And Then There Was You....(Cu...

By EmeraldRose92

14.4K 749 176

What if that truck didn't take out our beloved Jackson Teller, what if SAMCRO was where it ended, but Chicago... More

New Beginings
Getting Into The Swing Of It...
And Then There Was You...
Is It Love, or Do I Lust You a Lot...
You Cant Run Forever...
All in...All out.
The Dynamics Of Family....
Pain is certain, suffering is a choice.
A Dance With The Devil...
Blurred Lines...
Storms Rolling In...
And Then There Was Us

Where We Are Now

288 16 12
By EmeraldRose92


Present Day

“This can all stop. Just tell us what we need to know and it all stops.” 

Tig stroked the sweaty hair of the bruised and battered man that was currently strapped in the chair at the mercy of the men in front of him.

He had held out well to be honest.

They were still tying up loose ends around the city that the spirit of August left behind, with the immediate threat neutralised there was room to breathe, yet the shadows of uncertainty and danger still lingered.

The boys all stood dotted around him in their respective corners of the dark watching the brutality unfold, unfazed and unbothered yet tense and wanting answers.

In the shadows a patient yet seething Jackson stood leaning against the hood of a nearby car comfortably and leg crossed at the ankles cigarette in hand as he smoked, eyes steady on the current lead in their searches for the last thread in their tangled web of violence that he needed to snip in order to move forward with the life he so desperately wanted, for himself, for his friends and family, for his Nomi. She had been dealing well given the circumstances, but she deserved more.

Over the past year he and Nomi had settled into a more peaceful yet troubled sense of reality.

 Nomi was aware that when Jackson would take certain phone calls or leave in the middle of the night, he wasn’t just going for a late night stroll. 

Since the July debacle to say her anxiety had been at a all time high was an understatement, yet with the help of her friends, her new found security of Jax's old friends and a trusted therapist with whom she shared her fears within reason of course, she was dealing with things well.

She threw herself into work and stayed busy, yet she was always wondering when the other shoe would drop. Hence Jax doing his best to find the last pieces of the puzzle and provide her with some piece of mind.

Jax had been making the rounds, knocking on doors and knocking heads. He had bought some members of the Chicago PD allowing him to move virtually unbothered while knowing the goings on of possible leads and had somewhat quietly immersed himself in the criminal world of Chicago discreetly and effectively.

He had also even began outsourcing himself in a sense in regards to other members of that world for a high fee. Clean up and “interrogation” so to speak being his main area of expertise.

For safety and just because they wanted to he and Nomi moved out of their respective apartments in the city, selling them for a more than reasonable price and moving just under an hour or so out of the city to a gorgeous 5 bed 3 bath Farmhouse it was a bit of a fixer upper on the inside, but overall a charming home in a beautiful countryside town which they got for a steal considering their combined incomes and the price it was on the market for.

Nomi loved working on the house with Jax and the Guys and her besties Shae and Taylor who she had missed dearly as she had hardly seen them with everything going on yet, she reconnected when she was in a better head space after July and somewhat settled in the new place with Jackson.

She explained her absence on travelling and meeting Jax, and after some sucking up about dropping off the face of the Earth her girls understood and forgave her neglect, she tried to stick to the truth as much as possible as she hated lying, but simply stated Jax had a bit of a past due to being a biker but was no danger to her and loved her dearly and after a few dinners all together the girls took to him like a duck to water, and when they met his friends Shae particularly took a shine to Mike and Taylor to Omar as luck would have it.

Now she juggled her time between basically being a stay at home girlfriend, different businesses, working from home and on their new home (they had renovated a lot but still had some bedrooms, a bathroom a study and and gym to finish. Not to mention they were contemplating a pool) she still loved spending time with their friends and family.

Her Mother liked to drop in from time to time, but she knew Nomi liked her space so she always called first and didn't pop up too often, yet she would definitely talk her ear off on the phone, she sent her dad a Christmas card and birthday card, he sent her an email asking if she was still with that white man, when she stated they had moved in together and out the city, he had replied with a "Good Luck with that" she didn't respond. She accepted her relationship with her Father for what it was, with no malice, but with necessary distance, that hadn't changed. And she didn't think it ever would.

But most days she just liked to stay home, she invested in a new venture and bought a quaint restaurant/diner by a nearby harbour that was owned by an elderly couple in town, when her and Jax first moved to the quiet yet cute area they dropped in for lunch and fell in love with it becoming fast regulars.

So when Diane’s husband's health took a turn for the worst and she mentioned wanting to sell, Nomi couldn’t believe her luck. 

A few months later they handed her the keys and a beloved cookbook and bid them farewell and wished her good luck to enjoy their early retirement moving to Florida for a warmer climate and to be close to their Daughter.

Nomi renovated the spot in record time, opening up the space, re-branding the menu and growing their social media presence, she then sat back and watched the money roll in, it was in a perfect spot for customers and the trendy big city feel in the small centre of town had them constantly booked, so much so that Nomi was able to add a small bakery/deli pretty soon after opening.


So to say she had somewhat stuck her head in the sand, and somewhat simply just wanted to get on with life was a good way to look at it. 

She allowed Jax to be who he needed to be and functioned on a need to know basis. 

Jackson also got back in his business bag, and opened a small dry cleaners and laundromat and a bar called the Commonwealth not too far from Nomi’s restaurant in town, not wanting to encroach on her space he tried not to dabble in her businesses  and plus she did well, and handled her own just fine, and he loved having his own thing, plus he always liked owning businesses and still had a lot of ideas and desires for growth, he wasn't afraid to admit he was smarter than the average bear and loved having a little empire he also enjoyed legitimately earning for himself and having a place the guys could do business that didn't taint Nomi's ventures.


He had a large meeting room and a few offices above the dry cleaners that the average joe was completely none the wiser to.

It was a good place for business, meetings, and cleaning money when necessary, sure he had gone straight, but the better term was "straightish"

However he must say he loved this current way of life, whether Nomi realised or not she pretty much was his Old Lady, a hippie, fun, strong, sweet, modern day version, but an old lady nonetheless.

He enjoyed the home they were building together and the life they were building in their new town of District Township Illinois. 

To their new neighbours they were just another young couple from the city setting up life who had bought the old diner from Kevin and Diane and that old run down laundromat that had been closed up for years that was now back up and running.

They always tried to be a bit vague about exactly where they lived as they had learned you can never be too careful but they simply said they had bought locally and were fixing it up, after finding the city too much after a while, people didn't have any reason not to believe them. They just saw another beautiful, young couple, buying in the pleasant town, making a future for themselves.

After all, that's what they were, deep down, and on the surface.

However back in the city the new white boy causing noise was all people really knew, no name, no details, just crazy, with soldiers and not to be fucked with, he was his own myth.

They knew he was connected in a way and ruthless when pressed, but  Nomi wasn’t even known, or mentioned and that's how he liked it.

… Back to Present 

“If you don't have anything to tell us you realise you’re not much use to me right? why do I need to keep you breathing if you’re just gonna waste the air?” Jax rose to his feet and spoke steady, deep and low as he closed the distance between the heavy breathing man bleeding like a stuck pig in front of him.

“I…I’ve told you everything I fucking..know” he spluttered breathlessly. “ Ion know who you fucking talking bout, you ain’t gonna get anything more out of me, coz I got nothing more to give.” he spat at Jax and Tigs feet to punctuate his point, simultaneously sealing his fate.

“Well in that case I guess we’re done here” 

Before the man could utter another word Jax emptied a clip in the torso of the suspected associate of the man they were looking for, his battered body jumping with every shot that hit him with Tig firing a single bullet to his forehead.

“It's been months, we were so close and now the trails just gone cold. I know this piece of shit is still out there, he’s not gonna just take July’s death lying down, dogs love their owners” Jax pinched his nose bridge as he spoke, Tig, Happy, Chibs, and T.O all nodded in agreement.

“I’m so ready to be done with this shit” he breathed out as he braced a hand against the side of the van from where they were parked up in a quiet woodland in the dead of night, they could see the skyline and lights of the city just across the bridge.

“You will soon Jacky Boy, we’re close i know it…Look, why don’t you head home, we’ll deal with this Jacky boy, give my love to the little lady as well yeah.” Chibs lit a cigarette as he patted Jackson on the shoulder.

Jackson agreed and dapped the boys up, not being able to deny how bad he wanted to be home and wash the day off and bury himself in his beloved.

“Alright, call me if you need me” he said as he mounted his bike, fastening his helmet.

“ I won’t ...go home lad” Chibs smirked.

Smiling Jackson took off, they all had shed their leathers, now simply opting for and all black look, sometimes the guys wore leather jackets or hoodies or bomber jackets, Happy now even liked the occasional suit jacket, so did Jackson if he could believe it, it was surprising, yet welcomed and made them look more civilian yet still intimidating enough.

They even drove in actual cars now and not just when visiting Chicago or travelling for business.

Chibs, Happy and T.O had all pretty much moved to Illinois and surrounding areas and Tig and Venus had a nice place in the city, they weren't really the Suburban/Countryside types.

Jax couldn't lie, saying he felt better with them around,was an understatement and although they weren’t the Sons as they used to be, they were still patched in, and were still the Sons, just new and improved, they all had their respective offices and money makers, still did what they had to but lived much simpler lives.

Jax began to breathe easy as he approached his private road, riding down a bit he entered his gate code and rode the rest of the way down the long driveway.

Parking his Black Bonneville Bobber Motorcycle next to Nomi’s Black Range, he walked past His Black Dodge GT Mustang and their Black Matte Jaguar F Pace on the white gravel driveway to the front door of their Modern Farmhouse, relishing in the quiet, and the sweet smell of warm bread and the faint smell of well seasoned food.

He was sure Nomi would have cooked or brought something from the restaurant, but he wasn't hungry. At least not for anything in the Kitchen.

The lower house was mainly dark and dimly lit by a lamp in the foyer and the backlights of the house and porch lights, but he knew Nomi was home and more than likely watching trash TV in bed or working on her laptop, yet she never slept without him, and he found it part warming and sweet, part concerning, she said she just slept better with him next to her, but he also wondered if she was afraid to sleep in the house alone.

She still had the occasional nightmare when they first moved in; she would sometimes shower for hours trying to scrub herself clean of whatever or cry in the bathroom then come to bed. He was happy that had pretty much stopped, she hadn't done it in months, yet she still didn't sleep until he came home.

Ascending the stairs he heard the low muffle of the Television and the blue glow emanating from under the large double doors.

Walking into their bedroom he found what he was looking for, Nomi sat in bed with her cute glasses on that she only really wore when working on her laptop or reading, some home improvement show playing on their large wall mounted TV.

Phil the cat sat curled up in his ginger Glory on one of their flat cushions in the bay window and Teddy their new Rottweiler who was still technically a pup at 10 months old, but was already the size of any other fully adult grown dog, which was definitely an indication of things to come regarding his size was lying at the foot of the bed half asleep on his favourite blanket, one of his paws draped over Nomi's ankle.

Jax poked his head in the door but didn't quite come in fully, as he took in the cute sight, Nomi was warmly bathed in the gold glow of her bedside light as she stayed so focused on what she was doing she hadn’t quite noticed him yet.

One of her gorgeous brown legs was out of the comforter and on top of the quilt, as she balanced her Macbook on her lap.

She sat in a gold and cream teddy negligee, and matching cream bonnet as she typed intermittently and read with knitted brows, nibbling on her bottom lip in that way that made his dick twitch, to be fair everything this woman did made his dick twitch.

He was startled out of his wayward thoughts when he heard her gasp.

“Jesus! Jax! You almost gave me a fucking heart attack” she whisper shouted as she slapped her hand to her ample chest finally spotting him ogling her in the doorway.

“Sorry darling, was just admiring you is all…You know, i gotta say this is the worst guard dog on the planet” he smirked moving more in the room, to point at Teddy still slightly snoring on the bed, who only perked up after hearing said insult.

"Hey, you better watch how you speak about my baby, he's not a trained assassin, he's my bubba and he's tired." Nomi retorted with feigned offence. She was a peaceful person but she'd throw hands over her fur babies.

Throwing his hands up in defeat he closed the distance coming to rub Teddy's head and kiss Nomi on the lips then cheek, then neck and attempting to sit on the bed to take off his shoes.

“Nuh uh!…don't even try it, you are not sitting on this bed in those outside clothes. Off! Teddy get him! Jackson you heard me, off!” 

Giving him a light shove she playfully beckoned Teddy to sic him again, both of them laughing when he simply huffed, re-positioned himself and went back to sleep.

Laughing slightly he rose from the bed and made his way to their walk in wardrobe.

“ See! Terrible guard dog.” he said as he took of his black bomber jacket and entered his side of the wardrobe.

They had made great improvements to the home in the year and a bit they’d been there and life was as it should be again, out there in the world, he could be as ugly as he needed to be, but in here, this was home. This was safe.

A place where he saw his friends, where he could be himself, be free, calm, the guys had even come and helped out with the renovations, Omar and Mike loved the boys, and had the decency not to pry, they figured Jackson would explain when he was ready, until then they all just adapted and grew on each other, bbq’s and dinner parties had been had, and enjoyed, but this.

When he comes home and sees her, when it's just them, when he knows he can relax, breathe and be with her in the space they made, there was nothing like it, no comparison, he had had loves before her, but he knows as cold as it may sound, it wasn't like this. It wasn't Nomi

As he stripped out his clothes and put them in the hamper and put his shoes up, he realised that thoughts like that or about his past didn't make him feel as guilty or overwhelmed anymore, he just accepted it, these days he found it easier to organise his feelings and process them honestly, and it helped him get through the days much better.

“You were longer than i thought you’d be, i was almost starting to get a bit worried…did..did you…did everything go okay?” He noticed Nomi always tried to sound as regular as possible when she asked about his dealings, but her voice always sounded a bit timid, she wanted to know but she didn't at the same time.

Nomi still seemed to struggle slightly when it came to organising her feelings about what he got up to, when she wasn’t around, and he loved her even more for that. 

He’d feel worse if she encouraged it or tried to get too involved in his world. They were opposites in that way and that way only. He was the rough, she was the smooth, he was the hard, she was the soft, he was the aggression, she was the passive, he was the war, she was the peace, he was the dark, she was the light.

“It did somewhat actually, definitely not done that's for sure, but overcoming obstacles gets you closer to the finish line. It was productive, but frustrating, because we’re close babe, I can feel it, we're just not quiet there yet, you know” he shrugged rummaging through a drawer.

Nomi had appeared in the doorway of their en suite by now, where he currently was as he spoke while tweezing a hair in his beard and getting ready to get in the shower.

Nomi nodded quietly and took in what he said. She knew what “overcoming obstacles” probably meant, but she simply never asked him to confirm, nor deny that.She didn’t wanna know.

Sometimes she wondered if she was well in the head, the way she had compartmentalised the aspects of the man she loved, cared and trusted so deeply.

Jackson, who liked to make her breakfast in bed, who liked to massage her body with warm oils and strong yet gentle hands, who would take her for afternoon bike rides on his motorcycle just to watch the sunset, who would happily entertain their friends with her, take her for date night, drink tea with her Mother when she came to visit, spoil her with whatever she wanted even though she had her own money, he never let her spend it, Jackson who would make love to her for hours, taking his time to guarantee her pleasure, finding his own simply by knowing he was the cause of her satisfaction, then doing it all over again until they were both spent, a man who surprised her with a gorgeous puppy so she wouldn't feel lonely in the big house when he wasn’t home, and who promised her on his life, that she would never come to harm again, and that he would do any and everything in his power to make sure that anyone who would ever try to threaten their peace, would never get the chance ever again. 

Then there was Jax, who did whatever he had to do to keep that promise. However brutal. However Violent. She knew he would never hesitate. She knew exactly what Jax was capable of now, yet she stayed willingly, happily. 

She decided that was probably a sign of some type of mental illness, but she was also oddly okay with that too. She was happy and safe, and that's what mattered. She decided the past is behind you for a reason.

“Penny for your thoughts kid…”

Nomi looked up from fiddling with the tennis bracelet he had recently given her, to see Jax turning on the shower and slipping his boxers off, never breaking eye contact with her as he did.

She still found it funny how her mouth could still go dry and at the same time water at the sight of him, no matter what she was doing or thinking in the previous moment, now she was focused on abs and bicep muscles hardening and twitching as he bent and moved about the bathroom, a soft smirk adorning his face, he knew what he was doing.

“Well…I was just ... thinking i'm sure everything will work out, it has been and im sure it'll continue to, as it should i guess”  feeling slightly flustered and nervous under his gaze she looked away from his naked form and  went back to fiddling with her bracelet.

“Care to join me?” his voice was deep and as he opened the steamed up glass door and waited.

Feeling particularly mischievous, Nomi looked him up and down slowly in all his glory, her nipples hard, lips full and her bedroom eyes fully activated, as they locked on to his dick, thick and semi hard as he rested his forearm lazily against the shower door.

“Nah i’m good…i already showered” winking at him she exited the bathroom and walked back to the bedroom.

She heard him slightly chuckle before plopping back on the bed, knowing what was probably coming, or at least what she wanted to be coming, she sprung up form her face plated position and  closed her laptop, took off her glasses and bonnet fluffed her hair, spritzed a little of her her Allure Chanel perfume behind her ears and knees and moved Teddy to his bed cubby in the far corner and gave the room and bed a quick freshen up in hyper speed.

About 15 minutes later she heard the water shut off.

He appeared back in the room, hair wet and body glistening as he rubbed at his head with a towel, his hair was shorter than it had been before, slightly shorter sides with a more tapered look with most of the length on top, he looked good, and he had definitely been making more of their barn gym than she had, and it showed. Damn Him.

Nomi pretended not to notice his presence, as she focused intently on a man explaining how to mix plaster, or make plaster, plaster walls? he was doing something with plaster, but in all honesty who the fuck knew what he was talking about with the current distraction in the room assaulting all her senses in the most delicious way.

“Whatchu watching?” he asked innocently as he proceeded to dry his hair and body, eventually removing the towel from his waist and shoulders he leisurely walked back to the walk-in, vanishing for a bit, yet emerged still naked as the day he was born.

“Umm…its that home show, where they fix all the fucked up houses, we were watching it the other day.” her voice slightly broke as she babbled about the show as he flipped the comforter back and sat on his side of the bed with his back to her, he was fiddling with something but she couldn't quiet see as she was still acting up and pretending she didn't want him to fuck her senseless, she was never really sure why she liked to draw it out sometimes, but she did, she liked being the mouse and him the cat, but tonight, maybe she was acting to good, because he still wasn't in bed or her guts, and seemed to be paying her no mind still fiddling with his phone or whatever he had in his hand.

It was beginning to piss her off. 

“Whatchu doin?” She asked in a high pitched flight attendant tone. God Dammit she thought as her curiosity got the best of her and she broke.

Ignoring her completely for a beat, with his back still to her as he sat on the edge of the bed he finally spoke

“Where’d Teddy go?” he asked, still not looking her way.

I put him in bed, he seemed tired”.

Looking in the direction of his Bed Cubby he finally spotted him under his blanket fast asleep. Nodding to himself, he went back to whatever he was doing.

Feeling the electricity in the room and watching his slightly glossy back muscles ripple and flex as his hands moved doing whatever he was doing. Nomi tried again.

“What are you up to over there Jackson?!” Growing frustrated she sat forward from the large headboard to see if she could get a better look but he took that moment to stand up, walking leisurely again back into the walk-in wardrobe.

When he appeared again he paused in the doorway, hands calmly clasped behind his back, still naked yet this time fully erect, with a lazy smile on his face.

Nomi realised in that moment she was done for. She was never a match for his confidence, his presence, his gaze. That cock and the way even it itself seemed to stare her down and dominate her.

Not being able to take it anymore, Nomi went to speak again.

“Darling…with all due respect. Shut the fuck up and take your clothes off” he slowly brought his hands into view and clasped them in front of him and thats when she finally saw what he had in his hands.

Her eyes slightly widened in shock and her lips parted as she drew in a sharp breath, but didn't move, she didn't move a muscle or make a sound, she simply looked at the man in front of her as a quick smirk flashed across his face before vanishing, then his face fell soft and neutral again yet eyes heavy with lust and darkened by arousal.

“Nomi. it was a simple instruction…i see you got the first part down, good girl, well done, but what else did i ask you to do?” 

He walked across the room like a man in control as he came to sit in one of the chairs they had in their room, getting a perfect view of her in bed from where he was now seated.

She had remade the bed, put her work away and got Teddy off the bed and settled in his little area.

She knew what time it was…she knew before he got in the shower, she should have accepted his invitation, but being her, she just had to act up…thank god.

Nomi finally rebooted her brain and answered him quietly. Feeling completely cornered, vulnerable, and intimidated by what she realised he had in his hands as he sat, comfortably, unabashed, and brazen, his legs spread wide and completely in control of the situation as he relaxed in the chair, still hard, still naked yet it was as if he was fully clothed drinking a cup of coffee,outside a cafe, but he wasn’t, he was in their chair looking like a ready lion waiting to mount his lioness.

Nomi struggled to think, wetness pooling between her thighs and her heart racing with what she was looking at in his hands.

So naturally when she spoke, it was a fraction over a whisper as her eyes dotted between the objects in his hand and their soft bed runner.

She didn't mean to sound that quiet, it just happened, and Jax was not having it tonight it apparently.

“What was that darling? Speak up, I didn’t hear you” he spoke calmly, yet assertively. Eyes still trained on her while he waited.

Nomi cleared her throat and tried again, swallowing before she opened her mouth to try and get some moisture between her lips, meeting his eyes. She spoke again, with confidence and loud enough for him to hear.

“You told me to take my clothes off” she answered and held his eyes, as he held hers. Not a word was spoken between them as they played a quiet game of chicken.

Who will it be?”

Jackson leaned his head back against the chair as he bit at his bottom lip and smiled in that way she liked, bringing his free hand slowly up his hair dusted thigh to wrap around his engorged cock, he grabbed it…one stroke…two strokes…and then he stopped.

Yup!….that’ll do it.

Nomi swiftly and readily sat on her heels and began to remove her lace negligee, Pulling it up her body slowly, he watched her intently, his breathing picking up, chest moving more prominently as he watched it slip up her full thighs and wide hips, and that cute yet oh so sexy little belly pudge she always complained about but drove him fucking crazy, he watched as it slightly hitched on her round breasts, earning a small muffled giggle as she sat in a position, that made every part of him throb.

Her lower body was exposed to him and both her arms were raised with her upper body and head practically trapped in the silk cocoon of the lace currently stuck trying to pass her glorious boobs, with a giggle and a huff she tugged harder, allowing them to fall delectably with a heavy bounce, finally free of the silky garment as her hair went up with it and then dropped about her face and shoulders as she got it off she gently tossed it at him.

It took every ounce of strength in him to stay seated.

With a slow closed lipped grin, Jax finally rose lazily from the chair and walked to the end of the bed.

Capturing her chin in his hand, he tilted her head up to look at him as he gently brushed his thumb across her lower lip and brought his face down to her standing over her as she sat on her heels patiently, hands in her lap at the end of the bed he hovered just a fraction above her lips.

“Good Girl. Now we can get started”

Nomi and Jacksons Bedroom

To Be Continued....


Hey Loves! Im back! I have been missing this story lately and felt like trying to resuscitate it in hopes of actually completing this year.

Anyway, I totally get it if everyones forgotten about it. But those that still held out hope, boy do i have some Angsty, Fluffy, Twisty, Turny, and of course SMUTTY plans for these guys.

I missed my babies so much and they've done a bit of growing as have I, so expect some changes, but expect some things to stay just as they were 😊 yet as cute as they are, things never stay sweet for long with these two.

Also, if the response is good i'll try and knock out another chapter next week. But beware. Its gonna be absolute FILTH! Sprinkled with romance...Gotta make up for the hiatus right lol 😋😈

Toodles! XoXo

And remember to run them numbers up at comment!! 💃🏾💃🏾

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