The Rhythm of Your Heart [Yan...

Oleh ItsMe_Satan

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There has never been anyone in the world like you. Whether the way you are is purely coincidence, or the cho... Lebih Banyak

CHAPTER I: Page of Pentacles
CHAPTER II: Nine of Wands
CHAPTER III: The Hermit Reversed
CHAPTER IV: Ten of Pentacles
CHAPTER V: Four of Swords Reversed
CHAPTER VII: Six of Swords Reversed
CHAPTER VIII: Four of Cups
CHAPTER X: Ace of Cups Reversed
CHAPTER XI: Nine of Swords Reversed
CHAPTER XIII: The Hierophant
CHAPTER XIV: Knight of Swords
CHAPTER XV: Six of Wands Reversed
CHAPTER XVI: Nine of Pentacles Reversed
CHAPTER XVII: King of Cups
CHAPTER XVIII: Three of Wands
CHAPTER XIX: The Empress
CHAPTER XX: Seven of Wands
CHAPTER XXI: Temperance
CHAPTER XXIII: The Magician Reversed
CHAPTER XXIV: Eight of Cups
CHAPTER XXV: Queen of Wands
CHAPTER XXVI: Queen of Swords Reversed
CHAPTER XXVII: Two of Sword Reversed
CHAPTER XXVIII: Nine of Cups Reversed
CHAPTER XXIX: The High Priestess
CHAPTER XXX: Seven of Swords
CHAPTER XXXI: Eight of Swords
CHAPTER XXXIII: Queen of Pentacles
CHAPTER XXXIV: The Hanged Man Reversed
CHAPTER XXXV: Ten of Wands
A/N #2
CHAPTER XXXVI: Death Reversed
CHAPTER XXXVIII: Wheel of Fortune
CHAPTER XL: Ace of Wands
CHAPTER XLI: The Hanged Man
CHAPTER XLII: Knight of Wands
CHAPTER XLIII: The Tower Reversed
CHAPTER XLIV: Queen of Wands Reversed
CHAPTER XLVII: Three of Pentacles Reversed
CHAPTER L: Nine of Pentacles
CHAPTER LI: Seven of Cups Reversed
CHAPTER LII: Ace of Swords
CHAPTER LIII: The Lovers Reversed
CHAPTER LIV: Eight of Swords reversed
CHAPTER LV: The Moon Reversed

CHAPTER IX: Four of Wands

984 45 27
Oleh ItsMe_Satan

Once the announcement is made, people start cheering. While some go back inside to dance there on the music, other stay outside to talk to some of the other people there. Schlatt stays by your side, however, which both Jared and you are not a big fan of. "Go away, Schlatt," Jared says. "We just want to have fun. Please, don't start any argument with them. Go bother Quackity instead."

"Quackity is no fun anymore," Schlatt simply responds, leaning on you with his arm still around your shoulders. "He's started getting more and more serious and it's honestly one of the most boring things I've ever seen. Like, come on, guys. You're just being another unoriginal, boring part of society, who the fuck wants that! You, Y/N, however, don't seem to be one of those people."

"Is that a compliment?"

"That depends, considering compliments are pretty subjective, don't you agree?" The man has a smirk on his face and you can smell his breath, since he's not at all trying to keep a distance between you and him. And despite his outstanding appearance and his annoying behaviour, you still see the charm in him.

"I suppose I have found a fellow philosopher, then?" you say with a teasing voice, booping the nose of the man playfully and he grins, letting go of your shoulder to properly stand before you and put his hands on his hips to proudly put his chin in the air.

"Oh, yes, you have certainly. I don't know if I've properly introduced myself to you before, but allow me to do it now. My name is J. Schlatt. The J stands for Jesus."

"I find that hard to believe," you comment, crossing your arms and he laughs.

"That's because it's a lie, probably. But it might as well have been truth. In any case, I used to have a business, as I'm sure you're aware of, so if you're ever interested in restarting it with me, you know where to find me."

"I don't know that, actually."

"Well, just go to Quackity's inferior businesses and you'll find me there. Or in the bar. Either are possible really. Usually I'm drunk, but I always remember opportunities to make money, even while I'm under the influence. What can I say? You're either a legend, or you're not."

"You're a man who thinks highly of himself, aren't you?" a familiar voice speaks who quickly shows himself to be Dream. Dream, who approaches you, Jared and Schlatt has his eyebrow raised as he sceptically looks at the previous-businessman talking to you. Schlatt just chuckles at Dream's words.

"Not necessarily, actually. When I say I'm a legend, I mean it quite literally after all. Which is something you can't say, ever, since you're just another one in the pack."

"Calling yourself a legend is just as pathetic, honestly," Jared adds uncertainly as he scratches the back of his neck, avoiding Schlatt's eyes at first, until the man bursts out laughing, which results in a confused look from both your friend and the other man present. You too are complicated when it comes to how to feel about his reaction.

"I'm glad you've started saying more, Jared," the man says as he approaches him and punches him softly on the shoulder. "You're a lot more fun when you're not trying to hold yourself in. Maybe we could grab some alcohol and complain about what kind of an asshole I am, huh?" You're watching with an open mouth. Jared, however, seems just as confused and surprised.

"I don't want alcohol, actually."

"Fine. Then we're going to stand in the corner and I'll drink, while you complain. Someone needs to humble me, after all." And with that, Schlatt drags Jared away from you to inside. While you watch them leave, you're unaware of Dream moving closer to you to peer at them with you.

"He's going to try and convince him to help him with restarting his company, I'm sure," Dream eventually states drily and you turn to him with wide eyes.

"What? That's a joke, right?"

"Oh please, Schlatt's been trying to get someone to be on his side ever since Connor left town, causing the closure of the company. It makes sense for him to go for Jared now, though. You seemed to get along with Schlatt, so I think he realizes that there's now more chance for Jared to join than ever." When he's done talking, he turns his side to the two men to fully face you. "But that's not what I'm here for." You look up surprisedly at his words. "I noticed you never listened to my warnings."

"The ones of 'don't go outside when it's night'? Of course, I didn't listen to those. Why the fuck would I listen to the words of a stranger?"

"Am I a stranger then?"

"Yeah, Dream. You're a stranger. I only know you for the guy who randomly threatened me in the forest."

"It wasn't a threat."

"Well, it felt like one. And making the person you try to warn feel threatened is not the best way to go, especially not when it comes to actually trying to keep them out of danger. That's like telling someone to watch out for robbers while wearing a balaclava mask and holding a gun against their head." Dream remains silent at your words, before letting out a sigh and turning to the black birds watching the two of you closely.

"You know that this town is not what it seems to be, right, Y/N?" he asks carefully and you scoff at his question, keeping your voice down just like he is.

"I'm not an idiot, Dream. Of course, this town is weird. So what? I'm here now, so I can't just go back now that I've actually started to make sense out of what might possibly be happening."

"It's dangerous."

"So is flying in a plane. So is walking alone in a dark forest. So is driving. Hell, so is even fucking breathing?! What do you want me to do about it? If this town is so dangerous, then I'll just prepare myself for whatever shit is going to go down because I've survived Hell before and I'll do it again with ease." Dream remains silent now, looking at you with wide eyes and a pissed expression on his face.

"You're either overestimating your own capabilities or you're underestimating the town's. Just because Sally likes you and Techno considers you as a friend, doesn't mean you're safe. There are some very dangerous people in this town who will not hesitate to harm you seriously."

Annoyed, you let out a sigh, knowing that he's only saying what your mind has been telling you these past days. He's only telling you what has been keeping you up all those nights. He's only telling you what you promised yourself not to think of at the beginning of the festival. "Unless you're talking about yourself, Dream, I do not want to hear it." And with that, you walk away, before he speaks up again.

"Well, what if I am?"

"Are you?"

When that question leaves your mouth, you stare him right in the eyes only to find him hesitating to answer. Once you believe it to be taking too long, you just sigh sharply and leave him behind in the garden to enter the ballrooms, where you already find Sally to be waiting for you.

Technoblade is standing in the corner of the ballroom, watching silently as everybody's dancing calmly to the music which has almost finished playing. You find Tubbo and Ranboo on the dance floor as well, with Tommy hanging out as the third wheel and dancing by himself, which he doesn't seem to mind. Puffy is laughing while hand in hand with Eret, their movements in sync with the beat of the song, while Niki is approaching Technoblade with a drink in her hand, watching the two with jealousy in her eyes. You also catch Karl, Quackity and another stranger there, too close to each other to be just friends. Fundy too is present, although he is talking near the table with the foods to a man you have not seen before, who is accompanied by another. While one is constantly distracted by the enthusiastic Foolish, the other is very closely listening to Fundy's words.

And that's until your senses catch the presence of Sally, who is already approaching you happily. "There you are!" Again, she presses a kiss on your cheek with a sweet smile on her face. "I already started wondering when you were going to appear out of the shadows. What did you think of my speech?"

"Schlatt constantly distracted me," you admit, which only makes her giggle, instead of offending her, like you assumed it would.

"I appreciate your honesty. And I have to admit that I would totally pay more attention to him as well. He might be an asshole, but he's way better when it comes to holding speeches." You're surprised by Sally's positive opinion on him, as she bows a little like a queen would, resulting in you doing it similarly. "You know, I'm glad they chose some more modern songs for the festival this time," she then says. "It used to be classical, and although that's amazing, it got too repetitive. Especially to dance to. Thankfully, the kids managed to convince the organiser to choose some newer, though. Most I've sung to, actually."

"I'd love to hear you sing sometime, Sally," you then comment, hoping that you can at least make her feel good in some way, and her face lightens up a little at that response, before she takes your hands in hers.

"Maybe you just might, Y/N." She puts her forehead against yours, giggling. "I hope you'll enjoy the festival. Now, shall we join the dance? The new song will start any moment." And before you even realize it, the new music indeed starts playing.

"I used to hear a simple song. That was, until you came along."

You have no idea what dance to expect, but Sally seems to guide you in every single movement, while her voice is in perfect harmony with the melody of the song. No matter how good or bad you are at dancing and rhythm, it's almost as if her noise hypnotizes you, taking away the ability for you to do anything else.

It's as if you're the girl in the fairy tale. The girl who receives shoes which dance forever. Except with Sally, you feel more free than ever. You don't know whether it's her, the lack of worry that's for once going on in your mind, or the music to which many dance, like one. The feeling that you actually belong with these people: maybe that's what makes you feel so good too?

In the end, you have no idea. But you do know that it actually feels amazing.

Perhaps, it also has to do with the fact that Sally welcomed you with open arms to the town? After all, Dream threatened you and Niki tried to convince you that your eyes deceived you when you saw what you saw. Other than that, you only feel like Schlatt has been fully honest with you. At least, from the people who you've had an unnecessary conversation with.

While the music flows through your veins, however, you're unaware of the furious eyes fixated on you. Wilbur, who is watching from a distance, is fully aware of when his relationship ended, how it ended, and the damage it has ever since then done to him and Sally. In fact, Sally dancing with someone else is not what he has a problem with. Oh no, what angers him so much is that it has to be you.

A human. A mere, pathetic, little human who stepped into a world where you don't belong. A territory where you should've already been teared apart, limb by limb, crying out for help, begging for someone to save you only for nobody to come. That's what should have happened to you and to every single one of your kind. And yet, here you are, receiving the opposite of that.

A dance with the beloved Sally Salmon.

Everybody's envious of you. Not because you danced with Sally, but because she wanted to dance with you because it's you. Not because it's tradition: after all, Sally always dances with everyone eventually, once the other participants of the art start switching places. No, because she actually came up with the idea.

And honestly, Wilbur just cannot wrap his head around the why. Is she trying to make your last day as enjoyable as possible? If so, why would she do that? You have no prior history with her, from what Wilbur is able to conclude thanks to your reactions. There's also nothing special about you, other than the fact that you've almost survived a week in the town, which is not a streak you'll be able to uphold. So, is she just doing it to mess with Wilbur? Has her time outside of the protection of the town brainwashed her? What outside factors of the despicable existence that is humanity have influenced her to this shameful kindness she's shown toward you, but toward none of the other residents of the town other than Jared, who she feels pity for?

It just doesn't make any sense to him.

What he also doesn't understand, is something about you. According to Niki, you've actually noticed things and taken them seriously. It has happened before that the effect that the Crimson has on the mind weakens, resulting in the illusion of this otherwise-normal-town letting through small details of the real life here. But from what he's heard, it's happened multiple times in your case, and that's not all. You've actually not brushed them off. This not ignoring of you is not exactly something that would be a problem usually: there have been some Flat-Earthers before who were easier victims than one would expect. However, since there are more accidental leaks of the real thing, it does make it more difficult than he anticipated.

Maybe that's what Sally finds so fascinating about you?

He finds that hard to believe.

The music slowly starts coming to an end, until another song starts, but Wilbur silently watches while Sally bows to you once more, resulting in you doing the same action. She thanks you and Wilbur, who lets out a deep sigh as he starts reconsidering what he's about to do now, approaches you instead. Sally turns to him, coincidentally, forcing a smile as she passes him, but he doesn't even give her as much as a glance. Instead, he now stands in front of you, taking in your appearance slowly and silently, trying to be as subtle while doing it as he can.

Already hating himself for what he does now, he bows, similar to what he did when he first met you, and kisses your hand. "Do you fancy a dance with me too, Y/N?" You, hearing the music start again while you're staring deeply into Wilbur's eyes, shrug.


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