
By Trebor90

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This is the story of a boy that isn't exactly what he thinks he is. Not a vampire, not a werewolf - these ar... More

Coma's End
My Body
Dreams of Death
High School Begins
Lance Gordon
For the Team
Fall from on High
Pep Party
Hanging Out
Surf's Up
Lance, Again
School Dance
Disaster Hits
Dr. Richard Mos
The Secret of the Neurosynths
Jillian the Neurosynth
The Neurosynth Deal
Surprise Writing
The Blank Out
Adam and Eve
Brain Scans
Back To School
Party Again
Stressed Out
The Secret of Neurosyn
Dr. Gold
Life and Death

Beach Again

173 3 0
By Trebor90

The next day I decided to return to the beach.  The weather was good again, and I only slightly got burned by the sun because my mom had interrupted my beach stay.  This time I wanted to do things a little differently.  I wanted to ride a bike.

Looking through the garage of the house I indeed found a bike, which I presume was mine, unless my sister used a guy styled bike, which was possible.  In any case she was gone so it would work for me.  The only thing I needed to do to set it up was to pump up the tires.

I also looked around the garage to see if there was anything there that I could remember to help me recall my life.  There were shelves in front of the parking space and they were filled with various items, most of which looked like junk or lawn care products.  There were some plastic bags with old music tapes in them but not many people had tape players anymore so I would think of that as junk too.  Basically, there really did not seem to be anything there that seemed familiar to me.

I again packed a lunch and got my backpack together so I could carry my towel and some flip flops.  This time I would switch to those for walking on the beach rather than filling my converses with sand.  I also brought sun tan lotion and I wore my sunglasses.  For clothing I wore a sleeveless black top showing the band Metallica.  My mom had gotten me a nice pair of surfer swim trunks.  These came below my knees but hung low at my hips.  I was ready to go.

I wondered if the beach would be much different only a day later.  I suspected it would not be.

Mounting the bike I headed out of my driveway and down the street I had walked along the day before.  I peddled up to speed easily.  The air was filled with fragrances from the trees lining the street which were in bloom.  The road was smooth as there were no potholes.

When I finally got to the beach parking lot things looked the same as the day before.  There were about the same number of cars and a couple of bikes were found in the bike rack.  I quickly added mine to the rack, checked my backpack, put on my flip flops, and put some sun tan lotion on my arms, the lotion rounding my tight muscles.  I was glad that although I was muscular I was sleek looking, being the body of a 15 year old.  I actually did not like the look of the hormone enhanced body builders.  It seemed to me to be all look and not function.

Once ready I headed out of the parking lot towards the sea, stepping over the boarder log that kept the beach sand out of the parking lot and walked down the path and onto the beach.  I was very interested in seeing if the bikini girls were there and sure enough they were.  Some were reading books, some were lying down, and others were tapping on their cell phones or music players.  One of them caught my eye and locked on.  She had a tiny yellow bikini and the sleek slender body you might see on a dancer.  I could feel that tingling sensation again and my heart started pounding and there was pressure in my ears.  I looked away at my feet.  After a few seconds I looked back and noticed that more of them were looking at me and had stopped what they were doing.  I felt very uncomfortable, while at the same time excited.  I did not say anything but walked by them slowly, occasionally stealing a glimpse.  These girls were really hot, but I only wanted to look at them.  They scared me to death.

Passing by I continued down to the beach and let out a sigh and took some deep breaths.  I needed to relax.  This time I moved closer to the water to set out my towel.  I also knew I would feel refreshed if I got into the water and got a good workout.  I was stressed and frustrated.

I put down my stuff, laid out my towel and charged the water so I could feel the sea.  I hit a wave with a big impact and dove under it, and emerged on the other side.  I cleared my eyes and looked up the beach and noticed the girls were still looking at me.  I tried to ignore them and swam power strokes in freestyle and butterfly up and down the beach.  At the end of some of the lengths I would occasionally stand up and look over at the girls and noticed they were still looking at me.  'Why don't they leave me alone?', I thought.

This time I just kept swimming parallel to shore creating more lengths but in continuous repetitions without stopping.  I completed about 40 lengths of 50 meters, which is about one and a quarter miles of swimming and then finally stopped.  Looking over towards the girls I noticed they were no longer looking so I walked out of the water towards my towel, dried off and lay down on my back.  A rest would feel good right now.  I just laid there a while and looked up at the sky.  Everything was beautiful.  I could hear the surf and watched the puffy clouds.  My breathing slowed and was steady and regular.  I could feel my face burning so I put my balled up shirt over my face. I wondered about my family and my school.  I hoped everything would work out.  I was so relaxed I began to doze off.

Suddenly I heard a voice, "Hey guy, how are you?"  I felt a hand on my towel and it lifted up and in front of my only inches away was a beautiful face with brunette hair and blue eyes and dimples.  She was smiling at me and I was in shock.  I could not move.  I could not speak.

"Your looking pretty good, guy", she said.  I noticed she was now looking at my bare chest, arms and was scanning down towards my legs.  "You seem to be a great swimmer", she continued.

"Ughh", was all I could say.  My eyes moved from her face and down her neck and took in her shoulders and her breasts inside a lime green bikini.  Her nipples bulged in the fabric of the top.  I could feel my heart beginning to pound and my breathing increased.  She continued to smile, checking out my body, scanning over my muscles and down to my swim trunks.  She looked back at my face.  My heart was burning and I was tingling now all over and getting very hard down below.  I could not speak.

"Do you have a name?", she asked.  Her eyes moved down to my swim trunks again which had an obvious pole in it and her smile turned mischievous.  "Wow!" she whispered.

My body was trembling all over and I could sense that the tip of my hard member was starting to emerge from my suite at the waste band.  She noticed it too but only looked at it and smiled more.  I moved my hand to cover myself and rolled a bit on my side.  I was breathing hard and could only softly say, "please go away".

I looked over at her and noticed she had slender thighs, a tiny waist and a side tie bikini bottom.  Her top just barely covered the tips of her breasts.  I closed my eyes and again whispered, "please go away".  I felt frozen in place like I was tied.  I opened my eye a crack.

She looked up and down my body, and smiled again, stood up and walked away towards the location the girls on the towels were sitting.  I peaked over there and noticed they were all looking at me.  I felt completely embarrassed.  The girl finally made it back to her friends and they gave each other a high five, looked at me and laughed.  I wanted to get out there.

Once I caught my composure I put my shirt back on, gathered up my things and moved further down the beach away from the girls and set up my towel again.  I sat on it and looked at the sea.  The sea was beautiful but I was miserable.  The girls have so much power over me that I am just a lump.  What was I supposed to say to her?  How could I carry on a conversation with someone while at the same time my whole body would crave them?

About 20 minutes later I heard the sound of a truck and turned around and saw it was the one that Mark and Kelly had.  It looked like Mark was driving.  Kelly was not there.  Mark waved at me.  He had his boat trailer on the back of the rig, but the boat was gone.  Mark jumped out and walked over to me.

"Hey Cole", he said.

"Hi Mark"

"What's going on?", he asked.

"Well, I'm just sitting here," I said.

He studied my face and then said, "You don't look happy today".

"No, I guess I am not", I said.

"What's wrong", he asked.

"Well, its kind of personal"

"Girlfriend problems?"

"Umm, Not exactly", I said.  I felt really horrible.  He kept looking at my face and showed genuine concern and was kind.

"Well, I have a guy question for you, if you don't mind me asking", I said.

"Go ahead shoot, he said.  Ask me anything.  You saved my life yesterday with my boat".

"Ok, well, this is a little embarrassing but when you get near a girl do you instantly get hard erections and get excited?", I asked.

"No, not usually.  If the girl is hot maybe a little, but I would need to be kissing her or something to have it really get going"

"Ha", I laughed.  "Its not that way with me.  If I just get near one or even think of one my male member goes crazy and my blood begins to boil.  I don't think this is normal".

"Well, my dad told me of something like that once", he said.  "I think he called it hyper-sexuality, but I'm  not sure.   I guess some men get it as well as women"

"I think I have that", I said.  "I must.  I think it is a real problem for me, but I don't remember my past so I don't know if I had it before my accident or not."  

"So what do you do to cure it?", I asked.  I was desperate and needed an answer.  At this point I did not care how embarrassing this subject was.

"Cole, this may sound crude but I think the only thing a guy can do to reduce his arousal is to jerk off a lot.  Do it while you take a shower in the morning before school and then you should be good for a few hours, I think.  I don't know exactly.  I don't think there is any medication for it.  Actually, girls might like the fact they can arouse you easily.  If you find a girl friend you should be all set."

"Well, I don't have a girl friend, and I just moved here.  Maybe something will happen when I start school.  Maybe I will meet someone.

Mark stood up and walked back over to his truck.  He turned to face me.

"Cole, I hope you find a solution to that and have a great school year.  Maybe your problem is just some phase you are going through growing up.  I am sure it will go away."

He got in his truck and revved the motor.  Pulling away he waved out the window.

"Mark, thanks for the help!  I will catch you later", I said

The sound of the truck faded away as it eventually found the road and left the area.  I remained on the beach and just watched the waves.  They relaxed me.  I really began worrying about school.  Seemed to me that I would be entering a scary place.  I have no idea what I am supposed to do, am not sure who I am, and I go sex crazy of girls and am scared to death of them.  I think I will take my parent's advice and just try to disappear into the background and stay out of the way.

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