The Rise of Raven

By soulfox1305

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A new Sith rises when the Clone Wars comes to an end More

Coruscant Battle, Count Dooku, escaping
Another Happy Landing, News, Visions
Jedi Council, Opera, Kashyyk
Utapau Battle, Palpatine reveals himself, Obi Wan and Anakin vs Grievous
Palpatine vs Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, Order 66
Aftermath, The Galactic Empire, Learning the truth
Confrontation, Axel vs Anakin and Obi Wan, Yoda vs Sidious
Childbirth, Lord Raven, and separations
Inquisitors, Jyn Erso, Escape, Rebels
Saw Gerrera, Tarkin, Jedha City
Chirrut, Saw Gerrera base, Message
Saw death, Eadu, Galen Erso
Galen death, Darth Raven, Rebel meeting
Rogue One, Scarif, Infiltration
Battle of Scarif
Jyn vs Krennic, transmitting, Raven, Leia Organa
Tatooine Battle, Desert, Droid sale
Luke Skywalker, Message, Sandpeople
Obi Wan's home, Conference, Mos Eisley
Han Solo, Escape Tatooine, Alderaan destruction
Training, Death Star, rescue
Escape, Garbage, Obi Wan vs Darth Raven
Obi Wan's, Death, Tie battle, Yavin 4, Preparing
Battle of Yavin 4
Aftermath, Ceremony
Hoth, missing, Obi Wan
Recovery, Battle of Hoth
Evacuation, Hyperdrive damage, Asteroid field
Dagobah system, Han and Leia kiss
Yoda, Training, Chase
Force training, Lando Calrissian
Betrayal, Carbonite
Luke vs Raven, Anakin vs Elites, Escaping
Luke learns the truth, Hyperdrive
Han Solo returns, Luke arrives, Rancor
Sarlacc Pit Battle, Darth Sidious, Yoda Dies
Rebel Meeting, Endor
Speeder Battle, Wicket and Aayla, Ewoks
Ewok village, Luke, Anakin and Aayla leave
Battle of Endor part 1
Battle of Endor part 2
Anakin's Funeral, Celebration

Death Star construction, Jabba the Hutt, Chewie captured

173 3 1
By soulfox1305

Time for Return of the Jedi

3rd POV

Above the planet of Endor is the construction of a new Death Star a Star Destroyer heads forward and coming out of the hanger is an Imperial Shuttle with two Ties behind it heading for the Death Star at the cockpit a Pilot said "Command station, this is ST-321" The other Pilot move a lever "Code clearance blue" He turns the control "We're starting our approach".

The Pilot press a button "Deactivate the security shield" At a controls in the Death Star a Soldier said "The security deflector shield will be deactivated when we have confirmation of your code transmission" An Officer walks over towards him looking at the controls "Stand by" The screen shows the shuttle the Soldier press a button "You are clear to proceed" Showing the code.

The Pilot said "We're starting our approach" He flips a switch as the other Pilot flips a couple more switches on his right and they head for the Death Star with the Ties they fly towards a hanger the Ties veered off and the wings rise up into position and the siren blares the shuttle makes it into the hanger opens the landing gear and lands.

Raven POV

The ramp lowers I breathe and walk forward with Elite 1 and 2 following to see Tiaan standing there he said "Lord Raven, this is an unexpected pleasure" I breathe "We're honoured by your presence" I wave my hand I said "You may dispense with the pleasantries, Commander" We walk forward I breathe "My Elites and I are here to put you back on schedule".

Tiaan said "I assure you, Lord Raven, my men are working as fast as they can" Turning to him I said "Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them" I turn back and stop Tiaan said "I tell you this station will be operational, as planned" Breathing I motion my Elites turning him Elite 1 said "My master says the emperor des not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation".

Shaking his head looking to Elite 1 he said "But he asks the impossible" Shaking his head more "I need more men" I breathe and Elite 2 said "Then perhaps you can tell him when he arrives" I slowly turn to Tiaan who look shocked he looks to me Tiaan ask "The emperor's coming here" Breathing I said "That is correct, Commander, and he is most displeased with the apparent lack of progress".

Moving a bit Tiaan said "We shall double our efforts" Pointing at him I said "I hope so, Commander, for you sake" A bit of Force lighting appear on my finger along with Elite 1 and 2 hands scaring Tiaan "The emperor is not as forgiving as I am" I turn and leave with Elite 1 and 2 behind me I breathe slowly.

3rd POV

Meanwhile on Tatooine heading on a rocky path is R2, R3 and C-3PO they all move forward R2 whistles and R3 blips making C-3PO said "Of course I'm worried" He looks at them "And you two should be, too" C-3PO looks forward "Lando Clarissian and poor Chewbacca never returned from this awful place" R2 looks around.

R3 beeps and whistles making C-3PO looks at him "Don't be so sure" In the distance is the palace of Jabba the Hutt "If I told you half the things I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you'd probably short-circuit" R2 whining and R3 whistles" They walk across the dry land up a hill until they reach the palace door walking up to it.

R2 beeps and whistles as R3 rolls up next to him C-3PO looks at them "R2, R3, are you both sure this is the right place" R2 shakes whistles looking at C-3PO and R3 beep and blip looking to C-3PO who raise his hand "I'd better knock, I suppose" R3 whistles and C-3PO knocks on the door "There doesn't seem to be anyone here".

He looks at R2 and R3 "Let's go back and tell Master Luke and Axel" He lower his arm about to leave but R2 beeps and R3 blips suddenly one of the circles on the door opens and coming out to be a TT-8L/Y7 Gatekeeper heading towards C-3PO who notice it the Gatekeeper open it's lids to reveal its eye speaking Huttese "Goodness gracious me" C-3PO lower his arms.

The Gatekeeper moves back still speaking Huttese as C-3PO looks at R2 and R3 then back "R2-Dee Toa and R3 Dee Threa" C-3PO motion R2 and R3 making the Gatekeeper turn to them R2 whistles looking at it and R3 beeping the Gatekeeper moves closer it speaks Huttese and causing R2 to make and R3 blips opening a compartment to show a taser causing the Gatekeeper to move back.

It speaks Huttese looking back to C-3PO as R3 put his taser away C-3PO realises and motion himself "C-3POA" The Gatekeeper stares "Ay tuta mishka Jabba du Hutt" The Gatekeeper said "Kuja wanki mitby cosa" It leans in for a moment "Ha ha ha" It went back into the door making the hatch close C-3PO said "I don' think they're going to let us in, R2, R3" He looks at them.

C-3PO looks back to the door as R2 and R3 both beep and blip looking at C-3PO "We'd better go" C-3PO starts to walk but suddenly a rumble caught his attention turning around to see the door opening it creaks R2 whistles and R3 beeps once high enough they both go in whistle and beep noticing this C-3PO he raise his arm "R2, R3, wait" He moves forward.

But he stops looking at the door and R3 whistles "Oh, dear" C-3PO follows them in "R2, R3" R2 and R3 both kept going down the long stairs "R2, R3, I really don't think we should rush into all this" C-3PO tries to catch up as a BT-16 Perimeter Droid appears making C-3PO looks to it scared "Oh" He turns back "R2, R3" C-3PO moves faster "R2, R3, wait for me" R3 beeps.

R2 whistles looking and R3 looking beeps but they bump into a Gamorrean who growls said "Grr" It looks down a them causing R2 and R3 to move back beeping the Gamorrean tilts staring "Grr" C-3PO catches up to them C-3PO said "Just deliver Master Luke's and Axel's messages and get us out of here" He notice another Gamorrean behind him "Oh, my" He moves between R2 and R3.

The 1st Gamorrean raise its axe "Oh" The door fully close making C-3PO look towards the door "Oh, no" A Voice speaking Huttese called catching C-3PO attention he looks to see a light skin Twi'lek name Bib Fortuna who looks at them he ask "Day wonna wonga" C-3PO said "Oh, my" He raise his arms "De wonna wygo" He bows his head.

R2 beeps and R3 blip shaking as Bib speaks Huttese and C-3PO straightens up "We bring a message to your master Jabba the Hutt" Bib ask "Day Jabba wonga" R2 whistles and R3 beeps catching Bib's attention while C-3PO said "And a gift" That caught his attention "Gift" He looks at R2 and R3 "What gift" Bib looks at them R2 beep and R3 whistles both turning their heads.

Bib moves said "Ne Jabba no barta" He leans down to R2 and R3 "Eezai ohkto" He rubs R3 who whistles with R2 and Bib motion them "Izz kata o mohkti" R3 turn his head beeping side to side and Bib motion him "Ne charda so dehdi" He looks to R2 who shake his head whistles and beep C-3PO said "They say that our instructions are to give it only to Jabba himself".

Bib leans up looking at C-3PO as R2 and R3 both whistles turning their heads Bib looks down at them and 2nd Gamorrean growls said "Grr" Bib looks to it for a moment then back to C-3PO who bows his head "I'm terribly sorry" He spread his arms "I'm afraid they're ever so stubborn about these sort of things" Bib said "Noht cha" He motion in the direction.

He leads them forward C-3PO said "R2, R3, I have a bad feeling about this" A 3rd Gamorrean holding a spear walks a bit before stopping watching them R2 and R3 both beep and whistle while Jabba is on his throne holding a pipe Jabba said "Oohh" He turns as Bib walks down the stairs with C-3PO, R2 and R3 behind him.

They saw a Buboicullaar that barks said "Arf, arf" Surprising C-3PO "Arf, arf" He walks into the court with R2 and R3 and sitting in front of Jabba is a Green Female Twi'lek name Oola as C-3PO looks around while R2 and R3 both whine a bit Jabba notice them lowering his pipe "Oohh" Bib walks up to him.

Bib said "Cava notayce, my lord" R2 and R3 both nod as C-3PO said "Good morning" Bib turns back to Jabba he said "Ohnt bat chuay dehr attat" Jabba said "Oohh" He leans forward C-3PO said "The message, R2, R3, the message" R2 beeps and whistles Jabba said "Oohh shoodah" He leans back while R2 turns whistles his projector turns on.

Appearing in a hologram is Luke Skywalker in black clothing he bows said "Greetings, Exalted One" Jabba looks at him "Allow me to introduce myself" He put his pipe in his mouth "I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi knight and friend to Captain Solo" Jabba blinks slowly "I know that you are powerful, mighty Jabba, and that your anger with Solo must be equally powerful".

Sitting in front of Jabba is a small Salacious B Crumb staring "I seek an audience with your greatness to bargain for Solo's life" Jabba laugh said "Ha ha ha" Making other laughs and Salacious turns back "With your wisdom, I'm sure that we can work out an arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and enable to avoid any unpleasant confrontation" Jabba narrow his eyes.

Oola looks back to the hologram "As a token of our goodwill I present to you a gift-" Luke motions R2, R3 and C-3PO "-these three droids" Shock C-3PO ask "What did he say" He looks at R2 and R3 who both beeping making C-3PO look back Luke "Both are hardworking and will serve you well" C-3PO said "This can't be" He raise his arm.

He looks at R2 and R3 "R2, you're playing the wrong message" R2 turn off the hologram R3 turn as Salacious laughs said "Ha ha ha", Bib leans towards Jabba as the Salacious continues to laugh "Ah ha ha ha" Bib ask "Master, bargonay tua knight" He motion the holograms "He's no Jedi" Bib moves away. Jabba said "There will be no bargain" He leans back as C-3PO said "We're doomed" He looks at R2 and R3 he looks back to Jabba who said "I will not give up my favourite decoration".

He motion in a direction "I like Captain Solo where he is" The people move out of the way to reveal Han Solo still in his carbonite slab while C-3PO raise his arm he said "R2, R3, look- Captain Solo" He looks at them R2 and R3 who both turn to look "And he's still frozen in carbonite" The slab hovers by the wall R2 whistles and R3 blip making Salacious laugh said "Ah ha ha" The everyone starts to laugh "Ha ha ha" The slab remains by the wall showing Han Solo.

Meanwhile R2, R3 and C-3PO are escorted away by the Gamorreans down a path C-3PO noticing some rats he ask "What could possibly have come over Master Luke" He turns back "Was it something I did" He moves forward "He never expressed any unhappiness with my work" In a cell a claw hand reached out to C-3PO who backed up "Ohh".

He was heading for another cell door "How horrid" Inside the cell a tentacle wrap around C-3PO surprising him "Ohh" He moved away and the Gamorrean growls said "Grr" It smacks the tentacle back into its cell while R2 and R3 both whistle moving forward they pass another Gamorrean making them whine a bit.

They turn heading to a door that opens up for them to enter inside an 8D8 is pulling a lever making an EG-6 spin upside down moving his legs as a red hot metal lowers down EG-6 said "Ah ah ah" Once fully upside down the hot metal lowers down "Ah ah ha" It touch his feet making steam come out "Aaah" It was raise then lowered again for more steam to come out.

C-3PO shock to see and the Gamorrean shoves C-3PO forward towards an EV-9D9 who notice them he said "Ah, good" C-3PO stands behind R2 and R3 "New acquisitions" EV-9D9 looks at C-3PO "You are a protocol droid, are you not" C-3PO said "I am C-3PO-" But EV-9D9 said "Yes or no will do" C-3PO said "Oh, well, yes" He straightens up a bit.

EV-9D9 ask "How many languages do you speak" C-3PO raise his arms he said "I am fluent in over six million forms of communication and can-" But EV-9D9 said "Splendid" Catching C-3PO's attention "We have been without an interpreter since our master got angry with our last protocol droid and disintegrated him" C-3PO ask "Disintegrated" A noise caught his attention.

C-3PO looks got shocked to see a Courier Droid on a torture rack it said "Aah" The rack rises for its leg to spark and comes off along with its arm sparking coming off C-3PO said "Oh" EV-9D9 said "Guard" C-3PO looks between the droids "This protocol droid might be useful" The Gamorrean grabs C-3PO "Fit him with a restraining bolt and take him back up to His Excellency's main audience chamber".

The Gamorrean takes C-3PO who raise his arm given to another Gamorrean who takes him C-3PO calls "R2, R3, don't leave me" He bumps into destroyed droid he turns to see it "Oh" The Gamorrean takes him to the other room while R2 and R3 both beep and blip EV-9D9 said "You two are a feisty little ones..." He stands up "...but you'll both soon learn some respect".

He stares down at them "I have need for you two on the master's sail barge, and I think you'll both fill in nicely" R2 and R3 both shake and the Gamorrean stares at them nodding the hot metal touches EG-6 feet again catching R2 and R3 attention they turn to watch 8D8 pull the lever and EG-6 said "No" He wags his feet "No" The hot metal lowers "No" It touches the feet making steam come out "Aaahh".

Meanwhile in Jabba's audience chamber music is being played and the singers are singing in Huttese as Oola, and another dancer name Yarna D'al' Gorgan all dancing to the music Rappertunie plays his instrument while Oola and the Twi'lek both move around holding their chains Salacious stares nodding to the beat and Droopy Mcool plays his instrument.

Rappertunie plays his instrument again and Max Rebo press the keys making Oola, the Twi'lek and Yarna finish dancing and the band ends making everyone clap Jabba said "Ah" He raise his arm "Do that again" He raise his other arm while Joh Yowza said "Koo nee tang..." He looks to Rappertunie who readies his instrument "' na' na', ah lawah" Joh turns "Koo nee tang".

The band begins the song and Sy Snootie said "Cha tung ee-ma chay-choo raun ta-nee-ee-choo" She moves forward her backup singers name Rystall Sant, Greeata Jendowanian and Lyn Me all said "Ee-ma chay-choo raun" Sy shaking her finger she said "Ko-nee nan-kee chong noy khan chay-chee-kun, oooh" Sy looking to the side before turning as Ak-rev hits the symbol and a drum.

Meanwhile Oola spins holding her chain Jabba said "Ho ho" Sy said "Chee ka koo-ja oo pa-pa chee-ka-nang kee hey" She opens her mouth holding a note making Rystall, Greeata and Lyn all said "Chee-ka-nang kee hey" Sy moves forward continues Sy said "You bang ris-pa ka may wang pee-ya nay, Yeeaa".

Sy looks to Joh who turns said "Oo-la-wang choo koo-chee-pa-tie tan-ga ris-pa ta ya lee oh" Boba Fett stands watching this "Yo" Joh moves forward holding a note loudly "Ahhh" Droopy and Max continues playing their instruments "Yal-lie" Av-rev hits the drum with his bandmate Oola, Yarna dance pass as Sy said "Ee-ma tsa-ka-moo nan say yal-lee oo ya see, poe no".

But Oola spins and whips her chain at Jabba who kept a good grip Oola tries to pull the chain yelling at Jabba who lick his lip with his tongue the Oola keeps pulling while Rystall, Greeata and Lyn all said "Na-too pa" They spread their hands and Sy shaking her finger Sy said "Chun-kee sal-la ma-na na-too pa" Rystall, Greeata and Lyn all said "Na-too pa".

Oola continues to pull the chain as Joh said "Hay koo-ma zai ya la" He throws his arms forward Rystall, Greeata and Lyn all said "Do kee chee" Oola grunts being pulled forward, but Jabba had enough and slammed the button next to him making the floor under Oola goes down and Oola screams falling down stopping everyone Sy said "Hoy hat-chi doo ka" But she notice "Whoops" The band stop "Uh oh".

Meanwhile Oola reach the bottom she said "Aah" She rolls on the ground pulling her chain looking up at the crate to see everyone laughing they said "Ha ha ha ha ha ha" Oola stands up staring at them suddenly a creaking got her attention she looks to see a large door opening slowly a beast growls and Oola start to get scared.

In the audience chamber Oola screams "Aaaah" C-3PO lower his arm moving away as Jabba grabs a frog and it squeals, he open his mouth and put the frog in eating it suddenly a voice yell and a blaster is heard catching everyone's attention looking Salacious turns Jabba said "Ooahhh" He turns looking and everyone went to have a look including Bib.

A Voice said "Aah" A Guard went up speaking Huttese only for him to be push he said "Uhh" The Guard hit the wall and slides down and tumbles down the stairs while walking down the stairs holding a spear is a bounty hunter name Boushh and holding a chain pulling Chewbacca making everyone move away for Boushh looking at Jabba.

Chewie roars waving his arms down and Boushh speaks in Ubese he said "I have come for the bounty on this Wookiee" Chewie looks to Jabba as C-3PO looks he said "Oh, no" He straightens up "Chewbacca" A guard looks at C-3PO who looks around and Chewie growls said "Aarrrr" Jabba said "At last we have the mighty Chewbacca" He motion Chewie.

Boba is watching with Rystall and Lyn "Kanji ta, droid" C-3PO went over to Jabba quickly C-3PO said "Yes, I am here, Your Worshipfulness" He looks at Jabba "Yes" He looks at Jabba who speaks Huttese moving his arms C-3PO turns "The illustrious Jabba bids you welcome and will gladly pay you the reward of 25,000" Chewie moves looking at Boushh who said "I want 50,000".

He kept his drip on the chain "No less" C-3PO looks to Jabba he said "50,000" Jabba listens "No less" Jabba got angry he said "Wah" He turns "Aah" He hits C-3PO who stumbles he said "Ohh" He crash into something while Jabba speaks Huttese and Boba walks away passing Rystall touching her chin and C-3PO stumbles with green slime on him.

Turning back towards Jabba raising his arms C-3PO ask "What-What did I say" Oola looks to Jabba who speaks Huttese he leans towards C-3PO who tuns to Boushh "The mighty Jabba asks why he must pay 50,000" C-3PO lower his arms and Boushh speaks Ubese reaching behind his back and pulls out "Because he's holding a thermal detonator" Boushh activates it.

C-3PO raise his arms, Boba aims his blaster, Salacious said "Oh" He moves, and everyone takes cover Max covers his face Chewie grunts said "Rrrrr" Looking at Boushh then back as Jabba laughs said "Ho ho ho ho ho ho" He leans back "Ah ha ha ha ha" He raise his arm "This bounty hunter is my kind of scum, fearless and inventive" He leans more motion his arm.

Slowly Boba lower his blaster as Jabba speaks Huttese pointing at C-3PO who turns said "Jabba offers the sum of 35..." Chewie stares at him "...and I do suggest you take it" He tilts his head looking at Boushh who speaks Ubses he turns off the thermal detonator lowering his arm making C-3PO happy "He agrees" Boushh walks to C-3PO.

Two Gamorrean drag Chewie who growls said "Arrr" They took him away "Grrr" Max had the band playing Festive Tune as Salacious moves back it said "Ahh" C-3PO and Boushh look to one another then Bib walks over he speaks Huttese and Boushh looks to him he speaks Ubese looking towards Boba who nods slowly at him.

Meanwhile Chewie is taken away he growls said "Rrr" The Gamorrean drags the chain forcing Chewie to follow as a Guard holding an axe watch Chewie get taken away the Guard lower his mask to reveal to be Lando Calrissian staring.

The two Gamorreans drag Chewie down the stairs "Arrrrr" They make a turn "Grrr" Chewie hits a pipe "Rrrr" He was shove forward "Grr" Then the Gamorreans shove Chewie into the cell "Rrrrr" They close the door and walk away while the hours pass outside Jabba's Palace a Buboicullaar sits on a rock a little creature runs away but the Buboicullaar tongue grabs it and eats it then burps.

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