Two of a kind...... A Billy H...

By RhiannePaige

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Kali found herself falling in love with the bad boy. Turns out they have more in common then she first though... More

Chapter 1: The first day of school
Chapter 2: The first encounter
Chapter 3: Assholes
Chapter 4: This is love?
Chapter 5: Romeo, Romeo
Chapter 6: Getting the band back together
Chapter 7: The Truth
Chapter 8: The party
Chapter 9: The Queen
Chapter 10: Fuck you!
Chapter 11: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 13: The Hideout part 1
Chapter 14: The Hideout part 2
Chapter 15: Trauma
Chapter 16: Safe at last
Chapter 17: First time
Chapter 18: Home
Chapter 19: Demo-dogs
Chapter 20: The plan
Chapter 21: Promise
Chapter 22: Friends?
Chapter 23: Birthday Part 1
Chapter 24: Birthday Part 2
Chapter 25: The reaction
Chapter 26: Graduation
Chapter 27: Sonogram
Chapter 28: Broken
Chapter 29: The Sauna
Chapter 30: The Flayed
Chapter 31: The fourth of July
Chapter 32: Russians?
Chapter 33: Starcourt part 1
Chapter 34: Starcourt part 2
Chapter 35: The funeral
Chapter 36: Life after Billy

Chapter 12: Original

416 14 0
By RhiannePaige

Eddie had popped out for a little while to get some snacks and drinks ready for band practice that night. Kali wandered around his trailer, bored out of her mind, she couldn't stop thinking about Billy and it was starting to annoy her. She walked into Eddie's room and grabbed the old, tattered notebook that sat in front of his guitar and quickly began to scribble down words that reminded her of Billy. Dangerous. Poison. Kiss. Toxic. Slowly her words began to form sentences and the next thing she knew she had the beginnings of a song. She ran to her car and grabbed her guitar from the backseat before running back inside.

When Eddie came back, he opened the front door and placed the bags on the kitchen side "Kali I'm back!" He shouted. No answer. He turned his head towards his bedroom where he could hear music being played. As he got closer to his door he realised that Kali was singing and playing to herself, he pushed the door open slightly and peaked his head round the door at her. She had her back to him, her long hair rested down her back as she focused on the song, scribbling things out and then writing something down in the notebook that was sat next to her. He listened to her play, it sounded really good and he found himself bobbing his head up and down slightly. As she reached the end of the song, she let out a massive sigh, a huge wave of emotion had washed over her as she managed to write down how she felt about Billy, it was as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She was startled when she heard clapping from behind her, she jumped off the bed and turned to see Eddie with a big grin on his face, clapping his hands together. She felt herself blush as he looked at her "that was amazing!" He practically shouted as he walked over to her "did you write it?" He picked the notebook up and analysed the song "um, yeah I did" Kali smiled rubbing the back of her neck "I was pissed at Billy and decided to write down how I felt" Eddie looked over at her, he furrowed his brows "pissed at Billy?" Shit. She hadn't told him what happened between them, she quickly looked to the ground "oh um... it doesn't matter" Eddie looked at her for a moment, taking in how secretive she was being about Billy but he took a breath and shrugged his shoulders "it's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" he smiled at her "but this" he pointed down at the book "is incredible! You need to show the rest of the guys tonight" Kali shook her head, Eddie wasn't even supposed to hear the song, let alone everyone else. She went to say something but felt a pair of arms pull her into a hug "you're a really good song writer Kali and everyone is going to loose their minds over this" she felt herself grinning from ear to ear as she wrapped her arms around Eddie's neck. Maybe everyone would like it. Maybe she should take the risk.

That night Eddie drove them both over to Gareth's house for band practice. They pulled up outside and hopped out of the van, making their way to the back to get their guitars, snacks and drinks. As Kali wrapped her guitar strap around her shoulder, she reached down to grab one of the bags, but Eddie quickly pulled it from her grasp. She looked over at him confused, "a lady should never have to lift a finger" Eddie grinned as he pulled her guitar off of her shoulder, placing it over his own. Kali stood and stared at him for a little while, he looked like he was struggling to carry everything. He had a guitar on either shoulder, two bags filled with snacks in one hand and a 6 pack of beer in the other, she laughed at him as he scrambled to try and close the back doors to his van and lock up. Somehow he managed it and they began to make their way inside.

"Hey guys!" Kali yelled as she walked into Gareth's garage, everything had been set up ready for practice. Gareth and Jeff ran up to hug her, they let out a laugh when they saw Eddie behind her, his hands full and struggling to carry everything "you guys just gonna stare or are you gonna help me" he snapped.
They had practiced a few songs already, ones that they had already played a bunch of times, before playing Call Me. It was a crowd pleaser, the party at Tina's had proved that and they wanted to work it into their set at the hideout on Tuesday. They stopped to take a break, all of them flopping down onto the floor passing a joint around, "so what's next on the agenda" Kali said as she blew out the smoke, she passed the joint to Gareth who looked lost in thought "hmmm" he pressed the joint to his lips and inhaled, he looked back at Eddie and then to Kali "I dunno man, anyone got any ideas" he chuckled "why don't you show them your song" Eddie piped up. Kali shot him a dirty look and shook her head but her eyes widened when she saw that he had bought the notebook with him, taunting her with it as he waved it in the air "don't you dare Munson" she hissed as he slowly flipped the book to the page he was looking for, he cleared his throat and began singing the words. Fuck. Kali slumped back against the floor and threw her hands to her face, she was so embarrassed, she was so angry when she wrote it. She laid against the floor waiting for the bands reaction as Eddie finished the song, "you wrote that?" She rolled her head and lowered her hand slightly to look at Gareth, she couldn't form any words and just nodded her head at him, he let out a deep laugh "I'd hate to be the guy that pissed you off enough to write a song as amazing as that" Jeff and Eddie joined in laughing as they both nodded their heads in agreement. Kali lifted herself onto her elbows so she could see their faces, "you think it's good?" She tilted her head slightly, "it's better then good Kali" Jeff reassured her "yeah it's really really good" Gareth added, trying to hold back his laughter. She looked over to Eddie who was grinning at her, she rolled her eyes "told you they'd love it" she laid back against the floor and lightly kicked Eddie "shut up Munson", she pulled her hands back over her face, she knew she was blushing, "so you gonna tell us who it's about?" Jeff asked innocently, Kali looked over at him and then to Eddie "it's about Billy" she whispered. Eddie shuffled closer to her and rested an arm against her back "you know you can talk to us" he smiled as he placed a kiss on her forehead, she looked up at him and smiled. Whenever she was around the band, she felt safe and loved. She knew that they cared as deeply about her as she did them. She took a deep breath in before exhaling "okay so one thing you should know is..." she told them the whole story, how Billy beat up Tommy, how they acted when they were around each other, how they kissed at the party and how they were now crowned the king and queen of Hawkins high, how she stayed at his house the night of the party, how she heard his dad attack him and then how Billy threw her out of his house. She finally felt like she could breath. She looked around and all of the boys were stunned, their mouths hanging wide open, "careful boys, you don't wanna catch any flies" she laughed as she stood to grab a beer. She turned back around when she heard laughter, all three of them were rolling around on the floor, clutching their stomachs as they laughed "what's so funny?" She was so confused, why were they laughing so much? "It all makes sense now" Eddie managed to say through his laughter "the guys an asshole" Jeff continued, Kali looked down at Gareth who had stopped laughing and looked at her "he's a toxic asshole" he grinned, referencing her song. She smiled at their words before laughing to herself "if you guys really wanna perform it then we kinda need to put a melody to it" she laughed as she picked up her guitar and began playing the riff that she made up earlier. The boys quickly sprang into place as they followed along with her, taking in everything she said as she described the sound she wanted to create.

"Don't you know that you're toxic" Kali finished, she stood trying to catch her breath. They had been practicing and tweaking the song for about 4 hours and her voice was shot. She grabbed her beer and chugged it back before turning back to the guys who all had grins on their faces "what?" She asked as she grabbed another beer "I think we've got it" she let out a sigh of relief at Gareth's words "thank fuck for that" she laughed, she hadn't practiced for this long or this hard in years and she was exhausted, but they had finally finished tweaking and now they were ready to perform it. They packed their instruments away for the night and headed inside the house. Luckily Gareth's parents had gone away for the weekend because when they looked at the clock on the fireplace it was 1 am.

Kali headed over to the bathroom and changed into some pyjama shorts and a tank top. She wiped her makeup off and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. She took another look at herself in the mirror, the bruising around her eye was getting worse and her cuts had just started to scab over, she sighed as she turned and walked out of the bathroom. She walked back over to the living room where all the boys were sat on the floor passing another joint around. Kali slipped down on the floor between Eddie and Gareth and grabbed the joint off of Jeff before he could finish taking a drag, he shot her a look as she took a long drag. After they all continued to pass the joint around they were trying to figure out what to do next, "oh I have an idea" Kali shouted, throwing her hand in the air as if she was at school, the boys looked at her and laughed, she rolled her eyes and grabbed an empty bottle from the table next to her and placed it on the floor in the middle of the group. The boys looked down at the bottle and then back at Kali who sat there with a grin on her face, clapping her hands lightly "let's play spin the bottle" she cheered, the band all looked at each other and then back at Kali "um Kali" Jeff mumbled "slight problem". Kali looked over at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence "there's um, 3 guys and only one girl" he said nervously, Kali looked at the group and then back at Jeff, she shrugged her shoulders and laughed "better hope it lands on me then eh Jeff" she giggled.

Gareth was the first to spin, and it landed Jeff. Everyone started laughing as Gareth creeped towards Jeff, who was turning bright red, he kissed him lightly on the cheek "your turn bro" Gareth laughed as he sat back against the sofa. Jeff's spin landed on Eddie, his spin then landing on Gareth, Kali let out a sigh "so far this is so unfair" she huffed as she folded her arms but after Gareth and Eddie shared a quick kiss he span the bottle and it landed on Kali. Her eyes opened in excitement as she turned to face Gareth, both of them laughing as they placed their hands on each other's cheeks and then, as if they thought of the exact same thing, they licked the side of each other's face. They sat back and both burst out laughing "dude I can't kiss my sister, that would be weird" he laughed as he ruffled Kali's hair. Now it was Kali's turn, finally, she thought as she watched the bottle spin. It seemed to spin for ages until it finally stopped. "Ooooo" Gareth and Jeff both laughed as Kali looked to Eddie. Shit she had to kiss Eddie. They stared at each other for a few minutes, but before she could prepare herself, Eddie crashed his lips into hers. He held his hand to the back of her neck so that she couldn't pull away, but she found herself deepening the kiss, they both sat up together and pulled their bodies close. Eddie ran his tongue along her bottom lip while they kissed, waiting for her to invite him in. They both let out a slight moan as their tongues battled for dominance.
After what felt like forever, they pulled away from each other. Resting their heads against each other and looking into each other's eyes before they say back down. Gareth slapped his knees and started to stand "well... guess the parties over" he laughed grabbing Jeff by his collar, pulling him away from the tension that filled the room "you guys be good" Jeff shouted as Gareth pushed him down the hall.

Kali and Eddie hadn't taken their eyes off of each other. Gareth's bedroom door had shut about half an hour ago, leaving the two of them sat in the same place just staring at each other. Kali lowered her gaze to the floor, bringing her hands to her face as she felt them flush, "do you think they're asleep?" She whispered. Eddie jumped up and ran down the hall, he stood at the door listening for a couple of minutes before heading back over to Kali "yep, they're both passed out" he laughed as he grabbed himself a beer from the fridge. As he closed the door, he was startled to see Kali stood in front of him, a smile breaking out on her face. She slowly grabbed the beer out of his hand and placed it down on the counter. She looked back at him and placed her hand on his cheek before pulling him in. As their lips met Eddie wrapped one arm around her waist while the other found its way up to her hair. She moved her hand to the back of his neck and pulled him in deeper, their tongues once again fighting for dominance. Kali moaned as Eddie pulled her head backwards, revealing her slender neck to him as he trailed kisses along her jaw and down her neck. His grip around her waist tightened as she slowly pushed him towards the counter, grabbing his hair and pulling him back to her lips. His hand dropped from her head and slowly ran down her ass as he spun her around and lifted her up onto the counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him towards her, refusing to let go of the hold she had on his neck.

Without breaking the kiss he picked her up and carried her over to the sofa where he laid her down gently. Their hands began to wander down each other's bodies. Kali let out a slight gasp as Eddie stopped just above her underwear, she pulled away from the kiss and looked at him. His face was flush and his eyes were filled with lust. He needed her just as much as she needed him. So why did she feel so guilty. Here she was enjoying herself and messing around with Eddie, the one guy who had always made her feel special and loved and all she could think about was Billy. What would Billy think if he walked in and saw them. Screw him. She thought, she pulled Eddie in for another kiss. Truth be told, this isn't the first time Eddie and Kali had been together. Back in middle school before she dated Josh, she had a crush on Eddie and he had a crush on her. They ended up losing their virginities to each other but never got as far as dating, they ended up have sex a couple more times during winter break and nobody ever found out, then she met Josh and everything changed. She'd had a few heated make out sessions with other guys after Josh but never went any further, but here, right now in this moment with Eddie, she wanted nothing more then to fuck him.

Eddie pulled away from the kiss as he felt something salty hit his lips. He looked up to see Kali with tears in her eyes, "Kali what's wrong?" He said wiping her tears away as he climbed off of her. He sat back on the sofa and pulled her onto his lap, she just buried her head in his shoulder and sobbed. He held her, arms wrapped around her waist "did I do something wrong?" He whispered, he felt her shake her head "sweetheart look at me" she slowly lifted her head and looked into his eyes, he pushed her hair away from her face and wiped her eyes with his thumbs "I'm sorry" she whimpered as more tears began to fall "tell me what's wrong sweetheart" she felt butterflies whenever he used her nickname, he was the only one to ever call her that, "I wanted to do it but...." She trailed off as she met Eddie's eyes, his deep brown eyes that were filled with concern "I freaked out" she sobbed, "is this because of Billy?" Kali sat back, shocked at Eddie's question. Of course it was about Billy but how did he know that. Eddie looked at her shocked reaction and grinned, "sweetheart, you write a song filled with that much emotion about a guy that you've only known a couple of weeks" he laughed and shook his head, he placed a hand over Kali's heart and looked in her eyes "you love him" he whispered. Kali didn't know what to say, she realised that Eddie was right. She may not have known him for long but the feelings and emotions she felt towards Billy were undeniable.

She was in love with Billy Hargrove.

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