INNOCENCE || 18+ [on hold]

By LivingMyFantasyyy

942 17 2

Aleyna has got herself in a mess well more volunteered Aleyna is a lawyer, hard worker, and she has a set and... More

Disclaimer || Aesthetics
2 || Memories
3 || Runaway
4 || The offer
5 || Gone
6 || Last Resort
7 || World
8 || Shit
9 || Days
10 || Just the beginning
11 || New normal
12 || Hulk
13 || Lucia
14 || Noodles

1 || Work

162 3 0
By LivingMyFantasyyy


Here I am looking in the mirror at my tired figure thinking if I should even go through my with my day.

Sinking deeper into my warm sheets, enjoying the comfort I force myself to turn on my side, my back protesting against it. I grab my phone on my night stand turning it on, my light brown irises immediately straining at the brightness of the screen in my hand.

I get out of bed immediately seeing that it's already 8:00, putting on my black and white fluffy slippers and turning my music on blast as I start fixing my bed thinking how my day should go good today.

I step into my glass shower turning on the shower head to wet my dark curls as I condition them and start to gently massage my scalp with my fingers in a steady circular pace.

Enjoying the euphoric feeling as my body melts into the warm water.

That feeling is cut short thought as my second alarm starts blaring trough the penthouse.

Shit it's already 8:30 I sight out heavily while scrubbing my body with my champagne and honey scented body wash.

Stepping out of the shower I quickly turn to my walk in my closet moisturizing my soft caramel skin then putting my suit on over my lingerie.

I turn to my mirror, hair up or down,

Up it is as I say as I start tying my hair into a bun leaving some curls strands in the front. I then put my lashes on followed by my concealer and lip gloss.

Grabbing my Phone keys and purse I exit the penthouse into the elevator pressing p1 to my personal garage in the building, standing infront of 3 cars I choose my black CLA Mercedes.


All these ugly looks and stares for what, like shit I know I'm famously know as New York's best lawyer but come on, really.

Walking throught places can be hell sometimes especially walking through the hallways of my own firm. Yet I don't really give two shits because I'm the one that owns this entire building not them.

However when it's not hell it's a fake heaven, filled with a bunch of fake people, fake smiles and gifts.

Here's one thing I hate about people, their be your 'friends' when you're either lower then them in life or they so call think their above you.

Therefore once they know your above them in life everything suddenly changes.

Either they do everything in their power to bring you back down to their level, or every single bitch that wouldn't pay your existence any mind will all suddenly start giving a fuck about you

Or their pretend too.

Fuck them all tho because Im getting to where I want to officially be in my life. They say the top is lonely but that saying is wrong, Its not lonely at all, it's just every single person and being around you is a fake ass bitch just like plastic.

Their just after what you can offer and give them, and worse cases what they can steel.

I set my medium sized smoothie on my desk along with my salad.
As I get comfy in my chair taking all my needed paper work and getting ready to go through them.

Spinning around on my chair I stare out the floor to ceiling windows, as I watch the city beyond the glass. Cars constantly driving at such a high pace, people in a hurry to get to their next destination, but what I'm really looking at is the beautiful bright blue sky.

Asking my self if all this is worth it, if it was worth leav-

"ALEYNA" Nick yells bursting into my office cutting me out of my thoughts. My thoughts are cut short as I turn to stare at a flushed Nick, His breathing is erratic he's sweating all over and his beautiful well once beautiful green eyes have dark bags under them.

Getting up out of my seat I roll my eyes at the disturbance of my peace, "what is it Nick".

He looks up at me thought tired eyes as he regains his balance and composure, "we have a request for you on a case".

God I'm not in the mood for this shit, it's 10:48 in the morning and I already wanna go home. Home that word always felt bitter on my tongue, I suppose because I always imagined a home being a complete family or a couple that completes eachother.

My face shrunches in thought as I really start to think on this subject, Fuck a family and a couple, home is what you make it to be it's when you're happy with yourself and-

My eyes lesurly scan to the room to find Nick standing my my office door still awaiting my response.

"I'm not doing any cases for the next 2 months you know that" I respond my tone a bit harsher than intended. "I know that and I told him that but he wants you specifically, he's willing to pay double whatever your price is".

That got my attention but I couldn't and I wouldn't although most importantly I don't want to. "No, tell him to pick my second best or whoever he wants in my firm if not he can respectfully get out of my building"

Nick seemed a bit off as he was looking at me like I'm crazy, yes maybe I am a bit but my own personal care comes before money, and two why would I put money first when I already have loads of it in my accounts. "B-but Aleyna thats-"

"I said what I said Nick, now I want you to have the rest of the day off and go get some rest you look like shit". I watch him as he raises a eyebrow in bemusement at my comment on his appearance, "wow thank u so much Aleyna" he says sarcastically with his hands in the air.

I spin on my heels walking back to my desk picking up my empty smoothie cup and salad container throwing them out in garbage, "your welcome" I comment as I grab my purse and papers out of my office. Deciding that I gonna finish the rest at home.

I glance at Nick still watching me like I'm crazy,
he looks like he needs to get laid or have some type of fun.

I don't even know why I'm talking because for some reason out of all the times in the past 4 years I tried to have sex it never worked out. My parents always taught me to save it until marriage since I was a little girl.

Saying that it will be better for me in the long run as well as the man I will end up with will respect me more because of it, So I guest everytime I was about to do it something didn't feel right and I just left.

Hmm I guess il find out if it was worth the wait one day, snapping out of my thoughts I finish packing up heading towards the door.

"Please get out of my office and I don't want to see you in the building for the rest of the day."

I give him a warning glance as he's just about to give me a rebuttal
we hold eye contact for a while until he eventuality gives up with a huff and a slight drop of his shoulders.

I smile as I get into the elevator "fine" he grunts out as he leaves I figure to go get his belongings from his desk.

I press ground floor yet just as the elevator is about to close a masculine hand stops the elevator from closing as they re open letting him enter.

The elevator door closes just as he moves his arm to reach over the buttons but stoped as he sees ground floor already pressed. The air becomes uneasy and tense as the elevator door closed.

He kept his gaze ahead of him but glanced once at me heels,

He was in all black from head to toe his dark brown hair laid messy on his head, and he had beautiful blue eyes with long thick lashes, as I couldn't take my eyes of of his sharp jawline and the rest-

My thoughts were cut short yet again as the elevator door opened and that's when reality hit me. My guts were telling me to run and my gut is never wrong something bad is about to happen if I don't quickly get it together.

I start walking towards my car as I hear his foot steps behind me, reaching in my purse to my pocket knife as I open it in my purse that way he wouldn't realize or see it.

Yet just as I turn the corner I feel big masculine hands grab hard into my waist hard enough to differently leave a mark later, A white cloth is brought to my mouth and nose. Immediately knowing what it is I hold my breath to inhale less of the chemical
as I grab my knife and yank it at the persons stomach and side from behind me as hard as I possibly can. Until his hold on me loosened as he stubbles back.

I gasp for air getting up on my feet to run but fall hard on my stomach and chin as I look back to see him dragging me closer to him.

I immediately turn around on my back to kick his hold on me off but it's no use as he gets on top of me laying one hard slap into my face,
as he grips my throat harshly spitting nasty words to me " fottuta puttana, he spits in my face non vedo l'ora di torturarti così lentamente che inizi a farti uccidere." My eyes immediately widen in fear at his words. Italian|you fucking bitch i can't wait to torture you so slowly that your be begin for me to kill you.

"tu desideri cagna"! I spit back as I lift me knee up hard kneeing him in the back of his balls. Italian| You wish bitch!

In those two seconds that I have I scan my surrounding to find a empty beer bottle as I quickly reach for it and slam it on his head.

The glass shattering everywhere.

His body goes limp and falls on top of me as I yell in pain at his weight digging one of the glass pieces further into my stomach.
My body goes limp in pain until I realize that Im barely breathing and have to get this piece of shit off of me.

I use all my leftover strength to push him off of me yet I don't Succeed, so I wiggle my way out from under yelling out in pain again as another glass shard digs into my shoulder.

As soon as I get out I grabe my knife ready to kill this piece of shit but stop as my anger settles and reality downs on me I only smashed his head with a beer bottle meaning I don't know when he can or will wake back up.

As well as two I'm no killer.

I spin on my heels walking to my car but halt my movements as pain erupts from the side of my stomach.

I glanced down at my stomach, my eyes gouging out at the glass shard that's digged into my side as blood trails down my already wrecked suit.

Forcing my shaking legs to move I take small steps muffling my small cries in my arm, bitting down hard on the material of my blazer. Until what felt like hours I finally mad it to the car.

Opening the door I carefully sit down as my eyes shut in relief, forcing them down to my wound knowing I'm gonna have to pull the shard out. I glance around my car to find a random piece of white cloth that I found in the backseat of my car.

Taking a deep breath in I pull out the shard out the side of my stomach, crying out in pain I inspect it a bit realizing that the cut is not deep before tightly wrapping it with the cloth.

I debated going to the penthouse or to the hospital but I immediately picked home considering its not that bad of a cut, and I don't fell like being in a hospital bed for two plus days.

I fight the pain in my stomach as I step on the pedal leaving the underground parking while taking one last glance at the unconscious man that almost killed me, laying in a small pool of his own blood.

His breath smelled horrific to.

• • •

Opening the door to my house I enter immediately going to turn the light on but freeze as I see it's already turned on, I start debating if I left it on before I left this morning but snape out of knowing damn well I didn't.

Just as I'm about to grab my pocket knife thats coverd in blood
Anthony pops out of nowhere scaring the living shit out of me jumping up and down like he a goddamn bunny.

He's demeanor quickly changes as he's eyes trail up and down my body stopping at both of my wounds that blood is dripping out from.

He's once happy smile turns into a deep frown as his eyebrows come to getter, it's like he snaps out of it shaking his head and immediately picking up my blood coverd limping body into his arms.

Walking to the sofa he lays me down on it and running to the first aid kit, "ALI WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED".

He questions while unrapping the bloody cloth I tied around my stomach, he's mouth drops as he inspects me wound "Come on where going to the hospital"

"No" I grunt out grabbing his arm "I don't want to can you just please clean it and wrap it". I sense his rebuttal comming so I immediately glare at him letting him know it's not worth the argument, He huffs then gets on his knees opening the first aid kit.

"Take a deep breath Ali " he says looking up at me before damping the alcohol drenched cloth on the side of my stomach, I hiss out loud in pain as I squeeze the near by pillow hard as the sting continues and he does the same for the wound on my shoulder.

He then carefully wraps a big white cloth around my stomach tightly, "who did this to you" he asked his voice laced with anger and rage,

"I don't even fucking know" I respond tiredly "He's Italian thought", Anthony raises a eyebrow at me at the hearing of Italian. both of us thinking the same thing.

Something similar happened to me about a year ago, yet I wasn't quite to alarmed because he came after me for my reputation more for the money.

Yet what was very alarming about this is the man is Italian, I have no business with the Italians expect half my family, but my Italian side of the family is clean from all sorts of illegal business or at least I hope.

None of us say a word to eachother for the next 2 minutes as he finishes wrapping my cut, until he breaks the awkwardly knowing silence.

"Niya" he finally speaks looking deep into my light brown eyes as a stray tear falls into my cheek. That I've been trying hard to keep in, Niya is my twin sister older by 15 minutes, we grew up together always having eachother backs we never left eachoters sides until we both graduated from university.

She left.

She told our parents and the rest of the family that she was pursuing her dreams by moving to LA, but as a twin I knew something was off.

She gave me a burner phone to contact her whenever I wanted
and she told me that a part of why she was leaving was because if Gabriel her love.

However he wasn't just apart of why she left he was the reason

He was in some bad business to be exact Mafia business.

I begged her not to go that I didn't like the circumstances of the situation and that I don't trust him but she didn't listen and left anyways. It's been 3 years since I last seen her and 7 month's since we last spoke.

I looked up to my best friend who now has a worried look and his face, something's was wrong and I knew it. "I know" I finally spoke up as more tears fell from my cheeks.

He bent down and embraced me in a tight comforting hug never letting go of me, "I need to find her" I breath into his warm neck muffling my words, I lift my head up leaving his embrace to face him. My face scrunched up in determination.

"I'm going after her."

Chapter thoughts or ideas?

Should I change his name or nah?

Also is their anything that you guys wanna see in this story

I'm gonna try to update twice a week but mostly I gonna be updating once a week

Hoped you guys. enjoyed the chapter ❤️

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