Two of a kind...... A Billy H...

By RhiannePaige

13.3K 375 77

Kali found herself falling in love with the bad boy. Turns out they have more in common then she first though... More

Chapter 1: The first day of school
Chapter 2: The first encounter
Chapter 3: Assholes
Chapter 4: This is love?
Chapter 5: Romeo, Romeo
Chapter 6: Getting the band back together
Chapter 7: The Truth
Chapter 8: The party
Chapter 10: Fuck you!
Chapter 11: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 12: Original
Chapter 13: The Hideout part 1
Chapter 14: The Hideout part 2
Chapter 15: Trauma
Chapter 16: Safe at last
Chapter 17: First time
Chapter 18: Home
Chapter 19: Demo-dogs
Chapter 20: The plan
Chapter 21: Promise
Chapter 22: Friends?
Chapter 23: Birthday Part 1
Chapter 24: Birthday Part 2
Chapter 25: The reaction
Chapter 26: Graduation
Chapter 27: Sonogram
Chapter 28: Broken
Chapter 29: The Sauna
Chapter 30: The Flayed
Chapter 31: The fourth of July
Chapter 32: Russians?
Chapter 33: Starcourt part 1
Chapter 34: Starcourt part 2
Chapter 35: The funeral
Chapter 36: Life after Billy

Chapter 9: The Queen

484 14 1
By RhiannePaige

For the final song of the night, Kali set her guitar down. So far the night had been incredible, everybody danced and sang along and both Kali and Corroded Coffin were loving every second of it. As Kali stood her guitar in its stand she turned to Eddie, there was only one song that she didn't play along to but despite her best efforts, Eddie couldn't be convinced. They'd had such an amazing night and nobody had said anything negative towards them, but this song could change that in an instant. It was a cover of a rock song, a very well known rock song, the issue being that their version was a bit more metal.

"Eddie please, I really think they'd love it" she gestured to the crowd "come on we've played a couple of metal songs already so why not this one?" She folded her arms and stared at him, he didn't know what to say so he just stood there rubbing his hand on his chin. He looked up at Kali and then to the rest of the band, who were nodding their heads, he let out a sigh "okay fine" he rolled his eyes as Kali jumped up and down with excitement.

By this time, Billy had gone and stood over by Steve and Nancy. Even though he couldn't keep his eyes off of Kali, girls kept throwing themselves at him and begging him to dance with them. Kali had noticed this but shrugged it off, she knew that the closing song would be the one to secure her crown. She stepped up to the mic and thanked everyone for listening to them play, "unfortunately we only have one song left", there were a lot of sad groans from the drunken audience but it was already nearly 10pm and Kali was ready to party. "So this last song is a little heavier then what we've played so far but something tells me you'll all enjoy it" she grinned.
When they started to play, there was a lot of confused looks from the crowd. None of them knew what to do, they just stood and stared, until Kali began singing. Hearing her voice seemed to ignite something in all of them as they started throwing their hands up and dancing around, mimicking her when she began to jump up and down at the chorus.

She looked over at Billy who had yet another girl wrapped around his neck, but his gaze never left Kali. She smiled to herself as she grabbed the mic from the stand and slowly walked towards him.

Cover me with kisses baby
Cover me with love

She rested her hand on his chest and swayed her hips slightly as she looked into his eyes.

Roll me in designer sheets
I'll never get enough

She grabbed his hand and spun herself round so that now her back was up against his chest. Billy let out a moan as they swayed their hips in time with each other. Everyone's eyes were on the King and Queen.

Emotions come I don't know why
Cover up loves alibi

Still holding onto his hand, Kali slowly glides herself down his body and into the splits before standing back up, winking at him and sauntering back to the stage to finish the song. Just as Eddie shreds the solo she wanders over to the bar at the side of the stage and climbs on top of it. All eyes are on her. She was an incredible performer when she wasn't hidden behind her guitar, she exuded confidence. She sung the final chorus while stood on the bar, throwing her head back as she reached the last note. She stood there for a minute trying to catch her breath and soaking up all the cheers from the audience.

After the show, she helped the guys put all of the gear into Eddie's van, "okay I think that's everything" she says handing Eddie her guitar case "thank you again guys, we were incredible"

"Hey Kali we were all talking and we were wondering if you wanted to become a permanent member of Corroded coffin?" Gareth asks, she turned to look at him with an open mouth "yeah we loved playing with you and we think it would be a step in the right direction to have you as our new front man, well woman" Eddie laughed, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck "you guys I'd love to but..." before she could finish her sentence Nancy and Steve came strolling over "you were amazing tonight!" Nancy squealed, she had clearly had too much to drink "thanks Nancy" Kali turned back to face the guys "I don't think my dad would let me join" she was disappointed to say the least, she loved performing "we get it, but just think about how amazing it would be, our Tuesday night crowd would definitely be a lot bigger with a hot girl up front" Gareth grinned nudging Eddie's arm. She knew they were right and she did enjoy playing with them, "ah fuck it! You got yourself a new front woman" she grinned back, she didn't know how but she would find a way.

When Kali went back into the house her first priority was grabbing a drink. As she strolled into the kitchen and saw Billy stood with a smirk on his face as he handed her a red cup filled with beer "well, well, the queen returns"

"Couldn't be away from my king for too long" she grabbed the cup off of him and downed it. She had some catching up to do, "so you're the keg king now?" She said, grabbing herself another beer before turning back to look at Billy, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, all he could do was nod his head. He grabbed her waist and pulled her into his embrace. He could hold her like this forever, with her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. He brought a hand up to her head and tangled his hand in her hair. The smell of lavender and cigarettes invades his nose as he takes a deep breath in "I really like you Kali"

"I really like you too" the butterflies are back again. She's never felt this way about anyone. They both pull back to face each other, they rest their foreheads together as they look into each other's eyes. The next thing they know their lips are crashing together. They still feel the fireworks but this time there's a lot more passion behind the kiss. Their tongues dancing together. Billy's grip tightens around her waist, pulling her even closer so that now their chests are pressed up against each other. Kali let's out a small moan as his hand moves down to her ass, she starts grabbing hold of his neck to deepen the kiss even more. "Let me take you out" Billy whispers as they pull away from each other "are you asking me on a date Romeo?" Kali can't help but grin when he starts to blush "yes I'm asking you on a date Juliet" she pulled him in for another kiss "I'd love to" she grinned.

After finally breaking away from each other, they grab another drink and move to the living room to find Steve and Nancy, their hands linked together as they walk. Just as they reach the living room they see Nancy and Steve head upstairs, Kali turns to Billy and starts laughing "ooo Harringtons going to get some" she shouts as Billy pulls her away quickly, Steve shoots her a dirty look as he and Nancy continue up the stairs.

Kali and Billy find themselves outside along with the entire basketball team. People are attempting to breaks Billy's keg stand record but no one can seem to get higher then 35 seconds, all of them puking as they stand back up, "looks like nobody can beat the newly crowned king, anyone else want to have a go?" Everyone shuffles away and point their gaze to the floor. Nobody could beat the king, "I'll give it a go" Kali shouts as she kisses Billy's cheek "come on princess, there's no way you can beat me" he scoffs "you'll soon be calling me queen when I beat you Romeo" she winks at him. Two of the basketball players stand either side of her as she places her hands either side of the keg, she hoists herself up while they hold her legs and another guy places the nozzle in her mouth. She sends another wink other to Billy before closing her eyes. She focuses on her breathing as she paces herself. She's drinking just enough to be considered chugging but not so much that she feels sick. She can hear the people around her cheering her on as she reaches Billy's record, but she doesn't let up.

"We have a new Queen of the Keg! With a record of 49 seconds!" One of the guys shouts as she steps down and throws her hands in the air. Billy picks her up and sits her on his shoulder, showing her off as she soaks up the chants. He looks up at her and just admires her. He's not even mad that she beat his record, he's proud of his Queen.
After carrying her around the garden a couple of times, he pulls her down into his arms and then places her back on the ground, keeping a tight hold on her waist to make sure she doesn't fall over. He picks her hand up and places a kiss on her knuckles, bowing to her as he does "congratulations my queen"

"Why thank you....*hiccup* my... *hiccup* King" she tries curtsying to him but ends up falling over, pulling Billy down on top of her. She lets out a loud laugh as they both hit the grass "I think it's time for someone to go home" he laughs with her as he pulls her back onto her feet, she sticks her bottom lip out and looks up at him through her lashes "but I wanna stay with youuuuu" she rests her head against his chest and he wraps his arms around her waist "Billy can I stay at yours?"

"If that is what you wish my queen" he places a kiss on her forehead "my parents are away anyway so we don't need to worry about making too much noise" She slaps his chest lightly but bursts out laughing again. He takes her hand in his and guides her over to his car, it takes them a while because she's wobbling all over the place but when they finally reach his car, he opens the passenger side door and sits her down inside. He see's Steve walking towards his own car but Nancy is nowhere in sight "stay here princess I'll be back in a second" he runs over to Steve and tells him that he's gonna drive Kali back to his house, "okay but don't try anything Hargrove" he points a stern finger at him, poking his chest slightly "she's been hurt enough, she doesn't need anymore heartbreak" Billy looks at him confused, he can tell that Steve's drunk so he just shrugs his shoulders and walks back to his car.

"Hey princess, we're here" he lightly taps her shoulder, but she's passed out. He moves some hair away from her face as he watches her sleep, he doesn't want to move her but it's freezing in the car and he doesn't want her to get sick. He opens his door gently and walks around to the passenger side, he puts one arm under her knees and the other arm under her back and carries her to the house.

When they reach his room he lays her down on his bed, she murmurs a little bit before rolling over. Billy takes his jacket, shirt and pants off before taking Kali's shoes off and placing them near the door. He pulls the blanket up over her as he climbs in beside her, she stirs and rolls over, so now they're face to face. She opens her eyes and see's an ocean staring back at her "hey Romeo" she whispers, placing a kiss on the end of his nose. She snuggles herself up to his chest and he puts his arms around her. He's never had a girl in his room, cuddled up in his bed, he's more of a fuck them and get them to leave straight after kinda guy, but laying here with Kali snuggled into his chest, hearing her snore lightly is where he wants to be. He doesn't want Kali to be just another conquest, he wants to date her and spend time with her and show her off to the world. He wants her to be his.

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