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"I saw Chrissy and Eddie together the other day." Steve said to Robin as they sat down together at his diner table waiting for Dustin and Eddie to arrive at his place.

"Yeah?" She was speaking with a cooked potato in her mouth. He nodded and took a big bite of his own potato. The top of his mouth burned a little but the pain disappeared as fast as he swallowed it.

"Yeah." He cleared his throat a little. "I asked Eddie about it yesterday in chemistry class and apparently, he's selling drugs to her." Robins eyes widened and she swallowed her potato, took a big sip of milk and looked at him absolutely speechless.

"Chrissy do drugs?" She asked surprised.

"Yep, well according to Eddie at least." Steve mumbled. He didn't really mind that Chrissy bought drugs, most teenagers their age did, but it did bother him a little that she bought them from none other than Eddie Munson. The freak, the "cult" leader, the.. He shook of the thought. "By the way, I bumped into Karen at the grocery store and she invited me for dinner tomorrow at their house." He knew Robin wouldn't be interested in the matter but he was desperate to have another topic to talk about. He had thought about Chrissy and Eddie too much already and didn't feel like giving it anymore of his energy.

"Ahhh her meatloaf is so good, wanna drool all over it." Robin rolled her eyes to the back and did a moan like sound, making Steve cringe on the other side of the table.

"Oh shut it, Buckley. My food is also delicious!" He wanted to give her a soft face slap, or hit her shoulder or something, but instead he placed his hand on the table in a movement of defense.

"Just saying, her food is too good sometimes."

He could just roll his eyes at her and laugh, his eyes wandering to the kitchen window.

Todays weather was almost just like yesterdays. It had been raining, a lot, and then the sun came up for a couple of hours with the smell of rain still playing around in the air like a thick layer of fog - something Steve liked from time to time. Nothing could ease a stressed mind better than nicotine, alcohol, sex or the smell of rain.

It had started to turn dark outside even though it was just around five pm, and Steve and Robin had just finished their dinner when the doorbell rung and Robin ran to open the door. Steve felt nervous, which surprised him a little. But it was probably normal. He, however, believed that he would have felt less nervous if he wouldn't have know that it was Eddie Munson and Dustin in his hall at this very moment while he put the dishes in the dishwasher.

Steve was wearing a navy blue shirt and a pair of jeans, cause for some reason he felt like he needed to dress up, but when he saw Robin come back to the kitchen followed by Eddie and Dustin, he regretted his choice of clothing immediately. They were both wearing their hellfire shirts, like he should have expected them to swear, along with Eddie's iconic vest on top of that and Dustin with a zipper hoodie hanging on his arm.

They just stood there and looked at each other for a couple of seconds before Dustin came up and threw his arms around Steve's chest and pushed him down to match his length. He could hear him mumble something, but didn't get the chance to ask him about it before he pulled away and ran back to the hall.

"We bought snacks!" Dustin shouted out as he came back with two big plastic bags of what seemed to be different kinds of chips and drinks. Steve had absolutely no idea what to say, which was unusual. If it was just him, Robin and Dustin he would probably have the problem of not being able to stop talking instead of the other way around. There was never a weird silence when he was with Robin and Dustin, cause all three of them loved talking. But knowing, and seeing, Eddie stand in his kitchen felt... really strange.

He had never imagined him even knowing where Steve lived, but when he thought about it he could get some sense of an old memory of Eddie walking around by the pool at one of Steve's old house parties with weird plastic bags. Which he now, afterwards, realise were drugs.

But seeing him standing here in his kitchen was an entire other experience. It made him realize just even harder how Eddie had started to become a bigger part of Steve's life, fast, and without breaks, and he had probably thought about him more these last four days than he had ever thought about someone within the same amount of time.

"You good there, Munson?" Steve nodded at Eddie who was standing silently behind Robin. Eddie looked at Steve and gave him a forced smile, nodding back at him. The room felt weirdly silent, and probably both Robin and Dustin understood the tension Steve and Eddie was putting each other through at the moment.

"Always." Eddie mumbled. Then he stepped forward, grabbed one of the plastic bags Dustin was holding and placed it on the kitchen table, starting to unpack it and place everything all over the table. Dustin joined in, and without saying a word, Steve and Robin glanced at each other and started going through every shelf in the kitchen looking for bowls to put the snacks in.

Less than half an hour later, all of the boys from the hellfire club was sitting around in Steve's living room, all of them probably surprised and slightly annoyed that they ended up in Steve Harringtons houses out of all peoples. No one in that group liked Steve. Mostly because he wasn't a D&D fan, and because he used to be a proper dickhead his first three years of high school.

Steve and Robin was sitting next to one another on the couch, watching as they played - mostly paying attention to Dustin, Mike and Lucas, and Eddie (whom was quite hard to ignore since he shouted out random things from time to time) and also because those were the only people who they knew the names of. Either of them understood absolutely nothing, and Steve couldn't even bother to try to understand anything as the game went on.

It was something wizard, something outlander, something dice here and something dice there. There was shouting and groaning, laughing and some more groaning and some more shouting.

Steve must have fell asleep, or lost all of his track of time, cause when he woke up, or started come back to sense again, all of the things was put away and most of the boys was already gone. Robin was waving people goodbye at the doorstep and Eddie, Dustin, Mike and Lucas was sitting around the living room table discussing what Steve guessed was the end of the campaign.

"Oh, good morning there, sweetheart." Eddie scoffed at him as he noticed him rubbing his eyes in the sofa. The other boys looked up at Steve and Dustin gave him one of his weird, big smiles before he stood up and grabbed his books. "Did you have a great nap?"

Steve sat up carefully as he nodded his yes in confusion.

"I really have to leave, dingus. My mom should be worried sick by now and if I don't go home she will call the polis and you know what happens if dad get-" Robin said over the room as she looked around searching for her bag. Steve's waved at her to shut up, made her stop rambling random words and still not fully awake and aware of what was happening. She ran up to him and gave him a kiss on his forehead and a small slap on the cheek before she ran back to the hall and shoved her shoes on. Steve could have given her a ride, but he knew none of them wanted to leave her bike standing on his driveway. They knew each other too well, and the bike would be standing there for at least a month until any of them realized it was better to make her bike home instead of Steve giving her a ride.

"Yeah, we should go as well. I said to mom that we would be home by twelve." Mike sighed and stood up from the floor, hanging his backpack on his right shoulder and his eyes laying on the clock hanging on the wall next to the tv. It was almost half past one already. No wonder I dozed off, Steve thought, they had been sitting there non stop since 6 pm.

Steve don't know how it happened, but Mike, Lucas and Dustin drove off on their bikes, and when he looked away from the door - where they had just walked out - and back to the living room, there was just Eddie sitting there absolutely staring back at him and scaring the absolutely shit out of him.

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