Moving from home.

By ClovertheGunslinger

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A young boy is given the chance to move from his hometown to a whole new country and place, as he grows up th... More

Part 1 ; Moving
Meet the friends.
my friends are here
Chapter 5
Gwess's confession
Game Night
She left
Gardening and a fright to go
Hi Bobby
My invisible friend and Romance follies
A surprise encounter and final decision
Part 2 Dream
The saloon
Advice ?
First job
Arachibutyrophia ?
Painting job
Meeting the family
New school
Two Boyfriends
A friend of Joe's
Trying Ice Cream

Who am I

2 0 0
By ClovertheGunslinger



Back then the year was 2016.

I woke up today in the morning on my bed in the morning, I yawned and scratched my eyes, today it was my turn to do the morning chores, it was a usual thing in the family where one member are put up with the responsibility of doing all the morning work, I got up from bed and stretched my arms as wide as possible smacking my lips together I scratched my hair in anticipation.

First thing I did was changing my usual attire, I unbuttoned my night shirt one by one, each making a slight pop as they came off I removed the shirt entirely and folded it on my bed as nice as possible, I then went to my wardrobe where I opened the door to the clothes inside in it was where I usually kept my normal, ' I think I should go with the green one today, since I wore a yellow shirt yesterday, I spoke to myself carefully removing the shirt from my wardrobe I carefully closed it shut, then I walked over to the door where it led me to my shower room.

I opened the valve and let some water touch my hand, warm and cold just to my liking. I removed the rest of my clothing and entered the shower feeling as the cold water hit me in the face, I let if fall as I then began to cover myself in soap, today my dad was going to try and teach me how to broom correctly, I had never really fully knew how to wield a broom right in my life so this would be a first, all I felt the soap fall off my torso, I let my wander a while remembering how my family would always do that kind of stuff every day, each day we get up we clean we eat we work and we played outside with our friends, a life of a rogers as we liked to call it. My father Willy rogers was one of the best in my mind he always was one to say family comes first, and ensure that we all remember that because to him, family is what's important, and so it was important for us all to do our chores so that we get to know to love our responsibilities.

In all my years I could imagine  that Atlas would just come falling right down from the sky, literally grasping in all his glory, holding a cloud in his hand, ' he would tell me, don't give in to the strain of labor little boy, do your duty, and they will be glad to reward you'.

I always stick to that believe in that theory and stuck to it.

Back when I was a little young boy who still had his last few years of school days to worry about, I used to think I was bound to make a lot of choices that I had to carry, I would always throw myself out there by relying my life on work it would only be until one day at my time in school, it would be until the eventual day I would casually learn about the story of Atlas, a story that revolve around the ancient life of a man who would carry his life on his shoulders, one particular thing that this Atlas had to carry was keep the sky up to the sky, I would remind myself of Atlas.

Funny thing about that story was that it was told to me by m very first friend that I made in my stay here in New York, his name as I recalled correctly was Joseph Mars, a man who had taught me a lot in my time here in my time there, the story of how I managed to get to here, the day that I have wanted to move a second time.

I was all fresh and clean finally, I reached out the shower curtain and took out my towel as I began to dry my whole body I decided that if I were to be the man of the house one day one thing we would all do was say grace to our lord say one dear little prayer in the morning before we headed to do our daily routine in my opinion, a pray to god means you have a happy god and everyone wants a happy god, lord knows what would happen if we had an angry god, after my shower I grabbed my green shirt and proceeded to place it over my head placing my arms through it's arm holes before letting it go down my waist.

I then grabbed a pair of underwear and a pair of long jeans and wore those as well, then I grabbed of socks, I laid them on my knees gently, letting them straighten out, I then pulled one of them open, bringing one foot to my level, with a smooth pull I I and sneakers putting them each one by one before tying my shoes laces on, each one tied around one another, before I used t not now how to to tie my laces my mother had to teach me one or three times before I finally got the hang of it, after I finished dressing up I did a little prayer to the sky, then grabbed my comb and began to brush my hair, combing my hair was always a challenge I always had to do it in such an odd manner to ensure that it was the way I needed to be up and pointed in the air, it was a challenge but through and through I was able to get it to stay in that position before wrapping my bandanna over it so that it would stay in place, with that done I went to walk out my room when my father called my name.

Oh Son' he said in a sing song tone, I walked with a pace over to him, and he greeted me with a smile' he was wearing a full on business suit with tie, a black fold hat and a broad lace pair of boots on his feet like his father and his father's father once wore . son you are wake good morning, I am glad to see you are awake and healthy, you know what day it is today right, I nodded my head yes' of course I know father today it is my turn to clean up the house, where do I start, it was natural for us to greet ourselves this form my brother my mother my uncle have all done this multiple times before today was no different, my father gave me a broom and a shovel, today you will simply be doing the sweeping for the house for a while, if you feel exhausted than take a break, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Very well then he said, I nodded I grabbed the broom and shovel and began to do the chores, first I began to sweep the living room I swept the floor moving all the dirt and dust away from our walls and furniture then scooping them up in my shovel then I began to dust off all the cobwebs with the broom, removed the dust bunnies that were being formed and then softly shake them off with my finger and having them go to the shovel, when the shovel was all full I remembered to place it all into the garbage bin or outside where most dust should be before doing it all over again.

Some would casually wonder in their head would be wondering about many things on what they would like to spend their time on doing, and if one were to ask me, I would respond with.

' Why I believe I would like to spend my time doing spring cleaning all day, a bit strange to add if some weren't a huge fan, and honestly I would have to agree', but it cannot really be explained why I like the idea of cleaning as did, I just always liked the feeling of sweeping the floor and picking up the tiny dust piles on a small shovel.

Then once I was done with the living room I proceeded to move to the kitchen then the rooms than even the outside sidewalk, until I was able to be sure that all the dust and dirt were out of sight, ' beautiful I thought to myself, absolutely beautiful, it always filled me with a sense of pride whenever I managed to clean away all the dust maybe it was because I had a nice feeling of wanting to get all the house clean and simply didn't like seeing it dirty could be, or it was merely because I had grown to like using the broom whichever one it was, happy either way, breakfast time.

I walked to the kitchen tabe where I was greeted by my other family members, my father my mother and my brother Koichi, my mother wore a beautiful long blue dress that reached her hair, and had the most gorgeous hair that would make a man like my father love her, her legal name was Oka Ochokoritaro but her friends called her Ocho , my brother koichi meanwhile was wearing a green shirt had gold cuff links on his shoulders and wore a black hairstyle similar to mothers he was 19 years old, I was 16 years old so it was easy to see who was the tallest. I sat down on my table where they all greeted me equally, Good Morning son. Said my mother with a smile, your father has told us you finished doing your chores and I have to say you did a splendid job sweeping up the place, I blushed slightly, it was nothing mom, anyone would have done the same thing.

My brother inched closer to me, still you were lucky it was your turn koichi he said with a smile, I remember when it was my turn I had a nice time cleaning up the house , it always filled me with great joy when I was cleaning the house I wouldn't want to stop until I was sure it was clean. I smiled at this me and my brother were always so alike it made me happy, ' father I said, when will I be heading to school today , I am planning on seeing my friends Peter, Gwess and Diego this morning.


At 10 of the morning you will be heading off to class son, he replied. Your friend Diego by the way always seemed like quite the funny fellow to me so I have been thinking why don't you try and invite them over one day I am sure they wouldn't mind to spend some time playing outside in our yard.

I smile at the thought, thanks dad, I said gulping up my water 'but I am sure my friends and I are fine hanging out in our usual spots, at the outside dirt roads where we do our mud races,. Alright spoke my dad, but the offer still stands. For breakfast we were eating a fine Italian meal, a salad with mozzarella cheese and tomato, it was very delicious for us and it went really well with our fine mineral water, I a,ways had wondered what it would be like if I were swimming in a giant lake filled with this same mineral water, I would probably be living the dream, ' this is really good mother.

I spoke after swallowing my food, ' both you and dad really know how to bake such sweet treats, I stated. My mother bowed in response, thank you son, that type of salad is actually a very special type of family recipe that has been passed down since generations to come, ' she revealed ' we had hoped that we might be able to replicate it, and it seems that we had. We spent an hour eating before we eventually finished eating, I still had time before I had to go to school so I asked mother and father if it was alright with them if I were to wash the dishes.

Here at our home, everyone of my family had always taught me everything I had to know in order to be responsible and tidy.

'Why of course kid, said father in a polite tone, we do admire your share of responsibilities. My brother eyes perked up, ' may I come too, he asked it would be impolite of me if I let my brother do all the work himself, mother giggled, 'why sure you may, just remember to wash your hands before cleaning. With that my sibling and I got up from our seats, grabbed all the dirty dishes and wet cups, carefully bowed to our parents, they bowed back. Then headed off to the sink to wash our plates.

My brother did the duty of scrubbing the dishes with soap then rinsing them off, while I did the duty of drying them off with a moist towel and we were both satisfied with our parts as we are helping each one of us individually, while I was washing the dishes my mind went off and wandered to one particular person whom I actually wanted to see he most her name was Mariana Fallas and her brother named Victor fallas, Mariana was one of the most smartest girls in our school, as she could speak proper English and has a funny personality, Victor meanwhile was a fun loving little boy he always acted like the type of person who wanted to play at any game and he was just so filled with energy you would think he drank a mountain of coffee in the morning. While we were washing my brother turned to me and said, say brother I have been thinking of something, you and I have been living in japan for a while now right. I nodded my head yes.

And we both love it here very much with mom and father and all our dear friends but..... he trailed off for a moment, hasn't it ever come to your mind that one day we may try and stay somewhere else for awhile. I raised my left brow, ' what do you mean brother, I asked. I was curious at his intuition. 'well have you ever wanted to try and learn new cultures different to ours, try and learn new languages see new land, and meet some new people along the way just for a month, ' hasn't that ever crossed your mind'.

Brother, I said giggling a little, ' have you forgotten the many stories that I have read the last couple of days, I have read at lest five of those old western books, that take place in the American frontier, now if that isn't learning something from back in the day, I don't know what is,.

I remember how they would tell about many different types of stories, like the battle for the Frontier, the little big horn battle, the very first attempt they would try to

I took time to recollect all this it has crossed my mind for a while, what type of cultures does the other countries have what are the other people like in the other cities and were they're languages actually easy to learn, the more I though of this took my time on washing the dishes, ' I would dearly miss this place. I said finally, If I ever left. My brother nodded at that, I would too, he responded. And we remained silent from then on, after a few minutes later, we both headed off to the gate having cleaned all the plates, ' have fun at class kids, our mother said, ' we will mother' I responded. We both took our bows to each other before heading off outside

Say by the way, I spoke up.

Do you think today they'll be selling baked bread again at the market.

My brother looks at my person, ' it is always selling bread at this time of day, he responded. ' But we already had some for yesterday, why are you curious to know that. Unless you are planning on buying more, then I am sorry to say, no can do, that is already too much wheat for us to eat.

I chuckled at my brother's rhyming, ' I only want to have something to eat during school today some of my classmates will probably be bringing they're own lunches today for class, and I simply want to be one of the people who will have brought a snack for myself to eat.

Koichi sighed deeply, then reached into his pouch.

He pulled out at least two fifty out of his pouch pocket and handed them over to my direction, he looked at me with a small smile and said, ' who am I to say no to my own sibling, just this once I will allow you to go and buy whatever you want this one time, but just this once alright.

I grabbed the cash from his hand and bowed respectfully, ' I promise big Misa, I will even get your favorite kind with this amount of money to boot too. Koichi's favorite bread, is the sweet kind that they use salt and butter, and in the inside they fill it with fruit jam to give it a more sweet texture flavor, it was a kind of flavor that would drive anyone mad.

He chuckled, ' you really are optimistic aren't ya.

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