Message In A Bottle

By TwelveTurquoise12

15.3K 346 4.1K

[INVISIBLE STRING SEQUEL!] September 6, 2022. 6:17am. TrueQuill has posted a new message. BlueInk has posted... More

Aug 25
Aug 27 (Part 1)
Aug 27 (Part 2)
Aug 30
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Sep 10
Sep 16
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Feb 6
Feb 10
Feb 20
Feb 27
March 1
March 8

Feb 14

379 4 149
By TwelveTurquoise12

A/N: Eugene is kinda unhinged here because I also feel kinda unhinged. Or maybe he's also making me unhinged.

Also a quick update on the online identities: everyone knows who Bree is, Bree knows who Eugene is, Bree, Alex, and Danielle know who Conner is, Alex and Danielle know each other, Bree probably knows who Danielle is.

This was a horrible chapter to write because of the second hand embarrassment. Probably the worst chapter to write so far (and hopefully the worst one to write for this entire fic). So I'm sorry that this is late but I just could NOT bring myself to write the sheer horror LMAO like I'm gonna start flinching from my laptop if this continues haha. This is a horrible, horrible chapter [shudders]


Can I ask you a question?
Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?
And every single one of your friends was making fun of you
But fifteen seconds later, they were clapping too?
Then what did you do?


Long story short: Eugene broke his arm.

And Danielle was pissed.

Eugene's parents bought the matter to school and furiously defended their son ("As I said before, they think they're the only people who can traumatise me."). Mack ended up having to pay for Eugene's hospital fees and was suspended for a while (Mack's parents were mortified and apologetic). However, while Mack's suspension might have prevented the drama from escalating (read: it prevented Mack from being murdered from several of Eugene's friends), it didn't calm everybody down.

For one, the school finally saw Danielle as her most terrifying self (which Eugene commented was just the Danielle he saw daily). Gone was the shy, timid, girly girl. Now Danielle was unafraid, furious, and still girly. People once mocked her style— pastel pinks and miniskirts and "childish" frills and ribbons— and Danielle never really stopped wearing them, but now she wore them with pride and defiance. She didn't change her look to something "edgier" and "darker" as a glow-up, nor did she suddenly start wearing red lipstick and sharp eyeliner to look "hot". No, Danielle didn't change herself to attract attention and to show how "unaffected" she was. She just lived as herself, a bit less insecure and bit more aggressively. She finally wore her cutesy lavender cardigan with clouds on it (she didn't wear it before to school because she thought it might be too childish), and of course she paired it with with her favourite frilly pink skirt. She wore hairclips in the shape of colourful candies. Danielle was unashamed, but she didn't go overboard. As stated before, she was just living as her true self.

People noticed the subtle differences in Danielle, and looked at her- some with curiosity, some with support, some with disdain. Danielle's almost aggressive "cute" style of fashion and her explosion at Mack before caused more people to poke fun at her. Unfortunately, Danielle's patience had completely dried out.

"What?" Danielle snapped when she heard suspicious murmurs behind her. "If you have anything to say, say it to my face."

The gaggle of students looked uneasy, but one finally said, "Don't you feel at least somewhat guilty of the drama you caused? Your friend got into the hospital because of you?"

Danielle crossed her arms and fixed them with a hard stare. She might've came off as looking pathetic in her clothes, but Danielle was a theater kid who had experience with being dramatic. She could carry it. "Oh yeah, I should apologise for being bullied," she said curtly. "And for the last time: it wasn't me who pushed Eugene off the stairs. That's Mack's fault and Mack's fault only."

"Ugh, look at her playing the victim again."

"She's the root of this, how does she still have friends..."

Danielle didn't care. She couldn't afford to. She strode away, black boots clacking in the corridor.

In this fashion, Danielle got into some verbal sniping with people who were annoying her. A lot of it was her glaring at people and scaring them away while wearing strawberry earrings and pink headbands and whatever cute accessory she fancied that day. Eugene, of course, was (irrationally) pleased about it to the point he was almost smug.

"Everyone's finally seeing Danielle for the scary girl she really is," Eugene said almost cheerfully. He looked extraordinarily perky for someone who had an arm in a cast (albeit said cast was littered with names from friends).

"Oh yeah, Danielle can definitely be scary," Bree chimed in. "That's why I'm friends with her."

"Oh shut up, Eugene," Danielle huffed, cheeks turning pink from embarrassment.

"Thanks for going feral on my behalf, though."

Danielle lightly smacked Eugene's arm (not the one that was hurt). "You're acting so damn smug about it," she scolded. "Your stupid ego is through the roof."

Eugene smirked and removed Danielle's hand from his shoulder. "Well, well, it does feel nice to be appreciated."

"I'm not that scary to you, am I?!"

Ahh, and now Danielle was standing with her hands on her hips and comically pouting. Eugene couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"You used to only be scary to me. Everyone else saw you as this shy cutesy girl who wouldn't harm a fly."

Bree, annoying as always, decided to meddle. "Wow, so you don't think Dani is cute-"

At that point, someone else decided to make fun of them again (as they did nowadays whenever Danielle and Eugene interact because the general public suddenly became #Eugenielle shippers). Danielle rose up like a terrifying dragon and shooed them away with a glare and a few choice words. Eugene glanced appreciatively at Danielle, a genuine, instinctive smile on the corner of his lips.

"Wow," he couldn't help but say.

Bree almost rolled her eyes. She was the one dating someone, but Eugene was totally acting like a lovesick simp. Maybe the fall down the stairs really damaged his head after all.

"Eugene, you're being obvious," she hissed at him.

Eugene shrugged, acting nonchalant, but Bree could see the slightest tinge of pink on his cheeks. "You're just seeing things."

"Eugene, even blind people can tell," Bree deadpanned. "Like, the entire school is shipping you two. There's a three way ship war going on Forging Friendships for goodness' sake. And by three way I mean people are also shipping you and Fred."

"It's just rumours," Eugene dismissed. "Like, they've been going on for the past month. I'm fine."

"You, sir, are crazy," Bree informed him.

"I got thrown down the stairs, can you blame me?"


Name: DollyLlama

Posted on: February 14. 12:00am.

Message: happy valentine's day :D


Name: UndeadFox

Commented on: February 14. 12:02am.

Comment: Happy Valentine's Day!! :DD


Name: TrueQuill

Commented on: February 14. 12:06am.

Comment: Ohhh look it's the annoying couple being annoying again [heart]


Name: UndeadFox

Commented on: February 14. 12:10am.

Comment: bold of YOU to call us the annoying couple


Name: RedMask

Commented on: February 14. 12:12am.

Comment: don't know who these ppl are but no couple is as annoying and as nauseating as arlex lmao


Name: DollyLlama

Commented on: February 14. 12:13am.

Comment: I—


Name: Anonymous

Posted on: February 14. 12:15am.

Message: UGH its the couples being annoying and flashy day again everyone sucks except for conner and bree (they get a pass) i need bleach for my eyes

I'm genuinely so sick of this highschool romance crap like can we shut up about dani eugene fred (and alex and arthur) like I DONT WANNA HEAR IT. I PRETEND I DO NOT SEE IT.

sorry for the vent im just annoyed (and single lol) :(


Name: CloudShift

Commented on: February 14. 12:20am.

Comment: yeah I get you, if I see another couple making out in the corridors I'll gouge my eyes out


Name: SharpStorm

Commented on: February 14. 12:23am.

Comment: +1


Name: CloudShift

Commented on: February 14. 12:25am.

Comment: ... if you're who I think you are, didn't people catch you making out with your gf on the bus to the camping trip last year?


Name: SharpStorm

Commented on: February 14. 12:25am.

Comment: ... that was one (1) time.


Name: CloudShift

Commented on: February 14. 12:27am.

Comment: sorry for doxxing you (even though I think ur gf exposed you a month ago), if you wanna silence me it's fine, just don't push me down the stairs like mack did to eugene—


Name: UndeadFox

Commented on: February 14. 12:30am.

Comment: What the heck is going on here.


Name: SharpStorm

Commented on: February 14. 12:33am.

Comment: dunno, I think we all need to sleep


Name: BlueInk

Posted on: February 14. 7:30am.

Message: Going to school and my eyes being BOMBARDED with flowers and roses in stores and like 5000 million heart shaped boxes of chocolate

Like the streets are so ridiculously pink


Name: LilacBerry

Commented on: February 14. 7:33am.

Comment: lol it's the valentines propaganda [heart] you gonna buy a flower for someone? :D


Name: BlueInk

Commented on: February 14. 7:35am.

Comment: nah


Name: TrueQuill

Commented on: February 14. 7:38am.

Comment: Hmm


It was Valentine's Day.

Quite honestly, a rather annoying day. Because single people would get annoyed and the couples would have the spotlight on them.

Alex, despite being one half of the school's power couple, did not want the attention. She'd never liked people prodding into her love life, and now people felt particularly entitled because she was dating Arthur Pendragon. And she especially didn't want attention now that the Danielle thing had truly blown up after Eugene's hospitalisation. The last thing Alex wanted was more drama.

Arthur said he'd prepared a "surprise" for her, so she assumed he was taking her out for a meal after school or something. She'd also bought a box of chocolates for him, which she tried to hide from Conner but failed. At least Conner had the decency to pretend he didn't know, even though his acting skills made it even more obvious.

Conner and Bree were trying to avoid attention even though everyone was very curious about them (after all, they started out as online friends). Apparently they were going to visit a nice dessert place after school.

Fred, curiously, did not do anything. However judging from his popularity, someone was bound to confess to him on Valentine's Day. (He always politely rejected them though.)

"You're not going to ask anyone out?" Alex asked Fred.

Fred shrugged. "Nah, not interested. And I don't wanna lead anyone on when I don't like them."

"Fair enough." Alex still found it somewhat weird that Fred's love life was technically non-existent (as he hadn't had a serious boyfriend/girlfriend yet) since Fred was so charismatic and popular, but it wasn't her business.

... And if Danielle liked Fred, she didn't do anything about it. But that was probably the logical choice anyway, Alex mused. Because if they did anything, they would just "confirm" the rumours.

The school was buzzing with excitement and teenage hormones. Girls were clustered together and whispering. Someone was holding a bouquet of flowers. Someone was weeping in a corner next to the trash bin. Alex gulped and hurried her footsteps. She felt selfish for thinking it, but maybe this Valentine's Day would distract everyone from the Danielle/Fred/Eugene triangle thing. After all, more "interesting" things were bound to happen on the day of the celebration of love in a confined place full of unhinged teenagers.

But then again, did Alex have any right to complain about Valentine's Day when she was literally dating someone?

As expected, Alex didn't sit with the others today and went back to Arthur (Conner and Bree stayed in their old seats though). Danielle was nicely dressed (well, she was always nicely dressed, but people could see she put in more effort that day) with her heart shaped earrings and red sweater, and she was chatting with Fred about something.

As they all walked to the cafeteria after class, Bree asked Alex, "So what do you think Arthur is gonna do for you?"

Alex shivered, excited yet slightly nervous (from anticipation). "Dunno, hope it's not anything too grand... I'll feel embarrassed if that's the case, ha ha."

"I get you, I'll implode if I get any more unwanted attention," Danielle chimed in.

"Flowers are a sweet gesture though," Fred said. "I like flowers."

"Too bad you don't have a special someone to give your rose to," Alex lightly teased him.

Fred instantly smirked. "So you think I don't have a special someone?"

"Okay, but Valentine's Day is becoming so capitalist," Bree commented. "The prices are insane, and don't get me started on the Valentine's Day meals... we're already in an economic recession, we don't need this."

"At least the chocolate's all discounted after this," Conner interjected. "I'll be taking a look at the stores tomorrow."

"Take me with you," Bree said.

"Ah yes, the peak of romance: scavenging discounted boxes of chocolate on the day after Valentine's," Alex joked.

Danielle looked thoughtful. "I unironically think it's pretty sweet. Like, it's the sense of normalcy. Of having fun together. Like, Valentine's Day feels like an annual event in which you dump extraordinary amounts of money when you guys should be loving and caring no matter which day it is." She noticed everyone staring at her, and she blushed. "O-of course, it's not like I know anything when I never dated anyone."

"You could totally get a date if you like." Fred was either oblivious or flirting with her, and the problem with Fred was that one honestly couldn't tell sometimes. If that comment came from any other person, Danielle would be irritated (especially with the recent gossip about her love life), but Danielle was now familiar with Fred's typical brand of being annoying. So it didn't mean anything... or did it?

Both Bree and Alex coughed, then exchanged looks.

"Anyways," Alex hastily changed the subject, "I honestly don't want much. I agree with Dani; I prefer the sense of normalcy. Having an epic fairy tale sounds great at first, but then it gets tiring. I don't want to be put up on a pedestal all the time. And I've got other stuff to care about instead of romance."

"That's a mature view," Conner said, somehow totally unironically.

Alex flushed. "Really, I think you and Bree are being the mature ones here."

Bree raised an eyebrow, while Conner stared. "Me? Mature?" he repeated, skeptical. "Never imagined my own twin sister would call me that."

Alex tried to explain. "I mean... it's like you two were friends before becoming a couple. You guys have this kind of... stability. And I feel like you two are developing at the same pace and share the same hobbies. It's nice, I guess. The sense of normalcy."

Before they could talk more, the cafeteria came into view and they went their separate ways. Alex continued to daydream about what kind of surprise Arthur got for her. Maybe a plushie? Tickets to the rink or an amusement park? A nice rose? A dainty cake? Her heart fluttered. She knew she was overthinking it, but she couldn't stop. This was her first Valentine's Day with Arthur, and she didn't want any of it to go wrong. But she also had a vague feeling that her box of chocolates could pale in comparison to... whatever Arthur was doing.

Alex walked to her and Arthur's usual table. She noticed Arthur's friends around them murmuring and smiling, and felt a faint sense of unease. Arthur was standing there waiting for her with a wide grin. Alex returned the grin, despite the butterflies in her stomach.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Alex blurted out.

"Aww, I wanted to be first," Arthur joked. "But anyways, here's the surprise I prepared for you..."

Conner, Bree, Fred, and Danielle were just chilling at their lunch table when they heard a chorus of cheers from a corner. Conner and Bree dropped their interesting conversation on Greek mythology to see what was going on. Fred was sipping his carton of milk and somehow managed not to choke. "The hell is that?" Fred muttered.

The group turned. So did everyone else in the cafeteria because everyone heard those loud cheers. So hundreds of pairs of eyes landed on- Alex Bailey.

Alex Bailey, standing there with a gigantic bouquet of roses in her arms (seriously, that thing was thrice the size of her head), a wreath of pink flowers on her head. Her boyfriend was standing next to her with a jumbo sized teddy bear and the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh wow," Conner commented. He honestly didn't know what else to say.

"Are we in a clichéd romantic drama?" Danielle wondered out loud.

Arthur dramatically got down on knee. His friends were next to him, showering Alex with confetti and rose petals. "Alex Bailey, will you be my Valentine?" he declared.

"It's not like she can refuse when she's literally holding his bouquet of flowers," Bree logically pointed.

The cafeteria was so silent that one could hear a pin drop. Danielle scanned the area, and her eyes landed on Eugene. Eugene was trying hard not to laugh. They exchanged the slightest shake of their heads.

Alex froze for a second, but her smile returned to her face. "Yes," she breathed out. "Of course, yes."

The group all strategically looked away when they passionately kissed. Fred mimed barfing, and Bree was the only one who caught him.

"How rich is that dude? He spent so much for this," Danielle marveled.

"What, you want something like that?" Fred asked.

Danielle rolled her eyes. "Some people might be into that, but not for me. It's too much. I'll probably run away."

Fred let out an exaggerated sigh. "Aaaand I thought Arthur might've beat me in the wooing part. So not all girls like that. Good."

Bree was frowning. "Oh heck, people are filming this?"


"Like the dumb TikToks?"

Several people, Arthur's friends included, were secretly filming the romantic scene. "M-maybe they're keeping a record?" Danielle suggested. "I mean, it's pretty lavish. It'll be weird if they make it public, knowing how Alex is."

Bree crossed her arms. "Dani, you're being too nice."

Danielle scowled. "Okay, I actually thought of it negatively at the start but I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt."

Now literally everyone was staring at the couple. Some were clapping and wolf whistling. This was an even bigger event than Eugene rolling down the stairs. Alex's face was intensely red, probably from embarrassment. Irritation bubbled up inside Fred's chest. He didn't like what was going on, but he knew he was biased due to his jealousy, so he kept his mouth shut. Arthur whispered something to Alex and then dragged her away.

"... Am I the only one who thought that was weird?" Conner spoke out loud.

Since Conner was the one who tended to like Arthur the most out of the group (except Bree, who was fine with Arthur as a person but not 100% on board with him dating Alex), the other three let out a silent sigh of relief.

"Yeah, didn't Alex just say she didn't want much?" Danielle pointed out.

"It's gonna be nerve wracking doing this in a public space with everyone staring at them." Fred tapped his fingers on the table to get rid of his frustration.

"And they were filmed?" Bree's tone was incredulous now. "Like, I don't know Alex as some of you here, but I don't think she's comfortable with that..."

"If she doesn't know she's being filmed, that's a problem," Fred said. "Like, that's basic consent."

"Also," Danielle grumbled, "I bet Forging Friendships is going to be really annoying about this. Like, maybe even more annoying than what happened to me."

Fred sighed. "Ugh, people are probably talking already..."


Name: Anonymous

Posted on: February 14. 1:03pm.



Name: CloudShift

Commented on: February 14. 1:03pm.

Comment: To put it nicely, that was one of the most proposals of all time. It truly was planned, organised, executed, and received. It really was a surprise. wow


Name: QuietRabbit

Commented on: February 14. 1:04pm.

Comment: not to be parasocial but alex bailey kinda looked uncomfy or was it just my imagination...?


Name: RedMask

Commented on: February 14. 1:04pm.

Comment: I mean, he has the flowers, the cake, the plushie, the confetti— that's every girl's dream Valentines right?


Name: QuietRabbit

Commented on: February 14. 1:04pm.

Comment: girl here, I can say with certainty that's not EVERY girl's dream


Name: CloudShift

Commented on: February 14. 1:05pm.

Comment: boy here, I can also say with certainty that's not every boy's dream


Name: Anonymous

Posted on: February 14. 1:06pm.

Message: I feel rlly bad for saying this but... that was not It. It should've been romantic and sweet but WHY WAS IT SO AWKWARD AND STIFF HELPPPPPPP


Name: QuietRabbit

Commented on: February 14. 1:06pm.

Comment: omg ur not alone... alex really felt like a standing emoji here


Name: JuneRibbon

Commented on: February 14. 1:06pm.

Comment: and all of us watching were like skull emojis


Name: Anonymous

Posted on: February 14. 1:06pm.

Message: HEY GUYS ITS ON TIKTOK AND IG STORY???? someone filmed it omg. is it like one of those live reaction vids????


Name: BlueInk

Commented on: February 14: 1:07pm.

Comment: WHAT


Alex didn't know how to feel.

On one hand, she was grateful for Arthur's gifts that definitely cost a lot of money, and her meager box of chocolates suddenly looked like nothing. Arthur had also put in a lot of effort and he was a loving and dedicated boyfriend.

On the other hand, Alex did feel overwhelmed. The gifts were fine, if not surprising, but it was the fact that it was public. And she was surrounded by Arthur's friends (they got along fine, but she'd only known them a few months, which was the same time she'd known Arthur for), not her own friends. And Alex loathed how everyone was staring at her, especially after the Danielle incident, and she was starting to have flashbacks—

"Ugh, she's so weird, she's always hugging books in the library."

"How is that nerd friends with Fred Hayford? She's sooo out of his league."

"She's so quiet and awkward. I don't feel welcomed when I sit next to her."

Logically, Alex knew that was the past. She was well-liked and well-respected now. However, her fears didn't subside easily. Especially after she saw how they all dog-piled onto Danielle and co when they never did anything wrong. A quick switch of the tide and then the public would be against you.

Arthur noticed Alex's uneasy expression and dragged her away. "Is anything wrong, babe?" he asked gently, concern in his eyes.

Alex didn't want to mean when Arthur had done so much for her. "Thank you, Arthur, that was so sweet, but..."

"But...?" Arthur prompted.

Alex couldn't do this. Her breath felt faint. Wasn't she supposed to feel safe and secure with her boyfriend?

Then Arthur said something unexpected.

"I'll delete the vids if you want me to."

Alex's eyes snapped towards Arthur, an almost angry flash in them. "The what?" she echoed.

"I thought it would be nice to record your reaction and post them..." Arthur had enough EQ to notice that Alex was unhappy. "I'm sorry! I'll take them down ASAP."

"You mean they're posted?!" Alex cried out shrilly. It was an instinctive yell, like it was torn from her own lips. "Without my permission??"

Arthur raised his hands defensively. "I'm sorry, okay? I thought it was going to be sweet-"

Alex felt like everything was too much. It crashed over her all at once like a tsunami. "I need some time to calm down," she got out through gritted teeth. She nicely returned the bouquet and walked away, then whirled back. "And don't follow me! I-I'll talk to you later." The latter sentence came out weakly compared to her strong tone before.

Alex wasn't really aware of where she was going. She just wanted to get away and be alone for a while. Maybe it was bad to stew in her truly illogical emotions, but she couldn't deal with reality at the moment.

She needed a break.

Her mind steered her to the place she found the most familiar and comforting— the Lynn Building. It was a subconscious thing. Before Alex knew it, she was tucked in that little corner that had brought her much comfort in her middle school years. She breathed in, then out.

Calm down, Alex Bailey. Something's wrong with you. Deep breaths.

Had she overreacted to the Valentine's Day surprise when Arthur had done so much for her? Was she being unappreciative? And would people care? Alex's heart went icy cold. What if they would slander her? Call her overly sensitive and ungrateful? She knew she was spiraling, but she couldn't help it.

All the effort she made... saving the Lynn Building, being "popular" and respected, making new friends... would people hate her now?

And Arthur... what about him? She thought he was the perfect boy for her. He gave her everything she wanted and more. She thought they had excellent chemistry and were soulmates and intrinsically understood each other. But apparently, they had communication issues. They didn't agree on everything. And he'd crossed a boundary of hers.

What went wrong? Alex wailed inside her brain. Is it just me?

Anyways, Alex didn't want to face the crowd. Not today. She felt so stupid, isolating herself from anyone, but she truly needed some space to think and reflect.

Footsteps. Alex automatically sighed. "I don't really want to speak to you right now-"

"Alright, I'll go. But at least eat something."

Alex perked up at the familiar voice. "Freddie?"

Fred's smile was soft, gentle, yet there was a hint of hurt in them. Not that he was hurt by her, more like... he felt hurt on her behalf.

"Oh." Alex felt strangely conscious. "I- hi. You're here."

Wow, statement of the century, Alex drily thought to herself. But then, Fred always knew where to find her. At least, he did in school. And it wasn't because he "magically" knew it or they shared a special connection (okay, they did share a special connection), it was because he grew up with her. He learned from experience. Years ago, he'd found her tucked there during lunch breaks, lonely and socially awkward. He would stay if she let him. She always let him. He always stayed.

And Fred remembered. He was a little silly, his ego a little too big, imperfect and sometimes annoying, but he remembered. He grew up with her. Being friends with her was a part of him, and being friends with him was a part of her.

"Again, I can leave if you want me to." Fred was always like that. Alex had flashbacks to them in middle school— when Fred was a little less shorter, his face a little less polished, when she was insecure and hugging her knees to her chest. He said the same thing then.

Alex gave a shrug. "Nah, you're fine. I'm not mad at you."

Fred cracked a smile. "Cool. Want me to sit down?"

Alex shifted aside and let him. It was normal. She'd done the same many times over the years. Fred sat down. The air was still and comfortable and quiet— the way she liked it.

"... What's going on outside?"

Outside, with its bullies and boyfriends and nasty rumours and nasty people and—

"We all noticed you were upset, so Bree and Dani went to have a friendly chat with Arthur especially about the videos. Conner and I went off to find you, but I guess I'm a better finder."

Trust Fred to make jokes in a tense situation. He really was good at comforting her. Alex took a shuddering breath. "Thanks, I guess? I still don't know what to feel. I don't want to talk about it."

"That's alright." Fred nudged a paper bag towards her. "Food?"

A smile blossomed on Alex's face. "Sure, thanks."

Fred had packed her a sandwich and a bag of chips. Alex ate quietly while Fred kept her company. It felt nice. It felt... grounding, after the crazy events of today. As Alex put her trash in the paper bag, she noticed something else in it.

A cheap bag of chocolates, the one from the school's vending machine.

Well, Alex could never say no to sweetness. Especially when she was feeling upset.

And so she happily munched the chocolates and felt her uneasiness melt away bit by bit. As she sat in the Lynn Building, with Fred next to her-

It was all so normal.

It was all so perfectly, imperfectly normal.


A/N: Everytime I put a character in a cast I remember how my fifth / sixth grade crush broke his arm in soccer and the teachers were like "awww it's so impressive he finished his homework". Sorry random guy I had a crush on, you've now inspired a staple in my fics lmao.

I got so stuck on Arthur. It was supposed to be worse but I literally couldn't bring myself to describe it. So I skimmed over it. It's probably worse than what I wrote here. I'm slandering Arthur for destroying my motivation to write. And of course that scene fits in well with Taylor Swift's Question...? (which I think is about kissgate but don't come at me—)

And also Fredlex [screeching]. They're just so. OUGH.

Thank you for your patience and not pestering me to update lmao (that always makes me want to update less haha). Thank you so much for the 7k views!! Very much appreciated <3 <3 I always love to see your comments!

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