PlayboyKouji [Discontinued Fo...

By RainSennin

189K 7.1K 3.5K

You've all seen Ayanokouji unintentionally create a harem because of his actions and his looks, but what if h... More

Vol. 1: The Start of it All
Vol. 1: Early Encounters
Vol. 1: Rise in Popularity
Vol. 1: Class 1-D
Vol. 1: S-System
Vol. 1: Becoming the Leader
Vol. 1: Making Connections
Vol. 1: A Talk with Horikita
Vol. 1: Trouble Brewing
Vol. 1: Ghost of the Past
Vol. 1: Club Fair
Vol. 1: Building Bridges
Vol. 1: Raising Flags
Vol. 1: Honami's Potential
Vol. 1: Socializing with Others
Vol. 1: Trust
Vol. 1: An Unexpected Guest
Vol. 1: Scars
Vol. 1: Friendship
Vol. 1: From the Ground Up
Vol. 1: Swimming Class
Vol. 1: Girl Problems
Vol. 1: Don't Hold Back
Vol. 1: The Harem Plan
SS1: Kiyo's Harem Plan #1
SS2: Chiaki Matsushita
Discontinued, Not Apologizing

Vol. 1: Gaining a Headstart

7.8K 306 57
By RainSennin

3rd Person POV

Sae: All right, Class D. Lend me your eyes and ears for the rest of our remaining time. I will only explain all of this once, unless you're willing to pay more than what you've already spent.

Chabashira gave her students a stern expression at first but if one would take a closer look at her, she was completely different than before.

Compared to her earlier demeanor where she was dead inside for some reason, Chabashira now seemed like she was filled with life, which was reflected by the look in her eyes. They were filled with hope and longing, and Ayanokouji was the only one noticed the difference.

Kiyo: I feel like Chabashira-sensei was hoping for me to figure out this matter with our points this whole time, but why exactly?

At this moment, every student in the class looked equally serious, as they realized that their gamble wasn't a fluke at all. What they were going to learn about would directly affect their life in this school, whether it would be heaven or hell, and so they couldn't afford to slack off now.

Sae: First off, the points in the S-System that's used by the school can be classified into two. The points that you currently possess are called 'private points', while the other is referred to as 'class points'. The private points that you receive every month are completely dependent on the amount of class points that you have.

The brown-haired teacher paused for a moment to let her class take in this new information. The whispers and murmurs began right away, with the majority of it wondering what exactly are 'class points' and how do they work.

Sae: Moving on, every freshman class from A to D are given 1000 class points at the start of the year. These class points are then converted into private points and are distributed into your ID cards at the start of each moment. This also means that class points are being updated monthly.

Hirata then raised his hand.

Sae: Do you have something to ask, Hirata?

Hirata: Sensei, does this mean that the points we used to purchase this information were our class points?

Sae: That's correct.

After saying those words, the whole class seemed like they were going to erupt in chaos once again, but Chabashira spoke again before that could happen.

Sae: But don't worry, it's not the end of the world for you. It only cost you 200 class points, so you'll still be able to receive 80,000 private points next month, assuming you idiots don't do anything that causes your class points to plummet down even further.

Her words were able to calm a lot of her students down, but they remained vigilant, especiall

Sae: What Ayanokouji-kun suggested earlier was true. Your class points can indeed be decreased and in turn, affect your private points as a result. However, they can also be increased. In this school, we have what we call 'special exams', where each class will compete against each other. Based on your performance in these special exams, your class points can either increase, decrease, or stay the same.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, seemingly reaching the end of her explanation.

A right arm then shot into the air from the last row.

Suzune: Sensei, may I ask a question?

Chabashira looked over towards Horikita.

Sae: Go ahead.

Suzune: Can our class points change in number outside of the special exams?

Sae: Class points cannot increase outside of special exams. However, they can definitely be decreased in a multitude of ways. A few examples would be tardiness, absences, sleeping in class, using your phones during lessons, and the simple act of not listening..

Suzune: How much points does each offense deduct from our overall amount?

Sae: I apologize, but further details regarding that is strictly confidential. It doesn't even matter, does it? You're all high school students. You should be mature enough to act your age unless you still have the mind of a child.

Ayanokouji POV

I could feel almost every single one of my classmates gulp out of nervousness. It was evident that a lot of them were planning to do exactly Chabashira-sensei said. They were about to doom their own selves by committing those offenses and cause their class points to be reduced until there's nothing left, had it not been for my intervention.

I even noticed some of them turning towards me for a brief moment before turning back. They must be thanking me internally for helping them dodge a bullet.

Personally, I'm surprised as well. To think that this school would have such a complex system. Oh well, this just makes things easier for me the future, now that I know how the whole S-System works.

Matushita: You really saved us there, Ayanokouji-kun. I can only imagine the amount of class points we'd lose if you didn't ask sensei about the points that we have.

I turned towards the girl to my right, where Matsushita was sending me a smile of thanks while feeling an immense amount of relief wash through her.

Kiyo: I was trying to save myself too, just to be clear.

Suzune: I agree with her. Buying that information from Chabashira-sensei was clearly a gamble on your part, but it worked well in your favor. Also, you can go ahead and ask your question now. I saw that you were about to raise your hand moments before I could.

I turned to Horikita next. She had taken her seat again, now that she was done with what she wanted to ask.

Kiyo: My question was the same as yours.

Suzune: I don't believe that for a second. You still have something in mind, don't you?

You're right on the money again, Horikita. I'd pat your head right now if I could as a reward. Unfortunately, homeroom is still ongoing and I'd rather not attract attention in front of our classmates. Perhaps later.

Instead, I'll just try to smile at her. This is something that I haven't done ever since I became detached to my emotions, but I think I'm capable of doing this.

With that, I willed my levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and zygomaticus minor to rise and allow me to smile.

However, I didn't feel my face move contort into a happy expression. In fact, I think the most that I could do with my lips right now is show a smirk, which is completely different from a smile.

Still, from the looks of it, my attempt to smile was somewhat successful. Horikita became flustered and I felt my mouth move a tad bit. Baby steps, then. Maybe one day I'll be able to smile like a normal person again.

Turning my attention back to our teacher, I raised my hand once more.

Kiyo: Sensei, can I ask another question?

Chabashira-sensei smiled again. It's like she was pleased with my questions and she was asking for more. I do hope I'm not right in thinking that she's attracted to me for the wrong reasons. I've read about student-teacher relationships and while they are interesting, they are usually looked down on.

Sae: Ask right away.

Kiyo: Why is the school doing this?

Most of the my classmates let out confused noises at what I asked. They were indeed listening to everything that I'm saying, but they can't understand why I'm doing this. It will take a lot of work to mold them into better students, I'm afraid.

Sae: You finally asked it. Well done, Ayanokouji-kun.

She began to laugh, which confused everyone else even more. The only ones who apparently understood my question were Horikita, Matsushita, Hirata, and Blondie.

Sae: Now, for those who couldn't understand his question, I'll make it simple. What's the point of competing with other classes through special exams? Why do your class points decrease and affect your private points? Why is the school doing this? Well, you must have noticed that the four classes are labeled as A, B, C, and D, right? That's not just for appearances' sake. Class A is the most promising class, filled with the most competent set of students that have entered this year. They are followed by Class B, C, and then you guys. The system is an hierarchy around here.

Gasps filled the entire classroom when everyone else finally understood what sensei was trying to explain to us.

I'll admit, this is something that I did not see coming, but it interested me nonetheless. It's basically a competition between four classes for the next three years, and we're at the bottom. However, that can obviously change if we manage to overtake another class in class points, which can only happen during special exams.

This whole system sounds cruel and complex at first glance, but this might actually be fun. It looks like I won't have to spend the most of my three years in this place doing only one thing.

Sae: Do you guys understand now? To put it simply, you are the lowest of the low. A batch of failures, a bunch of defects.

It's like Chabashira-sensei took out a knife and stabbed it into her students' hearts. Does she have a sadistic streak or something?

A boy with grey hair and glasses who was sitting at the front row suddenly stood up, with anger etched on his face.

???: What are you talking about, sensei?! A-Are you saying that your own students are defects and failures?!

Sae: Even if I didn't want to, Yukimura-kun, that is how the school judged and sorted you upon entry. Of course, you can be promoted and be considered a higher class if you surpass another in number if class points.

The boy called Yukimura sat back down but from the distraught look on his face, it looked like he wanted to say more. Based on his appearance alone, I think he's someone who studies really hard, but who knows? Either way, it's obvious that he's dissatisfied with his placement in a class like this.

I even noticed Horikita tense up when she heard that our class was considered defects and I think she was about to raise her hand for another question, but stopped herself at the last moment. Was she expecting to be put in Class B or even A instead?




In any case, I was right. We do have a chance of carrying ourselves up the hierarchy if we get a higher amount of class points than the rest of the classes. I'm glad I chose to buy this information from Chabashira-sensei. Now that I know how this system works, it'll be easier to plan what to do next after this.

Horikita POV

I came to this school for one reason, and that is to catch up to my older brother and make him acknowledge me as an equal.

And in one sentence from our teacher in front, my hopes of catching up to my older brother have been crushed.

I wanted to ask Chabashira-sensei why I was put in a class like this. I was obviously better than most of these idiots in every way, and that's a fact. I can outscore any of them in a test anytime I want.

And then I remembered him.

The same person who boasted the highest score in the entrance examination was my classmate.

I hate to admit it, but he bested me in those exams. Not even I could get a perfect score in the entrance exams and when the chairman said that Ayanokouji-kun was the first student to achieve such a feat, it made me realize that he might be even better than my older brother.

I could argue that he was only lucky that he got a perfect score, but doing so would only be insulting the very school that my brother goes to. I'm completely sure that all of our papers were checked thoroughly.

It's not through luck that Ayanokouji-kun got that score. It's through his own abilities instead.

But if that's the case, then why is he here with me?

If anything, he should be in a higher class with me. We are surely better than every other student in this classroom. Why were we placed in a class full of failures? I'm not one, and Ayanokouji-kun isn't one either. Our talents are being wasted while we're here with these idiots.

I looked at Ayanokouji-kun just as he raised his hand again. Perhaps he's going to ask her why he was put in this class, the same question I had in mind.

Kiyo: Can I ask another question, sensei?

Chabashira-sensei nodded.

Kiyo: Our class is considered failures, right? Does this mean that as long as we overtake Class C, we can guarantee our future?

I stared at him in confusion.

Isn't he even curious why he was placed in this class? Surely he must be thinking that he doesn't belong here. On the other hand, he asked a good question in which I want to know the answer to.

Sae: Nothing comes easy in life, Ayanokouji-kun. If you and your classmates want to guarantee your bright future, then your only option is to overtake the current Class A. This school guarantees nothing for everyone else.






So, it appears that the students of Class A are the only ones who will benefit from the guarantee of having a successful future.

I won't stand for this. I fully believe that I deserve to be put in a higher class. To be considered a defect with some of these idiots is disgraceful. Or at the very least, I demand an explanation for my placement in this class.

I raised my hand, which quickly got sensei's attention.

Sae: What is it, Horikita?

Suzune: Sensei, may I ask how students were sorted into their respective classes?

A strange smile then formed on Chabashira-sensei's face. Was she expecting me to ask that question?

Sae: I see where this is going, Horikita-san. Are you trying to imply that you belong in Class A and not here?

I was surprised that she easily saw through me and knew what I was going to ask her, but I kept myself calm and composed. Panicking won't do me any good.

Suzune: I'd like to know how I was judged and deemed unfit for a higher class, sensei.

Sae: Very well. Normally, I wouldn't tell this to a student but since all of you have paid for this information, I'll enlighten you.

The smile on her face widened even more. I noticed that a lot of my classmates suddenly became nervous as a result. Were they that intimidated by her? How disappointing.

Sae: Students here are judged according to their Academic ability, Intellect, Judgement ability, Physical ability, and Cooperativeness. Not only that, but the school also does a background check on the applicants when they submit they wish to enroll here.

That's it? I believe my academics and physical ability alone can speak for my-

Sae: Horikita-san, you are an exceptional student when it comes to your intelllectual and physical abilities. However, you are incapable of working with others even when it's needed, which is an important skill to have when you grow up. You don't even want to interact with your own classmates. For that reason, the school has judged you to be a defect and thus, you were put in Class D.

I couldn't say anything in return.

Ayanokouji POV

I listened to Chabashira-sensei's explanation of how are the students of this school judged. I definitely didn't expect her to give Horikita a reality check.

I figured that Horikita had to have some kind of flaw for her to be put in this class. I had the feeling that she was good when it comes to academics, but I didn't think that she would be incapable of cooperating with other people. Sure, she was a little quiet and got annoyed when she caught me staring at her by accident, but we talked normally after that.

But anyway, if this was her flaw, then it shouldn't be hard to help her overcome it. If she can talk to me without problems, then she can do the same for other people.

In the end though, Horikita didn't choose to say anything. She only bowed her head and took her seat, as if she was accepting defeat.

Although she was hiding it well from our classmates, I can see the disappointment in Horikita's face. It must be soul-crushing for her to find out that she was considered a failure by the school.

Sae: What's with the long faces? Weren't you all saved from making a stupid mistake just now? If it weren't for Ayanokouji-kun's suggestion to buy this information using your class points, you would have been left in the dark for the first month. You may have lost 20,000 points in your allowance for next month, but I can only imagine how much worse it could have been if you all remained ignorant to the S-System. A lot of you would have spent your points carelessly on unnecessary things without thinking of the possible consequences.

A lot of my classmates winced, knowing that Chabashira-sensei's words were directed towards them. I agree with sensei there, they would have spent their points without hesitation to the point that they won't have anything left.

Sae: With someone like Ayanokouji-kun leading this class, you'll have a pretty good chance of overtaking Class A in the future. If you're still convinced that he's someone special, then let me tell you this. No other freshman in the history of this school has ever been able to figure out the S-System on the first day. Believe it or not, nobody else has tried buying this information from a teacher before.

Sensei, if you keep this up, I'm really going to think that you're attracted to me in some way.

Seriously, what's the reason why you keep on trying to make me look good in front of my classmates?

And now, thanks to her, everyone inside the classroom now had their eyes on me. Now that Chabashira-sensei brought up the position of a class leader for someone in the future, I'm sure they'll turn to me to take up that role.

This is going to be a lot of work, but it's really nothing compared to what I've went through in that place. As a matter of fact, my classmates having a good image of me is actually good. With this, I've secured myself as an important figure for the class.

Sae: Now, if that's all, I suppose I could dismiss homeroom now. Use this early information to your advantage. Be careful on what you decide to do with your points from here on out. I'll see you all tomorrow.

And with that, Chabashira-sensei walked out of the classroom.


So Class D has an advantage over the other classes now. Hopefully they can hold on to their points! Well, who am I kidding? With Kiyo leading the class, they'll survive the first month with a lot of points left.

Horikita actually acknowledging Kiyo? Your eyes are not fooling you, by the way. Suzune has no real reason for her to dislike him (plus there's the fact he said she was beautiful) so at this point, she acknowledges his abilities to the point that she considers him an equal and rightfully deserves to be in Class A with her. Plus, it's thanks to him that they found out about the S-System this early. She has nothing but respect for him now.


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