nyx's fanfic collection

By luv_nyx

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I wrote a lot between 2019-2021. Most of it was fanfiction, but looking back on it the progress I made betwee... More

Dan Howell
PJ Liguori
Dan Howell 2
Dan Howell 3
Nico di Angelo
Percy Jackson
Makoto Tachibana
Fairy Tail
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club 2
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club 3


4 0 0
By luv_nyx

This was started January 4th 2019. 

I stepped out of the shower, freezing because of the now gone warm water. I quickly dried my body and hair and then got dressed. I slipped on my pastel (f/b) (favorite band) t shirt and a pastel skater skirt to match. I put on some knee high white socks that had grey rings around the top and my (f/s) (favorite shoes). I hop down the stairs, grab my backpack, grab an apple for breakfast, and head out the door.

Today is my first day of school. It's the middle of the school year and I'm super excited it have no friends.

I walk up to my school, here goes nothing. When I get inside the hallways are full of people shouting and running around. I push my way to my locker and shove my backpack inside, making sure I have the things I need for my first class. I'm still quite a bit early, about 20 minutes or so, so I just stand by my locker until a boy walks up to me, he had brown emo hair and a weird brown tan. His brown hair was obviously straightened and swept to his left, somewhat covering his eye. I was about 5 or so inches shorter than him at 5'6 foot, he was probably 5'11 or so.

"Hey," He started and smiled, "I'm Dan, you the new girl?" I just nod. He was kinda cute, not my type though.

"Hey! Don't go stealing my man!" A boy with black hair similar to Dan's, only swept to the right, and blue eyes ran up and jumped on Dan's back. He was a bit taller than Dan, maybe 6'2 at the most.

"This is Phil, my... best friend." I nod, signaling that I understand.

"Who's this, Dan?" Phil asked curiously, not in a mean way, just a very curious way, like a young child would ask about a present on Christmas if they couldn't guess what it was.

"Uhh... I don't know honestly. She's the new girl, but I haven't gotten her name yet."

"(Y/N). And, y'know.. I think you guys would make a good couple. You're cute together." They both blush furiously. The bell rings and as I walk past Dan I poke him in the side and whisper: "He likes you, I'm sure of it. He's a keeper." and with that I walk off to class.

~Time skip of the century~

It was finally lunch time and just as I expected, I have no friends yet, I'll have to sit alone. I walk to the lunch room and just my luck, all the tables are full. I just stand by the door for a while, when a boy with red floofy hair walks up to me. He was slightly taller than me, not super tall, but it was noticeable that he was taller. He was probably around 5'9, 5'10. He was quite cute, but I don't think you could say I 'have a crush on him'. And even if I did, he was obviously a jock so he'd never like me, a, I guess you could say nerd.

"Hey, the name's Mark. Phil told me him and Dan you and saw you were alone so they told me to come tell you that you could sit with us." I nod and follow him to his table.

Phil smiles and waves, "Hi (Y/N)!"

"Hey Phil."

Chapter Two

~Time skip to a few weeks later~

I walk home from school, throwing myself on my bed and just laying there. Mark had decided that he personally needed to bully me mentally at first and recently, physically. Normally the other boys would bully people, like Jack, Felix, Ethan, PJ, or Chris, but Mark would bully the people that they especially hated and I don't know why they hated me so much. Dan and Phil were always against the bullying and Dan wasn't even one of the jocks originally. Phil isn't really sporty or anything, but he was a good friend of Mark's from a few years back so he just became 'one of them'. Dan was one of the 'emo kids' but Phil had a soft spot for him, Dan seemed really self-absorbed and uncaring at first, but when Phil got to know him he was actually really kind and lovely. Phil wasn't supposed to hang out with the 'emos', 'nerds', 'art lovers', or generally just anyone that isn't popular according to Mark because he apparently got to tell everyone in the jocks who they could be friends with, but Phil found his ways around the rules. Dan didn't like Mark for the longest time but Phil convinced him to just be normal, be kind and lovely, like he was and Dan did, so Mark gave in, just this once. I never even did anything to them, but Mark just decided he hated me and started bullying me. Phil tries to get him to stop and Dan gives me apologetic looks and says that he feels bad after, but that doesn't mean anything to me. I finally found a few friends, we don't really all have something in common, we just have something different in common with each person, like Clover and I both like baking (even though we're really really bad at it), Willow and I both like musicals, and Aiden and I both like (f/b). So we don't really have a title (for example the 'nerds' or the 'jocks') we're kinda just the 'weirdos' according to Mark. I've developed a crush on Mark and it sucks because I know how much he hates me. I'll just have to get over it and I've tried, but no matter what I do it doesn't go away. I even asked Dan and Phil for help when they came round my house last week, before Mark 'banned them from hanging out with me'. I found it quite stupid that they had to do everything Mark says, but they told me it was fine and that he never did anything unreasonable. I think this is pretty unreasonable, maybe it's just me though. I had run into Phil at the park when my mom had forced me to go and he gave me his phone number so we could still talk without Mark knowing. He told me that Dan said he would've given me his phone number, but he was too scared Mark would find out and literally kill him since he had never liked Dan much, Phil only did it because he knew that Mark 1) was very very very unlikely to find out and 2) if he did he would never hurt Phil, they were like brothers.

My phone buzzes, brining me out of my thoughts. It was a message from Phil:

Philly😋: Hey (Y/NN) (Your nickname), Dan's over and we could call if you want, it'll give you another chance to talk to him since you've only talked to him like once

(Y/N): Sure, why not. And btw you should really get together with Dan, you guys would be so cute ahhhh❤️❤️

Philly😋: If you say so XD

Phil soon calls me on Instagram, apparently wanting to video chat.

"Hey Philly!" I say happily, when I suddenly gasp. Dan and Phil were kissing.. on the lips.. like it was a normal thing.. I squeal, "OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!" I get up and dance around my room stupidly.

"My God (Y/N)" Dan laughs, "You really did want us to get together huh?"

"Yeah I think she did, babe." Phil says, emphasizing the babe to mess with me.

"Did you guys just get together orr???"

"We actually started dating during the summer." Phil explains, "We would've told you, but we weren't sure you could keep it a secret, but we trust you."

"Why do you have to keep it a secret?" I ask.

"Well, Mark isn't exactly the most accepting person, so I'm not sure what he would think of us being anything but straight." Dan says.

"Ohhhh... Well, I miss you guys, sorry Phil, but especially you Dan. I haven't seen you since my first day of school"

"Yeah, I would definitely hang out with you more, but we all know Mark would kill me, literally."

Chapter Three

~time skipedy ruh ro~

Dan and Phil left about an hour ago. Phil's mom (or mum, as Dan and Phil say) called them down for dinner. I just finished my homework and decided to take a quick shower. I strip down to my bra and underwear when I hear a whistle from my window and then some whispering. I look out the window to see PJ next to the window and Mark crawling over to it because my bedroom is on the second floor of my house.

"Mark?!" I screech, "what the hell are you doing here‽"

"Woah woah woah, calm down princess." Mark says.

"Calm down?!" I shout, "you're watching me through my window, and you expect me to calm down?!" at this point I had completely forgotten that I was only in my bra and underwear, all I knew was that I was very, very angry.

"Look, (Y/N), I- I'm...." Mark was at a loss of words, for once.

"Look Mark, give me a reasonable explanation as to why you're here, or get off my roof, go home, and don't come back." I say sternly.

Mark gave PJ and another boy that I haven't seen before a certain look and they left, once they were completely gone and out of sight Mark began, "Look, (Y/N) I'm sorry. I don't have a good reason to be here. You'll probably hate me after this, but PJ dared me to slap you, so I did. And then Chris told me to start bullying you, so again, I did. Then Jack dared me to come here and he made PJ come to make sure I did it. I didn't want to it's just that-"

I cut him off right then and there, "It's just what? That you care too much what your stupid friends think about you? So much that you'll 1) call me names, beat me down, and 2) slap me, punch me, kick me, just hurt me in general? And not only that, but also force, at that time, the only friends I had to not talk to me? I don't know what I ever did to you, or your friends, but it gives you no right to bully me."

"Please (Y/N), just listen. Ok, I know I shouldn't have done it and I feel horrible, I can't make you believe me, but I know that it's true. Just let me convince you that I'm sorry, I'll do anything. You're an amazing person as far as I know from that one day you hung out with me because of Dan and Phil. I really enjoyed hanging out with you and I want to again. So please, just let me convince you that I'm sorry."

"Fine. I'll give you one chance. You better be careful what you do because this is your only chance. Understand? One. Chance. No more than that."

"Ok, ok, ok. Thank you, thank you (Y/N)." Mark smiled, it was a genuine smile too. I smile back slightly, but my smile turns to a look of concern very quickly as I realize I was still in my bra and underwear. Mark just laughed, "Don't worry babe, you look good." And with that he started to leave.

"Mark!" I shout, annoyed. But he just sprints down the road.

Chapter four

Suddenly my phone goes off, it was a video chat from Phil. I answer it but quickly turn my camera off.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Phil says happily.

"Hey Phil." I say, sounding annoyed, as I am. He probably knew something was up 1) because of the obvious annoyance in my voice and 2) because I called him Phil, every time I talk to him I say Philly.

"What's wrong?" Phil asks as I close my window.

"It's a long story." I say quickly.

"Tell me it, I'll listen." He almost commands.

"Well, I was about to shower, and sorry this might be a bit tmi but you told me to tell you, so when I was in only my bra and underwear I heard a whistle from my window, it was PJ and he came with Mark. PJ left and then Mark pretty much said that he liked hanging out with me and that he was dared to bully me and he convinced me to give him one chance at making me believe that he was dared to do it. I'm not sure how he's gonna do that, but yeah, pretty much the three of the jocks saw me almost naked."

"Why did you give Mark a chance? He's done this with like... four other girls and then just bullied them again! You shouldn't have done that and you can't take it back now or he'll be super mad."

"I'm sorry. I just can't tell him no, I don't know why.." I say, suddenly feeling like crying.

"(Y/N)? Do you.. have a crush on Mark?" Phil asks.

"I.. I don't know." I say, breaking down, I start crying and having terrible thoughts, "Why am I so stupid? I should've known not to trust him. I should've known, I shouldn't have been so stupid!" I say, rambling on staying more and more bad things about myself, "I should've just listened to him, I should've done what he said.."

"(Y/N) Dan and I are coming over." Phil says and hangs up. I decide not to take a shower so they don't have to wait and I quickly put my clothes back on. Phil knows where I live because he's literally like four houses down.

Dan and Phil walk into my bedroom about 5 minutes later, they must have let themselves in since my mom is away.

"(Y/N)," Phil says with his arms open, he knows exactly what to do. We may have not seen each other much, but he's like a brother to me, we had talked so much over the phone and we knew almost everything about each other. I ran into his arms and we just sat on my bed for a while, his arms wrapped around me the whole time.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Phil asks and I nod, "What did you mean when you said 'I should've listened to him. I should've done what he said'?"

"Oh. Um. So, at my old school my best friend, Jake, we were really good friends. We hung out all the time and we knew everything about each other. Then I don't know why, but he found better friends and started bullying me. He said I should just kill myself instead of making anyone else deal with being friends with me.."

"Oh. You shouldn't listen to him and I'm glad you didn't. You're amazing and not in a weird way, but in a brother-sister kinda way, I love you." Phil says. At this point Dan had sat next to Phil and kept giving me apologetic looks.

"This is what you're supposed to tell Dan, not me!" I joke.

"Yeah!" Dan says fake offendedly, "What, are you cheating on me or something?! I thought we had something special!" Dan says, continuing the joke and wiping away a fake tear.

We all laugh and continue to talk until I'm 100% fine again and we decide to play some video games.

~time skip of the decade~

We had played about 10 rounds of Mario Kart and I had won 4, Dan had won 5, and Phil had won 1.

"I win! I win! I win!" Dan jumps up and dances around the room joyfully.

"Yeah yeah.. you don't have to rub it in Danny!" I say.

"Don't call me Danny!" He shouts.

"Why not, Danny?" I put the emphasis on Danny just to bug him.

"(Y/N)!" He screeches.

I run away down the hall, Dan chasing me. I trip down the stairs, mutter a small "ouch" and then get back up and keep running until I run out of breath and fall onto the ground. Dan takes a minute to find me but when he does he gets down and starts to tickle me, I scream and screech, it's not like my mom will think anything since she's away on a business trip. Somebody opens the front door, which I find weird, but I can't pay much attention to that as I'm being tickled to death.

"Danny!!! Stop it!!!!" I screech.

"Neverrrrr" he says. He keeps tickling me and I kept screaming and screeching. Apparently I hadn't been going crazy when I thought someone walked in the door because suddenly someone spoke up.

Chapter five

"I thought you were so scared of me that you did everything I told you." it was a deep voice, low and raspy, it was unmistakable, it was Mark. Dan stands up quickly and backs up until he's all the way against the wall. Mark stomps towards him.

"Mark! Stop it!" I shout. He turns around and glares at me.

"(Y/N) this is none of your business." He growls.

"But you're in my house!" I scream. Phil comes running down the stairs and he looks mad, but also slightly concerned.

"Mark, it's true and you know it." Phil says calmly.

"Well maybe if you listened to me she wouldn't have to see me like this! Maybe she wouldn't have to see Dan like this!" Mark shouts.

"Mark, I'm right here! I can hear every word you're saying!" I say, it was so stupid how he thought he could talk about me like an object, like he had to protect me. He had done the exact opposite of protect me.

"Shut up!" He says. I wonder what happened to 'convincing me he was sorry'.

I stand up, "No. You are in my house and you can't tell me what to do." I'm not sure where this sudden burst of confidence came from, normally I was terrified of him. It was for good reason though, he had left bruises all over me, my face, my stomach, my arms.

"Oh, so the scaredy-cat's finally got enough confidence to speak up huh? Well you know what? You can't tell me what to do, you can't stop me."

"Mark!" Phil screeches, "stop, ok? It's her house. If you have to do this at least get out of her home."

"Oh, so you're against me too now Philip?" Mark starts towards Phil and I can tell he's about to punch him so I jump in front of him and take the punch. He hits me in the eye and then swings again, this time hitting me in the gut, I fall to the ground, holding my stomach. He gasps, "(Y- (Y/N)! I'm so sorry, I- I didn't mean to!"

"Of course you didn't." I say, meaning for only me to hear it but he heard it too, "Just get out. Now."

" But (Y/N), I really am sorry, I swear!" He begs.

"No! Get out of my damn house!" I shout in his face. He obeys, but as he's leaving you can see he's crying.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Phil asks urgently. I just nod. "If you say so. I'm not 100% sure, but I think he might actually mean it. He's never cried like that. I've never seen him cry just in general. Maybe you should go after him?" Phil says.

"Yeah, I probably should." I say, I hate myself for it, but I always feel bad when I do that. I don't do it much, but when I do, it eats away at me until I apologise. "I'm gonna go do that." I say. I check on Dan before I go and he says he's fine.

"Mark!" I shout. I couldn't see him at first, but I see him turn a corner swiftly. I try to run after him, but it hurts too much from when he punched me. I speed-walk after him and he stops when he reaches the park. He sits on a swing and puts his head in his hands. I jog up and tap him on the shoulder, "Mark? Mark, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up on you like that. Are you okay?"

"Oh, uh.. yeah, I'm fine." He says looking up a little. I sit down on the ground in front of him. "but it wasn't your fault. It was mine. I shouldn't have come to our house twice without your permission, I shouldn't have freaked out at Dan, I shouldn't have tried to punch Phil, I shouldn't have punched you." he says, starting to cry again. He gets down on the ground next to me and starts to break down, I just wrap my arms around him.

"(Y/N)?" He asks, looking at me, I just look at him, signaling him to go on, "Why do you do this? Why do you let me be so mean, apologize, and then this. Why don't you get let me sit here alone?"

"I- I don't know Mark. I don't know."

"I know I said it before and it's probably really unbelievable because of everything I've done, but I really am sorry. I didn't want to admit it at first, but I think you deserve to know. I'm 100% sure you don't feel the same way, but the only reason PJ and Jack dared me to bully you and stuff was because I liked you and I still do.." Mark says.

"Y- You do?" I ask. The funny thing was, I did feel the same way, I just wasn't ready to say it yet.

"Yeah.. I- I can leave you alone now if you want... I..." his voice broke on the last 'I' and he just gave up saying what he was gonna say.

"No, no no no. Don't leave. But, will you come apologize to Dan and Phil.. please?" I ask hopefully, I assumed he would say no, but he had surprised me a few times today.

"Y- yeah.. of course."

"Ok." I stand up and hold out my hand, he takes it and smiles at me slightly. I don't take the time to release his hand and I just pull him in the direction of my house. There was a hill in the correct direction that we were going so Mark let go of my hand and ran to it. He sat down and rolled down the hill. I laugh and yell to him that he has mud on his hoodie since it had been raining. He just shrugs.

"Come on (Y/N)! Roll down!" He laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Fiiine!" I get down and roll all the way to the bottom, bumping into Mark. We both burst out laughing. "Come on, They're probably concerned why I've been out so long." I say and grab his hand again, pulling him to my house.

After a while my feet got really tired, "Markimoooo" I sing and he looks at me, obviously confused by the nickname, "why'd you have to walk so farrrr???" He just laughs. "My feet hurttttt" I complain.

"Here." He says, he kneels down and lets me jump on his back.

~time skiperuni~

We finally got back to my house and Mark opens the door quickly, "Danny! Philly! I'm back!~" I sang. I got no reply so Mark and I walk into the house. We walk into the living room to find Dan passed out on my couch and Phil watching TV. Phil puts his finger to his mouth, signaling me to be quiet. He doesn't look up at first, but when he does his face is full of confusion and then he looks like I just got kidnapped.

"Phil," I pause and let out a small giggle, "you look like I just got kidnapped!"

"But, I thought you hated him!" Phil says.

"When did I say that?" I ask.

"You said that?" Mark asks sadly.

"No! I never said that!" I say quickly.

"No, no you didn't, but I just assumed you did after what he did to you." Phil said.

"Yeah, that's fair enough." I say. I hop off Mark's back and grab Phil by the arm. I put up my pointer finger, signaling for him to wait a minute. I drag Phil down the hall and into my room.

"Did you need something (Y/N)?" Phil laughs.

"Yeah, I- I don't know what to do. Mark said he liked me and.. I- I like him too, but you said he did this to a few other girls too so.. I just... I don't wanna get my hopes up.." I say.

"No, he hasn't done this with anyone else, not even Amy. He dated Amy for about 6 months and they broke up about 2 weeks before you came. Mark had bullied a few girls and then told them he was sorry, but then he just used it to get to them even more than before and just bully them again, but he's never done anything like this. I think that if you really feel that way you should just tell him." Phil explains.

"O- Ok. I'll do it." I say, taking a deep breath, "thank you Philly!" I jump on him and hug him.

"You're welcome. Now if you're gonna do it, now's your chance. Go on!" He shouts, a little too loud.

I laugh, "Ok ok, I'm goin, I'm goin." I quietly walk down the stairs and sneak up behind Mark. He had sat down on the couch next to Dan's feet and he was watching TV. I jumped onto him and he screamed like a little girl.

"(Y/N)!" He shouts, fake angrily, "get over here!" I take off running, just as I did with Dan. I dash to the kitchen and snek out the back door, I try to close it quietly and be sneaky, but I end up slamming it. I mutter a small "damn it" and then run into my back yard. I run in a circle and realize the backyard is empty so I go to run back inside when I slam into Mark, knocking myself to the ground and he just wobbles a bit, but stays on his feet. I squeal, trying to scramble to my feet, I fail obviously and Mark starts to tickle me, much like Dan did.

"Mark! Noooooo!" I screech and burst out laughing, "Why must you d-" I cut myself off by squeaking and starting to laugh my butt off.

"What was that you were trying to say, honey?" Mark asks. I can see Phil peeking out my window through the corner of my eye.

"Why must you do this to me!!?!?!?!" I say quickly, before he can start to tickle me again.

"Mwahahahahha!!" Mark does his best to imitate an evil laugh. He began to tickle me again.

"Mar-ki-moooooo!!!! N-ooooO!!!" I shout in-between laughs. Dan came out the back door and looked at me confused. I just smile. He must have woken up when Mark screamed and then heard me screeching.

"Mark?" Dan asks, "I thought you had left?"

Mark stops tickling me and stand up, offering me his hand. I gladly take it and he pulls me up, making sure I was steady before letting go.

"Yeah, umm, I did, but (Y/N) came after me and brought me back. Oh! And I just wanted to say sorry. I shouldn't have freaked out on you.." Mark says quickly. Suddenly I burst out laughing and almost fall over, but Mark catches me. Nothing was funny, I just couldn't help but to laugh.

"What the heck (Y/N)? Are you okay?" Dan asks.

I start coughing because I can't breathe from laughing too much.

"What happened gorgeous?" Mark asks.

"I don't even know! Nothing was funny, I just couldn't help but laugh."

"Alright then." Mark laughs.

"Are you two... like... a couple?" Dan asks.

"A couple? No, sadly not. This beauty isn't interested in me and she could do way better." Mark says.

"Mark! What's with all the names all the sudden?" I ask.

"I don't know, I mean I've called you a lot of bad names so.... It's not like I'm lying anyway, you know that right?" He asks.

"Suuuree you aren't!" I say sarcastically.

"I'm not!" He shouts.

"Ok, I'm just gonna let you guys have a moment..." Dan says, walking back into the house. I just laugh.

"Hey Markimoo?" I ask.


"So... uh...." I try to start, but I can't figure out how to say it.

"What is it?"

"I- uhm... I- I-...."

"Just say it. I won't be mad, I swear."

"I like you too!" I say super fast.

"What was that?"

"I- I- Ahhh...." I pause, taking a deep breath before saying it again, only slower this time. "I like you too..." I then rush into the house and sit next to Dan on the couch, looking down, trying to hide my blush. Mark comes in the house slowly and sits on the other side of Dan.

"(Y/N)?" Mark asks.

"Y- yeah?" I say.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Uhh... yeah.. I'm fine."

"You sure? Because I wouldn't think you would like me because of everything I've done."

"You like him?!" Dan asks, surprised. I had forgotten he was here.

"Oh, uhh... y- no- I. Uhh." I stutter, trying to find words.

"Do you?" He asks, not in a mean way. Phil came down the stairs and apparently he heard everything too because he looked at me as if asking the same thing as Dan.

"Uhh... y- yeah..." I say a little quiet, but everyone heard.

~time skip brought to you by the last Phil is not on fire *sed*:((~

Dan and Phil were staying the night and we all decided to ask Mark if he wanted to stay too, he said yes and we were all about to play Mario Kart on my Wii, because yes, I had enough controllers for that. We all decided on making a bet, whoever won got to choose something they wanted to do and whoever was a part of the bet had to do what they said. It was probably a horribly dumb idea, but I guess I'll just die.

"Ok you can start if you want (Y/N), ladies first." Phil says.

"Nah, I need a minute to think about it." I say.

"Alright, you wanna go then Dan?" Phil asks.

"Uhh sure." Dan replies, " if I win..... umm... Mark has to wear a dress when we go back to school Monday." I burst out laughing and so does Phil.

"No! No no no no no!" Mark shouts.

"Pleaaseeee!" I beg. He finally gives in and nods.

"Ok, fine." Mark agrees, "but if I win.... I get a chance to take (Y/N) out on a date?..."

"No!" Phil shouts instantly.

"But daaaaaddd...." I complain jokingly. "What has he ever done to youuuu?"

"Fine. But if she comes back crying or I have to come out to find you after 10 you will never. Be. Let. Near. Her. Again. 10 is the curfew, understand?" Phil says seriously.

"Daaaaaddd!" I complain.

"It's that or nothing." He says.

"Fine." I say.

"Alright, that was weird." Mark says.

"Ok! If I win..... uhh...... hmm.. oh! I've got it! If I win we all watch a scary movie tonight!" Phil says happily.

"A horror movie! Really?" I shout.

"You don't like horror movies?" Dan and Mark ask I'm unison.

"Uhh.. no I do, I've just seen them all already." I lie, not wanting them to judge me.

"Oh. Alright then." Dan says.

"And if I win... uhm... Ahhh yes! Dan and Phil have to kiss!" I shout.

"What?! Why?" Phil asks.

"Because you guys would be cuuuute togetherrrr" I sing.

"Hey, I never thought about it, but they kinda would!" Mark said.

"What?!" Dan screeches.

"Yeah, I think you guys should get together." Mark says.

~time skip~

We ended up playing Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat, and Super Smash Bros. Dan won Mario Kart (of course), Mark won Mortal Kombat, and I won Super Smash Bros. We just found a dress for Mark to wear and we're gonna go pick it up tomorrow, Mark was gonna plan the date for next weekend, and Dan and Phil were about to kiss. Mark just went to the bathroom and the three of us were talking about if they were ready to tell Mark that they're dating. They decided they would and Mark came out a few minutes later.

"Alright!" I say, "you guys ready?"

"Uhh yeah." Phil says.

"Umm... Y- yeah.. S- sure." Dan says. I can feel his heart beating since I'm sitting right next to him, he must be nervous that Mark's gonna flip out.

"Alright." I start, "we're ready whenever you are." I say, speaking for Mark.

"Ok." Dan says. I scoot away from Dan and sit next to Mark so I can see a bit better.

Dan takes a deep breath and then smashes

his lips into Phil's. They stay like that for a second until Phil pulls away. He looks at Dan, obviously asking him if he's ready, Dan nods and Phil starts, "So Mark, let me Phil you in," he points finger guns at me and Mark, grabs Dan's hand, then continues, "So, me and Dan are... Um... dating. We have been since the summer."

Chapter Six

I screamed and grabbed the closest person to me who just happened to be Mark. "You alright there babe?" He asks.

"Uhh... yeah.." I say.

"You sure you like horror movies?" Dang it, he got me. We had started watching some new horror movie because the three boys thought everyone liked horror movies. I didn't take the time to pay attention to what it was called, I was just freaking out waiting to get jump scared. We were only about 20 minutes in and then a clown jumped out from behind a vending machine and started chasing the main characters, Susan and Jeremy or something.

"Uhh... Well... No. I hate them actually." I explain.

"Well why'd you let us put it on then?" Mark asks, sounding angry.

"I- I don't know..." I cower down thinking that he was mad at me. "I- I just knew you all liked them so I.... I don't k- know.."

"If you don't like them you should've just said so, so that we didn't put one on!" He says kinda loudly. It's really stupid, but I think he's mad at me and I start crying. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) what's wrong?!" Mark says.

"I- I thought... A- Aren't you mad at m- me?" I ask.

"What? What, no! No no no! I'm not mad! Why would I be mad?" Mark asks.

"Ughhhhh... You guys are so loudddd..." Dan complains, he was already almost asleep so I felt bad for waking him.

"We can go outside really fast, sorry." I say and pull Mark outside by the arm.

"(Y/N)," Mark grabs my hands, " why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know, you just sounded angry. I don't know." I repeat the 'i don't know' since I'm nervous.

"(Y/N) I'm not mad at you. I just wish you would've told us you didn't like horror movies."


"It's fine." I open up my arms asking for a hug and he hugs me. We stand there for a moment until he picks me up and swings me around, "Mark!" I giggle.

"What?" He asks.

"Put me down!" I say.

"No!" He shouts.

"Markimoo!!! Put me downnnnn!" I plead.

"Never!!!" He says. He adjusts the way he's holding me so that he's holding me bridal style.

"Pleaseeeeee???" I beg.

"Nope. Not happening." He says and with that we go inside and he sits on the couch, but doesn't let me go, he keeps me in his lap.

"Maarkk" I giggle, "what are you doingggg?"

"I told you I wasn't gonna put you down and I'm not!" He says.

"Ok lovebirds, be quiet we're trying to watch movie." Phil says.

"Oh shut up!" I say, "you two are the lovebirds if anything! Mark and I aren't even dating!"

"Psh, you aren't dating yet." Dan says.

"Dan! I heard that!" I say.

"Just look at you two! You're obviously gonna end up dating one way or another." Dan says.

"It's true!" Phil says.

"I can't argue." Mark said.

"Whatever." I joke.

"What, no skin?" Mark asks.

"What?!" I scream.

"I said, What, do you hate me that much?" Mark says.

"I swear that isn't what you said. You just said 'What, no skin?'" I say. Dan and Phil explode into laughter.

"She.. doesn't.... Get.... It..." Phil wheezes through laughs.

"I don't get what?" I say.

"It's a reference!" Dan shouts.

"To what?!" I ask.

"You'll never know!" Mark says.

"Whyyyyyyy??" I complain.

"Because I'm mean!" He shouts.

"But Markimoo!~" I say.


"Pfft, not dating my ass." I hear Dan 'whisper' to Phil. It wasn't a whisper it was just a little quieter than usual.

"Daniel!" I screech. His eyes shoot to look at me, obviously confused and alarmed, "not in my house!"

"What?" He asks.

"I said, not in my house!" I repeat.

"What not in your house? No cussing? Cause I'm pretty sure I heard you say hell earlier." he says.

"Damn it Daniel!" I shout.

"See, you just cussed yourself! You can't tell me not to!" He says.

"Fine!" I say, "but Mark! What is itttt????" I plead.

"I'm not telling you!" He says.

"What about if I do this?" I lean in and quickly kiss him on the lips.

"I- uh..."

"Speechless huh?" I joke.

"See, I told you you might as well be dating." Dan says.

"Daniel!" I scream, I try to get up, but Mark was still holding me down. "Markkkkk let me gooo!"

"No! You're gonna kill Dan!" He laughs.

"Just let me go! Pleaaaseee?" I beg, giving him puppy eyes.

"No! It isn't gonna work on me!" He says.

"No, apparently not, but this will." I say, kissing him again, but for a little longer this time. His grip loosens for a second and I stand up as quick as I can and run over and jump on Dan.

"What the hell?" Dan screams as he had fallen back asleep.

"Dieeeeee!" I scream violently. I was punching him lightly and he began to cry, I was hoping he could fake cry.

"You're so mean to mee." He fake pouts.

"Woah woah. Calm down there." Mark jokes, picking me up and setting me down on the couch.

"Now Missy, you are grounded!" Mark says, "your friend here never did anything to you!"

"But mommmm!" I say.

~time skip brought to you by Skippy peanut butter and soup~

It was finally Monday and we were all getting ready for school. I was in my bedroom (alone obviously) and the three boys were in the guest bedroom. I decide to dress a little bit fancier than usual just because I felt like it. I slipped on a pastel (f/c) dress and the same white socks with grey rings around the top from the same day of school. I put on some black heels (pick however many inches you want or just wear flats if you'd like) and grabbed a zip-up jacket. I open the door and knock on the door to the guest bedroom.

"Hold on!" Phil says.

"Ugh, you guys take longer than me." I complain and walk to the living room. Dan was sitting there with curly hair?

"Dan?" I ask, "you have curly hair?"

"What? Ah! Yes! I do!" He jumps up and rushes to the bathroom. "(Y/N) where is your hair straightener?!" He shouts.

"Uhh I don't know under the sink or something." I say. "Why?"

"I can't show up to school with my hair like this!" He shouts.

"Why? I like it." I say, grabbing a curl from his forehead and lightly pulling on it for a moment before letting it fall back into its place. 

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