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They looked at each other, Steve swallowing hard as he leaned in the last centimetre, feeling their nose tips getting pushed together - causing it to run down another wave of goosebumps trough his nerves. He was worried what Eddie would do next, and how he would respond, cause there was a thousand of things they could do next and Steve weren't prepared for any of it.

And after a minute or two, he could feel how Eddie's hand slides down to his waist and how his other arm grabbed him, pushing them together in a tight hug. Their chest's were pressed together, and each other's faces dug into each other's necks and shoulders.

Steve could finally really smell Eddie, his body scent. How he smelled without perfume, and standing there hugging Eddie, he had never been happier to smell someone else, or felt as close to someone else either. It finally felt like he was close to him, like they had both connected on the same line and understood each other's thinking.

Eddie swallow before he slowly took a step backwards and released Steve from his grip, leaving him feeling cold and lonely where he was standing.

"Let's not make impulsive decisions, Harrington." Eddie mumbled low, placed a hand on his forehead and then let it slide up and run his fingers through his hair. He looked really handsome, and stressed, which made Steve's stomach both hurt and tickle at the same time.

"No, of course." Steve felt like he snapped back to reality again after the hug, stepped backwards towards the door as he shook his head. "I'm just tired. I should just go home so we can forget about the whole thing and go back to nor-"

"Do you ever stop talking?" Eddie stepped forward and grabbed Steve by his wrist, giving him a harsh look before he started dragging him towards a door down the hall. "I'm not gonna let you go home and pretend that I don't exist for the rest of our lives. Not after this." He muttered as he opened the door, exposing his bedroom and pushed Steve inside before closing the door. "You're gonna stay the night, no matter if we end up sucking dick or watching my little pony, understood?"

Steve sat down on the edge of Eddie's mattress and looked up at him, nodding. He felt very confused and speechless, looking around and frowning by the smell of weed. It was clothes a little everywhere, posters on the walls and a very pretty guitar hanging in front of a mirror. He could see in the corner of his eye that Eddie was sitting down next to him, but he kept his eyes away from him - mostly because he was afraid of what would happen if he looked at him.

He was sitting on a mattress on the floor, in Eddie Munson's bedroom, with Eddie himself, and had just confessed that he had, or did, indeed wanted to do really naughty things with him. Steve felt ashamed of himself, and of his behaviour and his way of thinking.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you today." Eddie whispered low, slowly leaning in towards Steve's shoulder and ear. "Let's not hurry with it, okay?" He continued. Steve swallowed and nodded. It might just be the best, keeping things slow. Even though he still wanted to push Eddie against the mattress they were sitting on and lick every centimetre of his innocent little body, he knew inside that he wasn't ready to do that.

"Okay." Steve repeated. He crawled up on the mattress and leaned towards the wall. He looked at Eddie before closing his eyes, stretching out his neck and inhaled a deep breath to calm his nerves. "I'm sorry. I don't know what've gotten into me." He muttered and embraced his arms around his chest and stomach. He did really feel ashamed of himself.

"That's alright." Eddie sighed before he crawled up the mattress to sit next to his guest. He glanced down on Steve's hand before he grabbed a couple of his fingers and started stroking the back of his hand with his thumb in a calming rhythm. "I want to do it.. too." He mumbled soft in a whisper, feeling embarrassed about how soft he had gotten after the hug they had shared.

"You do?" Steve opened his eyes and looked at Eddie. Eddie nodded with a soft smile.

"If you wanna know the truth, the thought hit me already in chemistry class when you touched me on my thigh." He laughed lightly, and Steve looked at him and gave out a small chuckle. "It's a little embarrassing saying it out loud." He continued, still stroking the back of Steve's hand. He didn't know if it was for Steve's or his own comfort by now.

"Yeah, I embarrassed myself quite a lot out there as well.." Steve nodded to the hall and Eddie could sense a pink colour appearing on his cheeks, making him smile just even more. "But... yeah let's do it.." Steve swallowed and looked at Eddie. "Slow, yeah? I have a lot to figure out about myself and I don't know how long that's gonna take and I just wanna be sure before I do something crazy but I still don't wanna bother you and-"



"Shut up, okay?"


They looked at each other, eyes wandering all over each other's faces, taking in each other's facial features and eye colour. Both of them could feel their heart pounding inside their chest, and Eddie's grip around Steve's hand got a little tighter. Steve wanted to kiss him badly, but all he could think about was on their conversation about taking things slow they shared just a minute ago.

"I have to admit." Eddie mumbled. "I really thought you and Buckley had a relationship or something." He chuckled lightly. Steve rolled his eyes with a smile and looked away.

"Haha, I figured." He licked his dry lips. "I did like her for a while.. until I found out she doesn't.. sway that way." He looked at Eddie, still smiling. Eddie's eyes widened a little when he finally realised what Steve was pointing at, his mouth opening to say something but absolutely nothing came out. Just a little sound of stuttering and quick breathing.

"Why didn't I know this earlier?!" Eddie threw back his head in laughter. "I've known Robin for years and she hasn't even pointed me in that direction once!" He laughed a little more but Steve could see on his face that he was being serious.

"Wait, you know Rob?"

"Hmm, yeah. Not so much but we have been in the same class since kindergarten." Eddie answered, shrugging on his shoulder. Steve felt a little surprised not hearing that from Robin, his absolute best friend, but he decided to shake it off and ask her about it tomorrow at school instead.

"I see." He mumbled. He crawled down on the mattress and laid down. He hadn't realised how tired he was until he laid on top of Eddie's duvet and his head supported against his pillow. Eddie looked down on him, and followed his movement with hesitation. He had no idea what Steve was comfortable with, but eventually laid behind him, his hand slowly sliding around his waist.

"This feels.. nice." Steve mumbled quietly. His eyes felt sleepy and heavy, and he couldn't cope with keeping them open anymore. The feeling of Eddie's arm around his waist, his chest against his back and his breath against his neck made it all way too hard.

He could be sure that Eddie had said something in return, but he couldn't remember. He had dozed off almost immediately and slept better than he could remember ever doing before.

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