don't over think it. (Masky/T...

By GlitchscreensManager

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you are (Y/N). you live in an AU where everyone has a ring and a string only the soulmates can see. the strin... More

info on story
new cover
Halloween Special 1
New years special because im built differnt


356 7 2
By GlitchscreensManager

It seemed off.

Just a few weeks ago was I informed of Glitchscreen moving yet it feels like it hadn't taken effect till now.

I lied in bed, a regular one size bed, in an empty room with a dresser and small vanity mirror. It felt lonely and a lot bigger then what it really was.

G.S. may not have been around a lot but now thatshe is truly out of the mansion, it's feels wrong that she hadn't left some weird note or object or files sticking out from pillows for me to stare at without ever touching, it felt less interesting. In fact with further thought, if it wasn't for the inhabitants of this old creepy building, and the shenanigans they bring, this entire building would be rather lack luster. 

It would be another creepy building that make you scared to round the corner. Not that the inhabitants of the building differed that but at least you knew that if they did scare you while you were rounding the corner you probably wouldn't be slaughtered. 

Sure you'd be scared shitless but hey, at least you're unharmed. Unless you also scared them, which could get stabbed or bit. Hardly the point.

Oddly, I felt more comfortable in the proxies cabin. It had some form of life to it. It wasn't some rundown, creepy, building that makes you want to avoid it, it was kinda creepy as any random building in the middle of the woods would be granted, it was nice in some weird way. 

It felt like a home, an environment where I can simply talk you know? Though perhaps it's rather the fact that me and the proxies were close. We actually spoke and I suppose got along. 

The pastas seemed to only talk to me when we were all in an environment where we under Slenders supervision, like they were conditioned to even acknowledge my presence. 

The proxies stood to sides of Slender like drones in those types of social events. Mainly during meetings, or mandatory dinners,  where the pastas and I had to speak to one another to plan attacks and the layouts and the battlefield. Though the pastas were forced to pay mind to me they completely ignored the presence of the proxies,and if they weren't it's because someone was ethior very creepily staring at them (if the masks most of them wore weren't there then you'd probably see them shifting their eyes away and avoiding the eerie gaze of their college's), the times Jeff will attempt to trip one of them like a 5th grader would a passing student, or the small banter Toby would hold with BEN which could or could not evolve into small cat fights. (Depends on the day really.)

One of these meetings will be accruing later today, we're only a few months from the wars actual advancement but we're encouraged to stay vigilant as the enemy isn't known for being very fair.  

Though I haven't really been leaving the mansion due I to lack of missions I do stick my hand out the window every now and again to check on my ring. You never do get used to glancing down at it and seeing pitch black when your first wake up in the morning but I know when I stick my hand out the window he's still partially and typically aggravated but content out there. 

I turn and roll myself out of bed to get dressed. The meeting wasn't till 9, I still had a day to enjoy till then and Toby invited me to go fish with him and May after their scouting mission. 

The weather had slowly came and left putting us in an area where the leaves were once again falling and the already decomposing piles that were in the forest were being covered by their freshly fallen brothers. 

It was great weather though, it was warm enough to enjoy the outdoors but chilli enough to keep you from sweating.

I wore what I'd assume was appropriate fishing wear,  a black tee, my butterfly cap thing, my mask, some good ol'boots, and those not quite shorts not quite jeans, I think their called jorts. I slipped my mask on and waited.

Yes, fashion at it's finest. 

I then went one to read through my kinda official papers, I wasn't good in close combat, it's why I became an assassin but Slender had me train with both Proxy and Pasta alike to better myself in it. I still played a much more distanced role but should I need to, I had engaged combat on my side. I got to take enemy's from ethior higher grounds of further grounds, should it become necessary I would be obligated to step in on face to face combat but Slender said that should all go as planned that wouldn't be necessary.

A series of loud bangs made me jump and drop my papers, quickly putting them back in their best pile and throwing them back in a drawer before quickly opening the door to be greeted with, 

 "We-we're back! Did-didcha miss us?!" Toby threw what felt like his entire self, but in reality only his arm over my shoulder dragging me out of my room and closing my door quickly. 

 "I saw you last night when you acted as though your being shipped off to war and I was your only living relative but if it makes you happy, then yes."

 " I n-knew you wou-ld! Lez go!" 

I chuckled before Toby basically bolted it down the hallway, swerving and throwing us past anyone who dare be in the hallway at the same time as is before promptly almost killing us whilst going down the stairs and out the front door. Toby didn't like being in the mansion for to to long, said the people in there give him the stink eye.

I dare wonder why.

If being dragged three the mansion by a man that could twitch and break my arm on accident wasn't enough, just wait till he dragged my threw the woods to the cabin. 

After what Toby made a 7 minute run to the cabin we were now outside of it dry heaving and in pain. 

 "I th-think m-my throats dr-dry." Toby wheezed hands on knees and sputtering coughs like 50 year chain smoker. 

 "G-gosh, I wonder why" I heaved. 



I looked up form my coughing to the sky and laughed for a few seconds before promptly returning to death coughing.

"What are you guys doing?" Fallen stood at the open door way , the covered holes of her eyes staring at us. 

Toby took this as an opportunity to fall to the ground and reach a hand at the girl. 

"Wa-water -"

Fallen stared down at her college, before scoffing. 

"Die like an abandoned dog or beg for pity Rogers." 

 "I'd ra-rather d-die"

 Fallen turned inside, then turning back out, water bottle in hand,

 "So be it."

 Then threw me the water bottle. 

 "And hope your comrade will spare you from anguish and death"

 "Much thanks oh merciful one" I bow with a role of my eyes. 

"Mo-Monarch...i-I th-think I see the li-ligh-t" 

I laugh throwing Toby the water as Fallen throws me a new one.

"My sav-savior! " Toby catches quickly chugging him water.

Fallen shakes her head the from she had non emitting even from behind the mask.

"Our hero's shortly after find out the water was poisoned and die, later to become a feast for the people of the town, glazed and honeyed and baked like ham, the it eyes chewed on like gum balls and flesh used as tapestry and canvas. Their organs stuffed with other meats and veggies and tongues used in the finest stews, brains used in exquisite platters and once their bones are cleaned of its meats, their bones sucked of it marrow and reused to pronounce flavors in future stews and as a tasty chew for on the go." Fallen spoke plainly, narrating a scene almost. Or reading a to do list I'm not sure with her sometimes.

Toby mocked a gag.


"Write that down Shakespeare, wouldn't want to forget." I mumble a smile still present on my face as Fallen grabs her fishing rod and another, Toby grabbing his own and what I assume is a tackle box and a separate bag. 

"I just might.." Fallen says handing me the extra rod and walking to the tree line off to the left. 

 "let's go, it's half bad weather today."

Toby followed Fallen happily, me following after them.

 Fallen led the way, walking past the trees as the sun rays peaked through them, through the unmarked trails and fallen leaves, to a pond. The area had obvious items ethior left here by the most definitely now deceased roamers of the woods or of the facility that has long sense been over grown. 

There were a few over turned paddle boats, one of them seeming to be slightly burnt, near to it a wooden and slightly rotting shed with a sun damaged rusted metal sign. Diagonal to where we walked in form was a dock that compared to its surroundings, and despite being literally partially in the water legs up, was in beautiful condition. 

"Chaser used to live in the area, if you were to go a 5 or so miles south west of where we are standing you'd probably find her old residence. " Fallen states, putting her rod down softly and taking her mask off throwing it to the side with a much less delicate regard. 

"This place used to be inhabitable?" I ask with a laugh.

Toby nods. " Ye-yep. I wa-wasn't around yet then though...I ca-came in a bit later...was-wasn't allowed to wonder for a good couple ye-years "

"Used to be a trail or camp ground, but after the amounts of accidents they shut it down and never went back to tear it down. They took the signs that gave this place a name though, erased the fact that it did exist to the outside world as more trees grew in thicker and larger to hide its existence. Chaser doesn't come around here much, though sometimes she joins us for fishing she won't go near certain areas of these parts. "

I nodded listening to every word she spoke as Toby and I started baiting our rods.

 "Chaser had shown Masky and Hoodie this area, they kinda just chilled here a lot of the time, then we all started going and it just became what we did to pass the time. "

I raise an eyebrow. "Why don't you guys go out of the forest in your free time?"

Toby shrugged . "Some-sometimes we ne-eed to stay in the wo-woods, we can't leave willy n-nil-nilly"

How hadn't I noticed that before. "How-"

"Y -you proba-ably wouldn't ha-have ever noticed, with how much were kept on our feet with mi -missions it would seem that sometimes we really are just put of the for -est " Toby interrupts tying a new hook to his rod, having trouble doing so for a short while but getting it through and knitting eventually.

I nodded and tied my hook on then baited it with a worm from a bucket filled half way with slithering, slimy, little earth worms, definitely dug from the earth by hand as many of them still had mud and dirt on them, a few with small pebbles.

"That's disgusting" May muttered looking down at the bucket before walking away to the shed with the extra bag Toby brought .

 "I fou -ound them myself," Toby states proudly as a response. 

I chuckle going over the water edge, then swinging my rod back to before releasing the string toward the center of the water. "Why kill them then?"

"Beauty does not save any-anything. It's makes it better for death. Beauty means per-perfection and and in turn, better results. You see a beautiful flo-wer, you don't walk past it, you admire it, and if you want it, you pick it, in turn killing it, if you collect butterflies you don't want a butterfly with a torn wing or missing antenna, you want the closest thing to perfect you can get with the butterfly, beauty is faulty and makes you de-des-irable in the best and worr-st ways" Toby responds solemnly, stating down at the water as he cast he rod towards the center as well.

" sutter a lot less when your calm and dark and brooding" I say turning away from him to face the water.

Toby laughs, "ye-yeah it's because i-im calmer then! mo-more time to make my sentences cle-clear!"

 "You come to this epiphany all on your own?"

" K-kinda, you start to realize this kind of stuff when you have so much em-empty head space to think...Masky sat down with me once and we kinda just t-t-talked about this kinda stuff. Hel-helped me realize the words I needed to describe what I thought...hadn't had that kind of sup-port s-sense..before I was a pr-pr-proxy, ya know?"

I nod staring out into the other side of the water, more trees on the other side to no surprise.

 "Yeah..I do"

And we molded into a nice silence. The wind lightly blowing at the water creating ripples, the occasional bird chirp rare in any other part of the forest, and the consistent sound of wood being broken and a screw driver being used. 

Oh wait not a nature noise.

"May what are you doing?"  I say turning my head to May who's not within sight.

"Sh-she cant hear you, busy fi-fixing the shed"

 "Oh, fixing up the place then? "

"Y-yup! After she done with the shed she's going to fix a boat! "

The sound of drilling stopped as May peaked her head out from behind the rotting shed.

"I am not! You are not getting in one of those old fungus ridden , half burnt boats!"

"Am to! M-masky said I could! " 

"Masky wants you to 'accidentally' fall off and drown! "

Toby tsked turning to me. 

"I-im gonna get in one of those boats som-eday"

I snickered and turned back to my pale green bobber in the water. fishing is a waiting game, and trust me, I can wait.

+like literally 30 minutes its a later+

Toby and I decided we were done waiting, the two of us are taking off hoodies and cloaks to get inside the water with the fish. 

I stood at the bank, my cloak thrown in a pile with Toby's sweater goggles and mouth guard, Toby having just recently jumped off the docks with a t-shirt and rolled up jeans because jeans are definitely meant to be swam in. I was debating taking off my mask. 

May had seen my face, so has Seen and Glitchscreen. But Toby hasn't. Me and Toby, we're good friends but after I leave... if he knows who I am after this, what I look like, he and his happy little ass could pay me a vist during any mission he so chooses, that could taint the idea of my future as a not killer, with a future normal life. 


Is that really the word? 

Toby is my friend. Taint makes it seem like he's a monster that would be out to kill me and whatever my future holds, in fact even the thought that Toby would do something like that all is a taint on the trust he may have for me. Oh dear lord Y/N just get over yourself. You may not even live past the war, Toby is my friend, maybe one of my last. 

No time like the present.

I sigh, a light smile on my face as I untied the strings of the mask.

-God I forget how much I love writing when I put my heart into it. Hopefully better written chapters and more from here on out!-

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