Wasn't it magical?

By CouchieSlayer420

3.7K 140 29

Welcome to Season 2 and the continuation of "The Magical Ways of Riverdale". This season takes place during t... More

Memories from a Magical night
Honeymoon of a million stars
Audaz and Belle Topaz
Hollywood vs New york
Destructive Learning
Grammys And Wedding Rings pt.1 
Grammys and Wedding Rings Pt.2
Grammys and Wedding Rings pt. 3
School Is In Session
Salvatore School Tour
Origins and New directions pt. 1
Origins and New directions pt .2
Origins and New Directions Pt.3
Training a Tribrid
Fire babies and Jason Blossom Pt.1
Frozen Fire
A Time before it Froze
The Flamin' Unholy Trinity
A Matured Tribrid
A Topaz takes a trip to New Orleans
Papa Tunde's Blade

The Original 8 and the Uktena twins

142 6 0
By CouchieSlayer420

Today, is the first official day for the Topaz twins Audaz and Belle at their new school. Salvatore  boarding school a school for the supernatural. The young ones were beyond excited especially Audaz he was excited about a lot of things making new friends and being able to know more about his heritage as an Uktena Vamp. I mean Belle was just as excited as her dear older brother but she was a bit nervous that people will be afraid of her after what she did to Alyssa.


Both twins were putting their finishing touches onto their school uniforms while each of the original eight members were in each crevice of their room watching over them. The names of the original eight are....

Antonia Sparks

Antonia Sparks is the almost exact copy of Toni Topaz except she's 5'8, has black hair, and she's a bit more badass some would say. She is fiercely loyal and very intelligent.

Luther Bennett-Salvatore (Corbon blue (young) )

Luther Bennett-Salvatore is the youngest son of Bonnie and Damon Salvatore. Because of his witch and vampire blood he is a heretic. He is a one of kind individual he'll do anything for his friends and family and he is most definitely not a coward.

Jezebel Beli ( Jennifer Lawrence)

Jezebel Beli is let's just say an intimidating woman she doesn't tolerate childish people and foolishness.

Ambrosia Lime (Chole grace Mortez)

Ambrosia Lime is the out going girl of the original 8 she is a dependable friend but when shit goes down she's ready.

Katrina King (Nafessa Williams)

Katrina King is a sassy sarcastic woman with a bit of a temper but she is a very loving and caring person.

Alexander Adelio Mikealson (Lucas till)

Alexander Adelio Mikaelson is Elijah Mikealson's adopted son but when he was a baby Elijah asked his sister Freya to cast a spell upon him so he would be a Mikaelson by blood. Alex is very similar to his father Elijah at least he tries to be. He wears expensive suits just like him except he has serpent cuff links and he wears a snake tie. Alexander is trustworthy and absolutely scared of no one.

Deric Emanuel Mikealson-Gerard (Texas Battle)

Deric Emanuel Mikealson-Gerard is the upgraded version of a hybrid thanks to his father and because is mother is an original Vamp he possesses her powers too. He's just as compassionate as his mother and has the strong leadership skills his father possesses. Just like his father he will no tolerate disrespect at all what so ever.

Damian Bennett-Salvatore ( Lee Thomson young)

Lastly, Damian Bennett-Salvatore named after his father Damon Salvatore. The eldest son of Bonnie and Damon. Most people say he's just like his father when he was in his rebellious phase except Damian is more cautious and not as reckless as his father. Unlike his father being the indecisive person that he is Damian knows exactly what he wants and knows how to get it. Being a heretic just makes his job so much easier for him.


Audaz and Belle's shared dorm room

Alexander- Almost done getting ready little Topazes? he said fixing his left cuff link

Belle- How do I look? Ally be honest she said looking at him with hopeful eyes

Alexander- You look beautiful as always Belle don't worry and if someone thinks other wise I'll destroy them. he said playfully flashing his fangs

Belle- Thanks Ally she said with a smile

Audaz- Belle you almost ready for our first class of the day with the big kids he said with a big smile on his face

Damian- Uktena's you don't have classes with the big kids your with the kids your age... 6 to 12.

As soon as those words left Damian's mouth Audaz's world came crashing down

Audaz- What?

Luther pushed his brother's shoulder

Luther- What the hell is the matter with you Damian?

Audaz's hands felt like they were burning his hands were closed in tight fists glowing with not only power but shear disappointment.

Katrina noticed Audaz's hands

Katrina- Hey Dazzy let's go for a walk, you wanna go see that tribrid Hope you like so much? she said with a smile

Audaz- Really?! he said excitedly

Katrina- Yes, let's go she said holding out her hand for him to take

Katrina glared at Damian before she left with the heir of the Uktena clan

Ambrosia- You can be such a prick sometimes Salvatore he's only six and you just possibly ruined his dream.

Damian- Whatever I'm just doing my job of being the outspoken one he said with his arm crossed.

Deric- Let's go Bells you got class in a couple of minutes

Belle- Okay

Following Deric and Belle was Alexander and everyone else except Luther and Damian

Luther- What is going on with you bro did something happen when you went to go visit dad?

Damian- That's my business and none of yours he said shoulder checking him

Luther- You're my brother you are my business so tell me what's going on with you

Damian- I guess I was jealous when you got promoted to co-captain instead of me. I mean I'm stronger and older than you so...why not me why isn't ever me?

That's when he finally left to follow the others

Luther- I- I don't know


The hangout lounge

That's where Audaz sat with Hope and the rest of the original 8 members. Audaz was asking Hope all these questions about her backstory like she was some kind of super hero. I mean because she was to him.

Audaz- So Ms.Hope what's it like being a tribrid?

Hope- Uhm it's pretty cool but at the moment I only have my wolf and witch powers

Audaz-Aren't you born a vampire how come you don't have your vamp powers? he said curiously

Hope- Audaz your a different kind of vampire than me....I have to die in order to get my vamp powers.

Audaz-What?! that's not fair I can make you a vampire right now and you won't have to die. Hope Mikealson I want you to be apart of my chosen 4.

Hope- Oh wow uhm can I talk to my parents first before I give you my final answer?

Alexander- Oh littlest wolf cousin, becoming a serpent and a worthy Uktena vampire member has to be one of the greatest decisions of my life. I mean we're already Mikealson's and now Deric and I are stronger than all of our enemies. Right Deric?

Deric- Right, being in the serpents is life changing they're like our second family.

Hope- But your still in a gang

Antonia- The Uktena clan is the clan that everyone fears and wouldn't dare to go against. No offence to all the Mikealson's in the room. You guys have thousands of enemies and where we the Uktena's simply have none. We live in peace and harmony amongst our selfs and we build our nation from love what ever you decide the Queen will respect that and so will we.

Audaz- Yeah but if you say no I'll be really sad he said trying to give Hope his best puppy dog eyes

Landon- Hell no Hope you're not joining a gang I can see you considering it

Katrina- Uhm who are you?

Landon- I'm Hope's boyfriend who are you? he said with a bit of sass

Katrina gets a hold of his throat and lifts him of the ground

Katrina- I don't know who you think you are little man but I could end your life right here if the Topaz heirs felt threatened. Do you feel threatened Topazes?

Audaz- No, just look at him nothing about him screams threatening

Belle- You can put him down now

Katrina threw him against the stairs

Luther and Ambrosia cam back with the Topazes breakfasts

Audaz- Oh wow that looks so yummy thanks guys

Belle- Yeah thank you

The twins finished up their breakfasts and made their way to their classes

Alexander had both of their schedules then said

Alexander- It seems as though you little ones have a different schedule than the same he said looking at their schedules

Audaz-What do you mean were supposed to be together! he said holding his sister's hand

Belle-It's okay Audaz we're gonna be fine but we have to split up the group

Audaz and Belle looked between the original 8 members

Audaz- Do you wanna pick first?

Belle- Sure, I pick Ally

Alexander had his hands behind his back and walked to Belle's side

Audaz- I choose Kat

Katrina gave Audaz a warm smile and stood beside him

Belle- Luthy

Luther- Booyeah! he said in his brothers face

Damian rolled his eyes

Audaz- Damian, I choose you because even though your a meanie I believe that people can change.

Then Audaz gestured for him to lean down

Audaz- Don't be like your daddy make a change he whispered in his ear

Damian looked Audaz in the eyes and ruffles his hair

Belle- Okay, uhm Jezebel I like you cause you're quite like an assassin but you're sweet when no ones looking.

Audaz- Deric I choose you to be apart of my group you remind me of my uncle Dotty.

Deric- Why is that?

Audaz- I don't know you both like to keep your hair really short and there's something comfortable about you.

Deric- You mean comforting?

Audaz- Yes that word, you make me feel safe.

Deric gave him a hug and stood with the rest of his chosen group

Belle- I choose Antonia because you look like Mamá except your shorter.

Ambrosia- I guess I'm last and I get to go with you Dazzle daz she said with Jazz hands walking to his side

Audaz- Sorry you were picked last I like you you're funny.

Antonia- I am not that short by the way I'm 5'8 that is average height she said with a small chuckle

Jezebel- Time for class Uktena's!

Audaz- Bye Bells

Belle- Bye Dazzy


Hours later after classes

Hope was in her room with her father Niklaus and her mother Hayley over facetime on her laptop

Hayley- So what did you what to talk to us about baby?

Hope- Audaz Topaz asked me to be apart of his chosen 4

Niklaus- Really?, that sounds like great news to me

Hayley- Aren't the Uktena's like really dangerous people?

Hope- Only if you get on their bad side they are but they could be very loyal allies. I mean Dad has been friends with them for generations. Alexander and Deric seem to be having the time of their lives knowing that no enemy could kill them. As we all know I'm a tribid no one can kill me and if I join the serpents this would seal the deal and confirm my upmost safety.

Hayley- I would like to meet the leader of the serpents first.

Niklaus- Uhm the leader is the queen of all vampires Antoinette Topaz, the king Franklin Topaz, and the prince Daniel Topaz. Plus their is a traditional ritual that must be performed in Riverdale, New York only Uktena royalty must perform it.

Hope- Oh and I remember Belle telling me that the Uktena's don't need daylight rings.

Hayley- Every vampire needs daylight rings I don't understand.

Niklaus- They are royalty for a reason Hayley.

Hayley- Do you really want this Hope?

Hope- I want to not look over my shoulder all the time thinking a random person on the street is out to get me. So yes I want this but I'm willing to not join if you guys say no.

Niklaus- I say yes I know those Uktena triplets for very long time including their parents. Uktena's will do anything to protect their own.

Hayley- Okay, I guess so. I still want to meet the royal vamp family.

Hope- Yes thank you guys she said giving her dad a hug and blowing her mom a kiss


This chapter was kinda long what to you guys think of the original 8 members?

What do guys think of Hope becoming a serpent?

Should Audaz and Belle be in classes with the big kids?

re-edit date: December 22, 2022

word count-2038

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