His Willow

By writingbymee

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π’²π’Ύπ“π“π‘œπ“Œ 𝐡𝑒𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓉𝓉 - a bubbly girl. she has a good heart and was kind to those around her even if th... More

character introduction
chapter 1 - change
chapter 2 - new opportunies
chapter 3 - mr. book boy
chapter 4 - grandma
chapter 5 - he talked!
chapter 6 - name reveal
chapter 7 - his past
chapter 8 - elsie
chapter 9 - new people. scary.
chapter 10 - thoughts
chapter 11 - books and apologising
chapter 12 - comforting
chapter 13 - milestones
chapter 14 - a good shock
chapter 15 - thank you.
chapter 16 - sei bella
chapter 17 - lightening
chapter 19 - your safe now
chapter 20 - sweet names
chapter 21 - film
chapter 22 - brutal grandma 2.0
chapter 23 - making me happy again.
chapter 24 - you like him
chapter 25 - considerate
chapter 26 - i liked that
chapter 27 - feelings
chapter 28 - emotions

chapter 18 - cute sid + walks

1.2K 16 0
By writingbymee

"willow" i hear a faint voice.

i roll around slightly but the voice keeps calling my name.

i slowly open my eyes and close them straight away as soon as i see the light.

who on earth is bothering me at this tim-.

oh, its Reece.

i smile at him and he faintly smiles back.

"i have to go now because I've got work, sorry i woke you up" he explains moving away from my bed.

"its okay, thank you for staying with me last night. it helped me loads" i say to him melting into my pillow.

"ill text you when ive finished work okay" he speaks again and i just nod before he walks out and gently closing the door behind him.

im finding myself liking his company more and more and every time he's around me I get this feeling in my stomach that is so confusing honestly.

✩ ✩ ✩

after rolling around in bed for about 45 minutes thinking about food I decide to get up because I actually have loads to do today.

I want to go and see Elsie because I didn't get chance to yesterday and I have that meeting thingy with Lisa and Michelle.

my dad is going to come back today and I haven't seen him in a few days so I'm excited to see him and I have no idea when Liam will be back because he will most likely be hungover.

I've never had an interest in drinking, I just don't like the idea of me not being able to be in control of myself and my actions that could be regretted the next day so that's why I've never done it or tried it really.

✩ ✩ ✩

I get to the libary and I swear I've been walking around here for ages trying to find Elsie.

It's not even a big libary but there's so many little aisles she could be anywhere.

after looking for ages I get to the last aisle and there she is stacking books humming to the faint music in the background.

bless her.

"good morning Elsie" I stroll up to her with a smile.

she soon turns her head and breaks out into a grin and takes her time to get off the small step ladders.

"willow!" she exclaims bringing me into a hug which makes me laugh.

"I've missed you, haven't seen you in forever!" she speaks again breaking from the hug which makes me smile again.

"you should come over for dinner with my dad and brother soon, I'm sure they would love your company" I say walking to the office with her.

"oh sweetheart, I'd love that"

we get to the office and we both sit down on the chairs that were nearest.

Elsie gets her cup of tea and holds it in her hands on her lap to warm her hands up.

"I needed to ask you something actually, I didn't know who else to ask as there's not many people I can ask but please tell me if it's a problem for you" she says sitting forward in her chair.

I nod which makes her carry on.

"I've booked a little get away just for myself, for a little break. It's not far, only in a town 45 minutes away from here. It's a place me and my husband went regularly and I would love to go visit it but I was just wondering if you could manage the libary until I get back. now I know it's a big ask and I'm sorry it's so short notic-" she rambles, gesturing with her hands.

"Elsie it's no problem honestly. I'd love to." I cut her off, smiling reassuringly at her which makes her sigh out of relief.

"oh thank you so much dear. I was going to ask Reece but I know he's always ever so busy working at that restaurant" she speaks again taking a sip out of her cup of tea.

"I'm sure he would love to help if he didn't work as much. don't worry about it, it will be no bother. when do you leave?" I ask her.

"in a few days, it's in a little cottage in this peaceful forest. me and George would always go and just sit on the balcony and listen to all the nature around us. he loved bird watching so that's what he would do and write all the birds he saw in this book." she says staring into space with a warm smile on her face, looking back at the memory.

"that sounds amazing, you'll have a great time, enjoy yourself" I smile at her and I get up because I don't want to be late to the meeting with Michelle and Lisa.

"thank you again willow, your like a granddaughter I never had" she teases which makes me smile again.

"let me know when you leave and any tasks you need doing whilst your away okay?" I ask her as we both walk out of the office.

"will do willow, I'll let you know later today" she finishes walking over to her desk.

I give her one last smile before walking out of the libary, the sound of the bell faintly going off behind me.

✩ ✩ ✩

I get to my meeting not feeling as nervous as I was when I left the other day.

I open the door and Michelle and Lisa are both sat on their desk chairs, waiting for me what it looks like.

they both greet me and tell me to take a seat.

can I saw how beautiful they have styled and decorated their office.

It's like the little plants and ornaments that just go with everything in here and I know it's just a work office but I know they both spend literally all their time in here so why not make it nice i guess?

there's also really inviting cookies on the side that I'm debating to ask them if I can have one or not but I don't want to seem rude.

I think they are waiting for me to speak first as they are both staring at me so I clear my throat before speaking.

"I first want to say like thank you so much for this opportunity like it means so much and I'd love to be the official designer for your company" I say trying to act professional so they seem impressed.

as soon as I finish they break out into a grin.

"I told you she'd say yes, you owe me 10 pounds bitch" Lisa says laughing putting her hand out infront of Michelle.

my eyes widen immediately. I'm so confused.

"sorry that was very unbuisness like of us. I do apologise but we are honestly so happy for us to all be working together and most of all for you to be designer of all of this really" Michelle says which makes me laugh slightly.

"honestly thank you for the opportunity, I'm so excited" I say smiling at them both.

"me too! okay there is a few things that we will need to run through, just the basics and we will get another desk put in here for you. you will also have your own computer to help you with ideas and everything. If you have anything to request that you would like to be put in here or anything you need then let us know but I know you like to do most of your idea collecting at home so if you would rather you do it that way then that's fine" Lisa finishes smiling at me gently.

"oh thank you that would be amazing"

we spend the rest of the meeting just talking about everything and going through everything. they also told me some recent themes for clothing to come out soon because obviously we have to plan for clothing to come out a season before.

I honestly enjoyed it so much and I'm so grateful for them being so welcoming and warm towards me because I know many people aren't like that in the work industry so I'm so happy about that.

✩ ✩ ✩

I get home soon after and as soon as I close the door the doorbell goes off again.

I laugh to myself and spin on my feet to open it again.

I open in and I'm soon tooken off my feet and pushed on the floor.

what the-

oh! it's sid!

"you really have to stop doing this buddy" I laugh at him as he licks me face.

"I know, I love you too" I scratch behind his ears because I know he loves it when you do that to him.

when he allows me to get up, I do so and pet him once more.

"okay so. what do you say about coming to a club tomorrow?" Sophie asks me, excitement rolling throughout her.

I hesitate before speaking.

"soph, I don't know I'm just not a party person, never really have been" I say feeing bad as expression drops slightly.

"I know but it's got really good music and everybody is coming and I'd love you to be there" she tries to persuade me.

I really don't know what to do because I feel bad for letting her down but I've like never in my 20 years of living been to a club or a party before which is ridiculous, I know.

I just don't like the big crowds and I know I should stop being such an introvert and just go.

"It won't be as bad as you think, we can pick outfits and it will be so much fun" she tries to persuade me again.

"andddd, Reece is coming" she says which makes my eyes shoot up.

he is? I didn't pick him as a party person really.

"Reece is coming where?" I heard a voice behind me which makes me jump and turn around for it to be the man himself.

wait. he doesn't know he's coming?

"Reece come on! I know Felix told you about us going out on Friday and she won't come so if you come she'll come." Sophie tries to persuade us both now. I see a pattern forming.

I look back at Reece who is already staring back at me.

"fine." he sighs.

"great! It's sorted! okay so willow I need you to be at mine for 5 and we will get ready for 7:30!" she runs through everything which I do not take in but pretend I do.

I just nod which makes her look pleased.

"I also actually come here to ask you to dogsit sid because both of my parents are out and I need to go for a meeting at this agency. is that okay?" she rushes as she looks at the time.

"yes that's fine, I'd watch him any time" I say squatting down so I can pet him again.

"your a life saver, thank you! I'll pick him up from here, is that okay?" she asks and I nod.

she rushes out of the house quickly so she's not late.

I then realise that Reece is still here.

I look back up at him and he's staring at me again. he keeps doing that.

"I'm sorry I came unannounced, I think I left my wallet here" he says walking in the house a bit further.

"oh it's okay, stay right here I'll go have a look" I say putting sid's lead on the counter and rushing upstairs to my room to find his wallet.

I get to my room and look around and I see it on my bed side table.

I go to pick it up and it opens slightly which reveals a photo in the pocket of a little girl with braids grinning whilst cuddling onto this teddy.

the teddy looks somewhat familiar and I have a slight feeling this has something to do with what happened the other night.

I just close the wallet and take it down to him, I don't want to bring the subject up if it's difficult for him to talk about.

If he wants to tell me then I know he will do.

I walk downstairs ans he's giving sid some belly rubs as he lies on his back.

Reece has a warm smile on his face as he sees the reaction sid has.

"can we take him on a walk?" I ask him as I give him his wallet.

"yeah we can, I think he'll like that. I know a field not far from here we can go to" he suggests and i nod getting his harness on.

I put his lead on and grab his ball and Reece carries it.

we walk to this field which has beautiful mountains sat behind it.

the sunset is setting so the sky is a mix of pinks and blues.

It's beautiful.

"this is gorgeous" I say taking in the breathtaking view.

there's a small stream ahead of us that is just moving quietly around the rocks.

"it is" he mutters quietly as I feel his eyes on me.

I take Sid's lead off and throw his ball for him which he runs after.

"don't you think it's amazing how the sky can look like this" I say as we sit down on the field.

he just hums agreeing with me.

Sid brings the ball back and I throw it for him again.

we just sit in comfortable silence taking in the view infront of us and playing with sid as he's enjoying playing in the mini stream.

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