Molly's school misery

By schoolboytales

2.3K 15 13

*Unofficial fanfiction. I don't own any rights to No Good Nick (which I love), all rights are with Netflix* F... More

Introducing the cast
Chapter 1: Fake friends?
Chapter 2: Art class humiliation
Chapter 3: They get meaner
Chapter 5: Begging to be friends again
Chapter 6: The teacher who saw everything
Chapter 7: 'Have fun with you and your lonely ass'
Chapter 8: Mercy dash
Chapter 9: 'You should never be embarrassed'
Chapter 10: Facing Nick after everything
Chapter 11 (Finale): Settling the score

Chapter 4: Molly gets completely owned

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By schoolboytales

Friday afternoon finally arrived. As soon as school ended that day, Becky, Tamika and Xuan raced to take their places outside the school building while Nick stayed behind to make sure that Molly walked in the right direction. And with those three girls counting on her, Nick was ready to do anything to make sure that Molly was in the right place at the right time. 

As soon as Molly saw Nick watching and besetting her at the end of class, she looked very scared and was about to dart off in the other direction. 

Nick had only seconds to decide what to do - it was either: physically drag the weak girl downstairs where the others were waiting, or befriend her and pretend to make up with her. A lot was riding on this. 

Molly (right) waitresses at her mommy's restaurant with her smug older brother Jeremy (centre) and Nick (left) also helps out there some nights

But Nick had one important bargaining chip: the jacket. Little would Molly know, of course, that it had been seriously vandalised since she last saw it.

"Hey, Molly, don't worry, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, actually," Nick opened, making it up as she went along.

"Wait, what?", Molly replied, sceptical.

Nick: "Yeah I'm sorry that we've been bullying you. I'm going to tell the others to stop doing it because it's not nice.... and yeah, you don't deserve it."

Molly: "Well thank you. I don't deserve it."

She did deserve it though, Nick thought to herself. But she bit her lip and spun the next lie.  

Nick: "Yeah and we can be friends again if you want."

Molly was so happy she was smiling from ear to ear. "Really?? But what about the others?"

"Don't worry they will stop as well. Actually they want to meet you outside now, to give you back your jacket and say sorry", replied Nick, lying through her teeth. 

"Wait, why are they outside? Why didn't they just talk to me here?", Molly asked anxiously. 

"Well," Nick explained, "they thought this would be better coming from me first, as we're close, you know? They're all reallyyyy sorry, you know, and actually... oh maybe I shouldn't say."

"It's ok, go on", Molly said, intrigued. 

 "Well they're a bit nervous that you might not accept their apology, to be honest," Nick said quietly.

Taken in hook, line and sinker, Molly relaxed her guard completely , responding: "Ohh reallyyyy? Well I should go and talk to them, then. Of course I will accept their apology. I just want us all to be friends again, you know?"

"I know," said Nick as she hugged Molly.

Nick led Molly downstairs and out a back entrance of the school, into a quiet courtyard that was only ever used for deliveries to the school canteen. They were chatting away like the best of friends.

The three other girls, already ready and waiting for the victim, advanced on Molly as soon as she walked out there. 

Nick stood blocking the door Molly had just walked through (right behind Molly) to make sure that the victim couldn't just run off.

Molly could see this was not going to be like what she was promised.

"Nick?? I thought you said...", Molly turned around to Nick, looking completely shocked and helplessly hoping that something her friend had said to her back in the classroom had been real. But Nick just giggled. 

L to R: Becky, Xuan and Tamika, who sometimes like to wind up Molly and smirk at her when she gets frustrated

Nick did feel a bit bad that she'd tricked Molly like this - but not that bad, if she was honest with herself. 

When it came down to it, she felt good being part of the group and carrying out their wishes. She knew that defending Molly from them or somehow helping her wouldn't be anywhere near as fun as this.

Becky and Xuan pulled Molly down on the grass, face down with her nose lodged in the mud and held her small arms flat down in the earth.

Nick pulled off the victim's black slip on shoes and threw one of them across the ground before using the victim's other shoe to spank her. 

Nick surprised herself how much she got into it, making each whack count. Just hard enough to make an impact each time while Molly squirmed around down in the dust.

With each whack she thought of what the Thompsons had done to sabotage her family's restaurant and how super self-entitled Molly acted almost all the time. 

Nick holds herself with a confidence that Molly doesn't possess

There wasn't a lot Molly could do while restrained like this, although she did shout at them and attempt to get herself free. 

At one point she managed to get an arm free and half pull herself to her feet - but Nick just pushed her back down on the floor with her foot - and kept a foot on Molly's back so that she couldn't move. 

"Please, that hurts," Molly pleaded. 

"Well, are you going to try escaping again?", Nick asked. 

"I won't, I promise", Molly replied. 

Satisfied, Nick removed her foot. 

But then Xuan, the tallest of them all, came up with the idea of tying Molly's arms together.

Molly tried hard not to screech hysterically as they tied her arms because she knew that's what they wanted. But she was making enough noise for them to know she wasn't enjoying it, which made it fun for them. 

After spanking Molly's bum about ten times with her own shoe, Nicole passed the shoe to Xuan. Being tall and strong, Xuan felt so powerful having Molly in this position below her and whacked the girl's bum quite hard six times, taking her time over it by spacing out each strike. 

Then Tamika, the smallest one, took her turn. She showed surprising strength, force and resolve considering she was the smallest and shortest of the group. Unlike Molly, she had lethal capacities to go with her small build. 

While Tamika got on with that, taking her time in a super sadistic fashion while the hysterical giggling continued all round, Nick produced a one litre bottle of water from her bag. 

She'd bought it from the shop round the corner from Duniway High at lunchtime, specially for the occasion. Slowly, she started pouring it over the victim in small amounts, barely able to hold it still as she was giggling so much. 

While Nick poured the water on their victim, Xuan took the chance every so often to rub Molly's nose around in the mud.

"What are you guys doing???" Molly moaned loudly as Nick and Xuan giggled. It just made them more keen to keep her down there like this. 

Nick was tempted to just empty the whole bottle of water over Molly. But she found it more fun to just pour water on her in small bits every so often. 

She poured a bit on Molly's hair, another bit on her back and another bit on her legs.

Molly had been trying so hard not to react too much to the spanking, but she certainly reacted to this 'water torture'. It was an almost unbearable extra piece of cruelty.

"Nick? Is that you doing that? What's going on??", Molly was getting increasingly frustrated.

Nick was loving it, so she poured some water on the back of Molly's head again.

"Please! Stop!", Molly pleaded, only prompting Nick to keep going. 

Then Nicole passed the bottle to Becky, who poured some water on the victim's bum.

"Can you just stop with the water already??", Molly shrieked.

Nick and the others found it hilarious how Molly could almost accept being spanked, and hold back her reactions to it, and put up with being pushed down in mud, but pouring a bit of water on her was sending her over the edge.

Molly must have been spanked on her ass 30 times (lil' Tamika really got into it) by the time Nick called a stop to it and told Becky and Xuan to let her go.

Before retreating as instructed, Xuan pulled Molly's socks off, throwing them in the nearest trash bin, remarking: "She won't be needing those!"

"Oh my god why would you do that to me? What is wrong with you?", a now barefoot Molly complained as Nick and Xuan giggled. 

"And I thought my feet were small but look at hers!", said Nick.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with small feet," Tamika piped up.

"It's ok for you, Tamika, you are two years younger than us, after all. Molly's nearly 15!", Xuan pointed out.

"Oh yeahhh, it's like she's 12 or something! I think my feet are bigger already!", Tamika screeched excitedly.

Even once they let her go, Molly didn't move. She just lay there face down, unable to make herself get up.

"She looks pathetic," Nick couldn't help thinking to herself. 

Becky, who was still holding the water bottle, emptied the rest of it over Molly. 

What the hell, Becky thought to herself, I'll do it all in one go. It was about half a litre of cold water just chucked over Molly's head, soaking her through.

"Ohhh Myyy Godddd!" Molly screeched as she forced herself to her feet. "How could you be so cruel?"

"We just need you to learn your lesson!" said Becky, harshly.

"You should be grateful we didn't pull your pants down," Xuan pointed out. 

"Yeah, exactly!" Tamika chimed in as she swiped Molly's shoe and stashed it in her own schoolbag, flashing a wink over to Nick.

"It's so you can learn to stop being a pussy, always complaining about your friends not being there for you," Tamika said as she zipped her schoolbag back up with the stolen item inside. 

"You need to grow up and learn to look after yourself. Like we do!" said Nick.

"Oh yeahh? And then we could be friends again??", Molly asked hopefully as Nick collected Molly's other shoe from the ground and put it in her own schoolbag. 

"Yes maybe," said Nick, savouring this moment and hoping that Molly was too distracted to notice that her shoes were being stolen.

This was the moment when Molly lost any power or pride she may have ever had. It could go only get worse for her from now on....

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