The Cataclysm {Rick Grimes x...

By Nobody8524

14.5K 613 48

People don't arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning till something comes along that disabuses th... More

Chapter 02: Learning More
Chapter 03: Being Honest
Chapter 04: Confession
Chapter 05: Positive Yet Sorrowful
Chapter 06: Responsibility
Chapter 07: Taking the next step
Chapter 08: Soul Bonding Ceremony
Chapter 09: An Unforgettable Honeymoon
Chapter 10: In a Split Second
Chapter 11: Support
Chapter 12: That Fateful Day
Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 14: Coping
Chapter 15: Wheels in Motion
Chapter 16: Can it be?
Chapter 17: Trying to Make a Plan
Chapter 18: Thinking Quickly
Chapter 19: A Quick Getaway
Chapter 20: Reunited
Chapter 21: A Morning of Peace
Chapter 22: Admitting the Truth
Chapter 23: Going Back
Author's Note
We Back Bitches

Chapter 01: First Encounter

1.7K 62 5
By Nobody8524

True love cannot be defined by any means. It's a cluster of adjectives; it's crazy, passionate, complicated and even painful. But most importantly, true love is real. It's that feeling of being inexplicably drawn to another person. Love isn't about finding someone who you can escape reality with. It's about finding someone who makes reality worthwhile.

Without an ounce of difficulty, Arthur could pinpoint the exact moment his life had changed irreversibly; the moment he discovered his true second half.

On the night of the first anniversary of his father's death, Arthur found himself in his favorite bar with a powerful urge for intoxication and distraction. He had been sitting alone for at least an hour; though he had only touched his drink a few times. He was far more focused on the intrusive thoughts of loneliness and grief that regularly boggled his mind. Of course he missed his father, but he was most bothered by the lack of comfort and empathy, as well as the silence from his supposed friends. As a result of such apathetic behaviors of all those in his life, he closed himself off from getting too close to anyone for a long time; not wanting someone around him if they didn't reciprocate his affections or levels of kindness and respect. He didn't feel as though it was unreasonable or to much to ask for; so he maintained his own beliefs without letting someone else govern how he should think or act. Over time, however, the only way he felt at home was in an isolated seat with drink in hand. The bottom of the bottle quickly became his only friend. That is until he came along; turning his miserable existence into a life worth fighting for.

Just as he was about to get up and leave, a man he had never seen before walked in with an obviously uncertain and hesitant aura about him. His nervous eyes bounced around the room for a moment before he, too, sat at the bar with two seats between them. The entire time they silently analyzed each other, curiosity flourished within both of them without warning. When the new comer looked away first, he unexpectedly felt as though he shouldn't dismiss the intriguing stranger. He felt that if he did, he'd always regret it. Yet he had no idea why.

As the silence continued between them for a few moments more, the man could be seen taking repeated glances. "I'm Arthur." he suddenly introduced, then met his gaze a few seconds later. "Arthur Kennedy."

"Rick Grimes." he replied with a small smile, his internal relief somehow visible when he heard the non-antagonistic words. He had initially thought he'd be subjected to harassment, humiliation, and even severe persecution due to having come to such an establishment. Even though nothing of the kind had happened yet, he was still apprehensive of the unknown.

"So, what brings you here, Rick Grimes?" Arthur asked with a casual tone. But within, unexpected nervousness began to flow through his every vein. He didn't quite know what it was; but determination to learn more drowned out all hesitation and outward awkwardness.

The sir shrugged as he was given the beer he had asked for. "Mainly curiosity." Rick vaguely admitted.

With a nod of his head, Arthur then motioned to the ring on the man's finger. "What does the wife think of your knew found curiosity?" His voice held not even a grain of mocking or sarcasm; inquisitiveness being his current companion. 

Rick sighed heavily as he looked down at his beer. "She doesn't know. I haven't really accepted it myself." It was clear he was in an intense internal struggle with himself.

Even though Arthur wasn't currently shy about his homosexuality, he wasn't always so accepting of himself either. "I know how you feel, especially about the fear of coming out. I grew up in a pretty strict Catholic household." he answered, then took another sip of his drink.

"Got any advice?" Keeping his desperation hidden, Rick did his best to remain as casual and composed as he was able. He felt all the more comfortable when he found out about this Arthur's troubled past with the subject.  His own memories of his parents being held back like a tsunami being denied with a pillow.

Arthur studied his facial features, thinking carefully of what he should say. "Well..." He then decided to just be honest. Maybe if this man could relate to someone about such similar and serious topics, he wouldn't feel completely alone when dealing with negative situations. "When I was growing up, my parents were the most grossly close-minded and judgmental people you could never imagine. As a result, I was terrified of my 'alternate desires'. I was horrified, disgusted even. I was raised to be against it. To hate it. But no matter what I did... I couldn't ever truly escape who I truly am."

"How--... How did you become okay with... it?" Rick slowly asked as he listened to his every word as though it were the word of God offering salvation.

With a smile of remembered gratefulness, he continued. "I was fourteen at the time. It happened the same day I decided to take myself out. I visited the only church I felt most peaceful in. My plan was to beg God to forgive me for my horrendous sins after the deed was done. I desperately prayed for safe passage to His holy domain. I must have been there for hours, just sobbing and begging for forgiveness." He then downed the rest of his drink as a way to reel in his emotions a bit so as to properly explain what he had gone through. "Just as I was about to get up and leave, the priest suddenly sat down next to me and proceeded to save my life. 

"At first, he didn't say a word. He simply pulled me into the most comforting hug I have ever experienced. Once I had calmed down enough to be able to retain what he wanted to say, he was careful and gentle with how he spoke. He's actually the reason for my slowly learned ability to never give up even in the most stressful of situations." He then chuckled with fondness at the treasured memory.

Arthur was then given another drink as he looked at Rick with almost hypnotic focus. "Turns out, he had heard my struggles as I admitted and repented my sins to the Lord. He said that every human was a child of God and had a purpose for being on Earth. He said that all people are an important part of His plan. He said that all differences were as natural as breathing or dying. He saw it as the Lord's indirect way of testing us. To see if those who claim to be honorable, kind, or even accepting are actually following the correct path that leads to true enlightenment. To separate the worthy from the liars, cheaters, and evil doers. He told me to never feel ashamed of anything that I couldn't control."

Rick softly smiled at the picture he had painted within his mind. "Do you really think it's not a choice?" he inquired quietly, his brows furrowed from his seemingly endless quarrel of indecision.

"Honestly? I think we are created to be exactly who we're meant to be. I think more harm than good will be caused by denying yourself of what makes you truly happy and complete; instead of coming to terms with who you are. We are all destined to learn and surpass our own tests, limitations and challenges in life. What defines us is not our struggles. It's how we respond to these difficult issues that truly define us. It can also help us grow and evolve into better people." He then smiled a little at him. "Not everything's a mistake or needs to be fixed just because it's difficult to come to terms with." he reassured, hoping to have lifted his spirits to any degree. 

After drinking the rest of his drink moments later, he grabbed a pen from behind the bar and began writing on a nearby napkin. It took him only a few seconds before he payed the bartender  and slid the napkin over to Rick as he went to walk pass him towards the front exit. "See you around." he muttered in a borderline whisper.

Only seconds after Arthur had left the bar, Rick opened the folded napkin with eager curiosity. Within was a neatly written phone number and an unexpected note below it. 
' Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.
Call me if you need to talk again.
-- Arthur Kennedy '
Within seconds did a large grin erupt across his face. The instant intrigue he felt was like nothing he had ever experienced with anyone else. Hearing what he had said in an attempt to help cheer him up by establishing a fellowship only cemented his sudden interest. To which was something he refused to squander or pass up. There was just something about him that practically demanded Rick's attention and would ultimately refuse to be ignored; always festering, never fading. 

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