Highschool Singular Point


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Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... Еще

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 19

1.1K 26 19

Third Person POV

Issei let out a small sigh, the black-haired boy closed his arms as he had an expression of pure disappointment on his face.

Issei: "Why did I agree to this again?"

He was sitting in the basement of his parent's house, but he wasn't alone. Aika was sitting next to him and the Occult Research Club members were also in the black-haired boy's house.

The reason they were there was that because apparently their clubhouse was getting cleaned or something, so they needed a place to have their meeting for the time being.

Aika, Issei's girlfriend suggested that they have the meeting in Issei's house. The black-haired boy didn't like the idea because he didn't want to have to deal with his parents.

When he was his old self, Issei remembered that his mother always embarrassed him in front of people by showing them his baby pictures.

He didn't want to deal with Rias or Akeno teasing him, that job belonged to Aika. Then again Issei is normally the one doing that to the brown-haired girl.

But yeah, Issei didn't want to deal with all that. However, it seems that even the fera do apocalipse can't resist the power of the puppy
dog eyes.

So he had no other option but to agree to have the meeting in his house.

Aika hugged the black-haired boy's arm.

Aika: "Because you love me~"

Issei stared at his girlfriend and let out a small sigh, he then grew a smile.

Issei: "Yeah, I do love you"

He then looked at Rias who was drinking tea that was made by Akeno.

Issei: "Should you get started?"

Rias: "Your right, Let's begin with this month's contacts"

This got the club members' attention as they looked at the red-haired devil girl.

Rias: "Akeno, Eleven"

The black-haired girl smiled.

Akeno: "That's right"

Rias: "Koneko, ten"

The white-haired girl was busy eating her chocolate bar, but she heard her master and nodded her head.

Issei is still wondering to this day how the hell does she get the money to get all those chocolate bars, like how much does she spend on a daily basis?

Rias: "Kiba, eight"

Kiba smiled.

Issei remained sitting where he was with Aika, but his mother soon came in with food she made for everyone. Rias and the others thanked her for the food, but she soon brought out what Issei dreaded.

The photo album.

Issei: "Mom! don't you dare!"

Miki stared at her son and giggled.

Miki: "sorry, Issei. But I have too~"

Issei: "Don't!"

The brown-haired woman opened the photo album and showed it to everyone, revealing all the embarrassing moments in Issei's childhood.

The black-haired boy tried his best to stop them from looking at it, but Rias had Kiba hold him back.

Issei: "Kiba let me go!"

Kiba: "Sorry, Issei. Presidents orders"

Issei: "Nooo!!!"

Like his first Halloween, where he dressed up as a grey lizard monster and did a cute roar. He was around 4-5 or maybe years old, he wanted to experience Halloween for the first time like all the other kids.

He wanted to dress up like a superhero, but changed his mind and went with a lizard monster costume.

It was a little big though, the hood were sometimes fall on his face and obstruct his vision.


As the girls were gushing over the adorable picture, Issei on the other hand was in the corner sulking silently.

Issei: "Someone...kill me"

Kiba stared at the black-haired boy and was so confused, how could he go from being an intimidating beast that would threaten someone if they say the wrong thing to a sulking child?

It made absolutely no sense whatsoever to the blonde-haired boy.

Aika realized what was happened and walked over to the black-haired boy, she then began patting his back to try and calm her boyfriend down.

Aika: "There, there. Babe"

Rias turned over to the next page of the photo album, she then raised an eyebrow.

Rias: "Hey, Issei"

Issei: "What?"

Rias: "Who's this girl next to you?"

The black-haired boy stood up and walked over to the group, he looked and saw the photo that showed Issei when he was young sitting next to someone with orange hair.

He crossed his arms.

Issei: "If I remember correctly...that was Irina, she was my childhood friend"

Aika: "Wait, you had a childhood friend"

Issei nodded.

Issei: "Yeah, but back then I was stupid and thought she was actually a boy"

This made the brown-haired girl giggle, making Issei smile a little because he enjoyed hearing his love giggle. It sounded full of joy and wonder, something that he will protect.

Even if he is doing the Ritual, he will make sure that she doesn't get involved with it.

Aika: "You serious?"

Issei: "yep, pretty stupid"

Kiba: "Hey, Issei..."

The black-haired boy looked at Kiba, he saw that the blonde-haired boy was staring at the picture of him and Irina. Issei can tell that it wasn't the picture of Irina, it was something else within the picture.

And Issei has a feeling he knows what it is, Kiba must be staring at the sword that was behind Issei and Irina.

Issei: "What do you want pretty boy?"

Kiba pointed at the sword in the picture.

Kiba: "Do you know about that sword?"

Issei crossed his arms, looks like he was right as always.

Issei: "Don't know much about it, I think Irina's parents had it or something"

The black-haired boy's yellow eyes stared into Kiba's eyes, he saw rage within them. Rage that was aimed toward the sword, Issei guessed there was a connection between him and the sword.

Probably a Holy sword of some kind, but Issei didn't really care since it had nothing to do with him and the Ritual.

Kiba: "I guess anything is possible..."

(Time Skip brought to you by 69)

A few days passed and things were easy and simple, Issei spend more time with Aika. They have had more and more fun in the bedroom, so much so that they are pretty sure the brown-haired girl's mother might be doing something to their food.

However, turns out something had happened to Rias and the others. Apparently, Kiba was acting very strange, he would space out when they were hunting down a stray devil.

In fact, he spaced out so much that Koneko nearly got badly injured if it wasn't for Akeno saving the white-haired devil girl.

Currently, Issei and Aika are at the Occult Research Club with Rias. The black-haired boy was sitting across from the red-haired devil girl.

Rias: "Holy swords are the most dangerous weapons against the devils. Simply touching one burns a devil's body. More importantly, being cut by a holy sword means instant death to the devils. The truth is a holy sword can annihilate a devil"

Aika was surprised by Rias's words, she was told about the Great War between the three factions. However, she didn't think that there was a weapon that could annihilate someone just by touching it.

Aika: "Wow, that sounds kind of intense"

Rias nodded her head.

Rias: "It is. The fact that those who can use one are extraordinarily rare is the sword's biggest weakness. The church tried what they could, they tried to raise people artificially. Perhaps to wield Excalibur, then they could annihilate devils everywhere"

She then looked away with a serious expression.

Rias: "It's known as the Holy Sword Project"

Issei: "The Holy Sword Project..."

The black-haired boy couldn't help but feel like he has heard that name before, then again if what Alastor said was true and he is probably right then Issei has done this multiple times.

If that's the case then no wonder Issei feels like getting a splitting headache, there were still parts of his memories that were blurry and incomplete.

Aika: "The church must have kept this project a big secret, I'm guessing Kiba was a part of the project?"

Rias nodded her head.

Rias: "He barely survived"

Issei: "Well, I guess it explains Kiba's behavior. He has a grudge against the Holy Swords or rather...Excalibur"

Excalibur, a legendary sword that was wielded by The Legendary King, King Arthur Pendragon. The Excalibur is a holy weapon that was created through means of magic and alchemy by those who reached the territory of God. At some point, the original Excalibur was broken, and the pieces were made into seven different swords with the name "Excalibur".

Issei silently sighed, despite the fact that Excalibur was no threat to him or the Ritual, he couldn't help but be annoyed with this pointless nuisance.

It was a waste of his time, but if he has been through this before in his previous attempts then there is no point complaining now.

Meanwhile elsewhere.

Outside of an abandoned church, two figures with white cloaks and a hood and one of them has a wrapped sword on the back they entered the place and analyze it.

???: "It would seem that this place was a battlefield"

???: "Rumor has it that it had something to do with the devils"

???: "it's getting late"

The first figure removed her hood to reveal that they were a girl with blue hair and a green stride, she then looked at her partner.

???: "are you sure this is the right place, Irina?"

The one named Irina removed their hood to reveal that they were a girl with chestnut hair with twin ponytails.

Irina: "Of course, this is the right place, Xenovia. I used to live here seven years ago, give me a little credit"

She then took out a photo that showed her younger self with Issei, she looked at the photo and smiled.

Irina: "You think he remembers me?"

Xenovia: "I don't know, I do not know your friend. Let's just hope he isn't involved with the devils"

Irina: "Oh, we don't have to worry. Issei doesn't believe in the supernatural, plus he's harmless as a kitten"

Xenovia raised an eyebrow at the chestnut-haired girl's words, for some reason she found her words doubtful.

(Time Skip Brought to you by Venomized Ghost Rider)

The sun rose over the town of Kuoh, the sun shined brightly as it landed on Aika's house. Issei was sleeping soundly in a bed, but he was soon awoken when the light of the sun shined onto his face, this caused him to stir slightly as he slowly opened his yellow eyes.

He slowly laid and cracked his neck, he then realized two things. The first thing was that he was in his half form, and the second thing was that he was completely naked.

The white-haired boy looked down and saw a large lump under the covers, he lifted the covers and saw that it was Aika who was sleeping soundly and completely naked.

Issei: 'I'm naked in my half form and Aika is naked...'

Issei put two and two together and realized that he must have done it with Aika while in his half form, seriously what the hell is Aika's mother doing to their food? This was like the fifth or sixth time they have done it, Issei was honestly surprised that Aika wasn't pregnant yet.

Speaking of the brown-haired girl, she began to slowly wake up. When she opened her eyes she was greeted by the muscular toned chest of her boyfriend, this made her smirk as she looked up.

Aika: "Morning Handsome~"

Issei chuckled.

Issei: "morning sexy"

She sat up as the cover fell off her to reveal her sexy naked body, making the white-haired girl smirk a little.

Issei: "I am so glad I have a sexy mate~"

Aika giggled.

Aika: "And I am glad to have such a handsome bo-"

Suddenly, Aika didn't feel so well. She got up and ran toward the bathroom, Issei got worried as he got up and followed her. When he arrived the white-haired boy saw his love throwing up in the toilet.

Issei: "My love, are you alright?!"

The brown-haired girl let out a slight groan as she seemed to be done throwing up, she gave a small thumbs up.

She gave Issei a reassuring smile, but the white-haired boy could already tell that was a fake smile.

Aika: "Yeah, I think I am feeling much better no-"

Aika was cut off as she threw up once again in the toilet, Issei walked over and comforted his lover.

He stayed with her for a couple of minutes or so, Mamako had come over from the sound of vomiting. Issei made sure to quickly shift back into his regular form so she wouldn't get spooked, he really didn't want to deal with any of that.

However, the brown-haired woman seemed to be no help at all. When she saw her own daughter vomiting she just smirked and tossed a pregnancy test at the two then walked off, right now Aika's face was bright red as she seemed to FINALLY be done throwing up.

Issei slowly helped his lover to her feet.

Issei: "You alright now?"

Aika nodded her head.

Aika: "yeah, I'm okay"

She soon blushed as she looked at the pregnancy test that her mother gave her, she has a feeling she knows why her mother gave her it.

Aika: "Um, could you..."

Without a second to waste, Issei walked out of the bathroom and gave Aika her space.

He closed the door behind him and let out a small sigh.

???: "You don't seem happy?"

The black-haired boy looked over at the voice and saw Aika's mother, Mamako who had just returned after walking off.

A small part of Issei wondered what she was doing. maybe making breakfast or doing something with washing, he didn't know and the majority of him honestly didn't care right now.

Mamako: "What's wrong, Issei?"

Issei: "I just...I don't know what to do..."

Mamako: "Oh? tell me why?"

Issei deadpanned at the brown-haired woman.

Issei: "There could be a chance my lover is pregnant with my child!"

Mamako: "And that is a bad thing because...?"

Issei sighed.

Issei: "I know she and I have been together for a while now, but I haven't really thought about having a child or...marrying her yet"

Mamako crossed her arms.

Mamako: "Is my daughter not beautiful enou-"

Issei: "Don't you dare finish that!"

This caught Mamako off guard as the black-haired boy glared at her, his yellow eyes glowed in the darkness of the hallway and gave him a menacing look.

The sigh sent a shiver down the brown-haired woman's spine, she said the wrong thing.

Issei: "Your daughter is more than beautiful! I will not hear those words about my lover from ANYONE! not ever her own mother! So don't you dare even think about finishing that sentence!"

Mamako gulped slightly.

Mamako: "R-right, apologize. What I am trying to say is...if you really think that about Aika, then maybe you should think about getting engaged with her"

Hearing that made Issei go silent, the idea of getting engaged wasn't really something he had thought about it. But it didn't seem like a bad idea, but will this get in the way of The Ritual?

He may have all the time in the world, but he still has to do the ritual otherwise Issei's entire existence is all for nothing.

Issei: 'Should I do it?...should I marry Aika?'

Should he? Should he not? Issei wasn't sure anymore, why was he struggling with such a stupid question? It was frustrating and damn annoying.

Issei: "Do you really think I am worthy of marrying her?"

Mamako stared at the black-haired boy, she stared into his yellow eyes. Despite the aggressive comment a moment ago, she can tell that Issei deeply cared about Aika and she knew that her daughter cared about Issei as well.

She has seen her daughter talk about the black-haired boy in the past, saying that he was cute and whatnot. Mamako found it cute because it reminded her of her days at school, she was a young girl and she fell in love with someone.

So Mamako's answer to the black-haired boy's question was obvious.

She smiled at him.

Mamako: "Yes, I believe you are worthy of marrying my daughter. She cares a lot about you and you care a lot about her, right?"

Issei nodded his head.

Mamako: "There you go then, that's the answer to your question"

The brown-haired woman walked up and held his hands.

Mamako: "Issei Hyoudou, you have my blessing"

Issei couldn't help but blink in response, did he really just hear that? He wondered if he was dreaming still.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and out came Aika. Both Issei and Mamako looked at the brown-haired girl.

Issei: "My love, are you feeling alright?"

Aika slowly nodded her head.

Issei: "Is something wrong?"

Aika: "Well..."

The brown-haired girl blushed as she held up the pregnancy test, showing that it was positive. Mamako was grinning at the sight while Issei on the other hand was shocked by what he saw.

Aika was pregnant, she was pregnant with his child. A human girl bears the child of the Fera Do Apocalipse.

Mamako's gaze turned to Issei, the black-haired boy saw it and he knew what she wanted him to do. She wanted him to ask Aika the big question, but why now? shouldn't Issei wait until after he and Aika have a few more dates?

(Time Skip Brought to you by the Sumeru Trailer)

Issei silently sighed to himself as he and Aika were making their way toward Kuoh High, he decided to not ask her the question if she wanted to marry him or not.

He might ask her that question at a later date, but for now, the black-haired boy has a lot on his mind right now. The main thing is the fact that his girlfriend is pregnant with his child, what any normal or jerky person would do is break up and leave forever.

However, Issei is not like that. He will not leave his girlfriend to deal with the baby, he will be there to support her all the way.

They continued their way toward Kuoh, Issei was still deep in thought about everything. But he was soon brought out of his thoughts by the sound of his girlfriend's voice.

Aika: "Hey, Issei.."

Issei looked at the brown-haired girl.

Issei: "Yes?"

Aika looked down.

Aika: "I'm sorry..."

Issei: "Sorry? about what?"

Aika: I should have been smarter... I thought I wouldn't get pregnant..."

The black-haired boy saw tears slowly rising in her eyes. She soon began crying right in front of Issei.

This made him feel pain within his chest, it was his heart. He didn't like that his girlfriend was blaming herself, it wasn't her fault.

Why does she think it was her fault? Issei isn't mad about her being pregnant, he would never be mad at her.

Aika: "T-this is all my fault, I am such a-"

Issei: "Enough!'

Aika's eyes widen as she looked up at Issei, the black-haired boy hugged his girlfriend tightly.

Issei: "You are not to blame"

Aika: "B-but.."

Issei: "No buts! You are not to blame, I am not mad that you're pregnant in fact..."

He looked at the brown-haired girl and gave her a gentle smile, it was a warm and comforting smile. Aika stared at the smile and couldn't help but feel happy at the sight of it.

Issei: "I'm actually happy"

This shocked Aika, she wondered if she was dreaming or not. Then again she hoped she was dreaming when she found out that she was pregnant, but she wasn't dreaming back then and she is sure that she still wasn't dreaming.

She can't believe what she heard, Issei was actually happy that she was pregnant. Did he want to have a child with her? Does that mean that he wants to marry her?

Those thoughts ran through her mind as her face went bright red from the black-haired boy's words.

Aika: "R-really?"

Issei smiled.

Issei: "yes, and I mean every single word of it"

Aika stared into the black-haired boy's yellow eyes as she grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips, Issei was surprised at first but he soon began kissing back.

They kissed for a solid minute or two before they separated.

Aika: "I love you, Issei hyoudou"

Issei smiled.

Issei: "I love you too, soon to be...Aika Hyoudou"

The brown-haired girl smiled as she and Issei continued their way toward Kuoh, but this time they were walking while holding each other's hand.

When they arrived at the school, they noticed something. They saw Sona Sitri and her queen Tsubaku talking with two people, they wore white cloaks and one of them had a sword wrapped behind them.

Issei narrowed his yellow eyes as he got a...familiar scent, it was the scent of someone that Issei had not met in a very long time.

He soon sensed something, it was a powerful holy energy. Issei guessed it was one of the seven Excalibur fragments, which would mean that those two cloaked figures belonged to the church.

Aika stayed next to Issei as they waited, and before long the two cloaked figures walked off. Issei and Aika walked up to the two devils.

Issei: "What was that all about?"

Sona and Tsubaki were taken aback by Issei and Aika's sudden appearance, but they soon let out a sigh of relief.

Sona: "Issei, can you not do that?"

Issei crossed his arms.

Issei: "Well, can you tell me why two people from the church were here?"

Sona: "They wanted to talk to Rias about something"

The black-haired boy raised an eyebrow.

Issei: "What did they want to talk about?"

Sona: "Something important, but they didn't tell me"

Aika looked at her boyfriend.

Aika: "One of them had an Excalibur piece right?"

Issei nodded.

Aika: "Then maybe they are telling Rias to not mess with them or get in their way"

Sona: "That could be a possibility, they must know that Kuoh is Devil Territory"

Issei snorted slightly, Devil Territory? That won't be the case forever, soon everything will be terraformed by him and the Red Dust.

The Red Dust shall show everyone the catastrophe and they will fear the puppet master because Issei is the one pulling the strings. He is the one who was in control of everything, then again he didn't really care about ruling the town or the world.

Something like that was honestly a waste of time and a classic anime plot, what's the point of monologing about it and not actually doing it? Issei remembers reading multiple of those back when he was his old self, his old pathetic and useless self.

But he was no longer that, he was now so much more.





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