Halo, Remnants: ODST

Door Zeta_Lyfe

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Halo, but with an oddity. With the Master Chief and Noble Six off world, the duty of protecting Earth has fal... Meer

Chapter 1 Prepare to Drop
Chapter 2 Tayari Plaza
Chapter 4 Kizingo Boulevard
Chapter 5 ONI Alpha Site
Chapter 6 NMPD HQ
Chapter 7 Kikowani Station
Chapter 8 Firefight
Chapter 9 Data Hive
Chapter 10 Coastal Highway
Interlude - Zen

Chapter 3 Uplift Reserve

276 12 6
Door Zeta_Lyfe

Veronica Dare's Recon Helmet clanged as it hit the floor, the ODSTs who discovered the charred object gazing out the window of the fifth floor and to the desolate streets of New Mombasa. . .

New Nav Data

Their HUDs glowed for a moment, a green rhombus appearing on the 'S' of their compass.

Rookie: . . .

Amethyst: Welp, breaks over Rookie.

Rookie: . . .

Amethyst: Dare? Well, only way to find out is to see what this is. . . Whoever's updating our objective has to be doing it for a reason. . .

And so, the Trooper's began their next mission. Creeping through the dark halls of the building, they sunk down to the streets of the city. . .

The streets of Tayari Plaza were littered with corpses of Hunters, Brutes, Grunts, every last species that had joined the Covenant laid dead on the ground. . .

Amethyst: Holy. . . What happened here?

Rookie: . . .

Amethyst: Yeah, a nightmare does not seem far off. . .

RAGH! Hold the creature still!

The two soldiers immediately hid behind a car, Silenced SMGs primed and ready. . . Down the street were three Brutes, attaching metallic objects to something. . . They had never seen before.

Rookie: . . .

Amethyst: (Whispers) I wish I could tell you. Come on, let's slip by 'em while they're busy.

Elizabeth steered them beneath an underpass, the support beams providing just enough cover for them to inch closer to the staircase beside the trio of Brutes. . . Unfortunately, there was nothing to hide with between the last pillar and the high ground. . .

And then, the creature held down by the Brutes screeched, it's armor blindingly glowing. The ODSTs shut their eyes as the ground shook, the Huragok detonating into a blaze of bright blue plaza! The Brutes were completely engulfed by the explosion and wiped off the face of the Earth. . .

Amethyst: . . . Holy shit.

Rookie: ?!?!?!

Amethyst: L-Let's not mess with whatever those things are. . .

With a nervous nod, the Rookie took point, Amethyst following close behind as they headed toward the waypoint. . . .

The sky rumbled as rain began to fall, the war-torn city's everlasting flames calming every so slightly. . .

The newest member to Alpha-Nine and the Second-in-Command to the cell stayed close to lifeless buildings, hugging the walls. . .

Rookie: . . . . .

They made their way through New Mombasa, calmly careful. Sectors of the city opened themselves up to them as they journeyed, the ODSTs evading the Covenant and slowly making it closer to viridian marker on their visor. . .

Amethyst: My first mission. . .?

Rookie: (Nods)

Amethyst: Wow. . . I didn't think anyone was left from New Jerusalem. . .

Rookie: . . .

Amethyst: You are definitely one tough cookie. Heh, Cookie. . . Rookie.

Rookie: (Sighs) . . .

Amethyst: Yeah, I know I'm dodging the question. . . I don't really like talking about it.

Rookie: . . .

They soon arrived at a turnabout, their HUDs pulsing yellow as the waypoint vanished. Whatever it was they were looking for was nearby. . .

Debris was strewn about, covering everything. Buildings were struggling to stand, and one already had a wall caved in. . .

Before they began to search, Elizabeth let out a heavy breath, her partner glancing back to her. . .

Amethyst: . . . Reach.

Rookie: . . .

Amethyst: Well, the stories aren't exactly accurate. It was hell. . . The Corvets were annoying enough. . .

And then half the Covenant Fleet showed up. . .

She walked past him, stepping toward the object highlighted by their VISR.

Amethyst: Things were going well, and we put up one hell of a fight. . . but they just kept on coming.

She leaned down, grasping the metal and lifting it, a dim red light tainting her armor. . . It was the optics of a drone. The Trooper sighed as the Rookie stood beside her, kneeling to help her heave the chunk of metal up.

Rookie: . . .

Amethyst: . . . I got lucky.

The red left her, replaced by the colorful glow of her color shifting visor.

Amethyst: I ran into a Spartan. He saved my life, inspired me to keep on fighting. . . I wonder if he managed to get out. I really hope so. . .

I'd love to meet him again. . . One day.


30 Minutes after the Drop


The Uplift Nature Reserve on the edge of New Mombasa was a war zone, heavy armor going head to head on the surface with infantry battling for supremacy. The skies were lit ablaze by Phantoms and Pelicans, bullets zipping through the air, plasma scorching the ground. . .

Two drop pods were wrecked on the coast, their hatches blowing open. Two UNSC Wombats flew overhead as Taylor 'Dutch' Miles and Sarah E. Palmer rose from their pods. . .

Palmer: Good hunting, boys.

The Heavy Weapons expert tossed her a Shotgun, hoisting a Spartan Laser onto his shoulder.

Dutch: Let's just keep our boots on the ground.

Palmer: Why do you get the big gun?

Dutch: It's MY gun, missy.

The CQC Expert held up her boomstick and pointed to the war zone just beyond the hills.

Palmer: The hell am I supposed to do with this?!

Dutch: Let's go an find out!

Without wasting any time, the ODSTs rushed through the break in the trees, Wraith motors cascading into New Mombasa on the horizon as they found themselves in a war torn field!

Palmer: Well isn't this just dandy?

Choppers raided a platoon of Marines, Brutes approaching them while a Wraith kept them cowering behind a large rock! Their ride was also tipped onto its side, leaving them stranded!

Dutch: Brutes up on the hill, get to that Hog!

Palmer: Now THAT, I can do!

The marines began falling back as the Covenant advanced, a Chieftain with a Plasma Cannon leading the charge and mowing through the UNSC Ranks! The tides turned in an instant when a beaming red laser tore the beast in two, melting through plasma cannon and the Chieftain's armor! Dutch recovered from the recoil of the Spartan weapon, shaking the heat off his hands as the marines pushed back!

Palmer: And here goes!

Tossing a grenade, the ODST aimed right for the car, the explosion sending the Warthog barreling into the side of a Chopper, the Brute Motorcycle combusting as the jeep spun onto its wheels!

Marine 1: Damn, you troopers don't mess around!

Palmer: Damn right!

Dutch began climbing the rock separating them and the Wraith as Palmer commandeered the Warthog, splattering the Covenant in no time! She drove around the side, drifting out of a Chopper's path as the Wraith turned to her! She drove in circles around it before taking off, giving Dutch the opening he needed to funnel the laser through the Wraith's exposed rear and destroy the enemy tank! Blue flames exploded out of the machine as the Choppers turned away to retreat, only for the Brutes to be sniped right off their seats!

The Marines had recovered and took a little payback. The platoon leader gazed around to the empty field and gazed up to the ODST standing above them.

Marines 2: Thanks for the help trooper, we were in a bit of a pinch.

Dutch: No problem.

A Phantom broke their moment of peace, firing concussive blasts as a Wraith emerged from the path leading further into the reserve!

Dutch: Palmer, get the hell out of their!

Palmer: Workin' on it!

The Phantom dropped two Ghosts, both opening firing on the Warthog! The ODST then gasped as she had a moment of genius! She did a U-turn and beelined for the Ghosts, the Phantom firing it's Concussion Blast and knocking the Warthog further! Sarah bailed, letting it crash into the Ghosts! She dived for one of the empty Choppers, barely making it out in time as a Wraith mortar destroyed the second cycle!

Dutch: Always one to put on a show.

The Phantom took off, the Wraith unleashing hell on the marines as the Heavy Weapon's Specialist took aim.

Dutch: Come on, turn around ya bastard!

Palmer came flying in, shooting the gunner out of the mini-turret on the Wraith and continuing past it! It turned, turned enough! Dutch fired the Spartan Laser right through the hatch, burning into it and taking out the driver!

Dutch: Guess I'm on fire today. You good, Palmer?

His teammate circled back and twirled into a park.

Palmer: I'm doing just fine! Need a ride?

The man glanced aside to a Ghost.

Dutch: I got one.

Marine 1: Good thing too, we need ya to clean up the rest of this sector!

Dutch/Palmer: Affirmative.

The Ghost and Chopper crashed through the Covenant barricade shielding a team of Grunts, their own vehicles rushing down the trail!

Dutch: Clear!

Palmer: That was quick.

The two came to a halt before a man made underpass in the reserve.

Marine 2: (Radio) Colonel! Sector's clear, and we found some backup!

Colonel: (Radio) Say again, marine? I got drones overhead and ONI brass yellin' in my ear!

Palmer looked to Dutch, the older soldier rolling his eyes as he activated his coms.

Dutch: ODST reporting for duty, sir!

Colonel: (Radio) Nice of you to drop in, trooper. Where's the rest of your squad?

Dutch: Regrouped with one, the rest I dunno. Probably dead.

Palmer: (Rolls eyes)

Colonel: (Radio) That's too bad. We need all the men we can get. Head through the park to my second platoon's location! They're taking heavy casualties, need immediate assistance.

Dutch: Roger that, I'm Oscar Mike.

And with that, the two ODSTs ventured further into the reserve. . .

Dutch: You really have to make me talk?

Palmer: Command is full of wusses sitting behind desks, I'd rather not explode on 'em.

Dutch: Yeah, yeah whatever. Not like we got a choice.

Palmer: Tch. . . You really think the other's a gone?

Dutch: No, but a lot of people have died already. Anything could happen.

Palmer: I'm not so sure. . .

Their conversation ended abruptly as Shade Turrets opened fire on their vehicles, the ODSTs boosting forth to avoid the plasma! Dutch sped on ahead, the Ghost's boosters kicking into overdrive as he scaled the hill and rammed through the first turret, gravity pulling him onto the narrow street atop the ledge! He spun in place, tearing Grunts and Jackals apart with the Ghost's guns! Suddenly, Palmer came flying up the side of the hill and landed on the street too! She immediately hit the thrusters and crashed though another Shade Turret and through an unoccupied Ghost, flipping herself into the air!


The Chopper hit the street hard, the woman banging her helmet against the controls! The Heavy Weapons Specialist pulled up next to her, staring blankly at the CQC expert from his Ghost.

Dutch: Pull yourself together. This is embarrassing.

Palmer: Ugh. Why couldn't I have been stuck with Mickey? At least he'd joke around with me.

Dutch: (Sighs) Let's get goin'!

Forcing herself to recuperate, Palmer sped off with her teammate on her tail, the ODSTs driving through the winding paths of the Uplift Reserve.

Colonel: (Radio) Troopers, you're almost at second platoon's location. Give 'em a hand and push to the primary objective!

Palmer: Objective? What objective?!

Colonel: (Radio) You know the Covenant carrier that slipped away from the city? We need to secure its old LZ. Snatch a Tier One asset.

Palmer: Eugh, that screams ONI!

Dutch: Which only means we gotta get there quick, double time!

The hum of Wraith mortars filled their ears as they arrived in a second, large opening in the reserve! Wraiths beat at the rooftop of a large structure in its center, Brutes advancing to get rid of the Marines trapped inside. . .

Thankfully, the ODSTs swooped in and swiftly dealt with them. . . or more accurately, Palmer whooped as she rammed her Chopper through the line of enemies!

Palmer: 'Sup boys?!

Marine 3: ODSTs, the hell did you guys come from?

Palmer: (Sweatdrops) Very funny.

The ODSTs left their cycles and entered the building, the crashes of the mortars still shaking the structure as the Marines led them inside.

Dutch: Where's the colonel?

Marine 3: He's near the Covenant LZ! Once we clear this enemy armor, we can roll across the bridge to his location.

Leading them up to the canopied roof, a marine handed the CQC expert a Sniper Rifle to replace her worthless Shotgun. She shivered from having her rival weapon in her arms before taking aim and analyzing what they were up against. . .

Palmer: Hey Dutch, how many shots you got left in that thing?

Dutch: Four. Why?

Palmer: Well, we need a helluva lot more than four. We got three Shades, a Watchtower, a ton of Brutes, and two Wraiths. . .

Dutch: . . .

Marine 3: You see why we're all hold up?

Dutch: Yes. . .

The ODSTs and Marines reconvened inside, taking stock of all they had. . . Palmer kneeled next to a Fusion Coil, a mischievous smirk spreading across her lips.

Dutch: Oh hell. What're you up to?

Palmer: Oh, you'll see. Hey, you guys got any transfer nodes or power cables?

Marine 4: No, why'd we have all that?

Palmer: Someone start tearing apart the Ghost outside, we need those parts! Dutch, I need your laser. The rest of ya, keep those bastards off me!

Dutch: (Groans) Gimme the damn Sniper!

Palmer: Take it, I don't care! Now someone else. . . Get me a Warthog.

The Marines successfully kept the ground forces at bay, but there was nothing they could do about the aerial units! Brutes with jump-packs landed on the roof, and dropped beneath the canopy to unleash hell! Unfortunately for the first Brute, a sniper bolt pierced through its head!

Dutch: Hurry the hell up down there! We can't keep these guys off us forever!

Two more dropped down, their Spikers tearing into a Marine as the rest dropped behind cover! Dutch sprayed with his SMG to suppress them, another pair of Brutes dropping down as he peaked to break down one of their shields with his Sniper! The Brute recoiled and roared, it's three allies activating their boosters and leaping forth! One was blown out of the air by a danger close rocket, but the other two landed behind the marines! Dutch one-eightied, blasting through the shields of a Brute as they opened fire! Two marines fell, but they brought down the weakened Brute! The enemy behind them tossed in a Spike Grenade, the Marines scattering as blades shot every which way!

The Brute rushed Dutch, lifting the ODST by the chest and reeling its arm back! Dutch pressed his SMG to its gut and unleashed hell, gouging out its stomach! As the Brute dropped dead, the last member of the aerial invaders sent a Marine flying with the swing of his arm! Thankfully, the last marine held Palmer's old Shotgun, blasting the Brute point blank! It's shields shattered as the alien staggered, a second blast knocking it off its feet!

Marine 5: Clear!

Dutch: Palmer! Any time now!

Palmer: (Radio) Almost. . . DONE. Get your asses down here!

Rushing down the steps, the remnants of the Second Platoon were greeted to a new hope. There sat a makeshift Gausshog, the Spartan Laser acting as it's cannon and in the place of the ordinary chaingun. Attached to the rear of the vehicle was the fusion coil, a cable connecting its energy to the laser and supercharging it.

Palmer: What do you think?

Dutch: I think you're driving.

Without further ado, the Heavy Weapons Specialist mounted the gunner position, and Palmer smirked as she hopped into the cockpit.

Palmer: Anyone joinin' us?

Marine 4: All you, ma'am.

Marines: Give 'em hell, troopers!

The Warthog took off, driving out of the garage and immediately splattering a Brute and his squad! The sunlight refracted off the windshield as Dutch took aim!

Palmer: Hit the tower!

The Spartan Laser charged up and fired, obliterating the Covenant watchtower! A Brute Chopper came flying in, Palmer spinning the wheel hard and performing donut, letting the enemy pass before Dutch blasted it to smithereens! Anything in their path was quickly turned to ash, and before long, they faced down two Wraiths!

Dutch: Watch those mortars! Don't let 'em get a shot off!

They rushed the Wraiths faster than they could shoot, putting them at risk of hitting each other! Dutch lasered one, the flames beginning to leak from the Wraith's shell! It dared to fire a mortar, only for it to be ruptured by stray rock and explode too close to itself! The Second Wraith boosted ahead, the gunner firing plasma at the Warthog as it circled around it! Three shots, and the Wraith was scraps!

Dutch: Done and out, Marines!

Marine 4: Nice work, Troopers! Head to the space elevator, it'll take you to the bridge!

Palmer: You got it!

The Warthog drove down the path and entered a building before re-emerging on the bridge. . .

And then, everything changed.

Dutch and Palmer watched in shock and awe as the space elevator began to tilt, explosions rippling through its length as it bent in ways it shouldn't. . . And then, it collapsed. The infinitely high tower fell to the Earth, its rings crashing against the reserve and across New Mombasa. . .

Palmer: Holy shit. . .

Dutch: What the hell just happened?! Colonel, come in! Colonel!

The radio was filled with static, coughs breaking the ambience.

Colonel: (Radio) . . . All units, (coughs) target assets are. . . on the move. Everyone clear the area. . . before more debris. . .

Palmer: . . . He's dead.

Dutch: Yeah. And now we gotta get the hell out of here, or we're next.

Palmer: . . . Right.

She put the pedal to the metal and the Warthog's engine roared, its wheels carrying them across the bridge and onto the second half of the Uplift Reserve! They crossed onto solid ground and moved along the natural path, weaving between fallen rings as they traversed the war zone. . .

They reached a Covenant Checkpoint, the enemy recovering from their losses and taking shelter from the rain of stone and metals!

Dutch: Ignore 'em, we gotta keep moving!

They drove up onto the ledge and went on, barely managed to turn away from a support beam as it struck the ground, stabbing into it! Explosions rang off just ahead, the landing platform of the Covenant Supercarrier just atop the hill!

Palmer: What the hell are those?!

A Phantom took off, tightly holding a number of entrapped creatures!

Dutch: Doesn't matter if we don't live to see 'em again!

Palmer: Right! Right! M

Plasma and debris flew at them from all sides as they arrived at the old LZ, ringing around the Covenant Landing Platform and coming across a Wraith! Dutch stunned it with a laser and they drove on past, the space elevator relentlessly pelting at their vehicle!

They crushed a couple Brutes before coming across their final hurdle! They had to cross an open field with falling debris and a fuck ton of Covenant. . .

Palmer: Hey Dutch, you religious?

Dutch: Why?

Palmer: You better start prayin'. . .

She stepped on it. Dutch held on tight as the vehicle was hit from every angle, barely clinging to life!

Dutch: Hole in the wall! Get us into the city! NOW!

Palmer: COME ON-!

A massive ring crashed behind them, separating them from the Covenant as they flew off a ramp, leaving the Uplift Reserve behind!

Palmer: BAIL-!

They hit the ground, their Warthog flipping over as the two jumped from the flaming jeep, letting it crashed through a wall. . .

Debris still fell, but the roof over their heads kept them protected. . .

Dutch: . . . (Breathes) Lord. . .

He took off his helmet and tossed it aside, Sarah practically tearing her own off.

Palmer: I didn't train to be a pilot. . . That's Lizzie. . . Please tell me we're not gonna be flying anymore.

A Wombat then came spiraling into the turnabout, just out of reach from them. . . And then their ride exploded within the building, flames bursting out of the hole in the wall. . .

Palmer: . . . We're damn lucky.

Dutch: . . .



(A/N- I am so sorry for taking so long.)

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