Unsung: A Fairy Tale ¤ 《Johns...

Od NanaJade157

766 24 2

The Johnsons. The Jackson's. The DeBarges. And a whole hell of a lot of drama. This is more than a story. It... Viac

♤T h e J o h n s o n F a m i l y♤
♧T h e J a c k s o n F a m i l y♧
¤T h e D e B a r g e F a m i l y¤
°◇S U P P O R T I N G R O L E S◇°
°◇S U P P O R T I N G R O L E S◇°
°◇S U P P O R T I N G R O L E S◇°
~T H E M E E T I N G~
~R E C O R D I N G~
~H O R R I B L E B I R T H D A Y~
~B I R T H D A Y G I F T ~
~S U R P R I S E~
~S I C K N E S S~
~Y O U ' R E F U C K I N G K I D D I N G~
~G L A D L Y~
~T H E D R E A D F U L W E D D I N G~
~S E N T E N C I N G~
~A S H O W F O R T H E S T A R S~
~J E A L O U S Y~

~W E L C O M E B A C K~

25 1 0
Od NanaJade157

Michael Joseph Jackson
July 16th 1973
2 weeks later

I am more than beyond happy. Tink has been in the hospital for the past 2 weeks and it has been havock every second she's been there.

I tryed to visit as often as I could. I bring her candy and anything else she asks me for. Her stomach has been weak towards the hospital food.

I can't believe she's pregnant. It's a sad thing. She told me what happened and the whole day I just held her like it would be the last time I was able to.

She is my everything, she just doesn't know it yet. It hurts and sickens me, that someone could do this to when angel. She does nothing to no one. She is one of the prettiest souls I've met. She has the best intentions of of anyone I've ever met. She is creative, and whenever she is around you can't help b but smile.

I can't imagine what it would be like to not have her around.

Even though she tried to keep a smile plastered on her face, her spirit wasn't broken, just damaged.

The sad part is, the freedom she possessed, to save herself for whomever she pleased, was just stripped away from her. And knowing how much she loves kids, she's not going to be able give the child up. Meaning everytime she looks into the eyes of her offspring, she'll be reminded of how they came along, and to be.

When you think about it, and go beyond the surface, you start to realize: Damn. In 8 months and a few weeks, shes going to give birth. At the age of 15 she'll give birth to not just any children. Her own step siblings. And when you say it out loud, it hits so much harder. All she wants to do is what I want to do: make the world a better place through music. But instead she's sexualized by sick teenagers, fetishized by grown men, envied by the women that couldn't be like her when they were once her age, and hated on by some of the girls that want to be in her shoes.

But no matter how many people hate on her, her fans will out number them by millions. When Cupid had first came out Sparkle was the lead singer of the group. And even though the group was super popular, it was really only because people were fans of T.J.T and wanted to see what they were working with.

When Richard had set the group, he had put Serena in the front for the pleasure of TV. She was the lightest, with the most perfect smile, and straight hair, her skin was fair and perfect, and she didn't need any makeup to cover any imperfections.

By the way, I don't know if Myrah can tell, but, Serena is very jealous of her. Like super jealous. And Serena is their family's bully. I jus-........You know what, it's whatever.

Back to what I was saying. He chose her to be lead, and in the front because he thought he would speak to their audience more.

What he didn't know was that times are changing, and so are the interest of the public. When Myrah was younger she was always on TV. And everyone fell in love with her because they found her adorable.

She was a small 4'11, little girl with a small soft voice, and powerful vocals. She was short, stubby, and had an attitude, but she made everyone feel like they were seen, that's why the media and public loved her so much. Plus they found her green and brown eyes beautiful, and entrancing. And that's what they want to put on the front of magazines.

To them, sevens was entirely too perfect. She just looked just like every other skinny, black girl. She was pretty and somewhat looked like Myrah. But that's not what they wanted.

When it came to interviews, Myrah had everybody rolling on the floor, she was a diva, and she was sweet and funny. And even though she hated interviews, they are her least favorite things to do, she still did it with a smile on her face.

Serena just came across as snobby, and rude. And also very obnoxious. And their fan-base didn't like it.

Where he realized that Sparkle wasn't helping, he put Constance in the lead. Aaaaand.......That was horrible. A tragedy, really. She was entitled, and prissy. And her voice was too much. Too high and it overpowered everything. The sold nothing when she was lead. But to the people she knew, she was laid back, and chill.

So after that, he had finally gave the people what the wanted.

He put Myrah in the front. And that is exactly what drew all the fame to the group. Everybody wanted to come and see Myrah. She represented everyone.

She represented black people. She represented white people. She represented Indians, and Mexicans, and Jamaicans, and Pakistanians.

She represented the people with disabilities. She represented heavy set women and men. She represented the mistreated and the unwanted. She represented everyone she could.

Her motive was to make sure that everyone was not judge by the cover of their book or the color of their skin. But instead, judged by the content of their character.

Everyone is sad and mopey as of right now. We all are happy that Richard is in prison right now though. They didn't give him a trial either. But the thing is, he was only charged with indecent exposure, and sentences to 1 year, with his bail set to $100,000. With, we all thought was a load of crap considering they all knew what he did. Everyone's stories matched up when they questioned us. And, I don't know why, but Myrah didn't press charges on him either.

I just hope shes OK. My brothers and I still have to practice still, but he's letting us slack off just a bit because he already knows how the whole family feels about her. He misses her too, and no amount of mean mugging could hide the fact.

We were all scared when we didn't know where they were gonna go. One of their guardians was currently in a coma, and the other was behind bars. But luckily the court awarded my parents temporary guardianship over Myrah and her siblings.

We were all sad that Mrs.Tricia was in a coma. She was like a second mother to us and we would never expect this kind of thing to happen to such a sweet women.

We all miss her very much so, and knowing that Fluffy is going to be with us in such a short time, just lifts our spirits.

Jermaine: It's time to go.

I heard Jermaine's voice after two light taps on Marlon and I's door.

I stop what I'm doing, which is drawing in the sketchbook that Tink for me. Shit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I slip my shoes on and tie them tight, before grabbing my.jacket and rushing out of the room. Once I got down the stairs, Joseph was standing by the opened door that all my brothers, and Janet were going through.

Joseph decided that he wanted to stay at home with mother.

Jackie told Bill that he wanted to drive Myrah said that she didn't want a welcome home party, knowing how we are so we just wanted to get her a little gift instead.

Flo and Jacob were on their way to go get Fluffy while the others were getting ready to go over to our house.

All day I've been thinking bout her. My palms are constantly getting damp and clammy, and my stomach has had butterflies swarming around it for forever. I'm excited, but also scared. What if she changes. Trauma can change a person.

My thoughts were interrupted by the absence of the vibration of the car, letting me know that we are here!

I quickly got out the car with bill on my tail and my brothers quickly trailing right behind us.

I got into the store, thankful that it was almost completely empty. I walked down the isles for about 45 minutes looking for the perfect one to give to her.

And then I hit the jackpot. Tan and dark brown stripes. Tiny. Energetic. Full of character.

She had always talked about having a pet. So I'm gonna get her one. She wanted something, not-so-common. I'm getting her a Ferret. And she's gonna love. I just know she will. This little guy will soon have a home and a loving owner.

I told everyone and they all agreed, so now we are heading back home.

When we walk through the door we see, Ms.Franklin, Diana, Barry, and Hazel, and Rebbie. I guess she came to visit. And then there is David. As in David Ruffin. From The Temptations.

I love the Temps, but David Ruffin is not particularly my favorite.



Another performance completed. Time for the interview.

Merv: That was a stellar performance. Do you mind if I ask, how many are they.

Merv Griffin asked Florence as he pointed the microphone towards her.

Florence: 16, if I'm not mistaken. Should we do role call?

Everyone: Yeah!

JJ: I'll start! I am JJ, and I'm the oldest. Plus I'm the better looking twin

Jiggy: Hi! I'm Jiggy Johnson. And my twin is an compulsive liar.

Florence: I'm Florence, but everyone calls me Flo. Cause I'm smooth.

She said ash she popped the collar to her sparkly bell bottom jumpsuit.

Jamie: They call me PJ, cause I'm polite and joyful.

Jiggy: No...it's cause you're always eatin' peanut butter and jelly.

The crowd started to laugh at their goofiness

Jamie: Ain't nobody tell you to put my business out there like that.

And from the audience was more hardy laughs.

Constance: I'm Constance. I'm a triplet.

Myrah: We shared a womb.

Serena: They call me Sparkle, cause I put shine you all.

She had a large smile on her face yet the silence was loud.

Myrah: I am a diva slash prodigy of many names. I go by Carol, Anne, Annie, Myrah, Fluffy, and more. But you can call me the one to put the groove in your feet.

Merv: You're a confident one aren't you?

Myrah: Well I'm talkin' to you, ain't I mister?

Her smooth southern accent had suddenly become a lot more noticeable. The audience let out more chuckles and giggles.

Teddy: You can calllll me smooth, like my dance moves.

Alice: You mean like Myrah's moves? You can't dance a lick.

Teddy: Neither can you!

Alice: I don't have to dance, just sing and look pretty. If you tried to do what I do the you would fail automatically.

Teddy: Whatever.

He mumbled underneath his breath as the crowed laughed, and the next sibling went on to introduce themselves.

Deena: I'm Denice, and Teddy and Theodore is my twin.

Teddy: Don't be giving out my full government name like that.

Deena: Whateva!

Vivian: I'm Viv.

Valerie: I'm Val.

Mika: I'm Mimi.

Malia: I'm tired.

Myrah: Your name fool.

Malia: I'm just speaking factually.

Teddy: That's a big name for someone who wears the bed.

Malia: That's a lie! I can't believe you. I have never been more disrespected in my life!

Alice: I'm Al. And mother loves me more.

Merv: So how.many of you shared the womb again?

Myrah: JJ and Jiggy are twins. CC, Serena and I are triplets. Deena and Teddy are twins. Viv and Val, and Mimi and Lia, are all twins.

Merv: Wow.

Jiggy: Momma be gettin' busy!

Merv: Okay, You guys are great entertainers and give all of your fans a show to remember. A lot of people love listening to you all. So my question is, what groups do you like to listen to?

Jiggy: The Isley Brothers.

Jacob: The Temps, and the Three degrees for sure.

Vivian: I personally like myself but if I had to choose it would be the Temps.

Teddy: I like the rolling stones, The Temps, Earth, Wind, and Fire, and Funkadelic.

Alice: I'll listen to anything that's on.

Mika: Same.

Malia: Ditto.

Deena: Earth, Wind, and Fire is more my jam.

Serena: The rolling stones.

Constance: Funkadelic.

Florence: Parliament- Funkadelic

Jamie: Tower of power, BeeGees, The pointer sisters and the gap band, are a few of my favs.

Valerie: BeeGees.

Myrah: BeeGees, The Gap Band, The Dazz Band, The Three Degrees, The Supremes, The Pointer Sisters, Earth Wind and Fire, Funkadelic, The Rolling Stones, The Isley Brothers. And my all time favorites that are tied in my heart, are the Jackson 5ive and The Temptations.

Merv: You have a very colorful taste in music, huh?

Myrah: Very much so.

Merv: You older kids are getting to the age where you are going to start wanting to go out and things of that nature. Do you older kids have any celebrity crushes?

Jiggy: I personally think Diana Ross is banging.

JJ: Florence Ballard is where it's at to me, personally.

Florence: Smokey Robinson is cute to me, very cute indeed.

Jamie: Mick Jagger is one of the cutest white boys I have ever met. But he is tied with Jermaine Jackson for sure.

Merv: You've met him before?

Jamie: Who? Mick? Definitely. It was backstage at a Rolling Stones concert.

Merv: What about you 3?

Constance: I personally think that Donny Osmond could be my future husband if I try hard enough.

Serena: ANDY GIBB! I'm gonna make it my mission to marry that man.

Myrah: You girls are nuts. I personally can't get enough of David Ruffin. I've met him time after time and still can't get used to it. I have his posters and everything.

Merv: What about someone closer to your age? We hear that this group is very close to the Jacksons.

Myrah: Michael, for sure. I'm also very close to Jermaine.

Merv: Any crushes?

Myrah: I am a lady who never kisses and tells.

The crowd was living for the attitude.

Merv: Well that's our time. Thank you guys for being here tonight.

Myrah: You are lucky to have us.

Merv: That I am. Ladies and gentlemen, The Johnson's Talent!

I stepped out of the car and ran into the house as quick as I could. Past the guest, and mother.

The aroma of the cabbage, baked Mac and cheese, and fried chicken were making my stomach do backflips, and my appetite grow. I hadn't eaten anything yet cause I decided to skip breakfast to have some time for myself.

I sat her gift in my room and waited at the bottom of the stairs in anticipation.

Soon the front door knob jiggled, and keys could be heard jingling from the other side if you were close enough.

The door then opened to reveal Jacob carrying a weak Myrah with Flo right behind them.

The room got so quiet that the silence became loud. Everyone was waiting patiently for the next action to occur.

JJ turned his head to the side a whispered something to Myrah and she responded by nodding her head up and down. Myrah unwrapped her legs from his waist as JJ carefully lowered her to the floor. Once her feet were on the floor her arms slid off from around his neck.

Once they were fully broken apart Myrah turned around and looked at all of the guest around the room, then her eyes landed on me.

We made eye contact about 12 seconds before everyone started giving her warm and welcoming embraces.

Once she made it through all of them it was my turn.

I walked up to her as she was set on meeting me half way. When I look at her again my heart drops. I feel weak in my knees and the butterflies in my stomach are making themselves known.

I then go up to her and wrap my arms around her torso. I lift her off the ground and spin her around about 4 times. I never want to let go. She's too special. I make sure I squeeze her as tight as I can.

I put her back on the ground but I don't let go. We stayed the way for around 2 minutes, then mother announced that it was dinner.

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