JWCC: y. fadoula x kon!oc x s...

By Wilde-Simp

3.1K 91 3

7 lucky kids get the chance to go to camp cretaceous upon isla nublar, an island full of dinosaurs. it is goi... More

season 1
ep 2 : secrets
ep 3 : the cattle drive
ep 4 : things fall apart
ep 5 : happy birthday, eddie!
ep 6 : welcome to jurassic world
ep 7 : last day of camp
ep 8 : end of the line

ep 1 : camp cretaceous

511 14 0
By Wilde-Simp

dave chuckled nervously to brooklyn's comment and spoke up. "okay, we're going now. let's get the seven of you to camp." he lifted his arms to gesture towards camp, smiling to who he assumed were six campers.

however, a kid with a lime jacket on and khaki shorts lifted a hand nervously as his eyes looked around. "um, there are five of us." his voice sounded almost questionable, to which dave did look around to do a head count of the campers.

"wait. dino-kid, track-star, internet girl, barfy, texas." he gave a head count, each kid having their own nicknames given by the co-head camp counselor. "he's right." he's referring to barfy. "where's six and seven?"

roxie, the other co-camp counselor, then looked at the clipboard in her hand and then promptly sighed in annoyance. it seemed like she knew who the two missing campers were.

just then, the whirring of a helicopter could be heard making its way to the landing spot near the present campers. it landed, while the campers protected their faces with their arms from the flying debris from the helicopter. a guy then walked up to the sliding door of the copter and then opened it.

inside sat two bodies, a boy and a girl, and roxie could be seen rolling her eyes in annoyance while gesturing to the helicopter while looking back at dave who just looked back in silence.

out from the helicopter came a 6'1 asian male with a bright pink polo and also wearing khaki shorts. he had some shades and his hair was in a spiked up style, more towards the right. he held a single luggage bag as he hopped off the still whirring thing.

behind him stepped out an almost as tall female, seemed to be 5'10 and had on a simple white muscle shirt, almost skin tight, with some jean shorts. her hair was loosely braided and hung behind her, what seemed to be bangs also up in a spiky style like her brother. anyone could see they were siblings by their tall stature and similarities in their features. she also had luggage, but not as full as her brothers.

with a grin, the male walked forward and down the steps of the landing platform with the female a step behind and following in pursuit, though she had a subtle smile. "greetings my dudes. kenji is here, so let the party commence!" the chopper flew off as he spoke, and the female behind shook her head at his antics.

the duo walked by roxie, and without hesitation kenji hurled his bag towards the older woman, who caught it. "put this in my room." he continued walking, but the shorter twin shortened her steps to observe the woman. she still held her luggage though, seemed to be content with carrying it herself. she did have a sincere expression towards the woman.

it soon changed though when it was thrown at kenji, who approached the group and asked the closest one, being dino-boy "so, what's your deal?" as quickly as it was given. he fell with a grunt, and the female couldn't help but snicker.

she and roxie then walked up to the group, roxie cleaning her hands and the shorter asian just shaking her head at her brothers fall. "okay, let's go." the co-camp counselor said, not too worried about kenji as she then went through the group to lead them to what looked to be a modified red truck suited for the wilds of jurassic dinosaurs.

they followed with, while kenji's sister went over to help him up. "you should know by now not to do that, no one likes to do things for you kenji." she held her hand out for him to take, in which he indeed took, albeit begrudgingly. "whatev' kenya. thanks though." he replied, grabbing his bag from the ground and took it with him as they went to the truck as well.

kenya watched as everyone loaded up, and the co counselors get into driver and passenger seat. the back seemed to have a total of nine free seats, three to each side and over where the tries are beneath, and three against the interior of the truck.

dino-boy sat towards the end where kenji took a seat next to him, one seat open in the middle, barfy was opposite of dino boy with texas next to him, also a middle seat open, and internet girl sat with track-star to her left, once again the middle open. kirima decided to sit between internet-girl and track-star.

right as everyone sat down and settled in, the vehicle quickly gained speed and took off. everyone jerked to the side, yelps and grunts could be heard. when everyone gained balance, seatbelts were quickly put on one by one.

barfy then spoke, "i hope you got my moms note." kenya had to assume he was speaking to the counselors. "i don't do well on windy roads!"

to kenyas' right, the pink haired girl then had her phone out and recording. she sat there awkwardly, listening as she spoke to her fans. "what's good, brooklanders?! it's your girl brooklynn coming at you live from the best place ever: camp cretaceous. like and subscribe to join me as i unbox jurassic world!"

she then dropped the phone then looked to the others in the back with her. "okay, i need you all to say who you are and a little about yourself. annnd action!" she then pointed the phone to the boy sitting next to kenji.

"oh! um, i beat this awesome vr dinosaur game. i'm darius by the-" "i'm sorry. i just can't believe... you're brooklynn!" a strong southern voice interrupted his introduction and began to fangirl. the girl then reached over kirima and the other female to shake her hand. "i'm sammy gutierrez, total brooklander! kapow!" she then did finger guns and intimidated the sound of it. she then paused, almost like she remembered something and continued. "oh, also my family supplies all the beef for the park, and that's how i got here!"

"great to meet you sammy!" brooklynn responded to her, smiling to her as well.

"um," darius began. "what's a brooklander?" he questioned, and thank god for that because kirima also had that question in mind. "oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." sammy then came in again. "uh, all twenty seven million of us!" again with the finger guns and the noise again.

kenya blinked at the shocking news, and saw from the corner of her eye her brother rest his hand on darius's shoulder. he seemed to be startled by the sudden hand.

"yep, that's why she's the only one who gets to keep her cell phone. she's famous" the girl to kenya's right said, her voice sounding annoyed in a way, in which she glanced to her then to brooklynn at the same time as kenji, but their expressions were different; his was a smug smirk while hers was a look of astonishment.

"hold on. rich," he gestured to himself. "and famous?" then gestured to brooklynn. "oh, meant to be." he then reached over to grab her phone, and proceeded to take a picture of the two of them. at the same time, the sounds of someone vomiting then began, and everyone turned to the boy at the end across from darius who was over the truck and hurling away. everyone looked shocked and grossed out.

as brooklynn snatched her phone from kenji, the car came to a sudden halt, causing everyone to whip from side to side for a moment, all startled.

they all looked over to the co counselors, and barfy spoke up. "um, dave, what's going on?" he sounded concerned.

"nothing you need to worry about!" he then pulled out a long looking device, and at the tip it was split into two and began up electricity. yep, the sound of nothing to worry about. "but you should all definitely stay in your seats." his voice dropped from its chippery one as he and roxie went forward.

barfy gave out a whimper, then slumped into his seats with a "oh god." while everyone else unbuckled and stood up, kenya being one of them as well while sammy only had to turn around.

the co counselors progressed forward while mostly everyone watched with interest. kenya did noticed darius turn around, but didn't acknowledge until he called to them in a low and quick voice. "guys?" only kenya budged and glanced back, but before she could look the opposite way, he called again, this time drawing out his word. "guuys?"

this time, everyone turned in time for a small dinosaur to jump onto darius, who let out a shriek as he was tackled to the ground. everyone else screamed as well, brooklynn and barfy getting out of the trunk while kenji, sammy, kenya, and the track star simply put their backs against the truck or stepped away.

darius came to and gasped from the compsognathus, though his gasps seemed more excited than scared. it then hopped off of him only to be enclosed in a blanket by roxie who took the dinosaur to a cage.

kenji hid behind the girl closest, being the track star, while kenya simply had an arm up like she was trying to protect the others. it lowered some to her counselors words. "there, crisis averted."

she picked up the cage holding the small reptile and took it over to the interior back of the truck. "these things are always getting out of their enclosure." and darius replied. "a real live compsognathus!" at the same time, kenji then went to his original seat. "oh please. it took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it. boring!"

"scared you pretty good." darius shot back, and some people chuckled, them being sammy and kenya while track star simply looked unimpressed and brooklynn took a photo of kenji, who looked a bit peeved with darius's comment.

everyone climbed back into the trunk, darius taking a bit longer to get to his seat before eventually going, allowing kenya to take her seat once more.

the drive continued, everyone looking around and admiring the view of the place before taking notice that they soon arrived at the gates of camp cretaceous. everyone expressed their awes of the place differently as dave officially welcomed them. "welcome to camp cretaceous." and the gates opened to allow the vehicle inside.


they eventually made it to their location, and as everyone got off of the truck, they all began to gaze upward in astonishment.

when it was kenya's chance to get off, she also followed everyone's gaze. "wow.." she quietly said to herself, smiling softly and impressively. ahead was an elevator that took them up to a decked out treehouse.

she heard brooklynn talking to her followers through her phone and then her brothers voice not long after, kenya can only assume he must've said something stupid, rude, or about their weatlh.

she continued to admire the place despite her wealth able to do so much more with the place, and suddenly felt her shoulder being bumped into. "oh, sorry about that." she said to the female, but didn't get a reply back as yasmina took off in the direction of the entrance to the tree house. she followed where she came from, and saw brooklynn with her phone in a recording position.

"seems like someone isn't a big fan of cameras." kenya said in a joking but matter of fact tone. "or people." brooklynn mumbled back, and kenya raised an eyebrow to that comment, but didn't push on it as she trailed towards some others.

"listen up!" she heard dave said, and went over with the others. "announcement time from your co-head counselors." and roxie lowly said. "still not a thing." before speaking up. "okay, everyone. there's some ground rules to cover. curfew's at 8pm and lights out at 9pm sharp." kenya knitted her eyebrows to this, giving a small grumble but that was all compared to the others comments. and ben's silent fist pump.

"this is for your safety. we are in a dinosaur-filled jungle. you must always keep your distance, or you could be seriously hurt, if not worse." kenji groaned at this, and kenya elbowed him as if to tell him to quit it, while ben spoke up. "define "worse"."

it went unanswered, thankfully, as dave pointed them in the direction of their cabins.

this seemed to pump up yasmina as she shoved past kenji, who stumbled at bit, and kenya, who caught herself from stumbling too much. booklynn then raced up too, then kenji, kenya, and ben, leaving darius behind.


everyone gathered at the railing to see the view of dinosaurs better, a variety of them at the ground in all shapes and sizes. they all listened to darius as he listed each one he saw. "there's brachiosaurus, parasaurolopus, stegosaurus. ankylosaurus!" he finished listing, and kenya looked over yasmina and towards the younger boy. she was impressed with how much he knew about dinosaurs. "wow, you really do know your stuff, dino-nerd." brooklynn commented, and kenya hummed in agreement.

then came kenji. "check out the... brontosaurus." "they don't have those here, common mistake." darius shot down casually, and went back to listing the dinosaurs once more. kenya heard dave talk about cooking dinos at the lab, and kenya looked over to sammy across the other campers who asked about herding the dinosaurs and where to.

"they're herding them back to their night enclosures." and dave then lead them to a zipline. "enough banter. it's zip-line party time!"

ben was then strapped into the zip-line, and then grew nervous. "me? maybe yasmina should go first or ... darius? uh ... or anyone?! i really don't-" he was cut off by dave pushing him down the zip-line, and one by one the others got on as well, their screams of excitement blocking out ben's screams of fear.

they passed by the dinosaurs below, admiring how they looked as they continued onto their location.


it was now dark, past curfew and mostly everyone was asleep, aside from darius and kenya, who were sharing bunkers. kenya watched darius's dangling feet from her bottom bunk, she felt bad for darius coming in last so she gave him her top bunk, and noticed him tucking them upward. she thought he was finally going to bed, but was proven wrong when he hopped off and snuck out with his style of pants and his yellow jacket.

she squinted, slowly sitting up after he left the room to follow after, she changed as well, no longer in just her compression shorts, now wearing a dark green sleeveless turtleneck with black sweats, and ran into kenji, who now had a blue long sleeve with two white stripes at his shoulder and khaki's, on her way to confront darius. with their twin telepathy, kenya turned on the main light while kenji spoke. "oh, hey there, dino-nerd. whatcha doing?"

"huh? uh, nothing! i was just, uh, heading out cause... thirsty!" he pointed to himself. kenji was amused, while kenya pointed to the water dispenser that was to her right and darius's left. "oh. yeah, i meant ... hungry." and kenji tapped on the shelf with varieties of food for the campers.

"oh! heh, look at that. thanks, guys." darius answered nervously, and went over to open the shelf, only for kenji to close it.

"look, bro. I don't want you to be intimidated by us two just because we're rich, our father owns a few condos on the island, and we're rich." kenji finished, and kenya deadpanned. "he's not intimidated by us." and darius nodded in agreement to her. "oh, good. i just want us to be friends, and friends tell each other stuff." "for instance, what they're doing out of bed after curfew." kenya finished kenjis' sentence, who smirked some and continued. "what do you think?"

darius looked to kenji's arm that was on his shoulder, then to the taller twin and spoke. "i think you best get your arm off me... friend." kenya did nothing to defuse the situation yet, but knew when to step in, and she felt like that'll be soon. "oh, why don't you make me, friend?"

"okay kenji, that's enough." kenya said, reaching over to grab his arm and was about to lift it, only to hear the click of a phone and the flash of a light.

the trio looked back to brooklynn looking at her phone, presumingly at the photo she just took. kenya got worried that her about to help darius would be viewed wrong to brooklynn, until the pinkette commented. "huh, so that's what toxic masculinity looks like."

"uh, sorry we woke you. i-" "he was sneaking out, but i set him straight. look, i try to look out for the younger kids. it's who i am." kenji said, walking past darius and his sister and towards brooklynn, and by the looks of it, this was her brothers attempt at flirting with the pinkette. "you guys don't understand." the three turned to look at darius as he spoke up, kenji smug and brooklynn actually listening as well as kenya. "i've been waiting my whole life to get here, and i'm gonna make the most of it." he sounded determined. "those lights must be coming from the compy enclosure. i gotta check it out!"

"sneaking out to see dinosaurs in the dead of night," brooklynn started. "mad danger of getting caught," kenya interjected. "great mood lighting." brooklynn finished it off while looking at her phone. "i guess that means..." she trailed off. "we're going rogue. kapow!" she confidentially announced.

"yeahhhh no." kenya quickly interjected to that statement, and the three heads turn to her. she had her hands up defensively and stepped back. "no offense, but this idea seems very dumb to pull off on our first night here. i'm heading back." she said, walking past them. "and people always wonder why i'm the better twin." kenji said with a smirk towards his twin, shrugging. "and you wonder why no one ever takes you seriously." kenya shot back, looking back and raising an eyebrow to her brother who froze to this comment while brookylnn and darius held back chuckles.

"yeah yeah whatev. let's go see those compy things." kenji dismissed and made his way towards the door leading to the elevator. brooklynn followed behind, and darius looked to kenya, like he was about to ask her something.

"don't." she said, holding up a hand. "i know you're going to ask me to keep quiet about this, and really i can't make any promises." she said. "but, if you guys aren't back by daylight i will tell the counselors you guys snuck out." darius looked stunned by that answer, and then gave a nod to the taller female. "thanks, kenya. i'll make sure kenji stays out of trouble." "make sure he does't get eaten, i'm shocked he's survived roxie the past times we've been here on jurassic island." darius lightly laughed to this while kenya smiled, before a yawn came up. "i'm going to head back now, remember, by sunlight." darius gave a curt nod before turning to quickly catch up with brooklynn and kenji.

kenya watched him run off, and she sighed to nothing in particular. "something tells me that wasn't the best move to make." her shoulders slumped as she retreated back to the bunk beds and made her way to her own, where she laid down and slowly allowed for sleep to take over.

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