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What'd that mean? I sigh, it isn't of my intentions to die now.

I jump off the counter holding onto Scarps so they don't fall. GS? GS? Is GS a nickname or something?

I sigh. Man I feel a lot smaller then before. Last I checked I was total a bad ass and I was strong. Now I feel small and weak.

He wouldn't have asked me to join if I was weak though or unworthy, right? No, their 'Operator' seems awfully smart. A simple mistake like that could bring everything down.

I shiver at the fact that I was chosen, probably stalked.

There was a soft tap on my shoulder so I turn around to be met with a new face.

"Hiya roomie! I'm Glitchscreen! But Masky might've introduced me as GS, we aren't exactly pals me and him, but I bet we will be!" She grabbed my hand and shook It harshly.

Now that I could see her, half of her hair was white and the other half was black, they were put up in triangle buns, they were literally triangles for that mater. Her (L) (R) left eye was white covered with a black bang, and her other eye was pitch black with a white pupil with binary code in it. She had black tear like lines coming out of that eye (surprisingly I came up with GS before Spinel so -:p) her skin was white and she was wearing a white dress with black fade on the bottom that went up. Her left arm was made of a weird see through solid that you could see her bones through.

"hi? I'm (Y-)Monarch"

"Don't be silly! I know your name," she then whispered "(Y/N)"
Should I be surprised a bit?
"How'd ya know?"
She laughs "dontcha worry bout that part!" She grabbed my hand a I guess teleported to a room which I can only assume was hers.

"Boss told me you'd be bunking with me, sorry I got home so late I was running a few errands"

I shake my head "its fine" after awhile of silence as Glitchscreen has begun Putting some stuff up and away and set up my bed she said she had stuff to return to once again.

I lay down on my bed and take in a deep breath of air. First night here, let's hope I'm not gutted in my sleep.

With that, I fall asleep.

"WAKEY WAKEY ROOMIE!" I nearly jump out of bed and gasp looking at Glitchscreen. She looked exactly the same as yesterday not a single change.

"What time is it?" I mumble

"Uh, 5 in the morning, we figured you'd want to train with us for a little!"


"Mhm! Me, Moxi," she looked down at her hand befire looking back up "Me and Moxi!"

"Uh huh...where's everyone else?"

"Some are up, some are training, it depends on the night they had"

"OK then..."

I get up and stretch and GS hands me back my mask.

"You shouldn't sleep with this one, could've just locked the door"

I took it quickly and out it on, GS left and I changed.

I left the room and walked down stairs where GS was waiting for me and Moxi was talking to Hazy.

Moxi took knowledge if me almost instantly and waved at me happily Hazy mostly ignoring me but looking over slightly.

After a while of us just kinda talking Moxi Gave me a cereal bar and we began our walk to any clearing the three had in mind, even if Hazy didn't seem to want to come along, he seemed to lead the little team we had going.

don't over think it. (Masky/Tim x reader) (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now