Son of a Lord

By JudeT56

108K 3.8K 881

"I will take the very one that was meant to destroy me, who was prophesized to be my doom. I will take him an... More

Chapter one: Halloween Night
Two Meetings
The Murder
She Knows
The Meeting
Theo, meet Harry
The Hogwarts Express
Friends, enemies, and ferrets
"I miss killing people."
Snakes, Potters, and Potions
The Duel
"I'm a genius, did you know?"
Severus Snape
Such a Good Boy
Dark Magic
"I'm going to help you, little brother."
An intervention: Sirius Black
Lily's request
Suspicious James
Tom Riddle's good news
A Betrayal

The Sorting

3.7K 128 50
By JudeT56

It was strange to be on the Hogwarts express. 

Draco had described it so many times Harry almost thought of its plush seats and wooden window panes as familiar, as if he'd seen them before. He hadn't of course, his father had never even entertained the thought of sending Harry to Hogwarts. Dumbledore surely would've seen through any façade that was thought of. As much as his father hated to admit it, Dumbledore was brilliant; scarily so. 

Draco was all fine edges and hard lines sitting across from Harry. His pointy chin and piercing grey eyes angled towards the foggy windows that captured a fuzzy landscape of forest green. It was raining outside, droplets running down the window slowly. Harry propped his elbows on his knees, hanging his head towards the floor. He felt naked without his mask, like all his secrets were out in the open. He would have to remember to control his expressions if he was to survive this. His mask had to be perfect, absolutely perfect. 

"How soon can you get a message to your father?" Harry asked suddenly, his head rising to meet Draco's eyes. 

Draco's mouth tightened, "I won't be able to send a letter without Dumbledore intercepting it..." he trailed off. 

Harry raised his eyebrows expectantly, "But?" 

"But I can tell him in person at Christmas." 

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "That's four months from now." 

"I know that," Draco said, "Don't you think I know that?" 

Harry's eyes pierced into Draco's, narrowing dangerously. 

"Don't forget your place Draco. I am capable of being just as harsh as the Dark Lord-"

At that moment, the compartment door flew open and Theo Potter poked his head inside hesitantly. Draco immediately wiped the terrified expression off his face and turned to Potter with a cool smirk. "Need something Potty?" he said. 

Harry rolled his eyes at Draco's pettiness before turning to Theo as well. The boy was looking between Draco and Harry suspiciously. 

"Well Potter?" Harry said, "Do you need something?" 

Theo flushed nervously, "I just wondered if you wanted to come meet my friends." 

"Who? The Weasels and that bushy haired mudblood?" Draco spat. 

At that, Theo took a threatening step into the compartment. Harry was standing in a flash, his wand out and pointed against the young Potter's throat. Harry leant forward until his face was inches from Theo's. Theo, being shorter than Harry, looked up at his brother in terror. 

"As much as I would love to meet your friends," Harry began, his voice positively dripping with sarcasm, "Draco and I were having a rather important conversation." 

"What? A Death Eater meeting?" Theo shot back. 

Harry smirked, amused by the boy's nerve. He pulled back slightly, twiddling his wand between his fingers. "As it just so happens, we were." 

Harry laughed as Theo's eyes widened comically. 

"We were just discussing how we should kill everyone on this train, starting with your delightful little friends," Harry teased, sitting back down, lounging on his seat. "Care to join us?" he asked softly. 

Theo took a sharp intake of breath, his eyes flitting over Draco, who was on the verge of laughter. Theo's eyes narrowed and he turned on his heel, muttering something under his breath before the compartment door slammed shut behind him. 

Draco glanced at Harry, "Funny how you're related." 

"Not by choice," came the reply. 


It was another hour before the train slowed to a stop, brakes screeching, deafening over the rain. Harry had long since changed into his school robes, not yet adorned with a house emblem. Draco was the picture of a Slytherin in his robes and well tailored pants. The two hadn't been disturbed since Theo Potter and Harry was silently dreading facing students and teachers alike. 

The train corridors were crowded and full of students. Colourful sparks filled the air and laughter bounced off the walls. Outside, the rain soaked everyone immediately; Draco looked like a drowned ferret with his hair plastered against his forehead. 


Harry sighed, not turning around. 

"Harry, over here!" 

Draco frowned at him, "I think someone's calling you." 

"Yes, and I'm trying to ignore it," Harry said. 

Eventually, Harry felt a hand fall on his shoulder and turned around to see James Potter looking at him, his glasses foggy. Harry shrugged off his hand and scowled at the man. James' eyes slowly turned to Draco and narrowed suddenly. 

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" he asked, stepping in front of Harry slightly. 

Draco sneered at James, "What are you doing here Potter, aren't you a filthy Auror?" 

James looked like he was contemplating pulling his wand out before realising where he was and who was watching. "Stay away from my son Malfoy," James said. 

"Not your son," Harry pointed out monotonously. 

James turned to Harry, before grabbing him and steering him away from Draco and towards an empty carriage. Harry ripped away from James and sat on the opposite side of the carriage. They started moving and sat in silence for a moment. 

"Can you see them?" James asked eventually. 

Harry raised an eyebrow, "See what?" 

"The thestrals." 

Harry laughed darkly, "Are you stupid Potter? Have you forgotten how many people I've murdered." 

James flinched at the word and shut his mouth. 

"You're ashamed of me aren't you?" Harry asked, "You're ashamed of the people I've killed, you think it's your fault. You're ashamed that I look more like him than you." 

James narrowed his eyes, "Don't put words into my mouth. I'm not ashamed, I'm disappointed."

Harry pressed a hand to his chest and laughed, "Potter! I'm wounded." 

James pursed his lips and stared straight ahead.


"Who's at Hogwarts?!" Pansy shrieked. 

"The Dark Lord's son Pans, I've said it twice now." 

"The Dark Lord's son!"

Draco's eyes widened, "Pansy shut up!"

Pansy's mouth snapped shut. 

Six Slytherins were packed into a carriage, huddled in towards Draco, hanging onto his every word. 

"Dad's never said anything about him having a son," Vincent Goyle grunted. 

"And neither have you Draco," Blaise said, his dark eyes narrowing. "I was under the impression there were no secrets between us." 

Draco sighed, "I couldn't tell you because the Dark Lord didn't want any of his Death Eaters to know about Harry yet, but now that he's been revealed..." 

"Pansy you can't go gossiping about this," Blaise said, turning to the girl across from him. 

Pansy narrowed her eyes, "What makes you think I will?" 

Theo laughed quietly and Pansy's eyes snapped towards him. 

"Something funny Theo?" 

Theo stopped immediately and cleared his throat, "No, no I just have a bit of a cough."

Pansy smiled venomously, turning to Draco, "So, is he handsome?" 


James wouldn't let Harry sit at the Slytherin table. He wouldn't let Harry sit at any table until he was sorted. The both of them stood at the back of the room under a disillusion charm. Harry watched students pile inside, reuniting with friends they had missed on the train, shouting across the great hall and laughing. 


Harry glanced at James to see a small, sad smile on his face. Harry sighed at the man's expression. His father had told him that such emotion was weak. James Potter was weak. 

Harry could see Theo sitting at the Gryffindor table along with a bundle of gingers, presumably the Weasley family, they all laughed at something Theo said and sat down loudly. 

Eventually, silence fell over the hall as Dumbledore came to the front of the hall. As the old man started to talk, Harry's eyes drifted to the staff table, widening when he saw Lily Potter next to McGonagall. 

"What is she doing here?" Harry hissed in a harsh whisper. 

James smiled, "You mother's been the potion's professor for years." 

Fantastic, Harry thought as a first year walked up to a stool with a raggedy looking hat sitting on top of it. Not only did he have to deal with James Potter dogging his every step, but also Lily Potter. 

"Hufflepuff!" The hat shouted as another first year walked timidly up to the stool. 

Harry's gaze drifted to a particular professor in a black cloak, his greasy hair almost covering his eyes. Harry smirked, delighted to have one of his Father's followers to have some fun with. Snape couldn't do anything to Harry without fear of the Dark Lord's punishment. 

The sorting eventually came to an end and Dumbledore rose once again. 

"Before we eat, we have one more student who needs to be sorted," the old man said. "A sixth year new to Hogwarts. I all expect you to be kind and welcoming to Harry Potter."

With that, James gave Harry a small nudge forward and Harry felt the notice me not charm slide off of him. Hundreds of pairs of eyes turned to face him. Harry schooled his features into cool indifference and strode down the house tables confidently. 

He caught a glimpse of a black haired girl next to Draco ogling him shamelessly, her mouth hanging open. Harry smirked at her and kept walking, locking eyes with a red haired boy next to Theo who was watching him with a combination of fear, mistrust and curiosity. 

Harry reached the stool and placed the hat on his head, feeling a unknown presence enter his mind. 

"Harry Potter, or should I say Riddle? Now isn't this a surprise," the hat said in Harry's head. 

Harry sighed, "Just sort me and get this over with." 

"I see many things in this head of yours. Terrible things, violent things. You should not be in this place."

"Yeah, well tell that to Dumbledore." 

"You could not be in Hufflepuff, that is for certain," the hat went on, "Your temper is too strong for Ravenclaw, which leads Slytherin and Gryffindor..." 

"Slytherin please," Harry said. "Otherwise I'll set you on fire."

"You would do great things in Slytherin I agree, but Gryffindor would aid you to find friends, real friends." 

"I don't need friends.

The hat was silent for a moment, "All right then. It better be...SLYTHERIN!" 



I know, I know, I haven't updated in forever. I'm just lazy, no other excuse. 

I contemplated putting Harry in Gryffindor for a while but then decided against it, I couldn't give up the Slytherin bantering with Harry included. (And I feel like Pansy would kill me if I didn't put Harry in Slytherin).

I'm still wondering whether Harry should stay dark or turn to the light side. Help me out would you guys? What do you reckon? 

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