Ever After High: A Wonderful...

By Morning_Blankets

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Y/N Ozymandias, son of the Wizard of Oz, and his friends at Ever After High return for more Royal Vs. Rebel s... More

The Neutral's Return
Ever Academy
An Evil Alliance
The Tale of Two Brothers
The Boulevard
The Way Home
Spring Unsprung Begins
A Bit Of Chaos
Tasty Wonder
Cook Off
Topsy-Turvy Trouble
Save The Wonder!
On A Train With A Hare
The Jabberwock 2: Electric Boogaloo
Card Tricks
Jester's Wild
Shuffle The Deck
A Royal Flush
Back Home
An Interview With A Princess
A Boys Camping Trip
Another (After)Life
A Big Family Secret
Shatter The Mirror
Here There Be Dragons
The Ones We Knew
Dragon Games
Into The Woods
Destiny Calls
Battle For Ever After High
Life Goes On

The Fellowship of The Waterfall

984 39 25
By Morning_Blankets

You found yourself laying on the soft grass once again. You looked around the area before sitting up. You pushed yourself up to your feet and looked around.

Y/N: This again?

Your voice began to echo but you didn't quite care. This was just a dream.

Still, you wondered around until you reached the lamp post again. This time, there was a present waiting for you. It was a about a size of a regular hexbook that was wrapped in brown paper and held together by a string. You kneeled down and picked it up.

You untied the string and began to open the paper. Inside the box was a series of pictures and a letter. You were confused by this since you had never seen these pictures before.

You shuffled through the photos. They looked like places you had never been to before. A canyon wall in the middle of a sand desert, a snow covered landscape with a single building in the middle of it, a waterfall in the middle of a beautiful lake, and an old castle in the middle of a grass plain.

You finally came across the letter and read it.

To prevent another Fall brought on by blood, find the treasures that were long lost. Weapons to defend the kingdoms located in safe vaults. The four shall wield the light.


Y/N: A? Who is A?

Before you could get an answer, there was a loud noise. You turned around as the noises got closer again. You took a step back, but fall backwards, landing on a hardwood floor.

You groaned while the rest of the class laughed. You slowly sat up and held your head while Professor Jack stared down at you.

Jack: Mr. Ozmandias, you have a nice dream?

You looked up at him and awkwardly smiled. He left you off with a warning and you sat back down while Hunter laughed. You rubbed the back of your head.

Hunter: Can't be falling asleep in class, man.

Y/N: Yeah. I know.

You groaned as you rolled your head.

Hunter: What's up with the drawings?

You looked at him confused before looking down at your notebook. On it were picture perfect recreations of the pictures you saw in your dream.

Hunter looked them over before pointing at the one with a waterfall.

Hunter: Hey, I know that place.

Y/N: You do?

Hunter: Yeah. It's a waterfall near my place. Me and my dad used to always try to swim out to the waterfall, but the current was too strong, even for us.

You looked at the picture confused. A strong current around a waterfall that even the Huntsmen couldn't get through? Seems like something was hiding there.

Something like a treasure.

Y/N: You think you could take me to it?

Hunter looked at you surpised.

Lizzie: So, you are leaving for a few days to go visit Hunter's family?

You stopped packing and thought about it. You then nodded.

Y/N: Yeah.

Lizzie: Right. And should I be worried about that?

You stopped again and thought about it. A treasure hunt to look for something that you had a dream about which was located behind a waterfall that is protected by a powerful current.

Y/N: N-No?

Lizzie: That's not very reassuring.

Y/N: Yeah....

You just went back to packing.

Lizzie sat on your bed and watched you.

Lizzie: Did Headmaster Grimm approve of your absence?

Y/N: Since when did I care about what he had to say?

Lizzie: That is true. And Step Headmaster Grimm?

Y/N: Gildes was cool with it.

Lizzie: Wonderlandiful!

She went back to drinking her tea.

The plan was simple. You and Hunter would head back to Hunter's home by way of the Wishing Well, not the Wonder Well, and track to the water fall from your dreams. However, when you opened your door, you found someone standing there on the otherside.

Thier knuckle came down and hit you in the nose, making you stumble back with a wince.

Cerise: Oh crap! I'm so sorry! I was going to knock!

You held your nose and waved off her concern.

Lizzie: Cerise, what are you doing here? Did you need Ozzie?

Cerise looked to the shorter girl and smirked.

Cerise: "Ozzie" huh? I love that you two are already so comfortable with each other.

Lizzie blushed and instead took a step so that you were blocking her view. She was still a bit awkward about the whole couple thing.

Cerise: But, yeah. I needed to talk to Y/N.

Y/N: Well, what's going on? I was just about to take off.

Cerise: That's the thing. I was wondering if I could go along too? I mean, I know you and Hunter are going on a quest, but I can be useful.

You raised a brow and thought about it. It could be nice to have the extra help incase something else was going on. Plus, the more the merrier, right?

You shrugged with a smirk.

Y/N: Alright. Welcome to the Fellowship of the...uh...Waterfall?

You should Cerise's hand and turned back to Lizzie. You leaned down and kissed her head before winking to her.

Y/N: See you when I get back, Princess.

Lizzie: Do be careful.

You nodded and started to head over to Hunter and Dexter's room.
Ashlynn: You're leaving?

Hunter awkwardly stood there at her door before shrugging.

Hunter: Yeah? I mean, I'm helping Y/N with this thing. We're leaving in a little bit.

He came by Ashlynn's room to say his goodbyes, but she seemed less than thrilled with with the idea. She had nothing against you, she absolutely loved and trusted you, but to have her boyfriend just up and leave without any warning was too much.

Ashlynn: What about our date?

Hunter: We can reschedule. I'm only going to be gone a day or two.

Ashlynn couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Hunter: But, uh, we could go to that place you like. The vegan one with those salads. My treat.

Ashlynn just crossed her arms.

Ashlynn: Have fun. I'll see you when you get back.

She turned and closed the door behind her. Hunter sighed just as he heard someone approaching. He looked down the hall to see you and Cerise heading his way.

Y/N: Hey. Dex said we would find you here.

Cerise: Saying goodbye to Ashlynn?

Hunter just pulled his bag tighter and walked your way. His ax was packed and he even had an extra cloak. He stopped and looked at Cerise.

Hunter: You're coming too?

Cerise nodded.

Hunter: Alright. Let's go then.

The three of you headed out. Most of the student body were in class or spending their free period resting, so no one was really around at the moment. This was probably why no one was panicking when Legend suddenly landed on the empty courtyard.

Legend: <Roar!>

The three of you lifted your arms to defend against the gust of wind by her wings. The dragon lowered her head towards the three of you.

Hunter: Uh, anyone here speak dragon?

Cerise shook her head. You, however, smiled as you approached the beast.

Y/N: I don't, but I don't think we need to.

You held a hand out and Legend gently touched it with her nose.

Y/N: I don't think we'll need the Wishing Well.

Cerise and Hunter both looked at each other in worry.

The three of you held on as Legend flew you all towards the Kingdom of Glass. The Huntsmen clan lived on the outskirts of the kingdom as explained to you by Hunter. That would also mean that the Hoods and the Wolves lived in the next kingdom over, the Rose Kingdom.

The last time you were even remotely near that place was when you and Cerise visited her mother for Yester Day. That visit didn't exactly end well, you recalled.

Cerise: I prefer to travel by foot, but this is a pretty nice alternative. I wonder why she's helping us, though.

Hunter: It doesn't matter! Tell her to hurry up and put us down!

Y/N: Cerise makes a good point. I always figured Legend was Daring's dragon.

Legend let out a noise that you couldn't translate. Though, it did seem like she was trying to tell you something. You didn't speak dragon and none of you had any actual access to magic.

Before long, Legend flew down and landed in a clearing and you all got off. Hunter dropped to his hands and knees and began to kiss the ground.

Hunter: Sweet sweet solid land. I'll never take you for granted again.

You and Cerise both sighed in embarrassment. While Cerise helped Hunter recover, you petted Legend and thanked her for the ride. She would be staying around to take you all back when you were ready.

Once Hunter was able to stand on his own two feet, the three of you started your way toward Hunter's home. You didn't know much about his family except that his father was the Huntsman that nearly killed Mr. Badwolf during their story.

You wondered if that would cause a problem for Cerise since that was her father.

Cerise: You excited to see your family?

Hunter: Uh, a bit. I mean, I can't exactly tell them about Ashlynn or that I have my own idea for what destiny I want, but it'll be nice to see Fern.

You looked back as you walked forward.

Y/N: Fern?

Hunter: My little sister.

You didn't even know that he had a little sister. He did tell them that you would be there, but you began to wonder how they would react to seeing you and Cerise.

The hike was a bit long, but the trail was clear and you were able to get there early with Hunter's guidance. You realized you were close when you saw a trail of smoke over the trees.

You reached a clearing and found a small cabin in the center. The Huntsmen home.

As you approached it, the front door opened and you all came to a stop. A man of epic size stepped out of the home holding a large ax over his shoulder. His beard was full and his shoulders were broad. He wore a red fannel with a pair of overalls. His bicep was probably the size of your head.

He stopped when he noticed the three of you. His eyes traveled from you to Cerise and finally to Hunter. Hunter stood firm and took a deep breath.

Hunter: Hello, Father. I'm home.
The three of you sat at a wooden table inside of the cabin. You realized that there were three rooms in the whole building. Two bedrooms and a center room where the cooking, dining, relaxing, and carving was done. A stone fireplace was the source of the smoke you had seen outside.

Hunter's father, the famous Huntsman himself, stirred a stew that he had been preparing over the fire while you watched. He didn't say much other than to have a seat. But, after a while in silence, he set down three bowls of stew onto the table.

Huntsman: Welcome to our home. You must be the Ozzian I've heard so much about.

You nodded and greeted the man properly.

Y/N: I am. Thank you for welcoming us into your home, sir.

The Huntsman grunted before turning to Cerise.

Huntsman: How is your mother, Ms. Hood?

Cerise suddenly sat up.

Cerise: Uh, she's good, sir. She sends her regards.

Huntsman: Does she even know you're here?

Cerise looked to you and Hunter before lowering her head. The Huntsman grunted and went back to poking the fire. You were starting to understand why Hunter never really talked about his family.

Huntsman: Hunter said you were going to the Crystal Lake to get to the waterfall.

Y/N: Yes, sir. We think there's something behind the waterfall. Like a treasure.

Huntsman: And you think it's a good idea to try and fight the current? It was placed there for a reason, you know.

You had figured as much. But that would just mean that there really was something to find.

Huntsman: Even if you did get through the current, you would have to face the monster that dwells there.

Cerise nearly choked on her stew while Hunter lifted his head in surpise. He had been swimming in that lake since he was a child. Was there really a monster there this whole time?

You were also at a lost of what to say. You weren't expecting some kind of monster guarding whatever you were looking for. Then again, you also had no idea what you were really looking for.

Luckily you did pack the Vorpal Blade and Cerise could hold her own. Hunter couldn't bring himself to hurt animals, so you were a bit worried about him. Still, he was reliable when it came to it.

Cerise: So, there's a monster behind the waterfall? The same one we're going to?

The Huntsman grunted. You looked to Hunter.

Y/N: Your father isn't a man of many words, is he?

Hunter: You get used to it.

The Huntsman stood back up and walked over to the other bedroom. He apporched a wall and took something off of it. He then returned to the main room and set it down on the table. It was a dagger of some kind. A well crafted one.

Huntsman: Take this. You'll have some kind of protection.

Cerise hesitated for a second before reaching out and taking it.

Cerise: Thank you, sir.

Huntsman: You kids eat your fill before going out.

He began to head out, but Hunter got up and quickly followed to stop him.

Hunter: Uh, wait up, dad.

The Huntsman stopped and Hunter suddenly realized he had no idea what to say. He stopped and looked over to you and Cerise. You both signaled for him to go ahead.

Hunter: Uh...I....

The Huntsman looked down at him and waited for what he had to say.

Hunter: I....I...I have a girlfriend.

The Huntsman grunted.

Hunter: And she's really great and we're doing really good and...and she's Ashlynn Ella.

The Huntsman didn't say anything. He just stood there and stared at Hunter. He then nodded and left the cabin. Hunter was left standing there alone, trying to figure out what he father was feeling about the situation.

Y/N: That went....well?

Cerise: Did it? I mean, does he know who Ashlynn is?

Hunter: Uh, yeah. Her mom rules over this kingdom. He was there for her baby shower.

Hunter placed a hand behind his head and tried to find out why his father didn't react more strongly. He was literally dating the princess of the kingdom.

But, more than that, he was steering off of his story.

Y/N: You alright?

Hunter didn't respond at first. After a second or two, he nodded and returned to the table. He sat down and began to eat his stew while you and Cerise looked at each other worried.
The three of your had to hike up a trail leading over the hill before transversing through the forest some more. After a while, even Cerise was getting tired of all the walking.

Cerise: This is madness. Why didn't we have Legend fly us there?

Hunter: Because we don't need to be off the ground longer than necessary! And besides, we're almost there. It's right over this hill, actually.

Cerise groaned, and you wanted to do so as well, but Hunter turned out to be telling the truth. You all reached the top of the hill and found the lake, just like he said. And, sure enough, in the center of the lake was a hole with the water falling down, creating a waterfall into whatever was down below.

Y/N: Alright. I hope you all brought your swimsuits.

Cerise: Now might be a good time that I can only doggy paddle.

You and Hunter bother looked at her as she smiled like a goofball. She then frowned when no one laughed. She crossed her arms and pouted.

Cerise: Yeah, I got my swimsuit.

You all headed down and reached the bank of the lake. No one else was around, so you all began to change. Cerise left for privacy while you and Hunter changed on the bank.

You wore your light green swim trunks while Hunter wore dark green ones with a forest type design. You strapped the Vorpal Blade securely on your back while Hunter kept his ax by his wasit. After a while, Cerise came back wearing a red swimsuit. Her ears were in full view, which Hunter stared at.

Cerise: Do you mind?

Hunter blinked and realized what he was doing.

Hunter: Uh, sorry. Still trying to get used to them.

Cerise rolled her eyes and strapped the dagger to her thigh. You all looked out to the water and recalled the words that the Huntsman told you. There was a monster down there protecting...whatever was down there.

But, it was a treasure that could help you against Oswalt. It was a risk, but one you were willing to take. And Cerise and Hunter had already made it clear that they had your back.

Y/N: Alright. First thing's first. We need to get to that waterfall.

Cerise: Do we have a plan for when we do? We don't even know how far it falls or what's even down there.

Hunter: We'll have to wing it. That current is going to do all it can to try and stop us. Even the most powerful witches couldn't get past it.

You lifted your head at his words.

Y/N: Wait, you think it's magic?

Hunter shrugged.

Hunter: It's likely. I mean, it could be why no one has ever been able to get through it.

Cerise: Why? You have a plan?

You smirked as you lifted your hand. Your ring shined brightly in the sunlight.

Y/N: And I'm the best swimmer.

You all entered the water and they grabbed a hold of your hands. You took a deep breath and dove under the water and began to swim as you dragged Cerise and Hunter along with you.

This body wasn't as strong as your old one was, but you still knew the movements and you were still able to pull the weight of two people. One of the benefits of being a pirate. You were always deep sea diving for lost treasure.

As you swam closer, you found the current to start to pick up. As a matter of fact, it seemed to be swirling around like a whirlpool. Only, the water was pushing out, not in.

While you were unaffected thanks to your ring, Hunter and Cerise were being pulled by the current which began to drag you along. You held firm and swam forward, but it was difficult.

Still, you pressed on. You swam as hard as you could while your ring did it's best to try and fight off the powerful magic. But this magic, something about it was strange. It felt different.


Almost like Baba Yaga's.

Hunter began to gasp as he lost his breath and the water began to suffocate him. Suddenly, you lost your grip on both Cerise and Hunter when you felt your ring react. The gem began to Crack as you found yourself getting dragged by the current.

You thrashed around violently in the water, air leaving your lungs and being replaced by water. You grabbed your throat to try and fight it, but you were suddenly hit by a stray leg that belonged to Cerise. The three of you couldn't escape the current anymore. You were trapped.

Cerise began to panic before she realized that the three of you weren't moving outwards or inwards. You were just in the whirlpool. You had gotten them half way there. Thinking quickly, she reached her arm out and grabbed the first person she came across.

She propelled Hunter forward and the current dragged him into the hole and down the waterfall. He yelled the entire way down before he landed into the pool of water down below. Cerise then grabbed you and realized that you were drowning.

She quickly grabbed your face and slammed her lips against yours, giving you air to breathe again. You were able to focus once again and grabbed Cerise. You forced yourself forward and got caught by the current that sent you both falling down the hole.

Like Hunter, you and Cerise both screamed the whole way down before splashing into the pool of water.

You both quickly swam to the surface and gasped for air as Huhter dragged himself to the shore. He coughed and spat out some water before he looked back to see you and Cerise swimming towards him. You both emerged from the water and stumbled before dropping to your knees. Cerise shook herself off before running a hand through her hair.

Hunter: Worst swim ever.

Cerise agreed while you looked up. You rose to your feet and looked around for a moment.

Y/N: Whoa.

Cerise: Where are we?

Hunter: And how are we going to get back?

He looked up to see that there wasn't any real way to get back up to the way you came. But you were more interested in the ruins around you. They looked old. Older than any other place you had seen around Ever After.

The markings on the stone were strange too.

You walked along the stone steps as Cerise and Hunter followed. In the center of it all, on a stone slab with an elegant design, laid two things.

The first thing was a shield. It was seemingly untouched by the water and had no rust. You lifted it up to get a better look at it.

You gently moved it around to examine it. After a moment, you set it down against the slab and looked at the other thing. It appeared to be a sword.

You picked it up and held it up to the light as Cerise and Hunter watched.

It felt so light in your hands. It was the perfect size for you as well. Almost like it was made for you. You slowly swung it around a bit before you smiled.

Cerise: Wicked.

Hunter: Is this the treasue? A sword and a shield?

You picked up the shield and held it in your free hand while you looked around the cavern.

Y/N: Hey, I thought there was supposed to be a monster here.

Cerise and Hunter also began to look around, but there was no sign of any life. As you all spun around to try and see if there was anything waiting for you, you all failed to miss the massive fin slowly emerging from the water as it circled around the center where you were all standing.

You all faced forward as something peeked it's head through the waterfall. You heard a low growl and slowly turned around to find the beast looking down at you.

Beast: <Rattling>

Cerise: What the hex is that?!

The monster snarled and opened it's mouth wide, diving straight towards the three of you. You all dove separate ways as the creature crashed into the ruins, destroying them. You slipped the sword and shield onto your back and pulled out the Vorpal Blade.

Hunter pulled out his ax and Cerise pulled her dagger. You all faced the creature as it began to circle the room. It was massive, larger than even the Jabberwock.

Hunter: What is this thing?! A Leviathan?!

Cerise: Those died out ages ago!

Hunter: You wanna tell him that?

The monster moved to attack Cerise, but she ran off, dodging the creature. She spun around and stabbed her dagger into it's skin. The creature didn't seem to care as it snapped again, trying to catch her in it's jaws.

Cerise leaped back as Hunter came charging forward with his ax held high. He slammed it down on the creature, but the creature knocked him away with it's head.

You snuck behind the beast and ran up it's back. You leaped up and stabbed the Vorpal Blade into it's head. The armor around the beast's head was thick, however, and your sword got stuck.

The creature shook you off of it and sent you falling back into the water below.

Cerise: Y/N!

The monster ducked back into the water and began to circle around you in the darker parts of the water. The only light came from the hole up above. You could only make out the silhouette of the monster as it taunted you.

Your eyes grew wide when the creature suddenly swam right towards you.

Hunter rose to his feet and picked up his ax again. He looked around the water as he tried to find you. Cerise also ran up along the walls to try and get a better angle. However, their search ended when the creature rose up from the water, breaking the waterfall.

You held onto the Vorpal Blade as the creature tried to shake you off. You didn't let go. You gritted your teeth and held on tight as your ring gem began to crack even more.

You then had an idea. You firmly placed your foot against the head of the beast and pulled the Vorpal Blade loose. You fell to the ground below but stabbed the Vorpal Blade into the ruins to slow you down. Cerise used this opening to leap off of her place against the wall and stab into the beast. As it trashed around, Hunter moved in and made a clean cut through it's skin.

You placed the Vorpal Blade back to your back before pulling out the Sword and Shield. You held them both firmly as the monster stayed focused on Hunter and Cerise.

Y/N: On me!

Cerise and Hunter ran towards you and the monster followed. They both hurried behind you as you lifted your sword up with your shield. The monster let out a mighty roar, so you let out one of your own.

And in one clean slice, as if the sword guided your hand, you beheaded the creature. It's massive body slammed down into the water. The massive splash covered the three of you in water which began to fill the room. Soon enough, more water began to flood in.

Hunter: Uh, guys?

Cerise: The spell must be broken now. The water is rising!

The three of you began to get lifted up by the water and pushed through the hole. Then, without warning, the water shot the three of you out and into the air. You all screamed as you began to fall down back into the lake.

You all clashed down and landed safely into the lake where you all swam up. You all looked at each other then the lake around you. It was back to being as calm as before. You all then began to smile.

Y/N: We did it. We did it!

Cerise: We did it!

Hunter: Whooo!

Cerise: Ahooooooooo!

Y/N: Yeah!

You all began to cheer in hexcitment over your victory. You had found the treasure, defeated the monster, and lived.

This was a day to celebrate.
The three of you walked back to the cabin with smiles and laughter. The sword and shield were safely secured in your pack while the Vorpal Blade hung on your hip. Cerise and Hunter were also in high spirits.

When you reached the cabin, however, you found three people sitting outside. The Huntsman, a woman who looked like him minus the beard and with longer hair, and a baby girl who was swinging around a toy ax.

You all came to a stop as they turned to you. The Huntsman stood up and walked over to his son. He looked to you, noticing the new weaponry, before turning back to Hunter.

Huntsman: I take it you succeeded?

Hunter nodded. The Huntsman didn't say anything at first. Then, he kneeled down and he hugged his son. Hunter went stiff at first and looked to you. Cerise gestured for him to hug back, which he eventually did.

Huntsman: I'm proud of you, son.

Hunter's eyes went wide.

Hunter: W-What?

The Huntsman pulled away, but held his son's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

Huntsman: You are strong. You are willing to take life and make your own way. Just, make sure you let Ashlynn that you love her and that you care, alright?

Hunter was at a lost for words. His eyes began to water, but he held back his tears. He sniffed and nodded to his father. The Huntsman patted his shoulder and stood back up.

Huntsman: Now come. Your mother made you and your friends a feast. With, uh, vegetarian options for you.

He nodded to Hunter.

Huntsman: And plenty of meat for you.

He nodded to Cerise. Cerise's eyes grew wide, but the Huntsman held up his hand.

Huntsman: I am good friends with your mother. I already know. You can be yourself here.

Cerise smiled and followed the large man to the table. You also followed along, hexcited to meet Hunter's mother and sister.

And that evening, the three of you feasted. You took Legend back to Ever After and managed to get back before curfew. From there, the three of you parted ways to your own rooms, though Hunter made a brief detour.

Ashlynn opened her door when she heard someone knocking. She was surpised to find Hunter standing there with a full bouquet of wild flowers that he had picked himself.

Across the dorms, you placed the sword and shield against your wall and took a seat on your bed. You smiled, happy that thing were finally going your way against Oswalt.

You then looked down at your ring. The crack was pretty bad, but it still held and the magic barrier was still active. For now, it was still good.

You decided to get some sleep. You had earned it, after all.

The End Is Just The Beginning......

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