Rottmnt Oc

By Hoitemm

3.9K 55 14

This is my second time writing this, I didn't like the first one. This story is about a girl who got bit by... More

The Heck?
That is New
New Home?
Let's Do This
Oh no.
Authors Note Please Read!!
Authors Note (Character looks)
Thank you!!
DVD Trouble Part 2
Missed wakeup call
Just a heads up (A/N)
Big Mama
Hello Again
Secret Doodler (Fun One-shot I Guess)
Announcement #3

DVD Trouble

94 2 0
By Hoitemm

Addisons Pov

     It has been a few months after I moved in with the turtles and started dating Raph, Splinter did let me train with the boys mainly to get my own abilities under control, but I would not be able to go onto missions until everyone agreed I was ready. So far only Mikey, Donnie, and me all think that I might be able to go on some of the simpler missions but Splinter, Leo, and mainly Raph all think that I am not fully ready. Splinter is worried I am not ready to fight hand and hand combat with a Foot Clan member or another mutant, Leo doesn't know if I am ready for a weapon and he doesn't really know which one I would use because the boys' weapons came from Draxums lab, and Raph is just Raph, a worried boyfriend who is too protective at times. 

     Today is one of the boys' much smaller missions, they are taking Splinters Lou Jitsu DVD to a DVD return store and April has work so I am stuck in the lair on my own because I knew Splinter would stay in the living room, or I thought I was going to be. "Addison, could you please come out here please?" I heard Splinter calling me, so I walked into the living room where everyone was talking about the deal if the boys do the mission. Donnie, Leo, and Mikey all seemed happy or excited while Raph looked slightly upset. "Hey guys, what's up?" I looked at Splinter and before he could even explain Mikey jumped in and explained for him. "You get to go on a mission with us! All we need to do is return Dads DVD and we get hugs, so come on and let's get you disguised!" Mikey grabbed my hand and pulled me into what I his room and started handing me clothes. "Here, put these on and we will be waiting for you near the garage!" Mikey ran out of the room while I got dressed.

     I walked out of the room in a black and purple T-shirt, black jeans, and my own combat boots. I did have my old black jacket in my room, so I stopped by there and picked it up for the hood on it. I walked to the garage door and met up with the boys, they all were wearing different outfits that hid most of their turtle features. From what Mikey had told me, the outfits they had on were the same ones they had fought Ghostbear in and kind of ruined his wrestling career. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all went into the tank, I pulled Raph to the side before I let him and me go in the tank. "Raph what is your issue? You seem upset or something. Are you not happy I am going with because I can stay here if you want." I held onto the front of Raphs shirt to pull him down to my height, but he just bent down when I let go after I asked my first question. "W-what? No, I am glad you are coming with us! I am just worried you are going to get hurt or something. Pops told us all the warnings about your powers remember." He had a point. Splinter did warn us that if I started to go on missions with the boys, I would have to be careful of yoki or mutants wanting to harm me for the power.

     Raph looked worried, I smiled and placed a small kiss on his snoot. "I will be fine Raph, Splinter wanted me to go on this mission because it gets me in the field, but it is a very easy mission as well." He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead and nodded. "Yea, yea you're right. Come on, the others are probably getting impatient-" "Come on you two!" Leo cut off Raph and while Raph let out an annoyed growl I laughed and went into the turtle tank with Raph following me. 

Time skip

     We parked in a parking lot and while Leo was talking about how good of an idea the outfits were to blend us in with all of the people when no one was near, I was looking around and noticed a warning sign saying the area was going to be demolished. "Um, guys we need to go. Now." "Uh why-" A big explosion cut off Donnie. We got away from the area and got onto the ferry as a way of getting out of the demolished zone. 

     "I am guessing you were talking about one of the signs warning us of the demolishment of the building Addi?" Donnie asked me and I just nodded. I started to zone out when the boys were making plans, I was just thinking about the explosion. I never did like loud noises if I didn't know when they were going to happen, so know I was just zoning out and keeping myself calm. I jumped when a hand laned on my shoulder. "Addi? You ok hun?" It was Raph, he was talking quietly because of his brothers nearby. "Uh, y-yea I'm fine. Just didn't like the loud boom." He smiled and pressed his snoot to my head in a comfort kind of way. "It'll be ok, no one is hurt, and everyone will be ok." I smile and give him a head pat. We never did show a ton off affection to each other around his family because of the teasing that would follow. Leo was talking about how we will just wait for the ferry to dock then we will look for another DVD store, but of course right as he said that the captain said something about a movie production had the dock closed. Sure as I am spikey, a movie was being filmed in front of us, and not gonna lie it looked like a cool movie!

     "Ah! With all this we are never gonna return the DVD in time! That means no hugs!" Mikey did a dramatic fall to the floor and Donnie went over to comfort him. "Hold on, what about a Kiosk?" I asked them but they all looked at me like I was nuts. "Ya know? Those little boxes all of town that you can rent or return movies in? I'm sure that Donnie can track them from all over right?" I looked at Donnie and he nodded his head and started searching for them, sure as heck he found a ton of em! "Ah here they are and all over New York too!" Everyone cheered but again Mikey brought up how the ferry won't be docked for quite some time. "Ok new plan! We swim to shore, find a Kiosk, return the DVD and go home to get hugs!" Raph said the plan and everyone cheered again. "But what about Addi? I don't think she can swim as long as we can." Leo pointed this out and I only just realized that. "I'm a good swimmer, she can hold onto my shell while we go." Raph said that and turned towards me, "That ok Addi?"

     I nodded my head with a smile. "Sounds like a plan to me!" Raph bent down so I could grab onto his shell, he did just remember his spikes, so he got a bit worried, but I got him to calm down. I couldn't grab the top of his shell cuz of the spikes, so I grabbed the side bit. He made sure I was ok, and they started swimming, of course I was still in the water, and I didn't mind it, until I looked at the water and realized I couldn't see the bottom. Needless to say, I did hold onto Raphs shell a bit tighter. 

Time skip

     We found the first Kiosk that was surrounded by garbage. I hated the smell, and my necklace actually glowed a light green from it. "Huh, guess green means disgusted or something" I thought to myself. "Ok boys, and Addi. All we gotta do is move this garbage and we are home free!" Raph said and the boys cheered, Raph picked up one bag to move and of course a mutant silverfish had to be behind it! Everyone yelped and backed away, then the fish moved closer to the Kiosk. "Ah no! Bad mutant silverfish! Just, move away from the Kiosk and we will leave you alone, ok?" I talked to the silverfish, and it actually seemed to calm down, the boys were all shocked.  They thought it was safe and Mikey ended up moving, that set the silverfish off again and it jumped towards me! Without even thinking the necklace changed to a dark blue and shield of that color showed up! Raph did end up blowing up both the silverfish and the Kiosk, but it was fine, there are a ton of them around. "Uh ok guys, let's get going to the next one I guess, and Raph please don't blow this next one up." Donnie said and Raph chuckled. 

     On the way to the next one, Raph did pull be to the back of the group with him. "Huh? Raph is everything ok?" "Yea, I was wondering what the shield thing was, any idea?" "In all honesty, no I don't. I mean I was scared or surprised at the silverfish jumped at me so maybe fear is a dark blue color and that makes a shield??" "Maybe, are you ok? Like no pain or anything from it?" I shook my head, "Raph I am fine, only a little surprised was all. Now come on, everyone is ahead of us now." We hurried up to the others who went onto a rooftop to find the other Kiosk.

Heya! Sorry this chapter is longer than the others, I wanted to try and find a good stopping point for the next part to become a part 2 for it but thank you all for reading and have a good morning, day, evening, or night!

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