Mother Ruby Rose x Child Cre...

By Shenron12

63.6K 862 750

When Ruby Finished making her weapon lets just say she got more than she bargained for I don't own RWBY it is... More

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
The adventures of Grandpa Tai, Great Uncle, an y/n 1
Gaining a mysterious power
y/n's new Sensei and his secret training Pt. 1
Secret Training Pt. 2
Battle between Y/n and Yang
Start Of The Journey
Arrival Pt. 2
initiation Start
Forest of death
A Game of Shogi
First Day Jitters
Story Update

A Rose's Thorns Vs A Raven's Talons

2K 38 16
By Shenron12

We zoom into a tower where we see Ozpin doing paperwork while looking at the various cameras when he finishes the work he was about to turn off the cams to end his day, but he sees something that catches his eye, he sees you standing across a masked figure he would grab his cane and start to make his way to where you and the mysterious person while keeping an eye on what was happening on his scroll. 

Ozpin: hopefully he can hold her off until I get there

The scene would change when his elevator door to you and the mysterious person standing across from each other waiting for the other to make the first move you would see a leaf blow between the both of you before she runs at you and goes for an overhead strike which you dodge, but she shifts her momentum into a roundhouse kick which hits and knocks you to the side, but you quickly recover and pull out a second canoe and run at her and jump into a diagonal spin and slash at her with the knife which she block but you use the rest of the momentum to kick her in the face making her step back little.

???: huh you were actually able to land a hit but I wont let that happen again 

she runs at you extremely fast and slashes at you, but you would dodge as you can still read her movements with your Sharingan and you strike back with slashes yourself, but she blocks your attack you may be skilled but she has more experience in fighting than you. She would then push you back and you throw a few Shuriken at her and perform some hand seals and right before their eyes the shuriken multiply and she sees over 200 shuriken fly at her and she would sheath her blade and in one fell swoop she knocks all the shuriken out of the air before running at you and go for a slash, but you backflip put of the and do a backwards high kick which she dodges, but you quickly land and perform your second kick which is too fast to dodge she would try to block it but ends up getting hit flying to the side but she quickly recovers starting to look more annoyed.

Y/N: leaf hurricane (knocking to the side)

???: (recovering) you are really starting get on my nerves boy (switching blades) I don't have time to be playing with children!

She ran at you with blinding speed it was hard for you to catch up even for your two tone Sharingan to follow you barely block her blade, but get hit by a kick she gave you no time to recover as with blinding speed punches you in the stomach you cough up, spit then she throws you to the side and runs at you getting ready to unsheathe her sword again and stabs you pricing your gut lifting you up with her sword and looks at you as you cough up blood.

???: looks like you aren't as interesting as first thought just an annoying child that was in my way (watches you lift up a fist and swing weakly you fist a few inches from her face) you still have fight in you huh well ill get the is over with the strong live and the weak die.

after she says that you point to the side and she smirks and throws you to the side and sheathes her sword and was about to leave when she feels that something was off looking behind her to see you sitting on the edge without a scratch on you she would then look to see where she threw you and see that you disperse into crows

???: an illusion but that won't change the outcome of this battle boy you are no match for me give up and I'll let you live now (places hand on sword) this is your last warning

Y/N: Bad lady (you point at her)

???: I only do what is necessary to survive you want to know bad people I suggest you take a close look at who you meet

The mysterious woman readies herself again as do you you dash at each other again and as she slashes at you with her sword you move out of the way and go to the side weaving hand seals and shooting mini fireball volley at her with shuriken inside each fireball.

???: what but how (moves out of the way and blocks most I've the shuriken but still taking a few) there's no way a person can have two semblances just what are you

You didn't say anything, just starting to run at her again summoning some shadow clones as they follow you to attack, she'd looked surprised again, but continued on as she struck down one after another giving you the opportunity to sneak her. You form more hand seals and electricity sparks in your hand as it makes chirping sounds you then run at her with blinding speeds as you were about to hit her a wall of ice grew between the two and your attack shattered and she wasn't there you look behind you to see her coming down with a slash which you narrowly dodge and you got to kick her but she blocks and decks you in the face as you fall to the floor which you would sweep her legs which she'd jump but you keep your momentum into a higher kick. she blocks it and grabs your leg and throws you back and quickly comes back after you and slashes which you narrowly dodge the blade and try to get some space between you and weave hand seals and shoot fire in the shape of dragon heads but it doesn't seem to hit the then uses what seems like ice dust and freezes your leg and she quickly comes at you with extreme speed you would throw a kunai at her but she moves her head as it goes past her but you use the flying Raijin and teleport behind her and you hold a Rasangan in your hand. You are about to hit her, she tries to turn and block, but she wasn't fast enough, and you see red flames around her eyes. you would then feel a gust of wind push you back into a water tower and the Rasangan dented it. without giving you any time to Recover she goes in for an attack you didn't have time to move or block the attack and decided to transform into your weapon form but you then see a Cane block her attack.

Ozpin: Raven What are you doing here harassing a member of this school no less you surely made it clear that you didn't want to be apart of this (sips on coco)

Raven: That's none of your business as for him he stuck his nose where he shouldn't belong (rips open a portal and walks through)

Ozpin: now to you Mr. Rose Thank you for keeping an eye out but next time before you start off jumping into a fight I suggest you use one of your many techniques to inform the staff but good job none the less (hands you a cookie (sugar free because bed time))

Y/N: Yes Sir (solutes then eats the cookie)

Ozpin: now if I'm not mistaken its past your bed time wouldn't want to get caught awake (starts to walk off)

you then nod and go back to the room you reside with team RWBY and quickly and quietly get ready again for bed and you go to your mothers bed and go to sleep and Ruby hugs you a little as she slightly wakes up

Ruby: (waking up a little) your in big trouble mister 

Y/N: aw phooey

(A/N wasssaaaaaaaa anyway sorry for the late/short? chapter I've been busy so I hope you enjoyed it none the less)

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