JWCC: y. fadoula x kon!oc x s...

By Wilde-Simp

3.1K 90 3

7 lucky kids get the chance to go to camp cretaceous upon isla nublar, an island full of dinosaurs. it is goi... More

season 1
ep 1 : camp cretaceous
ep 2 : secrets
ep 3 : the cattle drive
ep 4 : things fall apart
ep 5 : happy birthday, eddie!
ep 7 : last day of camp
ep 8 : end of the line

ep 6 : welcome to jurassic world

180 8 1
By Wilde-Simp

kenya was slumped against the steering wheel of the van, knocked out for a second from the rough impact of her accidentally crashing it into a large rock. she blinked her eyes some, groaning lightly as the pants of the others could now be heard. she slowly sat up, looking around to see the smoke coming from the front of the van as darius asked in a rush. "is everyone okay?" however, the older twin didn't register his words, remembering what happened earlier that caused the crash in the first place.

"is everyone..?" yasmina then chuckled, but kenya couldn't take it and opened the door roughly and stepped out. she slammed the door behind her, storming off with her hands clutching her hair. she could hear sammy calling to her, telling her to wait but she couldn't bring herself to listen to her, she even heard her brother call her too but she was starting to fume now.

she heard everyone else climbing out, and still called out to her, but it seemed like yasmina shoved passed her and was also coming her way. however, while kenya was angrily holding her hair and just took some steps to the side to cool off or to let her hanger out, yasmina just kept on walking. "yasmina!" she heard sammy call out, focused on their mutual introverted friend.

"we're not okay!" "yaz-" sammy tried calling. "we're in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there, and you..." kenya just turned away, her loose braid getting messed up by her angered grip on her hair. "you..." yasmina spat venomously. brooklynn thought it was best to finish the statement. "destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it! i told you guys!" the older twin began to space out, ignoring the conversation from this point on as she took deep breaths. she felt a hand on her shoulder not too longer after, and looked to see it was kenji.

"you okay?" he asked, ignoring the ongoing conversation behind them. she could tell kenji noticed her anger, and had come over to cool her off.

as a child, kenya had developed anger issues from being bullied, the reason being the fact she was a girl with the reproductive systems of a boy. she was an intersex girl who liked to wear skirts at a young age, but got called a girly boy for it. their parents took noticed too late, by middle school she had a life of making sure people would give kenji a second chanced if he messed up and if they say something that rubbed her the wrong way she would start swinging or start shouting angry words. she had been sent to therapists to manage it, and so far it had been helping, but every now and then she would have her fumes or rages. it helped that while kenji was mainly a goofball, he knew when to be serious, and he knew his sisters anger issues and mental struggles were something he has to take seriously.

"i'm fine kenji-" "i'm here to spy!"

everyone went quiet to this confession from sammy, even the twins who were having their own conversation. they watched sammy bow her head in shame, and she went on. "for a company called mantah corp."

"mantah corp? they're a bioengineering company, big rivals with masrani." darius explained to the others who don't seem to know mantah corp like he does. the twins glance to one another, and then back to darius as he continued. "they tried to make dinosaurs too, but wu beat them to it." "you doomed us all for some lousy company?" ben angrily asked.

"our ranch was in trouble," sammy turned to pace some. "so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people." kenya felt her anger slipping into sympathy for sammy's situation, but a part of her was still angry at the fact that she lied in the first place. "we didn't know they were fronting for mantah corp. they said we'd lose everything unless i spied for them. use the behind the scenes access i'd get at camp to gather info from wu's lab," kenya could see sammy pacing in her direction, holding herself and her voice filled with sadness. "and dna from dinos, and whatever else they needed." the two made brief eye, and kenya eyes widen to this, before she turned to brooklynn. "but then brooklynn caught on, and i got scared and then everything went wrong."

kenya watched her go to yasmina to explain herself. "this is the last thing i wanted to happen." the latter scoffed to this. "to be next to a broken van on killer dinosaur island? hey me too! what are the odds?" she sarcastically said in response. "yaz, i-" "was it all a lie, wanting to be friends?" kenyas' heart hurt to the pain in the track stars voice. "pretending you cared about.." kenya watched their interaction, seeing a tear escape sammy's eyes, and yasmina snapped. "you just needed some people to hide what you were doing. tell me i'm wrong."

sammy only responded in a sob, and kenya looked away right as yasmina turned to walk away while muttering "i'm such an idiot". kenya heard sammy chase after and deny that yasmina was wrong. "go away sammy." and with that, sammy then ran off with sobs escaping, and kenya looked back to her. she took a step in her direction, seeing that kenji at one point reunited with the others, and left the two girls now standing off to the side, but not together.

the others talked upon one another, and kenya slowly approached sammy. and with the call of her name, it was then did the indominus finally catch up. it roared, and ran to the campers. "sammy!" kenya shouted, grabbing the girl and was quick to tuck the two of them behind the van while darius and ben moved bumpy and the latter chanted "this is trash!" everyone was hidden behind the van, watching the dinosaur run off.

"what the heck?" darius asked, seeing the helicopter in the sky flying towards the dinosaur. it was shooting at the beasts, and kenji spoke up. "masrani's helicopter! that's his call sign on the tail!" "they're shooting at the indominus!" darius obviously pointed out, and everyone then followed after the fight.

they came to a stop near on a path, and a loud boom could be heard. "what was that?" brooklynn questioned, but kenji shouted over in favor of masrani. "yeah! kick its butt, masrani! we're saved! yeah baby! i told you," he smacked on darius' shoulder. "they've got this totally under-" but at that moment the chopper was then attacked and over ridden with dinosaurs which caused it to spiral to the glass dome with an explosion.

everyone flinched to the bright explosion, cowering away and saw that many winged dinosaurs took to the sky. "with those pteranodons loos, we're sitting ducks! we gotta take cover!"

kenji quickly snatched the tablet from brooklynn, kenya off to the side and watching the pteranodons flying out into the air. "the kayak river! the entrance is near here. it goes underground, beneath the ridges. if we follow it, it'll take us right to the main park." kenji told them, and darius quickly spoke up afterward. "then that's where we need to be. come on!" and then lead the group away from the flying dinosaurs coming their way.

kenya and the others began to run, quickly ducking in time to avoid a diving dinosaurs jaws. she did tumble some to the ground, but quickly got back to her feet with kenji's help. "come on!" he lead them to the right, the tablet in hand indicating they were close.

"hurry up!" kenya noticed yasmina now with the tablet, and running ahead, and saw a cave ahead with the sign "river adventure" on it. she turned back though to darius and bens cries of struggle, and saw the two collapsed with bumpy between them. she quickly came to a stop, turning back to them to hear the two boys trying to rush bumpy. "come on you guys!" she quickly picked the two up off the ground by their upper arms, standing them to their feet as bumpy got to her feet and ran ahead.

the three barely escaped the winged beast as it screeched behind them, and she ushered them to keep going as they screamed. she glanced back to see it following them behind, and pushed herself to keep running. "go go go!" the two got through the door as yasmina was closing it, and instinctively kenya dived forward and barely got through as it slammed behind her.

however, she crashed into a body and basically tackled her poor unexpecting victim. she groaned, her head swirling and slowly lifted herself up, she blinked her eyes open to see sammy beneath her, who was also groaning in pain and blinked her own eyes open. the two made eye contact, before the taller girls eyes widen in embarrassment. "oh! i'm sorry sammy." she said, quickly scrambling up to her feet and offering a hand to help the latter up. "it's... it's okay." she said, taking her hand and got lifted off the ground and at that moment a robotic female voice came over the intercom.

[jurassic world river side. prepare yourselves for the wonder of the underground river.]

the group looked into the distance where the voice was coming from, and then followed the path to see a dockside with a bunch of kayaks there, some already in the water while others were hung.

[two adventurers per regular kayaks, adventurers premium members are allowed up to three members. life vests must be worn at all times. adults, please fasten your own life vests before helping little adventures. remain seated at all times. your journey begins now.]

the automated voice continued overhead as the group of seven plus a dinosaur walked around, some grabbing life vests and slipping them on while others, like kenya, was grabbing one of the three seating kayaks and pushed it into the water.

"brooklynn and i call the ckk." kenji said, and kenya visibly whipped her head around to this, it seemed like she knew the meaning behind what he said unlike brooklynn who questioned it. "ckk?" he then pulled out some shades, slipped them on, and was about to say the meaning before his and brooklynn's arms got linked with kenya's. "cool kids' kayak. cannot believe you were about to ride without me." kenya told the meaning as kenji gave a "hey!" and they got dragged to the three seated kayak.

she heard the conversation going on behind her, the others discussing about who will go with who, when yasmina finalized she'd go with ben and bumpy, leaving sammy with darius. kenya felt bad, glancing to them for a bit to see yasmina and ben climb into the kayak and grabbed a nearby life vest and slipped it on and then tumbled into the kayak between kenji and brooklynn.

the three kayaks began to row out, and the voice up ahead began once again.

[ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to thank you for your patience.]

however, it seemed like that was all the voice would say for the time being as they rowed their kayaks on. no one said anything for quite a bit, with yasmina and ben in the front, the trio of brooklynn and the twins in the middle, and sammy and darius in the back. with the extra speed the three got, they bumped into the kayak in front and got a "watch it!" from yasmina.

"ckk has right of way." kenji casually said in response as they rowed on. kenya and yasmina made eye contact, and to kenya it looked like yasmina was telling her to do something. she glanced downward, before to kenji and opened her mouth to speak before he went on. "sorry, i don't make the rules." "hey, the cave's getting bigger." brooklynn commented, and kenya shook her head to this. "and brighter?"

and then suddenly as the group continued on, the cave began to illuminate with a beautiful shade of purples all over the cave. everyone gasped in amazement, but kenji and kenya were used to the beautiful scene so they were not in as much awe, but awe nonetheless. they rowed by a waterfall, and kayak by kayak the group admired the beauty. "even with the glowy stuff, it's really dark in here." kenya rolled her eyes to her brothers comment, and lifted herself to reach for his shades. she only lifted them to his head, before he gave his sister a look and fixed them once more over his eyes.

"i could use my phone as a flashlight if sammy hadn't broken it." brooklynn commented behind them, and kenya gripped her ore tighter and gritted her teeth. she was trying her best to calm herself. "of course, if we had my phone, we wouldn't be here at all." kenya stopped rowing to turn to look at brooklynn, but kenji beat her to speaking. "hey, will you stop harshing the mellow of the ckk?" the twins made brief eye contact, and kenya knew kenji was aware of her anger issues rising.

"how many times are you gonna say ckk?" brooklynn annoyingly asked, and the twins turned to each other before kenji went on. "ckk? why? would you like me to stop saying ckk? ckk. ckk. ckk. kenya, do you have a problem with ckk?" "why i do not have a problem with the ckk, dear brother. in fact, the ckk is so nice to be on." kenya smirked to her brother as the two went on with the ckk annoyance. "you two are acting like this doesn't affect you guys as well. we're here because of her." "or maybe something else would've happened and we would still be stuck here." kenya said, a snap in her voice that she noticed and tried to hold back. "kenya." kenji said softly, and the two looked at one another as the older twin sighed and bowed her head. "look, i- i know you're mad at sammy" he was talking to brooklynn as the three continued to row. "but getting mad doesn't get us out of here."

"it just makes more people mad." kenya chimed in, looking back at brooklynn with a look in her eye that indicated she was mad. she noticed brooklynn's eyes widen to this, and she quickly turned forward and went on. "put yourself in her shoes." "at this point, is there anything you could say that would make sammy feel worse than she already does?" kenji finished for his sister, looking back at brooklynn seriously. the silence washed over them, and kenya had to assume the pinkette took what she and her brother had to say into consideration. "take it from someone who has ample experience in rubbing people the wrong way. and from someone who has mad anger issues because of some of those situations." kenji finished, and the two looked back to the younger girl in the back.

to kenya it seemed like she figured out that she was the one with the anger issues and not kenji, and watched as she looked back to sammy, who looked so defeated and sadden that it hurt kenya's heart just from the sight. she turned forward again, rowing on as their speed began once more now that the three are rowing at the same time.

"you guys, should the algae be moving?" sammy asked hesitantly and kenya looked ahead to see what she meant. she heard kenji yelp, and she rolled her eyes playfully to his reaction as the dinosaurs roared to them lowly. "don't panic guys, they're herbivores!" darius announced to them, before talking to himself. she heard talking coming from ben and yasmina, but she couldn't hear them both clearly because of the distance between the two kayaks. suddenly, the two bioluminescent dinosaurs then took to the water, seeming interested in the three kayaks. two approached the ckk, and kenji was freaked enough to lightly tap one away with his ore, while kenya leaned away some away from them.

as more and more of the dinosaurs came from the water, the three grunted and gasped to one of them suddenly bumping into their kayak and shoving them into the near wall of the cave. kenji lifted his hand to try and push it away, and kenya did the same, before they all looked ahead of the cave. they were quiet, and soon one bellowed before they took back to the water while others simply ran off. this left the kayaks continuing on with the flow of the water.

"uh, cook kids to nerds, where are you?" kenji called out, and darius replied. "over here! i think something scared the parasaurolophuses." he explained, and kenya squinted her eyes ahead to see what it may have been that scared them. "if we stopped paddling, why are we still moving forward?" sammy asked, and kenya gasped when she found out why. she yelped when she saw what was ahead. "the current is taking us down a different tunnel, we need to paddle now!" she said, quickly grabbing her ore and began paddling, and soon everyone followed in suit.

however it did nothing as the three seated kayak went over first, then ben and yasmina with darius and sammy going over last. they were all screaming as darkness surrounded them.


the screams and darkness didn't last that long though, as their screams echoed before they were met with blinding lights of the sun once more. the three came out, screams stopped and they drifted into the still water of their new location. kenya looked around some, but grunted for a second when another kayak bumped into theirs.

everyone gave their own thing, ben saying "we're okay" and others laughing or sighing in relief, even bumpy voiced her happiness. however, the twins looked around, and they both gasped out a "what?" and they both frantically looked around, confirming their fears. "why did you gasp?" ben asked, and everyone looked over to the two as they mildly panicked. "it didn't sound liked a good gasp!"

"cause we know exactly where we are, guys." kenji said in a fearful whisper, looking to kenya and she turned to them as well. "we're in the jurassic world lagoon..." she told them, and the twins looked to each other. "and so is the mosasaurus..." and with that everyone gasped as everyone became aware of where they were as well. "i assume the mosasaurus is some kind of giant, fish dinosaur that's gonna try and eat us." ben said, obviously scared as he looked down at the water below them.

darius then yelped, looking to the side as a low growl could be heard. at that point, multiple fins on the back of something giant made itself known as it showed off its back before retreating back into the water. it began swimming towards the three kayaks, and brooklynn slowly said. "its circling, testing us.. its acting like a shark. we're intruders in its domain, so it's investigating us." before it gets confident, decides to... to.." then a snarl could be heard which made everyone stiffen up, aside from bumpy who cried out.

"this is bad." kenya heard brooklynn say, and kenji spoke up. "we have to get out now!" "there's a ladder by the spectator stands." darius pointed out, also pointing it. "how-" "y'all?" sammy spoke up, and looked downward at the water below them to see the mosasaurus swim by with a deep growl.

"paddle! go go go!" darius said, and kenya already had her paddle in hand as the three kayaks then rushed towards the ladder. "this is not how kenji wanted to go out!" kenji exclaimed only to grunt when kenya bonked his head with her ore. " you won't go out if you keep paddling!" and they both went back to paddling quickly. "this is not on my to-do list either!" kenya heard yasmina exclaim as well as they rushed it.

they all continued to paddle, brooklynn telling them to keep paddling and kenji confirming they were almost there. they saw its tail break the water surface and scare them, and kenya looked to her brother and screamed. "don't look back!" as their kayaks inched towards the ladder.

the three were the first to make it, kenji quick to get off and then kenya who turned to help brooklynn off. they then looked into the water, seeing the other two kayaks there and still had quite some time to go. kenya gasped, seeing the mosasaurus seeming to target sammy and darius. "no." she mumbled to herself, worried for their safety and felt helpless since she was already out of harms way.

suddenly, the turn of yasmina's and ben's kayak going for a pole caught her attention. she knew the two talked some, and saw yasmina hop off the kayak and onto the small platform at the pole. she then saw her push ben in their direction. "what is she doing?!" kenya asked the other two in panic, now standing at the edge of the concrete and one more step she would be in the water. she then turned around and ran for the ladder, quickly climbing up it as fast as she could and ran for the railing of the higher platform.

she watched ben arrive to dry land now, and kenji with brooklynn soon came with to accompany her. "come on, faster!" she heard brooklynn urgently say with kenji between the two girls. kenya then gasped, watching as the dinosaur stalked towards the last kayak. then the clanging of some thing hitting metal could be heard. she turned to yasmina, seeing her banging her ore against the pole she hopped on while also calling for the dinosaurs attention.

it worked, and the dinosaur turned last minute to yasmina and swam around her. "yeah!" everyone on the platform celebrated, ben at one point joining. though it was cut short to seeing it start swimming at yasmina. kenya looked around, then saw a control panel and quickly ran to it. she gave a little test, seeing it controlled the hook near yasmina. she quickly dropped the hook low enough and then began to lift it once more, looking to kenji and he understood and yelled to yasmina. "grab the chain!" in which she ditched the ore to hop onto it.

she stopped it quickly, and then began to bring it in their direction. it was going at one speed, making watching it so painful. "come on yaz!" she heard sammy scream for her. "she's not gonna make it." kenya heard kenji say, but shook her head to that. "she will!" the dinosaur then lunged into the air, biting down onto it close to yasmina.

the bite was successful in breaking the wire, causing yasmina to swing in the air with a scream while no one seemed to notice the tablet fall into the water. they watched her come at the ground near them, and kenya quickly tried to go to possibly catch her, but tripped over bumpys tail. she didn't fall, she stumbled but caught balance, but yasmina did hit the concrete roughly on one foot which caused her scream in pain. "yasmina!" she heard sammy yell as she, darius, and the twins rush to her aide.

"i'm okay." yasmina said, but looked to her ankle and gently touched it, which caused her to flinch in pain and give grunts from it. "i think." kenya dropped to her side, while ben asked darius where everyone went.

the sun was staring to set, which gave the place a nice shade of orange coating as the voice overhead went on.

[wednesdays are k-k-kids-eat-free days h-here at jurassic world!]

everyone looked around the empty rows of seats, kenji was looking for something to eat, ben was laying with bumpy and brooklynn and darius were standing around. kenya walked around some, looking over to yasmina gasp in pain and watch sammy approach her. she stopped walking to watch their interaction, but made sure she was away some to give privacy. she was a few meters away from them to their left.

"thank you for saving us," she heard sammy say, and went over to sit on the ground next to the track star. "for saving me. that was amazing. you're amazing." and for a second, kenya thought the two of them would patch things up, and the three could once more be friends, but what yasmina said made that thought a distant memory. "stop." and watched as she struggled to her feet. she shook her head some, trying to mentally stop yasmina from saying something hurtful. "we may need each other to stay alive, but don't for a second think that makes us friends again. because we're not and we will never be."

and with that, the track star limped away, leaving sammy alone. yasmina came in her direction, still limping as kenya made eye contact with sammy, who looked sadden. she opened her mouth to speak, but felt a hand gently on her arm, and glanced to see it was brooklynn. "go with yaz, i gotta talk to sammy." kenya looked at her with a look of disbelief, but sighed and nod. she gave sammy one more glance, seeing her hugging her knees and she looked away sadly, before turning to follow after a limping yasmina. "yo, yaz. need some help?" she asked her, hearing brooklynn say something to sammy, but ignored her as yasmina then sighed and dropped her serious look to express her pain. "please." and she then held onto the taller girls arm to help relieve pain.

she helped her hop to a bench, allowing her to sit down first and she then sat down afterward. the two sat in silence, in the front of the benches of the auditorium away from the boys and the other girls. they sat in silence, hearing brooklynn yell about angry internet fans and kenji's natural loud talking. kenya sighed some, leaning back some and had her eyes closed some.

she did shoot her eyes open when she felt a weight on her shoulder, and glanced to see yasmina leaning against her with her eyes closed. she glanced around some, and opened her mouth to say something. "you tell anyone about this, and you will regret it." yasmina said, her eyes still closed and kenya couldn't help but snort a bit. "i was gonna say 'is my shoulder comfy enough?' but that works too." and they both sat in silence as neither of them said anything for a bit.

it wasn't until yasmina spoke up once more. "you're... you're mad at sammy too, right?" "what?" kenya asked her. "you know, how she lied about the phone and how we jumped to her defense from brooklynn. you're mad that she lied right?" kenya hummed some, and spoke. "i was mad, yeah." "was?" yasmina questioned. "yeah, was. i was mad at first. heh, that's what years of anger issues do to you, but i'm more upset now. it was dumb she tried to hide it, but i understand why she did what she had to do. you remember what she said about her families ranch-" "what if she lied about that too?" yasmina said, glaring some now that her eyes are open. "i doubt that." kenya smiled some and glanced down at yasmina.

"you have every right to be upset, and take your time in forgiving her. i remember you saying you have trust issues, and your trust was broken. so i guess, take as much time as you need." kenya said, and was unaware at that point, their friendship had strengthened. the two girls closed their eyes and relaxed once more, eyes closed and leaning back.

alarms then began blaring, and began to get louder and louder, which caused their relaxation to be cut short as both girls sat up some to look around, kenya doubted they were the only ones confused on the alarms, as no one said anything and allowed the alarms to echo on throughout the island.

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