PlayboyKouji [Discontinued Fo...

By RainSennin

184K 7.1K 3.5K

You've all seen Ayanokouji unintentionally create a harem because of his actions and his looks, but what if h... More

Vol. 1: The Start of it All
Vol. 1: Early Encounters
Vol. 1: Rise in Popularity
Vol. 1: Class 1-D
Vol. 1: S-System
Vol. 1: Gaining a Headstart
Vol. 1: Becoming the Leader
Vol. 1: Making Connections
Vol. 1: A Talk with Horikita
Vol. 1: Ghost of the Past
Vol. 1: Club Fair
Vol. 1: Building Bridges
Vol. 1: Raising Flags
Vol. 1: Honami's Potential
Vol. 1: Socializing with Others
Vol. 1: Trust
Vol. 1: An Unexpected Guest
Vol. 1: Scars
Vol. 1: Friendship
Vol. 1: From the Ground Up
Vol. 1: Swimming Class
Vol. 1: Girl Problems
Vol. 1: Don't Hold Back
Vol. 1: The Harem Plan
SS1: Kiyo's Harem Plan #1
SS2: Chiaki Matsushita
Discontinued, Not Apologizing

Vol. 1: Trouble Brewing

7K 275 164
By RainSennin

Ayanokouji POV

Chabashira-sensei was very different today.

The day before, she was completely serious and looked like she had no interest in teaching, just that she was forced to because it's her job.

Today though, she seemed more passionate in teaching. Starting from homeroom announcements to introducing Japanese history, it's like she was a completely different person. She even cracked a few jokes with the class and let everyone laugh as much as they want.

I guess yesterday's events took a massive burden off her shoulders. She didn't have any hope that we would save up some points instead of carelessly spending them, because we're defects in her eyes.

After reminding us to be careful with the information that we know regarding the S-System, she left the classroom. There were still about fifteen minutes before our next teacher arrives, and so I this opportunity to talk to my classmates as their new leader.

I walked in front and stood before the podium, where I noticed the looks of respect that my classmates were giving me.

I have to say, being able to gain their trust like this is a weight off my shoulders. They were the kind of teenagers who have to be faced with possible consequences before they realize the danger they were in. Luckily, the school was just as strict with its rules in contrast to the benefits that it provides.

Kiyo: I'm sure some of you are aware by now, but our advantage over the other classes will only last for a month. On the first of May, when we receive our allowance from the school, the class points and the rankings will be revealed to the other classes.

From their reactions, some of them didn't know this and were only realizing this now. That's fine. It makes me feel relieved that I told them about this right away.

Kiyo: Once that happens, the race for class points will begin. It will also be revealed that we, as a class, bought information about the S-System on the first day. We'll be a primary target by the other classes when that happens, assuming that we don't end up as last place. Now, I hope you didn't forget what I said about saving your points. There are five more days before the week ends. Please make sure you don't spend more than 40,000 points by next week.

Some people like Yamauchi and Ike were still displeased that I placed a restriction on the amount of points that they can spent, but I hope they understand that this is for their own good.

I then shifted my attention to one particular girl who was sitting in front.

Kiyo: Kushida. Did you make the contract?

Kushida: Yep! Here it is, Ayanokouji-kun.

She quickly brought out a rolled-up parchment from her bag and unfurled it for me to see. She actually wrote down everything that I wanted to see in it, including the terms and conditions I gave everyone yesterday.

I want to pat her head again as a reward but I don't think that would end well, especially if I do it here.

Kiyo: Good job, Kushida. Write down your signature on it and pass it to Hirata. He'll do the same before passing it to the next one, and so on. After Horikita's turn, she'll give it to me so that I can put in my signature to make it official. Signing that contract means you'll agree to giving 40,000 points next week if you don't follow what I said.

As I spoke, Kushida had finished writing her signature and passed it to Hirata. He did the same and passed it to Karuizawa, who was reluctant to sign but did it anyway, before passing it on to the next one.

Kiyo: If you think I'm doing this to punish those who can't follow instructions, then you're wrong. It's for insurance. Assuming that anything within the school grounds can be bought, then it's best if we keep a stash of points available for us to use if we need it. We might even be able overturn a possible expulsion and save a classmate from being expelled.

The possible scenario that I suggested quickly got through them, and they were shocked as a result. Even Horikita was caught off guard. I suppose even she didn't think of that possibility before.

Ike: I never thought of that....

Inogashira: Ayanokouji-kun's so smart.....

Maezono: .....and so cool.

Okitani: That would be really awesome if we can do that.

Hondo: But the idea of someone being expelled is scary.....

Akito: As expected of our class leader!

Hirata: That would surely be expensive, but I'm sure we can figure it out if it happens.

I let them have their moment of wonder and realization for the moment but when I began to talk again, they became quiet like before.

Kiyo: Now that I'm talking about a possible expulsion, I must assert that no one will get expelled if we keep our class solidarity strong. In the eyes of the school right now, we're the worst in our year. Chabashira-sensei even referred to us as defects. I know that a lot of you aren't pleased with that, and you think you deserve to be placed in a higher class. But I want you to remember the five factors that Chabashira-sensei mentioned yesterday.  We're not judged solely for one talent. It's more than that.

Keisei: So you're saying that we really do deserve to be in Class D, Ayanokouji-kun?

Yukimura narrowed his eyes at me. Like Horikita, he didn't think it was right for him to be placed in the defective class. I could see Hirata and Kushida preparing to take action if they need to.

I shook my head.

Kiyo: No, I don't. At the end of the day, our placement in this class is the result of the higher-ups' assessement of us.

My answer was enough to satisfy Yukimura, who only looked down and seemed to think about my words. I hope he takes it to heart and strive to be better.

Kiyo: Going back to my point, each student here has a particular strength along with their flaws. Some of you are good in terms of academics, some of you are good in terms of physical abilities, while there are some who aren't good in both. There's nothing wrong with that, but this is where things might get complicated. During written exams, our best bets in helping others in studying would be Horikita, Hirata, Yukimura, and Kushida. During the so-called 'special exams', the best people to count on would be Sudo, Miyake, and Onodera. Are you guys catching on to what I'm saying?

My classmates were surprised that I asked them this question, and so none of them could answer as a result. Out of everyone, it was Hirata who spoke up a few moments later.

Hirata: I think I understand. If I'm not mistaken, Ayanokouji-kun, you want those who excel in academics to help those who need help in it. In a similar way, you want those who excel in physical abilities to be the ones whom the class will count on.

Kiyo: Exactly. We'll capitalize and rely on each other's strengths and flaws. Everyone will have a part to play and if we can do this without fail, then we'll have a good chance of rising higher in the class rankings in no time at all.

Around this time, Horikita was done putting her signature in the contract that Kushida provided. She walked up in front and gave it to me, and I quickly signed it as well. This contract is now official, now we'll just see if someone is irresponsible enough to spend a lot of points.

Kushida: But what if there's someone in danger of being expelled, Ayanokouji-kun? What do we do?

Kushida's question was filled with worry and in return, our other classmates were affected as well.

So, one emotion from Kushida is enough for everyone else to share the same feeling, huh? That's someone with influence for you.

Kiyo: We'll discuss that another time, because we don't know how exactly can a student get expelled. That being said, overturning an expulsion sounds like it's going to be very expensive, considering how information about the S-System cost us 200 class points. Who knows? Saving someone from expulsion might cost us all of our class points or even private points.

Almost everyone immediately got nervous and even scared at the thought of losing their points just to save another student. Luckily, none of them made inappropriate comments about refusing to save a classmate if it comes down to it.

Kiyo: There's no need to worry about that yet, though. For now, just focus on saving your points for the future and studying. Remember, there's no danger of being expelled if you don't mess up in the first place.

I checked the time on my phone and I noticed that I only had two minutes left before our next class starts.

Kiyo: It looks like I don't have much time left, so I'll wrap this up. As your leader, I will do my best to help our class come out on top in this race but at the same time, I want all of you to cooperate. Don't act arrogant and follow the basic school rules so our points won't decrease. I want everyone to take studying seriously so no one fails in any exam. If you don't want to be called defects in the eyes of the school, then I suggest you put in the work yourself. That's all.

The rest of the morning was filled with introducing the subjects that we'll be studying for the year. I suppose the real teaching will start tomorrow instead.

As the school bell rang which signalled lunchtime, everyone started leaving the room one by one. Before I could leave as well, I was approached by Matsushita and two other people.

Chiaki: Ayanokouji-kun, do you want to eat lunch with us?

I stared at Matsushita for a moment, then to the people she was with. Sato and Karuizawa were with her and they looked excited for some reason. Are they looking forward to eating lunch with me around?

I thought of accepting since I don't really have any reason to refuse, but then I remembered something important.

Kiyo: Sure, but can I invite someone?

Sato nodded excitedly.

Maya: Sure! The more, the merrier, as a matter of fact.

With that, I turned around to face Horikita, who was just about to leave as well.

Kiyo: Horikita, you wanna come along? I'll be having lunch with Matsushita and her friends.

Horikita stared at me for a moment, then turned to the girls behind me, and then back to me again. She remained silent for a while, as if she was thinking about what to say, before finally giving her answer.

Suzune: Fine.

Woah. This is good. I guess she took my words about opening up to others seriously. I didn't expect Horikita to accept the offer without an argument of some sort, but I'm not gonna complain about this outcome.

Maya: Sweet! Let's go, Horikita-san!

As Sato and Matsushita led the way, I noticed that Horikita was struggling to keep herself from rolling her eyes and simply followed. Don't worry, you'll get used to—

Kei: Ayanokouji-kun, let's go on ahead! The cafeteria's gonna be filled if we don't hurry up and we won't be able to get a table of our own!

Karuizawa suddenly appeared beside me, and she looked really eager for some reason..... wait, what did she say again?

Kiyo: What are you—

Before I could say anything else, Karuizawa grabbed my hand and led me away. We ended up running past Sato, Matsushita, and even Horikita as a result.

I didn't do anything to free myself, actually. I only stared at her while wondering what suddenly got into this girl. I think I've read this kind of scenario somewhere as well, but I can't really put my finger on it. All I remember was that the girl was dragging her boyfriend all over a place while doing a lot of things....

Hmm..... I don't think Karuizawa has a crush on me, though. I think she just wants someone to accompany her, and I can understand why she didn't go with Horikita instead.

Either way, I got dragged to the cafeteria by an enthusiastic Karuizawa, who quickly occupied the nearest table she could find. I followed her and took my seat, before she told me that she'll be going on ahead to buy her food.

Karuizawa didn't even bother explaining what she just did, so I just kept quiet. It could just be her acting on impulse, I don't know.

I think I'm starting to understand why people say that girls are complicated in the novels that I've read.

3rd Person POV

Suzune had arrived at the cafeteria with Maya and Chiaki not long after Kei left the table. The two followed after their friend while the black-haired girl opted to join Kiyotaka at their table for now and buy her lunch when they come back.

She sat on the chair next to him with her arms folded and observed him close. As always, his apathetic expression was on full display and it was hard to get a grasp on what he was thinking.

Suzune: Did you seriously just let Karuizawa-san do that?

Kiyo: If you mean that I let her drag me all the way here, then it appears that I did.

Suzune: Why?

The girl was unaware of her own voice rising out of anger, while Ayanokouji can clearly sense it.

Kiyo: Because she did it out of nowhere and I couldn't really react properly.

Suzune: And you couldn't have stopped her on the way here?

Kiyo: I saw no need. She was only doing it out of excitement, nothing more. What's the matter, anyway? You seem angry about something.

Suzune stopped talking for a moment and considered his words, as she realized that she was complaining about something silly. Actually, why did she even care?

Suzune: Never mind.

The two remained quiet up until the trio of girls came back, allowing them to leave the table to buy their own lunch while their companions began eating. When Suzune and Kiyotaka returned, the group ate altogether in peace.

However, Sato didn't like how the table was so quiet so she quickly thought of something that they can talk about while they were here.

Maya: So, what do you like to do in your free time, Ayanokouji-kun?

Kiyotaka looked up from his food and stared at her.

Kiyo: I already said this in my introduction, but I like to read books, practice calligraphy, and tea ceremony.

Sato: Yeah, we know that. But are those really the only things you do when there's nothing else to do? You don't want to go somewhere or do something different?

The leader of Class D didn't say anything for a while, as he was thinking of what else to say. In truth, he could do more than those three things, but he wasn't going to tell them that.

Kiyo: .....I guess I can also play piano to a degree. I just don't get to do it much because my family doesn't own one.

Matsushita blinked in surprise.

Chiaki: You can play piano?

Kiyo: A bit. Why?

She then smiled at him.

Chiaki: Well, what do you say we do a duet sometime, Ayanokouji-kun? I practiced playing violin ever since I was a kid, so I can perform alongside a piano.

Kiyo: A piano and a violin duet? I think I've seen that scenario before in a show..... I recall that it was a sad story for many people.

The young man thought about her question and nodded a few seconds later.

Kiyo: If we get a chance to do so, I don't see why not.

Chiaki: I look forward to when that happens.

Karuizawa, who was sitting to his left, suddenly felt like she got hit with a bright idea. She quickly poked him in the arm, getting his attention.

Kei: Ne, Ayanokouji-kun, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to answer honestly.

Kiyo: As long as it's within my capabilities.

Kei: Then... who do you think is the most beautiful girl in the class?







Kiyotaka blinked in surprise, as he wasn't expecting a question like that to come out of Karuizawa's mouth. Hell, even Suzune stopped eating for a moment to frown at Kei in confusion, before focusing on her food again.

Maya: Oh, I need to hear this~

Chiaki opted to remain silent, although the question now had her thinking of what Kiyotaka's answer will be.

Kiyo: Is this really a question that you should be asking me?

The blonde shrugged.

Kei: Hey, I'm a girl. This is what girls like to do, you know?

Kiyo: ....okay? I honestly doubt that this is what girls like to do around boys, especially when I don't know any of them personally. Then again, I'm in no place to say that because I haven't interacted with one like this before.

He continued to stare at her.

Kiyo: But I don't even know all of the girls that much. I only know everyone's names, some of their interests, and that's it. Not to mention, it's only our second day in school.

Kei: That doesn't really matter. We're just basing this on appearance alone, Ayanokouji-kun.

He considered it for a moment, before remembering that Karuizawa wasn't the only female here. Are they even okay with this?

Kiyo: I'm supposed to answer this in front of four girls, including you?

Kei: That's right. You guys don't mind, right?

Maya: I want to hear his answer too!

Sato quickly nodded and flashed a teasing grin.

Chiaki: It would be interesting to know which of the girls does Ayanokouji-kun think of as the most beautiful.

Matsushita was more composed in her words, but it didn't make the blush in her cheeks disappear.

Suzune: I have no interest in this.

Horikita was quick to utter her annoyance regarding this matter, but she was already listening subconsciously.

Suzune: I wonder who who he has in mind?

After hearing the girls' answers, Ayanokouji just sighed in defeat. He felt that this issue would only come up again in the future if he refuses to answer. It might even involve more of their classmates, and he didn't need that bothering him.

Kiyo: Fine, I'll humor you.

Kei and Maya were already filled with anticipation, scrolling through the possible options on who exactly did their class leader see as the best in the looks department. Chiaki was simply curious about what will be Kiyotaka's answer, while Suzune pretended that she wasn't listening but she really was.

Kiyo: I think, the most beautiful in class.....










.....I'd say it's a tie between Matsushita and Horikita.

Maya and Kei were left dumbfounded by his answer while Chiaki's eyes had widened, her face becoming red in embarrassment. She didn't expect that he would say her name.

Chiaki: Me.....?

Kiyo: I thought you were beautiful ever since I met you at the bus. I can't exactly explain it through words, but you have this aura that exudes a regal and calm presence in the eyes of others.

Chiaki: Uhm..... I'm flattered that you think of me like that, Ayanokouji-kun.

Matsushita turned her gaze away, causing Sato to speak up in order to save her friend from her own embarrassment.

Maya: Man, I honestly thought you would say it's Kushida-chan. I saw you talking with her and her friends yesterday.

Kiyo: Kushida is also beautiful, but she wins in another category. Which is cuteness.

Maya: And Horikita?

Kiyo: I may not be good in this area, but I think that the choice was obvious. She's absolutely stunning. She must be blessed with good genes.

Horikita was currently doing her best to stay ignorant and act like she wasn't really interested, but she actually listened and heard everything that he was saying. She was surprised that he thought of her that way but then again, he did call her beautiful when they met yesterday.

Suzune: Ayanokouji-kun..... you stupid idiot. Why are you saying these things in front of me!

She was lucky that no one was paying attention to her.

Kei: Well, if that's your answer, then so be it.

For some reason, Karuizawa sounded so disappointed at the moment. Of course, there was a part of her that hoped Kiyotaka would choose her, but she couldn't be mad at the people he named. They were beautiful in their own right.

Kei: I guess I'll have to be more direct if I want to get his attention. It's the only way I have of—

???: What the hell are you doing here, Karuizawa? Did you follow me to this school, you piece of shit?

Kei suddenly froze in her seat, as she began shaking in fear. Memories of her past started resurfacing in her mind, and all of them weren't pretty. She knew that voice on a personal level, and she could never forget it for the rest of her life.

Kiyotaka, Maya, Chiaki, and Suzune all stared at Kei in confusion as the blonde girl looked like she was faced with a ghost.... a ghost of her past, that is.

With her hands shaking, she turned her head slowly and saw a girl with bright-coloured hair that was tied into pigtails. Kei felt that this girl's bright eyes were piercing through her very soul.

Kei: M-M-M-Manabe.....


Another fun chapter to write. We're already diverting away from canon, so be prepared for massive changes to the storyline. I mean, you'd never see Horikita acting like a cat and being civil with her classmates this soon in canon, lol.

And yes, Manabe is indeed a student from Kei's old school. Since she wasn't really used much in canon, I thought I could use her for a bigger role here. Expect to see her a lot more times.


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