Children of The Fallen

By ggwrites_1864

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"I didn't think that the first night at my new college would end with me getting my back broken. And not in t... More

Chapter 1: getting my back broken (not fun)
Chapter 2: is she dead?
Chapter 3: am I being kidnapped?
Chapter 4: a perfectly reasonable explanation
Chapter 5: lie to me
Chapter 6: sobbing silently is a talent
Chapter 7: you look awful
Chapter 8: fucked up Princess Diaries
Chapter 9: conform, comply, compromise
Chapter 10: red and black
Chapter 11: bandaged up and feeling stupid
Chapter 12: the date
Chapter 13: sticking to the regimen
Chapter 14: distractions
Chapter 15: yay genocide
Chapter 16: we're saved, we have rocks
Chapter 17: monster
Chapter 18: North Carolina
Chapter 19: don't piss Grayson off
Chapter 20: PEMDAS
Chapter 21: hallucinations
Chapter 22: colorless Rubik's cubes
Chapter 23: a night off
Chapter 24: lectures
Chapter 25: bloodied knuckles
Chapter 26: mistakes and apologies
Chapter 27: November 22
Chapter 28: cake and vodka
Chapter 29: why aren't I dead?
Chapter 30: not human
Chapter 31: 117 Years
Chapter 32: faking it
Chapter 33: we're both a little fucked up aren't we?
Chapter 34: I have his eyes
Chapter 36: insecurity and desperation
Chapter 37: truth
Chapter 38: let me tell you a little story
Chapter 39: family
Chapter 40: drown

Chapter 35: alone

107 2 1
By ggwrites_1864

Morgan Sinclair

My eyes open to foreign surroundings and the harsh light of reality reminding me of the predicament I'm in. Feeling around at the couch I lay on, set in the center of the room across from another matching couch. A pool table sits behind me in front of a well stocked and expensive looking bar. I have no idea where I am and after what had just occurred prior to my spell of unconsciousness I don't want to stick around to find out.

Sluggishly standing up from the couch I go over to the door, to my surprise- unlocked. I fling it open, sprinting with everything in me trying to find some exit. Listening for outdoor sounds- wind, rain, bugs, cars, anything.

Following the sound of a breeze I managed to catch- I find two towering metal double doors, opening it up to feel the brisk morning air hit me. The sun is barely out, having not completely risen yet so I have time before I'd burst into flames. The moment of relief ends as a hand grabs the back of my shirt yanking me back and onto the floor. Victoria slams the door shut. "What the fuck are you trying to do?"

"Leave obviously." I stand up.

"You're in my territory, you wouldn't make it that far." She crosses her arms.

"Had to try." Victoria has never been a person I turn to for comfort or warmth or anything but I grew to trust and like her despite her stony self. She is my sister. When I'd look at her, I had this sense that she would be the type of person who in a great time of need would help in any way she can. Now looking at her all I see is a two faced bitch.

"Don't. That's how you end up dead. Do not test him." She widens her eyes a bit. Her eyes flick over my shoulder motioning to something behind me. Before I can get a look at who she motioned to both my arms are seized.

The two manhandle me, dragging me down down a long hallway. The metal intricately designed door groans as Victoria opens it ushering me in. The two shove me into this vast gold and black room, with ruby red accents all over the place. Ornate details fill every inch of this place, imposing columns line the sides leading up to a grand throne- gold with ruby accents at the center on a slightly raised platform than the floor I'm on right now. I make an attempt to sprint back out the door but that attempt is quickly put to an end by a hand around my throat. I lock eyes with those hair raising hazel eyes of the man currently strangling me. "Trying to flee again would be an easy way to end up like your traitorous bitch of a mother." He reprimands then shoves me down to the floor.

Standing up on my jell-o like legs I try to tamp down my debilitating anxiety and fear. Suddenly all too aware of myself and everything I'm doing. My shaky legs and trembling hands bring a scowl to Luciens face. All eyes are on me but only his seem to make me feel like I'm so incredibly small. Standing all around me at attention is what I'm assuming to be Victoria's and Lucien's people staring at me fully ready to halt any and all efforts to escape. In the center of the room Victoria stands with Grayson. My chest tightens at the sight of him.

"As I was saying, I've made the call. They'll all be taken care of." Lucien says walking away from me as he slides his phone in his pocket.

"Who?" Victoria asks, standing all too stiff and rigid with her hands behind her back.

"Your brothers nobles." Lucien states, his sharp stare shifts to Grayson. "Once they're cleared out along with any loyalists. I'll handle your accession."

"How long will that take, Your Majesty?" Grayson asks suddenly with this regal sounding tone and energy. The shift in his person makes my mouth unwittingly downturn at the falseness of it all. Or maybe this is the truth and the rest has been an act.

"Not long. I owe you a great debt for giving me my daughter, this will be done quickly and right."

"What exactly is he getting?" I blurt out- not entirely meaning to speak up but between my curiosity and my anger I need to know what he gave me up to him for.

His empty eyes meet mine. I can't tell if he was irritated or angry or completely fine with me speaking but whatever he felt, his eyes give nothing away. "Your sad excuse of a brothers title and territory." He states and my face falls.

Grayson refuses to look at me. He handed me over to the man that I've been told calling him psychopathic was an understatement- he has tortured his own children, killed countless people, and is all around a terrible man. He handed me to him in exchange for a crown and some land and he doesn't even have the balls to look at me.

Lucien holds out his hand for Grayson and I watch this son of a bitch shake his hand. "He's smart. He knows what he wants and he went for it. And in the process gave me you." He points to me stepping closer and closer to me. "My full blood daughter. I have high hopes for you Morgan. Very high hopes." His smile doesn't reach his eyes and makes my insides recoil.

I swallow. "What about her?" I motion to Victoria with my head. "Why?" I glance over at her quickly and she refuses to look at me as well.

"She wanted that man back. She helps deliver you to me, she gets Peter back."

"Pierce." Victoria corrects.

And she gave me over to go get tortured by this man for a boyfriend from 3 centuries ago.

"I don't care." He says. "On to more important matters. I've been told that Kendrick is responsible for the attempts on your life." He says staring at me awaiting an answer but I'm physically and verbally paralyzed right now. "Answer me, girl." He orders.

"Yes." I faintly say. Anything resembling confidence or any kind of strength I possessed deflated from me leaving only anger and fear. However letting my anger lead the way I know will end badly, although letting my fear lead isn't resulting in anything good either.

The corner of lips tug downwards. He glances me over, clearly disapproving of the lack of conviction in my voice answering him. "We have a lot of work to do, don't we?" He looks over to some people standing over by a small door in the large room. "I'd like to get a baseline now." He says as he does a come here motion with his hands.

One of the people knocks on the door and a few seconds later it opens. With tape covering her mouth, the muffled screams of this random woman fill the room as the man drags her closer to me and Lucien. Lucien takes hold of her moving her in front of me. "Kill her."

My heart sinks. "What?"

"Did I stutter?" That nerve wracking smile crosses his face again.

"No. I won't kill her." I say.

His smile drops. "I don't think you want to start our relationship off by disobeying me." He says stepping in between me and the girl, continuing to hold her in place with his one hand.

I shake my head. "I will not kill her." I say and I feel the back of his hand crack across my face. Before I could even register the backhand he clutches my face.

"You will. Right now." He says. "Show me you're not as weak as I think you are." His stare sears through my body almost as effectively and painfully as sage. He aggressively lets go of my face. "Now." He throws the girl into me. She looks at me with such fear. Tears welling in her eyes mirroring mine. Through a look she pleads with me to not listen to him. "She's going to die regardless. Either you do it or I, but something tells me you'd be gentler."

I look to Victoria for god knows what reason and she nods at me. "Now Morgan!" He commands. I don't even feel my heart anymore- it's beating so fast.

With a sharp pinch my fangs elongate in my mouth. I look at the girl again and she begins screaming hysterically into the tape. "I'm sorry." I say.


Reluctantly I sink my fangs into her throat. As the blood rushes and coats my mouth I hate that I enjoy it. Disgust with myself rises. Lucien stares at me with his small eery smile and I have to look away. I continue consciously killing this innocent woman, tears now stream down my face listening to her screams. Hating myself for giving in to what Lucien wanted. I haven't been in his presence for longer than 10 minutes total and I'm so fucking scared of him.

She quiets and soon her heart comes to a stop. I unlatch my fangs from her throat and lower her body to the floor trying to not audibly sob but it's hard when your face is practically covered with tears. "Oh God, I'm sorry." I whisper.

I go to wipe some of the excess blood off my mouth but a hand grabs my throat lifting me up.

"So far you have been nothing but disappointing. Basic part of being a vampire and you're crying. It's embarrassing really." He says tightening his grip around my throat. "I have my work cut out for me, don't I?"

"Let me train her." Victoria interjects.

"Excuse me?" He looks to Victoria raising an eyebrow.

"Father, you have these hunters to worry about, Aurelia and Danes betrayal, and now Kendrick who attempted to kill Morgan. Let me take her off your hands at least for a short while. I know what you want and I can achieve that." She says. He finally lets go of my throat allowing me to breathe.

"Not with that Pierce man around." He says as I silently gasp for air.

"He wouldn't be anywhere near her. That I can promise you."

"She's a full blood Victoria. She requires more and given her current state- she'll require even more than that." He grimaces looking down at me.

"I understand. I watched her transition. I can do it, I think I've proven on numerous occasions that I am qualified for this."

He angles his head. He could be angry, maybe he's considering it or maybe he's about to laugh in her face. His eyes fall to mine and my body freezes up. "For a short while, at least until Kendrick is dealt with." He pulls his attention back to Victoria. "I will however, send Jacob to be here with you. To ensure things are running smoothly."

Victoria tightens her jaw. "Thank you father."

He steps to her and for the first time I see fear on Victoria face, even as she tries to hide it. "As I said, I have high hopes for the full blood. Don't disappoint me Victoria." He says gravely.

"I wont." Victoria says.

"I'll get a good sleep then return to my city with Dane tomorrow night." He looks to me. "It was a pleasure to meet you Morgan." My heart pounds against my rib cage- any harder it'd burst out of me. He walks towards me, my body feeling colder and colder with his every step. He passes me going up the grand marble staircase that sits behind Victoria's throne.

I scan my surroundings- between Victoria's and Lucien's people standing around I wouldn't make it two feet. Not to mention Victoria and Grayson themselves. I don't want to look at them but I do. Victoria stands stone faced, our eyes meet and a muscle in her jaw feathers. "Goodnight." She states coldly. "My guards will show you to your room when you're ready."

She walks past me, up that same grand staircase leaving me with Grayson, who's innocently blinking at me. His eyes hold not even an ounce of sorry in them. They reverted back to their self satisfied, nothingness. "What?" He asks as if he genuinely has no idea why I'm glaring at him. Why my nostrils are flaring, why my breath has quickened, and why my nails are digging into the palms of my hands as I ball them into fists.

In a brisk pace I storm up to Grayson and slap him across the face. The sound of my hand connecting with his cheek echoes throughout the throne room. "You sold me out for a title?!" I yell.

He smiles. He fucking smiles. "You get a title as well love-."

"Do not fucking call me that." I rage.

"Okay, Morgan. You get a title, the crown, the palace- What we were talking about."

"That excluded Lucien and you just handed me over to him."

He chuckles but his eyes refuse eye contact with me. "Well now I guess I handed you over to Victoria." He finally catches my glare while he motions behind me to the stairs she just walked up.

"I trusted you. I..." My voice trails off unable to find words. I feel my anger dissipating as my stomach churns and my heart feels as though it's being shredded. His eyes for the briefest of moments flash with remorse only for that to be stomped out almost as quickly as it came.

"So trust me when I say this is the best thing for you. You really want to be in hiding for the rest of your life? Let's be real, Aurelia would've never found a way to kill him. You're free now."

"I'm free as I'm being held captive in Victorias castle." I point out. "I'm free as I was just forced to kill some innocent woman."

"You know what I mean." He says with that fucking smirk on his face.

"No I actually don't. I didn't ask for this so don't you dare pretend that this was about me and my status. This was all you. You selfish arrogant fuck." I get in his face.

He does nothing except stare at me. His smirk fades- good.

I scoff, taking a few steps back as I run my hands through my hair. "I mean, you telling me I'm gonna be okay?! What about this is okay Grayson?!" I shout at him while an unimaginable amount of anger rises in my body. "Fucking answer me!" I say feeling my fangs push through my gums as I shove him. I wait for a response but instead he just stares through me. No apologetic look in his eye, no smirk, no smugness. Nothing. "Say something!"

"Goodbye Morgan." He said devoid of any emotion, he turns away from me and begins walking away.

"Fuck you! You're fucking dead to me. Do you hear me?! Dead to me!" I scream as he walks.

The echo of the metal door slamming behind him skitters over my skin uncomfortably. "Miss Sinclair I think we should find your room now." One of the guards come up to me. He reaches out to grab my arm but I pull it back before he could grasp it.

"I can walk without being held." I snap.

Every time I put one foot in front of the other on the way to this room it got harder and harder to keep the tears down. By the time I entered the room I was about to explode.

Red, black, and gold splattered throughout the room. The gold garish chandelier illuminating the space not nearly enough as it should. It's dark and the matte back walls aren't helping. The bathroom is through a huge archway, fit with a massive tub and shower. The bed I'm sure is more expensive than anything I've ever owned and probably comfortable too but right now it looks as uninviting and cold as the rest of this place does. The guard escorting me exits and the door shutting splits through the unnerving silence.

The heavy emptiness in the room really sets in. I feel it on my shoulders weighing me down, crushing me into nothing. There's no Dane, no Kellan. No Chloe; I only got through these past three months because of her. Because of her friendship, her kindness, her relentless optimism. She had me smiling and laughing through some of the worst moments of my life. I don't know what I would've done if she wasn't there. How am I supposed to get through this without her?

I've always felt alone in some way, but this... with not a soul to turn to- without my best friend, with no one around to trust? This is the first time I've felt completely and utterly alone.

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