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Fallen opened one door to two rather large double doors and walked in quietly. I decided it be best I follow her steps and quietly walk in the door closing behind me.

This entire place was Erie.

What have I gotten myself into?

Fallen stoked and turned around. "Look down at your soul hand"
Soul hand? Oh right! I looked down, my ring was pitch black and my string was gone. My breath hitched in my throat.

He can't be dead...

"Do not worry, this is the work of the mansions power, while inside the ring and string don't work, once you're one of us the ring will work merely on emotions, it won't be able to tell you when your soulmate is near." Fallen says this with such perfection that I Swear she must've been practicing lines or something.

Of course I let out a sigh of relief and look back up at her. "We must move along now, Our Operator has waited patiently enough, put this on" Fallen takes a Monarch butterfly wing style shoulder cape with a hood and hands it to me. "This will be part of your attire if you like it that is, our Operator's brother made it" did they know I was going to accept?

I put the the cape on, pull the hood up and fix my mask before nodding to Fallen who nodded back and started walking ahead, me following.

After a few minutes of turns we made if to a large door. This place was much larger then it seemed I must say. Fallen knocked on the door a ringing going past us almost like a 'come in'.
Which is exactly what she did, she opened the door and let me, closing it after she walked in to.

there was a tall faceless man in front of us, dressed pretty fancy in a suit and tie. Honestly this guy looked like he was another regular business man, leaving out the face.

There on each side if this guys desk were people, the ones I knew were there, Kate, Skully, and Toby, were there Skully standing to the right with three others I didn't know.

Must be his right hand men.

Kate and Toby were standing to the left with one other person I didn't know. They are all intimidating as fuck.

I look up at the man who looked down at the two of us, the people who just entered. The guys makes a hand movement in which Fallen walks to stand beside Toby with leaving me to be practically judged.

"I am the Operator, or as most know me, Slender man, its a pleasure to meet you Miss Monarch "

Don't chicken out now girl, there's no turning back. "Greetings sir, the pleasure is mine" I do a curtsie and straight again.

"I trust Fallen has explained too you why you have been summoned here, yes?"

I nod, "yes sir she did" he nods.
"Good now to complete our, contract of sorts, I will have to crave a symbol into you, for the time you have serving under me it'll give you protection, a slip in a way, against anyone who may try harming you in our group"

I nod, seems far. He motioned to my hand which I held out to him in response. He had a tentacle like thing come out of his back, it seemed to sharpen its self and crave the symbol into my palm, it bleed a little. The tentacle retracked and disappeared behind Slender again while my palm bleed a bit.

Fallen walked over and dabbed the wound and taking out a little capsule breaking it between her teeth and pouring it into the wound, the symbol become much more visible a black ink substance filling the wound and hardening.

Fallen walked back to her spot in the line and faced me again, I almost forgot all eyes were on me.

Slender held out his arms to the right and to the left "these are my Proxy's, you will be working along side them and many other in the war,you've Already Toby, Chaser, Skully, and Fallen" I nodded and seemed to motion for the 4 I hadn't met to come to to the front, only one seemed to obviously a female though.

"This is Masky" he pointed at the masked male, whom had brown hair, a feminine featured mask, a tan jacket and black pants and boots. "Hoodie," the pointed to a orange hooded guy with a black fabric mask on that had a red frowny face, "Hazy," he pointed the guy wearing a magenta hoodie, a black mask with only magenta eyes and magenta stitches running across the mouth part. "And Moxi," he lastly pointed to the girl wearing a white shirt with puffy long sleeves, a white collar, there was a brown corset like thing covering the shirt, a pair a dark blue leggings, and tall black boots. She had Brown hair and had it pinned to the right, and she was the only one who's skin I could see, which was a light brown, her mask, unlike the others, was only over her eyes, it was a feather mask with a variety of different light blue shades and whites, with large white features with blue tips handing off the sides.

Honestly she was the most appealing person here. She nodded to me at least acknowledging my Existence.

"These will be your teammates, try to get to know them, I'll send someone to help you get a room, you'll probably bunk with someone" I nodded but paused.

"I'm not able to go back to my home?"
He shook his head "You can't go to your home but you can still interact with the outside world, of course not speaking of us, you'll go back to your home to pick some clothing out later"

That makes sense I nodded, the meeting ended and everyone left purposefully hitting my shoulder or sending a glare I could feel through their masks. The only person left was Moxi who walked up to me.

I wasn't usually intimidated but these guys all gave off spooky vibes and it wasn't entirely enjoyable. Moxi stopped in front of me and smiled. "Don't mind them kid, they just don't like new comers, even Fallen has problem with new people, but for a different reason, don't you worry," she points to herself and puts a hand on her hip "I'll help you out!"

SUDDEN BURST OF WRITING THIS STORY ENERGY AAAAHHHHHHH I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY HOPE YOU ENJOYED HAVE A NICE DAY OR NIGHT! Also think about your favorite character so far, don't tell me yet, save that for the next chapter, cya later pixels! 1124 words.

don't over think it. (Masky/Tim x reader) (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now