Halo, Remnants: ODST

By Zeta_Lyfe

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Halo, but with an oddity. With the Master Chief and Noble Six off world, the duty of protecting Earth has fal... More

Chapter 1 Prepare to Drop
Chapter 2 Tayari Plaza
Chapter 3 Uplift Reserve
Chapter 4 Kizingo Boulevard
Chapter 5 ONI Alpha Site
Chapter 6 NMPD HQ
Chapter 7 Kikowani Station
Chapter 8 Firefight
Chapter 10 Coastal Highway
Interlude - Zen

Chapter 9 Data Hive

188 15 4
By Zeta_Lyfe

The body of a Brute Chieftain collapsed onto the street, a three bullet shells falling alongside it. Bits and pieces of blue and gold metal littered the roads, the blades of Spikers and Brute Shots drenched in blood of just about every color but red. . . The black of plasma burns stained the walls and pavement, the feint glow of Plasma Rifles and Pistols dimly lighting the shadowy street. . .

Standing at the edge of darkness, gusts of wind blowing at her figure and attempting to stop her from taking a single step forward, was Elizabeth.

The young woman's deep violet eyes scanned the area, ignoring the countless bodies stretched across the dead-end. Without her helmet, her VISR, it wasn't exactly easy to tell where exactly she was going. The ODST was relying on what often led her and her late partner across New Mombasa all night. . .

The everlasting rings of the telephones.

The Rose knew something was amiss. They had to lead somewhere, and she was determined to travel to the ends of the Earth if it meant finding exactly what. . .

And that she was damn sure she'd done just that. A venomous glare met the insignia of the Office of Naval Intelligence. . .

Elizabeth: ONI. . . I guess Aunt Sapphire wasn't kidding when she said they had a hand in just about everything. . .

A set of sliding doors began to open, only to soon jam. With a sigh, Lizzie slung her Battle Rifle onto her back and grasped the opening, gritting her teeth as she tried to pry it open. It budged just enough for her to fit in sideways. . . but she was greeted by a bottomless elevator shaft, the cable dangling in its center.

Elizabeth: (Sighs) Welp. . . Feet first into Hell, I guess.

The Hell Jumper took a deep breath and threw herself towards the cable. Despite making it and gripping it tight, the girl's momentum sent her crashing into a wall before she hung limply on the rope.

Elizabeth: Ow. . .

'Amethyst' slowly began her descent into the depths, leaving the Hell that was New Mombasa behind. . . .


They've got me cornered! I'm low on ammo! If you can hear me, I'm on sub-level nine, near station t-

A thump echoed across the dark chamber, the dim red of emergency lights hardly providing any form of sight. Elizabeth hopped off the elevator cart and pulled out her Battle Rifle, attaching a flashlight to its side and lighting up the shadows. . .

The soldier tapped her earpiece, activating her Comlink.

Elizabeth: This is Corporal Elizabeth Rose. Captain Dare, do you copy? I repeat, this is Corporal Rose. Can anyone hear me. . .?

Only static filled her eyes.

Elizabeth: . . . Worth the shot, I guess.

The light levitated to the walls of the room, illuminating a scratched and dull but still readable sign.

Sublevel 7

Elizabeth: Two levels down, huh? Okay. . . I can do that.

Dead ahead was a doorway, the lights glowing green. Just beyond it was a wide open corridor, gradually leading downwards. The dark walls were lined with consoles and terminals, ONI's libraries of data blinking orange and clashing with the dim red panels on the ceiling. . .

The whole facility was on lockdown, and it didn't take Elizabeth long to find out why.

???: Why Yanme'e not yet seal this entrance?

???: Too busy building fancy spit house!

A pair of Grunts walked passed a service station, unaware of the ODST hiding on the other side of the desk. . .

Grunt 1: Nah. If traitor escape, it their fault, not ours.

Elizabeth: . . . (Eyes narrow) Traitor?

When the chance arose, the soldier crept out from under the desk and began to traverse down the path, hiding behind terminals and crates to avoid the sparse amount of Covenant.

Soon, she crossed a small hall, and entered a second wide corridor. A pair of Jackals approached from her left, soon rounding the corner. A knife thrusted into one of their throats almost instantly! The second Jackal raised it's weapon, but a second blade punctured its chest and was violently torn out. Bright blue blood gushed out of the wound, the alien dying in seconds. . .

Elizabeth: (Breathes) Too close.

She holstered the Spiker back onto her hip and peered around the corner to see a squad of Grunts in her way. . . Grabbing one of the Jackal's Energy Shields, she drew her Silenced Magnum.

Grunt 3: Alarm! Intruder, in tunnels!

The ODST fired up her blue shield, the hail of green plasma striking it! Quiet bullets flew back, the Grunts falling quick as the Energy Shield absorbed the heat. The second the last Grunt fell, the soldier threw her shield onto the Grunts approaching from the first corridor, hastily making a break for the white hallway at the end of the path!

The moment she was encompassed in light, the girl hit the control panel and shut the doors behind her.

Elizabeth: Ha! Good luck getting through that.

With a satisfied smirk on her face, Elizabeth continued on her way, passing by a circular room with a large data-stack in its center. A beep filled her ears, her head snapping to the terminal attached to the massive cylinder. . .


A robotic voice, a cheerful one at that, had just spoken through the screen.

Elizabeth: . . . That's. . . Weird.

One of the preciously locked hallways suddenly opened.

Elizabeth: And that's even weirder. . .

She didn't need to wait long to find out. Upon arriving in a second room with a data-stack, and looking on to the next tight hall, the soldier was met with a Covenant squad, led by a Brute Major!

Elizabeth: Expect delays! Expect delays!

Throwing herself onto the wall before the hall, red and green plasma bursting out of the opening and scorching the data-stack! Elizabeth grabbed a Frag Grenade and primed it, letting out a groan as she did.

Elizabeth: So much for doing this quietly!

Tossing the explosive, she waited for the screams and the boom before peeking with her BR, firing bursts from her weapon and quickly downing the now unshielded Brute! Whatever Grunts and Jackals were still alive didn't last much longer in the chaos.

Elizabeth: . . . Tch! You know, I get that 'Construction' and 'Covenant' start with a 'C', but that was a piss poor warning! (Mutters) Stupid computer programs. . .

She cautiously walked to the next room, hearing the harsh footsteps of the distant Brutes. . .

This way! We have it trapped!

All caution was thrown to wind. Gunshots echoed across the facility as Elizabeth rushed to the source of the Brute's declaration, the splashing of plasma and scratching of spikes beginning to drown out the loud cracks of bullets!

Elizabeth: Don't be too late! Don't be too late!

Do it Vergil, now-

The words were drowned out by screams, the ODST holding back her own anguished cries as she charged forth and jumped onto the Brute's back, the golden armor stained with blood! It roared and reached out to grab her, but she whipped out her Spiker and stabbed it into the Major's neck, pulling the trigger and gouging out its insides with spikes! The Grunts shrieked in terror as their leader fell to the ground with a human atop him, blood pooling onto the floor as she raised her Battle Rifle! Elizabeth put them down fast, wasting as little time as she could. . .

Elizabeth: Don't be too late, please. . .

The words repeated themselves in her mind as she turned her head, violet eyes landing on the body of a armored man with NMPD etched onto his helmet and shoulder. . .

Jagged, bloody, and dirty, amber spikes stuck out the left side of his chest. They pulsated every so often. . .

Elizabeth: . . . . . . .

The girl kneeled before him, and realized she could hear his heartbeat. His waning, dying, heart was barely clinging to life.

The barrel of a pistol found itself aimed at his head, but the hand holding it kept shaking. Elizabeth bit her lip, the air ceasing to circulate in her lungs as she tried to just end it, to put the man out of his misery, but her heart wouldn't let her. . .

Gently taking the device in his hand, the girl rose to her feet.

She couldn't do it. . .



The data-stack began to rise, steam releasing as it presented an opening in the center of the room. Without looking back, Elizabeth hopped down. . .

A trio of Buggers flew out of the vents, but they fell out of the air just as quickly as they arrived.

Elizabeth: Not. . . Not in the mood.

The raven-haired soldier holstered her pistol and glanced down at the device she took from the policeman, taking a moment to just breathe.

It was a data-pad, the blue screen periodically interrupting by a blinking green box that read: "Vergil."

Elizabeth: Vergil. . . (Whispers) I've seen that name before. . . But where?

The memory was cloudy at best, but she swore she'd seen at some point during that hellish night. A lot of what had happened had already become marred in fog. . .

The screen shifter, shutting off for a brief second before relighting. . . The display was now that of a list.

Elizabeth at the top of it.

NAME: CPL Elizabeth Rose


FAMILY: SGT Alexandrite Rose (Mother ~ KIA), PVT Ariel Lyo (Mother ~ KIA), PVT Citrine Rose (Brother ~ KIA)


SQUAD: Alpha-Nine

Elizabeth: So. . . You. . . know me?

The Helljumper figured she'd need to type something in, but the screen flashed green to confirm her query immediately.

Elizabeth: Oh. . . That's not creepy at all. . .

The screen flashed to the image of a telephone, a simple black silhouette in a sea of white. The soldier understood in an instant. . .

Elizabeth: (Chuckles) Still leadin' me on after all this time. . . At least you got an upgrade.

She attached the data-pad to her left forearm, holstered her Magnum, and took out her Battle Rifle before marching ahead.

Elizabeth: Can you give me a map?


Elizabeth: Thanks uh, I guess I'll just call you Vergil.

The ODST checked her corners before entering the next corridor. It was even darker than the others, the red emergency lights completely shut down, the only source of light being the orange blips from the consoles and the soldier's own flashlight. . .

Elizabeth's ear twitched, and without hesitation, she dove for the closest terminal and took cover, a high-pitched bang breaking out crashing against it! The cloaked Brute growled and jumped over the box, only to stand upon nothing. . . An explosion suddenly engulfed the Brute, Elizabeth using the brief flash of light to spot the other two Brutes and opened fire, hitting each with a burst of her BR and disrupting their cloaking. They began to fire their Maulers, the blasts crashing against the wall as the Helljumper threw herself out of the way! She managed to hit one Brute with another two bursts before rolling behind a second terminal, the shots ringing in her ears as she cooked another grenade and tossed it over her head. One Brute fell to the explosion, and the other had its shields broken.

The soldier quickly jumped towards the last Brute while it was stunned, firing a burst into its chest before crashing into, her momentum carrying it onto the ground! She shoved the barrel of her rifle into its face and pulled the trigger. The blinking terminals gave the blood splattered onto the floor a rusty shine. . .

Elizabeth: I'd say go to hell. . . (Huffs) but I'm pretty damn sure we're already there.

The girl scavenged their supplies, taking their Spike and Incendiary Grenades and swapping out her Magnum for a Mauler. Taking a glance at her map, the trooper sighed and looked to the white glow of another hall. . .

Elizabeth: God, this place is a maze.

The series of white halls and silver data-stacks were littered with Covenant, but Elizabeth was determined to see this through, and that meant killing them all. . .

Fusion coils triggered within the first data-stack center, the blast of plasma scattering the Covenant in the room, and the stragglers were easy pickings for the ODST's Mauler. The Jackals at the end of the next hall tried to stop her, but from that range using Plasma Pistols, and with her Battle Rifle, there wasn't much they could do. The moment they fell, three Brutes rushed into the hall and were met by an Incendiary Grenade, the flames burning through their armor in seconds and cooking them alive. . .

The Grunts that feebly stood between her and the next hall were gunned down in an instant, but the Brute near the next data-stack fired a Brute shot to keep the ODST pinned. She returned fire, pelting the Major's armor but the enemy wasn't going to budge so easily. So instead, she bid her time, draining the Brute's six explosives before dashing ahead! The Major cackled and readied itself for the 'weak' human, only to have its shields cracked by a point blank Mauler blast! A second shot tore a hole in its body and brought it down, Elizabeth rolling over its body and tossing a Spike Grenade at the Brute rushing in from the third hall. The release sent spikes flying in every which way, ricocheting off walls, but more than enough to kill the Brute were stabbing into it.

The final data-stack that separated her from the Ninth Sub-level held a small swarm of Buggers. Grabbing one of the Jackal's Energy Shields, Elizabeth rushed in, tossing a Spike Grenade into the air and hiding under the blue disk, the spikes breaking free and digging into anything in their path, the few that flew downwards bouncing off the shield!

Elizabeth: Mind openin' up, Vergil?

The data-stack beeped before the mechanisms kicked into action and began to raise it into the air.

Access Granted.

Elizabeth: Thanks. . .

For the third time, the Helljumper dropped, immediately attacked by a rush of subzero temperatures and crystals of ice floating in the air. . .

Elizabeth: Geez, it's cold! Ugh, I miss my helmet. . .

The icy ground crunched beneath her feet with every step she took, the ice on the door shattering as it opened to reveal the last corridor she needed to fight through. . .

Elizabeth: "Burn in hell," my ass. (Scoffs)

She made her way down a ramp, shining her light ahead and spotting the Brutes at the end of the corridor. . . and the Brute Chieftain.

Elizabeth: Shit. . . Plasma Cannon, huh? How the hell do I get passed. . .

Her eyes landed on her saving grace.

Elizabeth: Heh. Helloooo. . .

The fuel gauge on the Flamethrower read damn near full, and the Rose was ready to raze some hell. With a deranged smile on her face, she lit the floor ablaze, sending streams of fire towards the terminals! Electricity began to
spark and fly out of the walls, flames spreading across them as the ice began to melt!

Elizabeth: Burn. In. Hell.

Without any regard for her own safety, the ODST recklessly charged the pack, guns literally blazing. Three Brutes were scorched in mere moments, another two befalling the same fate as they rushed the soldier with their jump packs, meeting the Flamethrower's full force! The Chieftain retaliated with its Plasma Cannon, but was met with a wave of flames! It spun out of the way, trying to return fire only for the ODST to fire a second wave, and a third, and a fourth.

So much fire engulfed the Chieftain that it was completely unrecognizable when the flames went out. . .

Elizabeth: . . . I may have overdone it. . .

The empty Flamethrower landed on the ground with a harsh thud as the Helljumper stepped past the collection of burnt corpses. Wherever Vergil was leading her, there wasn't much left to go. . .

Buck? Who knows if he can hear me but. . . I'm sorry. I should have told you more about this mission, more. . . about everything.

Elizabeth stopped walking, letting the words that just came from her earpiece wander in her head before eliciting a hateful growl.

You should've told us everything, bitch.



At the end of the narrow hallway leading to the observation deck was a small blast door. The locks all unlatched as the red light on the center of the entrance flashed green, the door splitting apart, bottom half sinking into the floor and top half rising into the ceiling. . .

Veronica Dare held her Magnum high, one hand on the grip with the barrel aimed right between her target's eyes. . . and Elizabeth Rose aimed her Mauler at her 'Captain's' chest, both hands clasped on the handle. . .

Dare: Oh. . . It's you. I thought. . . (Sighs) Never mind.

Elizabeth: Tsk. Trust me, you aren't exactly a looker either.

Weapons lowered, and Alpha-Nine's Captain was relieved someone had found her. . . but she was more than aware that it was not a shared sentiment.

Dare: What was your name again?

Elizabeth: (Rolls eyes) Rose-

Buzzing and clicking echoed, the ODST and ONI Officer immediately tensing, and readying their firearms.

Dare: Inside, now!

The trooper stepped into the observation deck, the door shutting behind her as the cameras in the corners of the room focused on the two soldiers.

Elizabeth: What is this place?

Dare: Shh. Stay quiet. . . Some idiots blew the top of the shaft. Woke the whole hive.

The women found themselves at a wide window, peering beyond to what was seemingly eternal darkness with a single blotch of sunlight in its core. . .

And that single blotch of sunlight just so happened to shine upon the Monitor of New Mombasa. . .

Dare: That right there is the Superintendent, the AI that runs every system in the city. . . My mission, our mission, is to secure the Superintendent's data. . .

The ONI Operative turned away from the glass and faced the only way to reach the objective. . .

Dare: Only problem is that the only way to get there is right through the hive-

Elizabeth: This. . . You mean this was the mission? I heard that right, didn't I. . .?

A tingle ran up Veronica's spine as she glanced over her shoulder, blue eyes landing on the last member of Alpha-Nine. The younger soldier had a hand on the window, deep violet eyes reflecting off the thick layer of glass. . . Her sidearm fell to the ground, clattering as Elizabeth felt all the stress, all the exhaustion, and all the pain starting to rip and tear at her sanity.

Elizabeth: This is what we were looking for this whole time. . .?

Dare: . . . Yes-

Before the blonde woman even had a chance to react, a bandaged fist collided with her jaw. . .! The sheer magnitude of the blow sent her stumbling back and onto the ground, Veronica left dazed with double vision.


The scream snapped the ONI Operative out of it, her eyes bulging as she registered what had happened. Feeling the Magnum still in her grasp, Dare tried to raise her weapon only for it to be kicked from her hand, the Pistol sliding across the floor. The Trooper slammed her knee down onto the Officer's chest, Veronica gasping as she was pinned! The older woman crunched up as best she could and threw a punch, Elizabeth easily knocking the rogue fist away and striking Dare across the face again!




Dare tried to throw another punch, her knuckles crunching against Elizabeth's chest, just for the Helljumper to hardly even budge. Veronica spat out blood as yet another fist thrusted into her face, the recoil slamming her head into the floor.




Between each exclamation, another devastating blow hit Veronica, her pony tail slowly coming undone as more blood left her mouth and nose. . .

It made her realize just what she had tried to fight back against. Most ODSTs can barely survive the drops, let alone survive entire missions and campaigns. They may not be Spartans, but they were still a cut above the rest, among humanity's best. . .


Dare herself was an experienced soldier, but Elizabeth was an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.


The red stained bandages on Elizabeth's right hand suddenly loosened, a thick and heavy breath leaving the young woman's mouth as she gazed at the blood drenching her knuckles. . .

. . . He'd still be alive. . .

All her rage and fury dissipated, leaving behind a sad, broken, pathetic little girl. Tears streamed down Elizabeth's face as she stood, Dare violently coughing as the pressure was released from her lungs. The child fell, back pressing against the walls just below the window. She felt her throat swell as the tears kept falling, grief grasping her heart and squeezing. . .

Elizabeth Rose finally broke and sobbed, wailed, cried. . .

And Veronica Dare couldn't help but feel responsible for the heartache. Even battered and bruised, lip busted and nose bleeding, eye blackened and jaw swollen, each and every last word the child screamed had reached the depths of her soul. . .

And in her heart, she knew Elizabeth was right.

Veronica: . . . . . I. . . I'm sorry.

Elizabeth: . . .

Veronica: (Coughs) I know. . . I know it doesn't mean much. I know that. . . it doesn't fix anything. . . but, you deserve that much.

The ONI Officer groaned, fighting all the pain in her face as she pushed off her back and onto her front, slowly shaking off the dizziness and beginning to push herself off the ground. . .

Veronica: (Coughs) This mission could mean everything. Could win us the war. . . Even if I die trying, I owe it to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE who's died to try.

She spit blood onto the floor and wiped away whatever was left on her lips.

Veronica: I won't ask you to come with me, but I have to see this through. . .

The ONI Operative grabbed her Magnum and made her way to the exit, steeling herself for what was ahead. . .

Elizabeth: . . . . . Wait. . . . .

And Veronica did.

Elizabeth: . . . I. . . I made a promise. . . No matter what, I can't just give up. . .

Even with tears dripping down her face, even with her quivering lips and shaky breaths, Elizabeth stood and lifted her weapons once again. . .

Elizabeth: (Breaths) We aren't friends. We aren't acquaintances. We aren't teammates. You aren't my Captain. I'm not your Trooper. But as long as we're stuck down here. . .

We're together.


Open this door, traitor!


By the Prophets. . . You will pay for your insolence-

Vergil heard the gunshots, the roars, and then the silence. . . The doors began to open, and two beams of light peered into the data center. . .

Elizabeth Rose and Veronica Dare had arrived, the two women standing before the Data Core. At the sound of a soft hum, the two aimed their flashlights up. . . and found him, found Vergil. . .

The raven-haired girl looked to her data-pad at the sound of a beep. . . and just like when she first received it, the screen had a green box that read "Vergil."

Elizabeth: Vergil. . . (eyes widen) I remember now. Vergil was the one who activated our objectives on the surface, led us to your old helmet. . .

The ODST slowly placed her Battle Rifle on the floor, motioning for Dare to do the same. . .

Elizabeth: The Superintendent, the phones, this. . . You're all Vergil. . . (Laughs) Who'd have guessed that?

The Huragok descended to the members of Alpha-Nine, humming delightfully and clicking with glee.

Veronica: We've seen them before on other ops, but we've never gotten this close. . . Best we can tell? They're prisoners, or slaves. Either way, they don't like the Covenant any more than we do.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I've seen what they do to these little guys. . . It's awful.

Elizabeth reached out, the Engineer placing the side of its head in the palm of her bandaged hand. . .

Veronica: The Slipspace event fried most of the Superintendent's circuits. I thought it might be finishing the job. But now I see that you weren't trying to hurt the Superintendent.

You were trying to fix it.

The Trooper smiled and reeled her hand back.

Elizabeth: And you were trying to give Rookie and I clues, trying to give us hope. . . Thank you.

The Huragok lifted one of its tendrils and pointed to an explosive attached to its rear, the soldiers carefully removing it, much to the alien's joy.

Veronica: Everything we need to know about the Covenant, what they're looking for under the city is right. . . in. . . here.

Elizabeth: You were right. . . This could mean everything.

An alarm began to ring, the ODST and Officer rushing to a nearby screen with the Engineer in tow, the camera system displaying a pair of Phantoms sinking from the rays of sunlight. . .

Elizabeth: Shit. . .!

Veronica: The damn Buggers must've raised the alarm.

Vergil sang a familiar jazz tune as the camera zoomed out and focused on a different subject. . . Standing on the far side of the Entrance Platform to the Data Core was Gunnery Sergeant Edward Buck and Commander Catherine-B320. . .


Buck: (Radio) Veronica?! Lizzie?! Where the hell are you two?!

Veronica: Data Center! But we're coming out!

Buck: (Radio) What-

Elizabeth: Shut up and listen, do not shoot anything floating unless it's a Brute or a Phantom!

Buck: (Radio) Whatever you say! Just come on!

The screen shut down.

Elizabeth: Protect Vergil, I'll take point!

Veronica: Right. V-Vergil, stay behind me. . .

The Huragok nodded and buzzed, Overshields enveloping his two saviors. . .

Elizabeth: . . . Thanks, buddy.

Without further ado, the trio left the Data Center, Phantoms descending on the two walkways extending over the infinite darkness below. . .

Elizabeth: Go left! Forget the other guys!

She rushed ahead, Battle Rifle unleashing bursts of lead as Covenant dropped onto the path! The ODST was hit by a few plasma bolts, but her Overshield soaked up the damage, and she returned it tenfold with a few Plasma Grenades! The soldier was forced behind cover as the Phantom's Plasma Turrets fired, the aircraft taking off as Jump Pack Brutes leaped towards the targets. . .

Three loud bangs rung out as vapor trails filled the air, three bodies falling to the ground!

Elizabeth: Woah. . .!

At the far end of the platform, Noble Two dropped her Sniper Rifle and drew her M6D Magnum, emptying the clip and dropping another four Brutes attempting to overrun her and Buck's position! The Gunnery Sergeant was spraying and praying with his hot-rod red Assault Rifle, dropping Grunts and Jackals left and right!

Buck: They are gonna flip when they see you!

Kat: If they even realize I'm a Spartan.

Buck: You're like seven feet tall!

Kat: 6'9, but I'll take the complement.

Dare kept Vergil between herself and Rose, guarding the rear of their formation. It was mostly Grunts thus far, and they were easy to keep back even as they wielded two active Plasma Grenades and tried to suicide bomb them.

Elizabeth dropped a Brute with two shots of her Mauler, tossing the empty revolver away and snagging the Brute's Spiker! She quickly emptied its contents into the enemy, quickly throwing the blades weapon into a Jackal before grabbing her BR from her back and clearing the last few Grunts in their way!

Elizabeth: Dare, get Vergil up there!

The Engineer wasted no time moving across the opening to reach Buck and Kat, Dare following close behind.

Buck: Veronica, wh-what happened to you?!

The ONI Operative just shook her head, remembering just how messed up her face must look.

Veronica: I'm fine, get Rose!

Buck: R-Right. (Turns) Lizzie! Make a run for it!

With a deep breath, the Rose did, sprinting as fast as she could! However, a Brute descended to her, it's jump pack deactivating as it readied it's Spiker to stab right through her. . . But the Brute suddenly found itself flipped onto the ground, a metal arm pinning its head to the floor with an organic one holding a Magnum to its thread.

Three pulls of the trigger silenced it.

Elizabeth: H-Holy Shit. . .

The Spartan grabbed Alpha-Nine's Pilot and pulled her upright!

Kat: On your feet, trooper! We-Are-Leaving!

Elizabeth: Y-Yeah!

The narrow doorway at the edge of the platform was their escape, Dare entering first, then Vergil, the ODSTs, and lastly the Spartan. Noble Two was quick to lockdown the door, keeping the Covenant out. . .

Kat: Is everyone alright?

Veronica: . . . Looks like it.

Elizabeth: Vergil?

The Huragok sang and updated the data-pad, a smiley face etched onto it.

Elizabeth: He's okay.

Kat: Then let's move. The faster we're out of here, the better.

The hallway led to a drop, the team moving one by one and arriving in yet another wide open corridor. . .

Elizabeth: And here I thought I was done with these. . .

Buck: You don't wanna know how many I ended up going through.

Veronica: (Whispers) Quiet! Buggers. . .

Drones slept on the ceiling, curled up within their wings. . . As quietly as they could, the members of Alpha-Nine crept passed the sleeping bugs, soon crossing into another corridor. . .

Buck: So, about this uh, asset. Feel free to fill me in whenever.

Veronica: Not now, Buck.

They made it to the end of the walkway, progress halted by a locked door.

Buck: Door's locked. Damn!

Veronica: Don't worry. We have a key. . .

Vergil whined, but he went ahead and began to unlock the door anyway, tapping into the facility's mainframe.

Buck: I've seen hundreds of these things today! Why is this one so important?

Veronica: This Engineer knows what the Covenant is after. If I could safely capture more of them I would. What they know can win the war!

Kat: You mean what the Covenant's trying to find on the surface?

Veronica: Yeah. . .

Buck: . . . Oh.

Veronica: (Eyes narrow) You haven't. . . killed any of them, have you. . .?

Buck: No! Well, maybe one or. . . two.

Veronica: (Sarcastic) Great job.

Buck: How was I supposed to know?

Elizabeth: (Sighs) Guys. Stop.

The COs shared a glance and begrudgingly nodded, the door sliding open as if on queue.

Kat: Keep it quiet. Drones could be anywhere. . .

The ODSTs took point, tiptoeing ahead with the Engineer floating in behind them. Dare nodded to Kat, heading in while the Spartan III watched their back. They spread out, quietly passing under another swarm of Buggers.

The next door opened, and at long last, they'd reached the stairway to Heaven. . .

Elizabeth and Buck hung back, their rifles trained on the doorway as Vergil and Dare mounted up, Kat passing between the ODSTs to join them. . .

Buck: Hey, Lizzie. I almost forgot to ask. . . Have you seen Rookie, at all?

The question caught Elizabeth as she had begun to face the elevator, and she just about tripped as she felt her heart stop.

Buck: Lizzie?

Elizabeth: . . . . .

The girl reached into a pocket near her Magnum holster, tightly grasping the chain inside and pulling out a pair of dog tags. . . Rose shoved them into Buck's chest and let go, Gunny catching them in his free hand.

Buck: . . . Hell. . .

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

Edward Buck simply shook his head after some time, and the ODSTs regrouped with the others. The elevator began to rise, the Data Hive vanishing out of sight. . .

Buck: Here.

He held the tags out to Elizabeth, offering them back.

Elizabeth: But-

Buck: Don't. He gave 'em to you. . .

The child hesitated, biting her lip as her grief threatened to seize her once again. An armored hand rested upon her shoulder, violet eyes meeting Kat's oceanic blue. . . The Spartan just tightened her grasp, warmth filling Elizabeth as she reached out for the last piece of her partner.

A blood stained, bandaged hand held the tokens of Jonathon Doherty.

Elizabeth: What about you. . .?

Buck: . . . (Smiles)

Noble Two couldn't help but feel a sense of a deja vu. . .

I'll honor him my own way.


(Oh my, I got a little emotional writing this one. Hopefully, everything I'm trying to do with Amethyst makes sense, cuz I'm betting a lot on it.)

(Anyways, we got the finale and the interlude left, so stay tuned!)

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