Head Over Heels - Steddie

By steddies

164K 4.8K 11.2K

"Do you want to fuck me, Harrington? Is that it?" Started: 5/7-22 More



7.8K 231 456
By steddies

"What's your plans after graduation?" Robin shoved in a carrot in her mouth as she spoke, almost choking on it and had to grab her juice box before she coughed to death. Steve rolled in his lips in a thin line as she swallowed the mess in her mouth, looking up at him like nothing had happens and a little blush on her cheeks.

"I don't know." Steve sighed and couldn't keep up with her eye contact anymore, so he looked around and got even more disappointed when he didn't find a special face in the crowd. He had waited for Eddie to enter the school canteen since the moment he and Robin stood in the lunch line. It had been twenty minutes and there was no sign of him, what so ever.

"You don't know?" Robin frowned.

"I don't know." He repeated and leaned over the table and grabbed one of her carrots and started eating on it without giving her frustrated face any attention. "I guess I'll just.. work all time on the video store. But we know my parent, they'll probably force me to go to some collage in England or Los Angeles." He sighed again. He didn't like talking about graduation, cause he wasn't even sure that he would graduate. Probably, but he would never be able to have good enough grades to enter one of the colleges his parents wanted him to go to. It would just end up with him disappointing them, or them paying his way in to some fancy school where he had to tuck his shirt in his pants. And he wanted neither of that.

"Really? My father want me to join his fish store, but my mother wants me to get into fashion, cause apparently she likes my fashion - which I sadly believe she's the only one who does." Robin groaned and rolled her eyes. Steve chuckled lightly, but his smile disappeared quite quickly.

"I can't believe we are gonna get out of this place in less than a month." He mumbled, looked around again searching for Eddie's face, but didn't find anything. He felt almost ashamed thinking about Eddie at this point, not because of normal shit like 'oh no I shouldn't be thinking about a boy like that'. More the fact that he invited Eddie to his house yesterday, kissed him, fell asleep with him, and then ended up finishing in his hand, and drive him to school the next morning. They hadn't bumped into each other since they said goodbye by the car, however, and it felt kind of strange. Steve couldn't believe the type of whiny little teenager he had become during the night, begging Eddie to touch him.

"Me neither.." Robin sighed softly. "Everyone says that the high school years are the ones you'll remember for life, but honestly, I don't think so. What have we done? Parting, of course, and compared to you, I haven't even gotten laid once." She crossed her arms over the table. Steve looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"That's because you're not openly gay, my friend. You have to tell the girls you want them so that they can realise that they want you too." Steve scoffed.

"Damn it, Dingus. You're so lucky to like the opposite sex."

Steve felt a lump getting tossed into his stomach when he heard Robin say it like that. She didn't knew about him and Eddie, well, no one did, except from Nancy. But even she didn't know that it had actually been things going on between them.

"Yeah, Rob.. about that. I was going to tell you earlier but I never really found the right time  and -"

"Can we join your minimised party over here?" Someone interrupted him and Steve could probably recognise the voice from everywhere. Both him and Robin looked up and saw Eddie, Mike and Dustin standing there with their lunch plates waiting for a respond. Both of them nodded in shock, not being able to say a word.

Dustin ruched to sit down next to Steve, started rambling about next Saturday while Steve payed his attention to where Eddie was sitting down - which was, to Steve's small disappointed, in front of him, pushed between Robin and Mike.

"So I was thinking maybe The Shining, cause I have felt this funny feeling ever since Eddie talked about swatching Coju, so -"

"It's Cujo, Henderson, and yeah I can fix." Steve sighed, glanced over at Eddie who was looking the over at Dustin, not giving Steve any attention at all.

"Stephen King movies are the best, I swear to Jesus H. Christ." Eddie smirked and grabbed a small piece of potato from his plate and threw it up in the air and catches it in his mouth by leaning backwards. He was still wearing the white T-shirt he was wearing when Steve opened the door yesterday, and it get butterflies in his stomach knowing that it was him who pulled it off just a couple of house ago.

"Then you should definitely join us. Movie nights at Steve's are like the bestest of best." Dustin said and then looked over at Mike and nodded to see that the invitation was for both of them. Steve just sat there and looked at them all while Robin slurped on her apple flavoured juice. It felt like Steve didn't have a saying in this, even though it was his house they were talking about, and he would no entirely feel bad if either Mike or Eddie joined their movie night on Saturday.

"I can't.. Grandma's birthday." Mike sighed.

"Wasn't that like three months ago?" Dustin whispered over the table and Mike gave him a 'shut up' look.

"If I'm allowed to drink beer, I'm in." Eddie cleared his throat and for the first time today, or we'll, since they left the car, he looked at Steve and smirked. He looked him up and down and Steve could slowly feel how a shoe was placed on top of his own.

"Y-yeah. As long as you don't give Dustin anything. I don't want him throwing up everywhere out of disgust." Steve laughed nervously. Eddie nodded smiling, his foot slowly and carefully starting to crawl it's way up his leg, making him feel like the little teenager he felt like the night before. Blushy, nervous and horny.

He knew very well that Eddie's confidence made him somewhat feel submissive, but he believed that even Eddie knew that Steve was gonna be the dominant one as fast as he gained the confidence to. Which Steve really hoped would build up every soon, cause he wanted to see Eddie on his most miserable, submissive state of mind. He wanted to see him being the one to beg for him, not the other way around.

"So you're in, Munson?" Steve moved on his seat so he sat properly, with a straight back and a smirk placed on his lips as he looked at Eddie. Eddie chuckled lightly and did the same thing, his foot disappearing from Steve's leg and his hands folded underneath his chin.

"I'm very much in, Harrington."

A very short chapter, but hopefully it'll end up a little longer when I edit it later. Thank you all for 40k reads ❤️

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