Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Sam...

By pokealec1999

906 41 27

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures of Sam and Eva is a PMD-like story of a sassy human-turned-Eevee named Ev... More

Chapter 1 - Our story awakens
Chapter 2 - The Elucide Stone
Chapter 3 - The Book
Chapter 4 - The Quest Starts
Chaper 5 - Contention
Chapter 6 - Fighting and Moves
Chapter 7 - The Trek
Chapter 8 - Trapped
Chapter 9 - The Gang and the Cave
Chapter 10 - Another place to go
Chapter 11 - The Boat
Special Episode 1 - On the Road to Capkin Town
Chapter 12 - The Prep
Chapter 13 - Starting the Hike
Chapter 14 - Fragile Peace
Chapter 15 - Snowy Weather
Chapter 16 - Sam
Chapter 17 - Rescue
Chapter 18 - Group Inventory
Chapter 19 - The Peak of the Mountian
Author's Chapter 1
Update: November 13th, 2022
Chapter 20 - Where to next?
Part where you get to decide something 
Update 3rd December 2022
Chapter 21 - Leaders and Tupperware

Update: August 3rd, 2022

15 0 0
By pokealec1999

Okay, so I should probably say right now that I am supposed to be sleeping. It's hard to keep a sleep schedule that you set yourself.

BUT- I feel I owe it to anyone who is reading this story to let you know what's going on. So I'll try to be blunt. (honesty is good, and truth is better)

Throughout this whole story, I've had snapshots in my mind of where I wanted to go, but never had any idea of how to get there. I made the mistake of taking something that was supposed to be short and for fun and being a bit too serious with it. I enlisted of the help of a friend to try and keep things straight, but that was not what was needed exactly.

The thing is, it's my story. It's based off of the thoughts I had while trying to fall asleep back around the end of my mission. That was about the middle of the first half of 2019. That's what inspired me to start the story, and if I can't keep things straight in my head, then it doesn't really make sense to keep writing it, because it just becomes more likely I'm going to mess things up or get things too complicated.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is I lost a lot of steam and excitement in writing, because I wasn't writing the story with the intent I started. It was originally meant to be a small little story, one because I loved Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, and two because I wanted to prove to myself that I could finish writing a story without limiting the number of chapters. (There's only one story that I've ever finished writing that I can remember, and that's because I limited it to just 10 chapters.)

This story, however, is very dear to me. I can't tell you how much of an effect Pokémon Mystery Dungeon has had on my life. Certain fanfictions of it alone have helped me cope through the hardest times of my life so far. (And I've learned so much from them too.)

So it's very safe to say, that the story, whether finished or not, will always be in the back of my mind, in a very special place. That's not to say that I am completely abandoning it, but I will say that the past while it has definitely been on a hiatus.

I don't know how long this hiatus will take, but I do know that I might be inspired to continue it again, maybe even to the point of rewriting it. I would rather make sure I am aware of all (or most) important aspects of it in my mind, than not really knowing anything that I'm doing whenever I go to sit down and write a chapter. Sometimes not knowing is okay, but it can't be entirely that way all of the time!

I hope that these words have explained a bit of how I feel with this story, and if it's never continued, I hope it's enough closure. I do want to continue it one day, but I don't know if that day is tomorrow, next week, or in 10 years. Sam especially is important to me, and he is totally a part of my being. I still use his voice, almost daily because it's so fun and close to me.

All this being said, I might even just continue the story, but things will go at a different pace. But who knows for sure? I do know that College will be coming up soon in September, and I don't know how busy I will be through all that. I've never been to college before, so I'm a little nervous and a little excited and probably a few other things that I haven't noticed or realized yet.

Once more, I do want to thank you all for reading, and I will say I do know how the story is supposed to end. All I need to do is figure out how to get us there.

Thanks again for reading,

Miles (Alexander)

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