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"You trying to kill me, Munson?" Steve said with a very sleepy voice and shook his head in something that looked like disbelief. He then looked up at Eddie and saw him smirking at the other side of the table, looking back at Steve with his really dark brown eyes.

"You already know that, Harrington." Eddie scoffed at him. Steve rolled in his lips to a thin line, wondering if he should take that as a threat or Eddie trying to ease the tension between them.

"I can give you a ride home if you'd like." Steve looked around in the room and noticed the box full of stuff in it. He had a knot in his stomach telling him that Eddie would walk home, and he honestly didn't like the thought of that at all, even though he didn't look forward to sitting in his car with him all alone.

"Nah, I'll walk home." Eddie looked disappointed with something as he spoke.

"Oh shut it, dude. Just tell me where you live and I'll give you a ride." Steve looked at him and rolled his pink lips into a thin line. The hesitation in Eddie's eyes was really clear and it looked like he was standing on a decision between life and death in front of him. "It's no big deal." Steve added and looked him in the eyes with the best amount of confidence that he could build up in five minutes. He had actually no confidence at all sitting in his own living room with "the freak" Munson in front of him. Eddie stayed quiet for a short while, looking around and you could see him play with his rings under the glass table. Steve watched him carefully.

"Alright, then." Eddie sighed and stood up from the floor. Steve gave him a soft smile and pushed himself up from the soft couch, his body was all stiff and rough from sitting for too long, and he did his best to not stretch and put them both in a weird situation that none of them would know how to handle or get out of.

They walked out from the house in silence, the only sound that could be heard being the sound of shoes against the wet asphalt and the sound of Steve's keys playing around his fingers. They sat down in the car, Eddie clenching his grip around the box feeling more nervous than ever.

"The trailer park-"

"Where Max lives?"

"Mayfield? Yeah, yeah." Eddie closed the passenger door as Steve started the engine and started to drive out from the driveway. "It was her brother who died in that mall fire last year, right?" Eddie said, almost desperate to make conversation, but afterwards realized that it might just had been better if he had kept his mouth shut this time.

Steve swallowed, his grip around the steering wheel getting a little wetter and tighter as he nodded. "Yeah. That was.. Billy." He mumbled and kept his eyes on the road. He didn't like to talk about Billy because of their heavy past together, and he didn't like driving at night either. Sure, it could be fun sometimes but most of the times it was just scary.

"Oh, you were friends?" Eddie asked. It sounded like he had gotten interested at the topic and Steve couldn't help but to feel a relief inside his chest.

"Absolutely not." Steve chuckled softly.

"Oh.. you were.. lovers?" Eddie said somewhat anxiously. Steve felt taken aback and couldn't help but to snap a look at Eddie with widened eyes. Eddie looked at him with a serious face.

"N-No. Enemies, Munson. Me and Billy were enemies."


The ride to the trailer park (where most of the druggies in town lived) was quiet. Both boys felt relieved by the silence, after almost eight straight hours of screaming and being social. Just the sound of the wheels rolling over the wet asphalt, and the wind blowing outside the windows. Just Steve and Eddie. In Steve's car. Eddie the Freak Munson in Steve the King Harrington's car. The Freak and the King.

Head Over Heels - SteddieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant