By voidstilessbae

39.7K 1K 286

Deena Munson is Eddie's younger sister. They both live in a shitty neighbourhood in Hawkins. But nothing ever... More

1: Deena, The Freak, Munson
2: Hard Pass
3: You're Not A Freak
4: Eddie, Do You Copy?
5: I Swear On Dustin's Mother!
6: That's Harsh
7: Thinking, huh?
8: I Really Like You
9: I Want To Be Lucas
10: Havent I Made It Clear?
11: Sometimes I hate you.
14: Pretty Far From Okay
15: Mental? Absolutely.
16: WaterGate
17: I'll kill Vecna Myself
18: Just Like Old Times
20: We Did It

19: I'm Not Ready To Die

944 33 28
By voidstilessbae

I sat in-between Eddie and Robin in the camper-van. I was holding Robin's hand tightly, as she looked very nervous. Steve dropped Erica, Lucas, Max and i off at the Creel House,

"Be careful, okay." Steve said softly, turning around from the steering wheel.

"Wait-Wait, can we just run through the plan again?" I panicked, wanting reassurance one last time.

"You'll be okay, Dee." Eddie held my hand.

I panicked, "No, I just want- please."

"Phase one: we meet Erica at the playground, she'll signal Lucas when we're ready." Robin reminded.

"Phase two: Max beats Vecna. He'll go after her which will put him in a trance." Steve explained.

"Phase three: me and Eddie distract the bats away." Dustin added.

"Phase four: we go into vecna's, newly bat-free lair, flambé." Robin added, as she hints to the bottles of gasoline.

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied." Nancy insists, "Nobody deviates from the plan no matter what. Got it?"

"Got it." We all replied in unison.

"Okay, we need to go, we're running out of time." Max hurried, as she left the van followed by Erica and Lucas.

I hesitated, as everyone waited for me to leave. Chills ran down my spine as tears formed in my eyes.

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey." Steve stood up, as he noticed me crying, "It's gonna be alright, okay?"

"I-I have a bad feeling about this." I panicked.

Steve crouched down in-front of me, "The sooner we do this, the sooner this ends. Trust me, everything's gonna be okay. I promise."

I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. Eddie hugged me tightly, "I love you, asshole."

"I love you, too." I replied as I pulled out of the hug, "Do not do anything stupid, do you understand? I can't lose you."

"I won't, I won't." He chuckled, "Now, go."

I jumped out of the van, as Nancy gave me a smile of reassurance. Then, just like that, they drove away.

"You ready?" I questioned, as we walked up to the Creel House.

"Yeah." Max replied nervously, as she gripped onto my hand.

We all walked around the house, holding blue lanterns, trying to find where Vecna was.
Erica and Lucas tapped me on the shoulder, which made me jump.
Erica held up her notepad which had written on it 'found Vecna'.

I got Max and we followed them into a room, where a lantern was flashing on and off. Max walked close to it, whilst Erica wrote on her notepad 'Phase 1?'.

Lucas and I nodded.

Erica sprinted outside to the playground opposite the house, she used her flashlight to communicate with our friends in the upside down.

While we waited for the others to reply to Erica, me and Max sat on the couches opposite each-other, while Lucas got everything ready in the Attic.

I got my notepad and wrote 'Hi', turning it around to show Max.

She picked up a pen and replied, 'Hey I'm glad you're here.'

'Me too :)'

She smiled, then noticed my nervous face, 'We're gonna be okay'

I smiled, 'Wanna go to the Movies?'


'First date :)'


We got interrupted by Lucas running down the stairs and into the room, he nodded then showed us his notepad 'Phase two.'

Max walked into the room where Vecna was in, followed by Lucas and I.
She took off her headphones and turned of her Walkman.
She hesitated, "Hey! Asshole!... Im here. No more music. No more games."

The blue lantern didn't flash.

"What are you waiting for? Huh!" Max shouted, "Come on! Do you want me or not?"

The blue lantern faded out and then flashed into Max's one, leading her up the stairs and into the attic.

We arrived in the attic and Max placed down the lantern and sat down opposite it, "I know you can hear me. I know you can hear my thoughts. Even the worst ones."
She placed her Walkman on the floor beside her, "I thought about what you said, about how I wanted my brother to die. I thought how you were just trying to scare me, or anger me. But you weren't, were you? You were just telling the truth. Billy, he made my life a living hell, every chance he got. So sometimes, I would lay in bed at night, and I would pray that.. something awful would happen to him. I knew that he drove too fast so I would imagine him crashing... dying in that stupid car. I- I just wanted him out of my life forever, I wanted him to disappear. The day that he died, I think that's why I just stood there and watched. Not because I was scared or weak, but because I didn't know if he deserved to be saved. I've tried to forgive myself, I've tried... but I can't. I can't. So now, when I lie in bad at night, I pray that something will happen to me... that something terrible will happen to me. So that's why im here, because... I just want you to take me away."

She stopped talking, I assumed that she was crying, but I saw that her pupils had rolled back and her eyes were white. Vecna had got her.

"Max?" Lucas questioned, "Max!"

I waved my hand in front of her, "Vecna has her!"

Lucas ran up to the window and flashed his flashlight at Erica, signalling her so they move onto Phase Three.

"She's not replying." Lucas panicked.

"What?" I let go of Max's hand and ran up to the window with Lucas, "What's taking her so long?"

I heard footsteps approach behind us, so we both turned around.


I sighed, "Shit."

"Janson, you can't be here, man." Lucas said.

"What the hell have you done?" Jason looked at Max.

"Go home, Jason." I warned.

"Is this what you did to Chrissy?" Jason questioned, as he crouched down and started talking to Max.

"Don't speak to her." I warned, as I stormed over to him, "Jason!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Jason panicked, as he pulled a gun from his back pocket and held it close to my face, "Stay back!"

"Jason, we don't have to do this." Lucas pleaded.

"Yeah, I hope not." Jason pointed the gun right at my face, "Is there anyone else here?"

"No." Lucas replied.

"Turn around." Jason insisted.

"Or what? You gonna shoot me, big guy?" I spat sarcastically.

"Turn around!" Jason yelled.
We both turned around slowly, Lucas gave me a concerned glance.
"Now, here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna back away to the top of the stairs there. Then I'll watch as you wake her up from whatever this is."

"We can't." Lucas replied, as he turned around, "Jason, if I wake her too soon, we all die."

"No, if you don't wake her up right now, you die." Janson pointed the gun at Lucas.

I turned around, "Was that a threat, asshole?"

"Look, we call him Vecna." Lucas tried to explain, "He lives in another dimension that's why we can't see him."

"And Eddie Munson, his Hellfire acolytes?" Jason replied, "What, you all summoned this Vecna?"

"No, no, no." Lucas stressed, "You're not listening, just listen. There's no cult, there never was."

"You expect me to believe that?" Jason questioned, "Then why was Chrissy at Eddie's trailer?"

"She was buying drugs!" I blurted out, "Chrissy was seeing things, really shitty things. She went to Eddie for help."

Jason pointed the gun at me, "No, see... see, that's when you're wrong. If Chrissy needed help she would've come to me."

"Well obviously she didn't come to you, did she?" I questioned sarcastically.

"You have five seconds to wake her up."
Jason warned, "Four... Three..."

Suddenly, Lucas ran at Jason, causing him to pull the trigger of his gun, but Lucas' rugby tackle caused his gun to fall on the floor. Jason fought back and started punching Lucas until he fell to the floor.

Jason turned to me, "I would punch you but I don't hit girls... So, wake Max up!"

I walked closer to him, "Hit me, pussy."

Jason shoved me back, "You are a freak, just like Eddie. You killed Chrissy and now you're killing Max."

I lost it, my blood boiled as I punched him in the jaw, causing him to fall over.
He quickly stood up and punched me in the face, making me wince and fall to the floor.
Jason walked towards Lucas, who was standing up now, but on his way he trod on Max's Walkman.

"No!" I shouted, as I watched the boys fight.

I finally had the strength to push myself up to my feet. I ran at Jason, who was punching Lucas, and jumped on his back. I strangled him with all my strength, as he struggled to breathe.
Jason walked backwards and shoved me into a wall, causing me to let go.
Lucas was still knocked out on the ground, his face cut and sore.

Suddenly, Max started levitating in the air, causing me to scream her name repeatedly. Jason held me back, as I tried to run to her.

"Let go of me!" I screamed, "Jason, let go, you bastard!" I tried to get passed him but he wouldn't move, "Max! She's dying! You're letting her die!" I cried, "Jason! Let me fucking go!"

Suddenly, Lucas grabbed an old glass and smashed it on Jason's head, causing him to go unconscious.
"Max!" He shouted, running up to her.

I bent down and tried to fix her Walkman, but it was too late. I looked up to see her bones snapping, one by one.

"Max! No, no, no!" Lucas screamed.

"Max!!" I screamed hoarsely, tears running from my eyes.

Lucas caught Max when she fell from the air, her eyes were white and blood was running from them, "I-I... can't feel... or see anything."

"No, Max! Max!" Lucas panicked.

"Stay with us Max!" I stroked her face, "Max, please don't leave me."

Erica ran in the room, but stopped when she noticed us.
"Erica get help!" Lucas cried, as she ran back out to call an ambulance.

"I-I don't want to die, I'm.. I'm not ready." Max panicked.

Lucas comforted her while I ran and got out my Walkie-Talkie. I cried into it, "Anyone? M-Max... Is hurt! Is anyone there?"

Nobody replied for a moment, then all I heard was someone hysterically crying into the walkie-talkie. I don't know who they were from but they needed help.

My heart dropped to my stomach, "I-I need to go Lucas."

"W-What?" He questioned, as he looked at Max's unconscious body.

I bent down and kissed Max on the forehead, "I'm so sorry, Max, I love you." Then, I sprinted to my house to get to the Gate.

this story is almost over :(
this made me so sad writing this, and the next chapter will be even sadder :(

please give me some ideas for a new wattpad story :)
thank you for all the love<33

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