This love (remma)

By slutforluna

3.5K 76 59

It is ten years later. Rikki and Emma meet again and soon discover that the sparks of their teen romance are... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

201 5 2
By slutforluna


Rikki stood outside of the hotel for a moment, not quite sure what the next move is. With not much left to do, she got on the bike and swung it's kick out, but then realised she doesn't have her jacket. Crap. Emma has the jacket.
Happy that she gets to see her again but also a bit anxious, Rikki goes through the glass door, and right to reception.
"Hi, so I know this is going to sound strange, but can you tell me which room Emma Gilbert is staying in? She has my jacket and I just wanted to get it back, nothing creepy I promise." The man behind the desk raised his eyebrows to this. "Unfortunately I can't give out information about our guests, ma'am." he said in an annoying nasal voice.
"Fine, fuck it then, I'll go knocking on every door in this dammed hotel."
"Please don't make a scene ma'am, or i'll have to get security involved."
"Just give me the room number then and I won't make a scene."
The man took a deep breath and typed something into the computer.
"306. And you better not be a serial killer."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rikki said with the voice of a child who was begging their parent for ice cream and finally got it. She raced to the lift, and when she got in she pressed level 3.
As the lift was ascending she kept repeating 306, 306, 306 in her head. The doors opened with a ping and she raced along the corridor counting the numbers. Finally she got to Emma's door and knocked. In a second Emma opened the door and looked very surprised to see Rikki.

"Hi, I was just about to call you, I accidentally took your jacket."
"Yes, I know, that's why I'm here." Rikki said quietly.
Emma looked a lot less confused at Rikki now.
"Ah, of course... that's why you're here."
Emma went in the room and got the jacket from the chair. She held out the jacket almost as an invitation for Rikki to enter the room. Rikki walked towards Emma and let the door slam shut behind her. She wasn't quite sure what got into her but she walked right up to Emma and kissed her. With this, Emma let the jacket drop to the floor and her hands were quickly tangled in Rikki's hair.

It somehow feels the same but also completely different. It's like they've grown into theirselves now. The last time they were still kids. Of course they were doomed from the start. Two awkward teens figuring themselves and the world out. Many questions not yet answered, so many questions. But now it just feels right. It feels like burning up and cooling down at the same time. It feels like a thunderstorm, a tsunami, a hurricane. All of the extreme weathers out there that you can imagine. They're not who they used to be but their old selves are still there, just more mature. Emma's bob cut, her steady hands from years of med school precision, Rikki's tattoos, the scar on her right knee from a motorbiking accident. Rikki realises that this time Emma doesn't need to be under the influence to make the first move. She gladly takes the lead. Things have changed. She wonders how much practice Emma has had since the last time she saw her. What made her gain this much confidence. A pang of jealousy hits as she pictures those girls but then realises how absurd it is. She's been with many girls and guys since then too. No time for jealousy. At least she has Emma now. Just to herself. Her thoughts cloud and her focus is back to her body. To how Emma's skin feels against her own. Somehow Emma managed to slip out of her dress while not breaking the kiss for a single second and Rikki could swear that Emma's hands were planted on her waist the whole time. What a sorcerer, Rikki thinks to herself. Emma's hands traveled to Rikki's hair and softly tugged at the blonde curls. This surprised Rikki so much, she let a moan escape her lips. She felt Emma smile into the kiss. Always so cocky. With this Rikki picked Emma up and threw her on the bed...

Authors note :
So far this was so so fun to write!!!!!! I'm incredibly happy that others also love remma as much as I do :)) I'll keep this fic updated, cause I still have more chapters in mind. I can't promise I'll be super quick with them tho, sorry haha. But stay tuned for more updates. Love you, stay safe my little sapphics,

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