Mystery Metal Swordsmen From...

By HeartlessUnfunnyKid

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Warning: The beginning parts of the story mention some blood and slightly brutal fights, so if you don't like... More

Chapter 1: Blinding Lights
Chapter 2: Freezing Hole
Chapter 3: Loyal Wolf
Chapter 4: Not Again!
Chapter 5: Hope To Enemy
Chapter 6: Unexpected Events
Chapter EX: Flesh Eater [non-cannon]
Chapter 7: Immortal Sword
Chapter 8: Unlikely Team Up
Chapter 9: Meeting Once Again
Chapter 10: Revealing The Truth
Chapter 11: Going Somewhere
Chapter 13: Clues In Crime
Chapter 14: Today Turn South
Bad News...

Chapter 12: On The Case

278 4 5
By HeartlessUnfunnyKid

Talking: "we fight through fire and ice forever"
Thinking: "two souls once lost and now they remember"
Action: *grab*/*BOOM*
Wishper: "provoking"

"Aaargh! Damn it!" A black-haired woman with crow wings blurred out in anger.

"I couldn't find anyone who would help me at all! Even that red and white miko didn't even want to help!" The crow woman shouted, stomping around the wooden floor and putting both of her hands on her head.

"Well… Perhaps you can solve it yourself, Aya." A white-haired woman with white wolf ears suggested, sitting on her pillow and placing her cup on the table.

"Come on, Momiji. You know I'm not too much of a damn detective and even if I was one, I wouldn't know where to even start on finding the missing guards." The crow lady named Aya said, stopping to turn to her.

"I see… But isn't there anything you can report on?" The wolf woman named Momiji asked, sipping her hot tea from her cup.

"Well if that was the case then I wouldn't be here in the first place."

"Really? There isn't anything except for that one?"


"*sigh* If that's the case then I have nothing to give you except a question." Momiji responded.

"Go ask it, I'm not really in a rush." Aya stated, folding her arms.

"Well, have you considered asking Nitori for help before? Since she can build anything, I think she could help you find the guards." Momiji asked.

"I did but she wasn't home at that time, and I didn't really feel like searching for her because she could be literally anywhere." Aya explained.

"Perhaps you can check on her since she could be home by now." Momiji suggested, sipping more of her tea.

"Doubt it, but sure. I'll go check, and if she's there then that means I can ask that pile of metal a few questions." Aya said, stepping toward the front door and walking out but before she did that she said her goodbyes to Momiji.

Aya was outside Momiji's home and immediately flew toward Nitori's home at incredible speeds, landing in front of the doors. She then knocked on it and waited and while she was waiting, she noticed two people behind her. One of them being behind the other.

"Hm? Oh, hey there Cirno. You're here to train with that metal guy, right?" Aya asked.

"Of course I am! But what about you, crow lady?" Cirno replied, making Aya slightly annoyed when hearing that nickname.

"Just wanting to ask Nitori for help, that's all." Aya answered, knocking on the door again.




10 seconds later

"How long will they open the damn door? I knocked like ten times!" Aya asked in an annoyed tone.

"Hm, I don't know… Ah! I got an idea! How about we go inside and find them?" Cirno suggested.

"Hm? Oh, looks like we don't have to use that 'genius' idea, Cirno."

"And that's basically why I'm here." Aya said while having her arms folded, leaning on the rocky wall next to the front doors.

"So, you came here and didn't have the intention to break into my house, unlike that damn fairy over!" Nitori then pointed at Cirno, who was talking with Raiden and Daiyousei inside her home.

"Yeah, not too much of an idiot like her." Aya chuckled while shrugging with a grin.

"But beside that, can you help me with the missing guards stuff?" Aya asked.

"Sorry but I'm fixing something at the moment and need to pay Alice, but you can go ask Raiden." Nitori replied.

"I think that 'something' should be put on hold just for this, and I can just pay Alice." Aya responded.

"You're really desperate, aren't you Aya?"

"Oh come on! I don't want to ask that pile of metal for help!" Aya blurred out.

"Well, if you don't want to do that then you have to do it yourself. Also, please say an original insult. I heard that name like ten times." Nitori jokingly said and quietly muttered something under her breath.

"*sigh* Alright, sure."

As Aya was about to enter her home, she was almost hit in the face by Cirno flying outside at fast speeds with Daiyousei and Raiden following closely behind.

"Agh?! H-hey! Watch where you're going, you ice fairy! You almost hit my face!" Aya shouted at Cirno, who was flying with a confident grin and her arms folded.

"How about you watch where you're going, bird woman!" Cirno shouted back, making Aya slightly pissed.

"Shut up, you dumb ice-cube!"

Aya and Cirno started to throw insults at each other while Nitori, Daiyousei and Raiden just stared. They kept throwing insults for half a minute until Nitori heard enough of unoriginal insults being thrown around like monkeys throwing shit at each other, and stopped them.

"That's enough, I don't want to be deaf from all this shouting!" Nitori yelled, making the two stop to look at her.

"Also, Raiden's here now so you can ask him for help now, Aya." Nitori added, making Raiden raise an eyebrow.

"Wait what?"

"Oh, right. Aya needs help with something and is getting desperate at the moment." Nitori replied.

"Shut it, Nitori." Aya chipped in with an annoyed tone.

"*sigh* Anyway, you, Raiden, can you help me?" Aya asked.

"And why would I do that, miss crow lady?" Raiden answered with another question while having a grin, making Aya slightly angry.

"Look, I know we aren't too kind to each other but I need your help. There's almost nothing I can report and write on except for the missing guards stuff from the Human Village, but I can't just make newspapers about that and that's it because everybody knows that!" Aya stated.

"So, can please help me?" Aya asked, desperate for any answer that contained 'yes' in it.

"Hmm... Nope, sorry crow lady." Raiden replied.

"*sigh* What did I even expect?" Aya silently mumbled to herself, pinching her nose in annoyance.

"Well alright, at least can you answer a question I have for a bit?" Aya asked.

"Hm, nah." Raiden replied with a smug grin.

"Come on, it's only one question and that's it!" Aya exclaimed.

"Nope, not answering." Raiden jokingly responded, making Aya more and more frustrated.

"Just answer it and I'll leave you alone, got it?!" Aya shouted, getting mad at Raiden's denying just answering one question.

"Alright, alright sure." Raiden said, making some of Aya's anger and frustration fade away.

"Finally! I thought I have to kick your ass again!"

"Now, the question… Where did you get that sword from?" Aya questioned in a slightly more calmer tone.

Raiden's only eye widened slightly, taken aback by this unexpected question while the three people that looked like children just stared at them confused. Though that surprised feeling quickly ran back to where they came, he looked at the sheathed sword on his waist and then answered.

"Where I got the sword from? Well, that's an easy question to answer." Raiden said, making Aya and the others slightly interested.

"Back before I got here by that woman, I was heading somewhere but someone blocked my way." Raiden continued, Aya seemed way more interested in what he was telling than the other three.

"The one who blocked me was named Jetstream Sam but his real name was Samuel Rodrigues, the one who used to own the swords."

Aya's expression didn't change when hearing the name, but that quickly when she heard that there person used to own the red blade. Her eyes quickly widened slightly.

"Can you tell me what he looked like?" Aya asked.

"Oh come on, you said that you will only ask one question and that's it." Raiden jokingly responded.

"Just answer it."

"Alright, anyway. He had brown hair and had his hair tied in a ponytail, and he had a scar on his left eye." Raiden answered, though Aya wasn't satisfied with the answer while everyone beside them was bored out of their minds, especially Cirno.

"I meant his entire body, not specifically his face, you pile of steel and metal." Aya stated, making Raiden roll his one eye.

"Okay, fine then. He wore an exoskeleton suit which is kinda tan-white in color but his entire right arm was colored black, which was cyborgetic." Raiden replied.

"Okay… I don't know what an 'exoskeleton suit' or 'cyborgetic' is but I think I know who this person is, well except the black arm thing is throwing me off." Aya stated, making Raiden raise an eyebrow.

"You know Samuel?"

"Well, I don't know. He never gave me his name when I met him on Youkai Mountain and raced with him. I took a few pictures of him and made newspapers about it, which is one of my biggest hits yet." Aya responded and folded her arms, Raiden seemed to be interested in what she said while Cirno and Daiyousei were playing patty cake with each other.

"Really? Can you tell me more about this person?" Raiden asked.

"After I raced with him and lost because he cheated kinda like you, he went up the mountain and that's the last time I saw him. I've heard nothing about him ever since." Aya continued, intriguing Raiden even more.

"Hm, you said you took pictures of him, right? If you bring me those, maybe we can figure out if it was Sam or not." Raiden suggested.

"I would have already done that, if I had the photos. But I can go and get them so wait her-" As Aya was about to fly full speed toward her home, she then had a genius thought that could kill two children with one stone.

"Hey, how about you help me with the case of the missing guards or whatever. Then I will bring you the photos to see if it's this Sam guy or not. It's a win-win for the both of us." Aya suggested with a devilish grin.

"Wow, you really are that desperate."

"Do you want to help me or not, you damn metal statue?" Aya asked in an annoyed tone.

Raiden stood there for a few seconds, thinking about this very desperate offer while everyone beside Aya was playing patty cake with each other. After he thought about it, he decided on his answer.

"Yeah, sure."

Saying Aya was screaming louder than a green dog, then you must be an idiot. But no one could hear it because it was inside her head. There was a lot of "FUCKING FINALLY!!!" and "AYAYAYAYA!!! YEEEAH BABY! THAT'S WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR! THAT'S WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT! AYAYAYAYA!!!" in her head… How interesting.

"Soo… Are you just gonna stand there staring at me or what?" Raiden asked the poker face Aya.

"Huh? Oh right, I was lost in the thought." Aya stated.

"Anyway, we should probably get started on solving the case now." Aya said.

"Wait, you guys are going to solve a case?" Cirno chipped in, still playing patty cake with Daiyousei and Nitori while talking.

"Yeah, that's what she literally said three seconds ago." Raiden replied, looking at Cirno.

"Can I join? I want to help Metal Guy on solving a case! After all, he's the one that trained me!" Cirno shouted.

"No, no. You're not joining us, I think we can handle it ourselves." Raiden responded.

"But come on! I want to help you, like how you're helping me to become stronger!" Cirno, still somehow playing patty cake, persisted.

"Oook, sorry Cirno but we're going somewhere so see you never!" Aya awkwardly said, pushing Raiden toward the stairs away from everyone, though really slowly because of Raiden being made out of metal.

Cirno then said that she'll stop playing with Daiyousei and Nitori for a short bit, and flew toward the two, to Aya's dismay. She kept saying that she wanted to join in while flying around them, annoying Aya and confusing Raiden on why he was being pushed away.

"Leave us alone, Cirno!" Aya blurred out, almost sounding like she was sobbing.

"But I want to join in! Please Miss Crow lady!"

"Yeah, this is getting nowhere, you crow lady. Also please stop pushing me." Raiden then stopped Aya by lightly pushing away Aya, not enough to make her fall.

"*sigh* I feel like this is going to be a mistake but… You can join in." Raiden said, finally caving in by how  president Cirno was. Also, Aya was absolutely dumbfounded by Raiden's choice and feeling like having him accept was a mistake.

"*gasp* Really?!" Cirno asked with excitement, Raiden nodded in response.

"Haha! Detective Cirno is on the case!" Cirno then pulled out a brown trench coat and a brown cap out of somewhere, putting them on and posing… Raiden and Aya were… Confused, to say the least.

"A-are you serious? You gotta be joking, right?" Aya asked with a little piece of hope inside that he wasn't that annoyed to actually accept Cirno.

"It's a funny joke to me, but not for you though." Raiden replied with a smug grin, which would have made Aya kill him on the spot if it weren't for the feeling of being absolutely dumbfounded washing over.

"... Raiden, pile of junk…"

"Please go fuck yourself."

Time skip
The three stopped in front of the Village gate, and saw no guards at all. Aya wore her brown clothes from yesterday and slightly adjusted her hat.

"What are we gonna do now, Aya?" Cirno asked, slightly pissing off Aya.

"Did you even… Agh, we're going to Keine so we can have permission to investigate." Aya explained, which made Cirno nod her head.

"And where is she exactly, Crow lady?"

"I know! Keine might be in school teaching something, she's a teacher there!" Cirno replied to Raiden's question.

"Really? Well, let's go then." Raiden said, walking toward the gate with the two closely following behind.

Raiden opened the large wooden gate and entered into the village. The villagers would have stopped them if it weren't for the villagers already somewhat knowing who Raiden was, so they just stared at the three with an untrustworthy gaze and holding anything that could be used as a weapon.

Closing the gate behind them, the three started walking around the village. Passing by stores with villagers staring at them and passing by homes, they stopped in front of a building that was slightly different from all the buildings.

Aya opened the door and poked her head out to look at the left hallway, shouting keine's name but not too loud. She shouted her name again but it's useless. It was what she thought would happen if it weren't for the footsteps walking toward her.

"Yes? What is it, Aya?" A stein female voice asked, surprising Aya.

Aya looked around and saw the white-haired blue dress woman walking toward her right, this was Keine.

"O-oh, I was looking for you to ask for permission to investigate the missing guards stuff." Aya stated, still shaken up by Keine's sudden surprise.

"Hm? You're investigating?"

"Yeah, we are!" Cirno then popped her head out, with Raiden also poking his head out of curiosity.

"I see, now come follow me to my office. I have students to teach so I'll make it quick." Keine motioned them to follow her, which they did.

They walked through the somewhat dark wooden hallway with windows shining through them, a minute later they reached her office.

"Come, take a seat." Keine then opened the door, walking inside and sitting on her chair in front of them with a chair also in front of her.

There were two windows behind her, somewhat lighting up the room. There were two chairs so Aya and Raiden sat on them while Cirno stood there.

"So, you said that you want permission to investigate this incident, correct?" Keine asked while resting her arms on the table. Aya nodded, which made Keine smile.

"Well, first, before I grant you permission I should give you some information on what's happening so far."

"Ahem, last night the last two guards disappeared. The scene of the crime was in one of the village's gates, the one where it's the closest to the bamboo forest." Keine explained, Aya and Raiden listened in closely while Cirno tried her best to also listen but she gave up because it was boring.

"Though, this crime scene was different from the previous ones. It looked like there was a struggle going while the other ones had one or two minor differences." Keine continued.

"I do not know why this is happening, everybody knows the rules and what would happen if they break them. But that doesn't matter for now."

"For now, you have permission to investigate this incident, I'll make this public to everyone in the village as soon as school is over."

"I see, thank you, Keine." Aya thanked Keine with a smile.

"You're welcome, now, I'll attend to my students." Keine then stood up from her chair and left the room.

"So then, we're gonna find some clues in one of the gates or something?" Raiden asked, looking at Aya for an answer.

"Of course we're gonna do that, you damn metal pile!" Aya replied in a slightly loud voice.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get over there." Raiden said, standing up from his chair and walking toward the door with Aya following closely behind.

"Hey, Cirno! You're coming?"

"H-huh? Uh, yes! I'm coming!"

The three left the room, walking through the dark hallway again; they then stepped out of the building and headed toward the gate Keine talked about. Ready to find some clues and solve this incident.


AN: Hey friends, this chapter was supposed to be longer but because I didn't do too much progress in the past week. I sadly have to cut this one short.

Anyways, if you have any criticisms so far then please tell me! Need some right now.

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