Yamagod Doesn't Hold Back

By Darkwizard217

21.4K 709 114

In this story, Yamagod will finally become a chad. What will happen in ANHS now? Also, Kiyotaka and Koenji wi... More

Chapter 2: Extortion
Chapter 3: Encounter
Chapter 4: Pool
Chapter 5: Mock Exam
Chapter 6: When Perfect Existence Meets God
Chapter 7: Lunch, Hiyori, and Assets-chan
Chapter 8: Rooftop
Chapter 9: Alleyway Beatdown
Chapter 10: Midterms (Part 1)
Chapter 11: Midterms (Part 2)
Short Stories: Koenji and Horikita
Arc 2 Chapter 1 (Rewritten): The Cogs in the Shadows
Arc 2 Chapter 2 (Rewritten): He Returns
Arc 2 Chapter 3 (Rewritten): Obtaining the Pieces
Arc 2 Chapter 4: Preparing the Board
Arc 2 Chapter 5: Who is King and Who is the Horse
Arc 2 Chapter 6: Asserting Dominance

Chapter 1: Arrival of God

4.3K 69 23
By Darkwizard217

Yamagod POV

Hello there. I suppose I should introduce myself. Of course, you probably have already heard of me by now. Yes, it is I, the Yamauchi Haruki, also known as Yamagod.

Currently, I am riding the bus to my brand new school, Advanced Nurturing High School. Honestly, these mere peasants should be honored to be graced by my presence. In front of me was a girl with long jet-black hair who radiated superiority and an average-looking brown hair boy. They were both wearing the same uniform as me. Interesting. The bus ride was quite long, so I decided to take a beauty nap.

Unfortunately, my beauty nap was interrupted by some lady yelling at a blonde wearing the same uniform as me. Upon further inspection, he had a striking resemblance to Koenji Rokusuke, heir to the Koenji Conglomerate. No way, is it really him?

Hmm, perhaps there will be some interesting people at this new school after all.

I idly listened to the woman's back and forth between Blonde-kun while playing Go in my mind. It's quite a sophisticated game, I must say, on par with the likes of chess.

Their conversation was excruciatingly dull, but seeing the women's reactions to Blonde-kun's forward yet indisputable rebuttals was pretty funny.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Average-kun observing the argument. Honestly, I couldn't get a good read on him. Even though I had a fairly good intuition, I couldn't decipher anything about him at all. He was like the ocean, deep and unfathomable. In this aspect, Blonde-kun was also similar.

Just then, a girl with short-beige hair wearing the same uniform as us approached the argument. I internally laughed at her pitiful attempt to flaunt her assets in an attempt to make Blonde-kun budge.

Honestly, these people were so dumb.

"Hahaha, young lady, I would be happy to give up my seat," I announced, drawing all the attention to myself.

"Really? Thank you so much!" Assets-chan cried, rewarding me with a smile that any man would kill for.

"But-" I said, interrupting whatever she was about to say next. "Only if you become my girlfriend."

"Tch," Superior-chan muttered, glaring daggers at me. What are you glaring at me for? I wasn't even asking you.

For a split second, her face changed. The angelic face was replaced by that of a twisted demon. Her eyes screamed: I'll kill you for that.

"Umm, I don't think I can do that. Sorry." Assets-chan replied, activating her puppy eyes.

"Then, I must regretfully inform you that I will continue to occupy this seat for the duration of my time on this bus," I informed her.

"How rude and vulgar!" The business lady yelled.

Hearing this, I chuckled, and for a second my eyes met Blonde-kun's. We both smirked in response and returned to whatever we were each doing. Somehow, Blonde-kun had just whipped out a mirror seemingly from thin air and started inspecting himself with it. Did he have space storage or something?

Drowning out the rest of the bus with some music, I returned to my beauty sleep. But, I felt a quick glance from Average-kun. Pretending to not have noticed, I continued to rest, as it is of the utmost importance that I maintain this pristine face of mine.


Making my way to my new classroom, which was labeled 1-D, I looked inside to find a few people already there. Notably, Average-kun, who was staring out the window, Assets-chan, Superior-chan, and Blonde-kun, who was yet again admiring himself with his mirror. Truly a man of culture.

After finding and taking my seat, which was situated in the back of the classroom, I began to observe the people that were there. Most noticeably, there were quite a few dunces in our class, such as Pervert-kun, Red-Hair-kun, Uggo-chan, and Pink-Hair-chan. Upon further inspection, I noticed that there were several security cameras located around the room, unnoticeable unless you were really looking.

After everyone had arrived, our homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae, came in and told us about the rules of this school. As expected, all of these idiots started jumping for joy as soon as they were told that we would all receive 100,000 private points this month. Well, almost everyone. Blonde-kun, whose name I found out was indeed Koenji Rokusuke, Average-kun, whose name was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, and Superior-chan, whose name I didn't bother finding out, seemed to have suspicions about the school system. Well, Blonde-kun acted more like he couldn't care less, but I had a feeling that he secretly harbored suspicions and was trying to crack the system.

After Chabashira-sensei left the room, the entire class went into pandemonium. Everyone was celebrating about the money they would have and how they would spend it. Taking this opportunity, I decided to sneak out of the classroom and went to observe the other classes.


Walking to Keyaki Mall after scouting the other classes and attending the snoozefest of an opening ceremony, I observed the behavior of the 2nd and 3rd years I saw along the way. I had already had a good grasp of the other classes in our year.

Class C was becoming a dictatorship under a magenta-haired punk. He didn't seem like he had any brains, but I was confident that I was smarter and stronger than him. If it really came down to it, I could probably just lure him somewhere and beat him silly.

Class B wasn't even worthy of analysis, they ran on the power of friendship and rainbows. Their supposed leader, a strawberry-haired girl, was naive, making her the easiest target.

Class A was the most organized by far, but there seemed to be a schism in their class due to a bald man and a loli having different viewpoints or whatever. Their class probably wouldn't be too much of a threat unless one of them stepped down.

Which meant, I could devote my entire high school life to getting as many girls as possible. Of course, these girls had to be befitting of someone of my status.

Going into the convenience store, I noticed that there was a rack with free items. Weird, why would anyone need free handouts? Even those idiots in our class wouldn't spend their 100k in just a few days.

Glancing to my right, I noticed Average-kun and Superior-chan having some kind of argument. Maybe they dated each other in the past?

"I forgot my card ok?" I heard a voice shout. Looking towards the origin of the sound, I found that it belonged to Red-Hair-kun, who apparently forgot his card when checking out. Thankfully, Average-kun paid for it, resolving the issue.

After paying for my items, I discovered that a fight was about to break out between Anger Issues-kun and some second years. Average-kun was also present, but he didn't say anything, just quietly listening to the argument. Listening in, I deadpanned at how obvious they were being about the fact that they were trying to blackmail and extort him.

Seeing this, I felt a smile creep onto my face.

Thanks, second years, you just gave me a great idea.

Walking to the dorms, I went over everything I knew so far.

1. The S-System has some kind of trick to it, meaning that we won't be receiving 100k monthly. There is probably a hidden grading system that will judge the number of points we receive.

2. Extortion and other underhanded methods are allowed, as long as you don't get caught.

3. There are countless security cameras scattered around the campus, but there are also places that don't have any security cameras, and there are also blind spots in the cameras that can be taken advantage of.

4. There is some sort of hierarchy, with Class D being the worst. With this in mind, we can conclude that Class A must be the best.

5. To get the 100% employment rate, you probably must be in Class A, maybe Class B.

6. Lastly, Private Points seem to be a very powerful tool here, as hinted by Sensei.

Wait, if she said that anything can be bought in this school with points, could I pay Sensei to go out with me?

Shaking these thoughts out of my head, I walked toward the dorms.

Starting tomorrow, things will get interesting.

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