JWCC: y. fadoula x kon!oc x s...

By Wilde-Simp

3.1K 91 3

7 lucky kids get the chance to go to camp cretaceous upon isla nublar, an island full of dinosaurs. it is goi... More

season 1
ep 1 : camp cretaceous
ep 2 : secrets
ep 3 : the cattle drive
ep 4 : things fall apart
ep 5 : happy birthday, eddie!
ep 6 : welcome to jurassic world
ep 8 : end of the line

ep 7 : last day of camp

163 6 0
By Wilde-Simp

kenya quickly got up, and then grabbed yasmina's hand to pull her up so she could be used as support. they both went as fast as they could towards the others, sammy and brooklynn ahead of them as the others gathered up before the two could make it.

[attention. all park-goers must report to the south ferry dock for immediate evacuation. last ferry departs in two hours.]

the male automated voice overhead announced and kenya glanced down to yasmina, who looked back before pushing her self to go faster. kenya knows she should slow her down to prevent her ankle injury from worsening, but as they go close to the others, they could hear them. "...gonna make it is if we run." she heard darius say, and glanced to yasmina who was grunting and pushing her self as they heard sammy's unsure "um.." and glanced backward towards the two. "are you sure that's the best way to get there?" she asked darius, and yasmina had her free hand at her hip. "i'm fine." she sternly said, angrily looking at sammy while kenya simply stood there as her support.

"i've competed with a torn acl." yasmina said as a matter of fact, and kenya had more respect for the track star. "you should be way more worried about ben and bumpy." yasmina jerked a thumb back to the two as ben came up to them panting. "what we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here and, naturally, we have a problem."

he then placed the map in his hand on the bench and visualized them the issues. "we're here." he pointed to their current location. "the docks are on the southern tip of the island." he dragged his finger south to where the south docks are. "even if we ran at peak yaz speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out." ben sadly said, and sammy spoke up. "you don't know that." "yes i do. i memorized the evacuation plan on the ferry ride over." ben said as a matter of fact, which caused mostly everyone to groan to this confirmation.

"okay, so we need another way." kenya looked at darius for a moment, glancing to yasmina who is leaning against her with her arms crossed as she listened to darius.

"um..." he hopped off the bench and pointed to the water at the kayaks. "can we use those somehow?" he asked the others. "or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait?" he tried brainstorming ideas out loud to everyone. "or..." "or make a few jetpacks real quick?" kenya turned to brooklynn, wondering if she was being serious or joking around. "oh! we should befriend a unicorn!" "definitely sarcasm." kenya mumbled to herself, and noticed yasmina shoot her a questioning look, the taller girl shook her head to dismiss her curiosity.

"face it, it's hopeless." she sounded defeated, which made kenya look down in defeat as well.

[we will be arriving at main street, your destination for fine dining and shopping at jurassic world.]

the automated voice up ahead spoke, and everyone looked in its direction. they quickly followed, kenya assisting yasmina to help her move faster and to keep up with everyone else. they followed the voice, which was still speaking but kenya was ignoring it as they approached a railing to see a "monorail! what-what!" kenji said happily to this discovery. "nicely played universe." kenya said, and looked to darius who then rushed them.

they all ran to the right, following behind the dino genius. everyone was quick and left kenya helping yasmina who lagged with ben. "it's nice having some company back here for once." he said to the two girls, getting a breath in. the girls looked to each other, before looking forward and picked up their pace to rush past ben.

the three approached to see the others ahead cowering against the wall, and they made sure to be quiet as kenya watched darius lean over to check it out. from his reaction, kenya could tell it was something bad free and roaming about.

"move." they heard darius barely whisper, and then watched as he made a run for it. he quickly made it behind a stairway that lead to the monorail and looked back at the others. kenya looked to yasmina, and then pushed the fastest three into going first. they did at first, but quickly paused and came back to hide with them. kenya held her breath to hearing something stalk towards them, but opened her eyes to some clanging. she watched toro look to investigate the sound, and darius now on the other side of the stairway.

the group made eye contact with darius, and he gestured for them to run over. brooklynn and kenji were first, followed by sammy, then ben and bumpy and finally kenya with yasmina. they got to the staircase, and quickly crouched down to crawl up the stairs. kenya stuck close to yasmina, and felt darius push the two of them against the wall of the stairway. kenya held onto yasmina protectively, holding their breaths and watched darius check to see that toro turned away once more.

he nodded to the two girls, who then went back to ascending the stairs. "mon-" kenya heard and looked up to see brooklynn holding a hand over kenji's mouth to shush him.

[welcome to the jurassic world lagoon. next stop, ferry landing!]

the automated voice said, and everyone looked back to toro to hear its roar. "run!" darius yelled, and kenya helped yasmina to her feet and helped her up the stairs as quick as she could go. she heard it stomping up the stairs behind herself and yasmina and ben, and even heard ben yelp.

the toro fell hard at one point, which made kenya and yasmina stumble to the ground. toro's jaws chopped at the two, while yasmina backed away and kenya tried to get to her feet while also going up the stairs. kenya got to her feet finally, and turned to place her hands under yasmina's arms to pull her with her before the dinosaur could bite at her once more. they got back to their feet, and kenya then lifted yasmina off the ground and ran up the stairs with her in a bridal held position. "should've done this since the beginning!" she messed with yasmina, smirking playfully while the latter rolled her eyes and said "just keep going!"

they finally made it to the top of the stairs and kenya focused on yasmina while darius was pushing ben to keep going. ben then tackled kenji to the ground, and kenya turned to fall on her butt with yasmina in her arms as the voice overhead said that the doors are closing, which they did in a sliding motion and after that the monorail zoomed off.

kenya sat on the floor a little longer, catching her breath with some of the others before turning to kenji. "no way. something bad always happens when we think we're safe." he said, and kenya looked to yasmina who was still in between her legs catching her own breath. she promptly blocked out her brothers paranoia to ask her. "are you okay?" in which yasmina responded. "i think so. thanks for saving me back there." the track star tucked some hair behind her ear, and kenya smiled. "it's no biggie. here, let me help you up." kenya then stood and reached down for yasmina's hand to help her up to her feet, who then used the pole to help herself to stay standing. she thought it would be best to be sitting right now, but she didn't want to make her do anything.

"it's over." she heard darius say, and she looked over to him. "guys, we did it. we're going home." and everyone turned to one another, slowly allowing his words to sink in. when they did, everyone's smiles then showed themselves, though kenya turned to kenji to see his skeptical look.

"woohoo!" kenya visibly jumped some to sammy's outburst of happiness, and bumpy expressed her own excitement as well. then darius jumped onto some seats as well. "yeah! whoo!" he excitedly exclaimed, and soon everyone followed in suit. kenya did some "woop woop!" with everyone's celebratory vocals. she did glance to kenji, and approached with darius. "it's cool man. we're good. we'll be at the main dock soon." darius said, and kenya nodded in agreement. "what he said." and lifted her fist, expecting a fist bump from her brother. he then gave it, smiling to the two before brooklynn announced "this calls for a celebration!" and ben came in as well. "i might be able to help with that." then went into his fanny pack.

he unzipped it and brought out something as he spoke. "stashed a few treats for the roat." and what looked to be seven bars of foods. everyone then said that they were hungry, and quickly reached for one to consume.

the next minute everyone was retching and spitting out the bars, kenya forcefully swallowing the bite in her mouth and turned to ben. "someone stole your candy bars and put dirt in 'em." sammy said to him while he fed some to bumpy. "they're carob bars. they pair perfectly with-" "carob juice." darius said, who had a juice box in his hand. "carob is nature's chocolate. just as delicious, with none of the sugar or caffeine."

"what's wrong with sugar and caffeine?" brooklynn's asked him, and went on as she leaned over the seat to talk to the others. "first thing i'm gonna do when i get home is hug my espresso machine. i may never let go." "you know," kenji cleared his throat. "i've often described myself as a tall, hot drink. right kenya?" he said to his sister, while he waited and hoped she would back him up as he held onto the bars overhead to lean some. everyone groaned to what he said, and kenya just shook her head as brooklynn spoke. "you could never be coffee." kenji then scoffed, and mumbled. "i could be coffee."

"i cannot wait to be home." kenya looked to yasmina who was leaning against sammy's seat. "once my ankle's better it's back to training. and i guess finding a new corporate sponsor, since mine was jurassic world. but you know..." "aw, that means i can't carry you around anymore. bummer, i had a little too much fun with that." kenya said, leaning on the chair yasmina was once seated at. yasmina looked to her and scoffed while rolling her eyes, but kenya noticed her smile appearing so she knew she was joking some.

"it's gonna be weird for things to be normal again." darius spoke up, and everyone turned to him. "like, are video games gonna seem boring now?" he chuckled some and turned to the twins. "how about you two? what's the first thing you guys will do when you get home?"

kenya opened her mouth to speak, but kenji beat her to it. "depends on which wing of our mansion you're talking about. east wing is usually off limits," "oh, but dad and candy are away on business." kenya said, patting his shoulder and the two looked to each other as their expressions dropped some. "so, guess we'll go downstairs to our bowling alley." kenya said, and chuckled some, but it seemed forced. it was the same thing with kenji as well. "staff always lets us win." kenji said, and they both look to darius as they said at the same time. "life of a vip."

everyone was quiet for a second, before sammy spoke up. "so, what have you missed ben?" "oh, let me guess," kenji chipped in. "you can't wait to get home to your closet of dork pouches." and kenya smacked him upside the head while some of the others laughed.

"haha, very funny." "seriously ben, you've had juice boxes for days! how much stuff can you fit in that thing?" darius said, and everyone turned to ben. "one, lots and two, obviously the first thing i'm gonna do when i get back is restock it." and everyone laughed to this.

kenji got up later on to discover something he announced to the others. "check it out!" and then proceeded to use the found flashlights as lightsabers and then flashed everyone with them, which blinded some people. "i found the first thing at jurassic world that works!" he then flipped it in the air, only to not catch it as the thing fell to the ground and turned off. he quickly grabbed it and checked it, making sure it still worked, which it did. "still works." he chuckled some.

"i still can't believe how much went wrong." brooklynn chuckled out. "like that time we almost got eaten?" "which time?" yasmina said, and kenya nodded and laughed some. "how was there more than one time?" kenya asked them, and darius then stood with his juice box in hand.

"let's all raise our carob juice." he said, lifting his juice box, and everyone grabbed their own juice boxes to raise as he went on. "a toast! to not getting eaten!" kenji rushed past kenya and yasmina to grab his own juice box. "to not getting eaten!" "to not getting eaten!" kenji said delayed to the others, and then everyone took a sip of their juice, only to remember its taste. kenya pulled her juice box away from her mouth and stuck out her tongue to spit out a raspberry. ben seemed to be the only one content with drinking it happily.

"to no more running away!" brooklynn toasted next, and everyone copied what she said, and aside from ben, everyone was hesitant to take a sip. kenya glanced to yasmina, who looked back and shook her head. "mm-mm." she even noticed from the corner of her eye sammy spilling hers out for bumpy to drink.

"to the return of a low-level gnawing dread rather than an all-encompassing impending doom!" ben toasted, and everyone raised their juice boxes as darius said "why not!" "to what ben said!" brooklynn went on. "bad doom versus normal doom!" kenji also said.

"i got one!" sammy said, but then gasped to an explosion happening in the distance which shook the monorail. "what was that?" brooklynn asked nervously as she looked out the window. "it sounded like an explosion." kenya went to a window as yasmina said that. "not again!" "i don't see anything." kenji and brooklynn said as they too looked out the window. "i don't think it was near us." kenya said to everyone, looked away from the window and to everyone else, and turned to darius who spoke . "we're okay. we're still okay." he tried assuring everyone, who were hesitant to take his word for it, even kenya who seemed to know the explosion wasn't near them.

"i know camp wasn't what we thought it was gonna be." sammy said to them, and kenya turned to her as she went on. everyone turned to her as well, mostly everyone, yasmina spared her a glance. "but after everything we went through, at least we're leavin' this place with six new friends!" she then stood, and kenya smiled some to her as she lifted her juice box. "to the seven of us being best friends for life! clink!" however, no one was quick to hop to that toast, except for kenya who sat straight some.

"guys?" sammy called out, no one saying anything and kenya looked to yasmina who had a deadpan face. "hello?" "wait, let me get this straight." kenya said to everyone, sammy looking to her with everyone else as she stood up from sitting next to yasmina. "you guys don't see all of us a friends? after everything we've been through?" kenya angrily voiced out to them, clutching her juice box with a angry fist.

"i mean..." brooklynn sighed. "doesn't it usually take more than a few days to become friends with someone?" she asked out loud, and then yasmina spoke up, looking at kenya and sammy. "we were thrown together at random. we have nothing in common." "that's not true!" sammy spoke up. "we've been through more together than most friends have in a lifetime." "and now that it's over, what are the odds that we'll ever see each other again?" ben came in with the depressing truth, and sammy looked down defeated while kenya had released her now crushed juice box and allowed it to drop to the floor near her, while the automated voice come on overhead.

[coming up on the right, you'll see our world-renowned 18-hole, dinosaur-themed golf course. it's one of the many wonders that makes this park so very jurassic.]

"what does that even mean?" brooklynn asked herself and darius spoke up sadly. "i thought i knew." everyone turned to him. "my whole life, i had this idea of jurassic world. my dad used to say this was, 'all-osaurus and a bag of chips'. he was so corny." kenya and yasmina glanced to one another, with the track star seated and kenya standing with her twin. "um, was?" ben asked hesitantly. "so your dad is..." he went on, and darius' silent response was all the answer everyone needed.

"i'm sorry darius." sammy said to him, but was quick to scold herself. "ugh! 'sorry.' nice one, sammy, ya ding-dong! like sorry could begin to-" "it's okay." darius cut off the texan girl.

kenya and kenji looked to each other, and the taller twin spoke up. "hey, at least your dad never saw what a dumpster fire this place turned out to be, huh?" kenya looked to kenji and quickly shoved him. "ow! what? i meant it's cool that darius and his dad were so close. kenya and i can count on one hand the number the number of times our dad has done... anything with us." "y'all, that's just real sad." sammy said, which got their attention as they turned to her. "yeah." kenya said, looking down some before kenji went on. "did i mention we have a bowling alley?"

"dang it!" the twins and sammy look to ben who had his fanny upside down and trying to find something. "come on, it's gotta be here somewhere. oh!" multiple things fell out, but he grabbed a sanitizer bottle to pour some onto his hand as he explained. "bumpy stepped in something icky and i'm low on sanitizer. it's fine, i can make more." kenji glanced to kenya, who shrugged and he turned back to ben. "kenji, i swear if you-" "ben, why are you here?" "and he did it." the older twin shook her head, but quickly jumped to her brothers defense, old habits die hard.

"what he means is- you're uh, scared of dinosaurs, and the outdoors, and sometimes the indoors, and germs." kenya listed, and sammy came in as well. "whipped cream for some reason?" "the way it moves." and then ben gave a shudder to the thought. "yeah, that's what i'm talking about. what's the deal?" kenji then asked him as bumpy laid her head in bens' lap.

"my mom works for mr. masrani. she got me into camp. said it would be a great way for me to 'face my fears'. it's been a nightmare!" he exclaimed. "i'm sick of being scared all the time. and of running, and of almost getting eaten, and... and of holding everyone back." he finished dejectedly, and kenya had a sadden look. "i just can't do... this." he referred to the whole survival scenario they're all in, at least that's what kenya assumed.

"but it's not all bad. if i hadn't come, i- i never would have met-" he was cut off by something crashing into the cart, which made some standing people fall and everyone yelp or gasp. the crash happened again, this time darius got up to investigate it. kenya got up with everyone else and followed after him, and another crash came in. darius approached the window at the end, before turning to everyone and announced. "we gotta turn off the light!" he then went to kenji and snatched the flashlight and got onto the seat and began to smash the lights out.

kenya looked to kenji approaching the window, and she did as well a step behind. they both squinted to look better, and when the light darius was hitting finally went out, the two saw a flock of flying dinosaurs coming in their direction. this made the two gasp and step back some as their screeches came closer.

"flying reptiles are basically seabirds. they're attracted to shiny, moving objects, and with all these lights on-" "we're a shiny moving object!" sammy cried out and then one of the flying dinosaurs then cracked the glass, which made kenji run past his sister with a scream.

"what should i do?!" kenya heard ben ask, and she looked away from the flying flock of birds to the others who now had flashlights and were getting onto the chairs to smash the lights. "just keep out of the way!" brooklynn said, handing yasmina a flashlight.

the lights went out painfully slow with their thuds, and kenya resorted to using her fists. they were rather tough from the years of punching people. "be careful!" she could hear kenji say to her as they all went to work at the lights. when finished she followed the group into the next cart as darius spoke. her hands had scratches and bruises, but overall felt fine to the tall girl. "brooklynn, you're with yaz. kenya, sammy, help ben and bumpy across!" kenya nodded, allowing everyone to go ahead of her, shoving ben ahead which he fell to and she quickly said a "sorry!" before getting back to her task.

she came behind bumpy, and tapped her back to get her to go forward, but she quickly tried to stop herself from moving. "bumpy, come on!" she said, but then sammy placed a hand on her shoulder. "let me try." she said, then gently pushed bumpy ahead. kenya watched her, impressed as she remembered she grew up on a ranch. the two continued to guide bumpy across, at one point the two lifted her some since she didn't budge at all, but quickly got tired and then went back to pushing her while everyone else took care of the lights.

another crash made the monorail move some, which made the girls tumbled and hit the walls. kenya heard sammy's gasp and looked up as well, and she also gasped at the sight. "at least now we know what that boom was earlier." sammy said, looking up to her as their monorail was quickly approaching a crashed and still monorail up ahead which had some other dinosaurs infesting it for food.

"if we don't switch tracks or stop this car right now, we're gonna hit that thing, full speed!" darius said as the light overhead went out and left them in darkness. "the front car, there's control panels there!" kenya said as she pointed to the final door as yasmina took care of the final light while darius rushed to the door leading to the front cart. " vip tour, we were eight, they let us drive." kenji said, and kenya nodded in agreement as she also remembered that day.

darius struggled to open the door, chanting a "no no no!" while he continued to try. everyone else gathered to him, also trying to open it as best as they could. trying to break the window ended in a fail and darius then went back to the cart. "i'm gonna get to the control car through there." he said, pointing to a hatch on the roof of the cart. "you're gonna what?!" kenya cried out. "you can't go out there!" kenji also said. "that's where the flying whatevers are!" he stammered out, freaking out even though he wasn't going out there.

"we don't have a choice!" he climbed the chair to open the hatch. "me and-" kenya noticed he stopped himself and watched as he looked to ben who was cowering in fear. "i'm the only one who can fit." he said to everyone as a certain crash got everyone falling, even darius.

kenya sat up, looking in darius' direction but not listening to what he was saying. "keep them away from-" "ben!" kenya cried out as he opened the hatch and they all gasped to see him climbing out. she saw darius climb out as well, assuming to call out to him as she stared at his legs in hopes of hearing what they were saying.

darius then fell, and looked to everyone else before rushing to his feet. "come on! we have to keep them away from ben!" and with that he rushed to the other end of the monorail. everyone followed behind, kenya more hesitant as she looked upward in the possible direction of where ben is. she turned to everyone else, and then followed with everyone else.

everyone ahead then began to flash their lights out the windows, while kenya then went to some windows and banged on them to get their attention. it seemed to work as the group then focused on the cart they're all in to allow ben to do what he needs to do. kenya then backed to the glass behind her, only to jump away when one of the reptiles came trying to smash the glass with a screech.

just then, kenya got up to look out the window only to fall once more with the sudden turn of the cart onto another track while scraping against the still monorail. the other one crashed to the ground with a fire starting up some, kenya on the ground watching with her mouth hung open. they all then watched as the remaining flying reptiles took an interest in the flames, and everyone whooped and laughed in celebration.

kenya quickly got up to turn and approach ben who was panting and opening the door from the control car. "ben! ben! ben! ben!" everyone chanted him on, kenya one of them as well while she stood next to yasmina who was hopping despite her ankle.

"you saved us ben." kenya said to him, smiling widely and darius nodded. "i didn't know you had it in you." he went on, and kenya lifted her fist up to give him a fist bump.

everything then went in slow motion, ben taking a step forward with the flashing light around him as the glass shattered because of one remaining flying reptile. it wrapped its claw around his torso, and everyone's face morphed from happiness to shock and fear from this. "ben!" darius called out, and quickly their hands locked together. kenya quickly went to help, keeping darius from going overboard as ben screamed. he was then released by the beasts claws and was dangling downward. kenya looked to him, seeing tears in his eyes as the two struggled to hold on. "help!" kenya tried to angle herself to also reach for ben, as their hands slipped once more, but she couldn't reach far out since she was still making sure darius didn't go over as well.

"hang on!" kenya pleaded to the two, one hand on the wall while the other then went outward to ben who was crying out for darius. their hands were barely holding onto each other by their fingers, and kenya can only hope her hand will be able to reach in time with their thrashing around.

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