

- Oh Frack! – Nia said, annoyed.

Back in Star Labs, Laurel went inside the main Thanagarian ship, and after taking a few guards down with her sonic scream, she looked everywhere for any sign of Oliver or Constantine. After a long time, she found a trap door and opened it, finding Oliver tied up with Constantine.

- Is he ok? – She asked while she tried her best to untie them.

- He's out but he'll survive. Listen, you need to turn off the device. There's a control room, with huge screens and a lot of buttons... - He said as he managed to free one of his hands – I got this, go now!

- Ok

Laurel reached the room Oliver mentioned and tried everything she could but the damn thing wouldn't turn off. She was losing her patience. She tried everything, even using her powers but nothing worked.

- Oliver! – Laurel ran back to him, noticing Constantine was slowly waking up – The thing won't turn off, I tried everything... I don't know what else to do...

- We need Kara – Oliver said

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