20: We Did It

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I ran to the gate, ignoring my aching body from being beaten up by Jason. Adrenaline flowed through my body, as I arrived at the Trailer Park.
I climbed up the rope and entered into the Upside Down.

I ran around the Upside Down, "Eddie? Steve? Dustin?" I called out, "Nancy? Robin?"

I saw two figures ahead of me, as I got closer I noticed Dustin- who was sobbing.

Please don't be Eddie. Please don't be my brother.

Realisation hit me, as I sprinted over to them, "Eddie? Eddie! No-No, no, no!"
My legs became weak and I collapsed to my knees beside my brother, who was covered in blood, "Eddie?"

He smiled at me, his eyes tearing up, "W-We did it, D-Deena."

I cried, "No, no, no. We need to get you out of here!" I tried to pull him up, but noticed Dustin wasn't helping, "Dustin, help! Help me, Dustin!"

Dustin shook his head and cried, holding Eddie's hand. He's obviously already tried to save him, but couldn't.

"Eddie! Eddie, stay with me!" I shouted, as I placed one hand on the side of his face, "I can't lose you."

"I-I love you... A-Asshole." Eddie stuttered.

"No, Eddie. Eddie, don't leave me here, please." I tried to push him up again but I was too weak, "Eddie, I love you."

Eddie winced as he tugged on his necklace around his neck. He pulled it off and dropped it in my hand, "T-Take it."

"No, Eddie. You're gonna make it-it out of here." I refused to believe that I was going to lose my brother.

"T-Take it." Eddie forced, "Please."

I took it and stroked his face, "I-I told you not to do anything stupid."

Eddie smiled, then his body jerked a bit as he was loosing lots of blood. A tear ran down his cheek as he gripped onto my hand. His hand slowly released from mine, as he stopped breathing.

"Eddie?" I panicked, "Eddie! Eddie, no! Eddie, please don't go!"

"Eddie!" Dustin cried.

I felt a hand hold onto my shoulder, "Deena? We need to leave, now!" I heard Steve behind me. He crouched beside me, "Deena, hey. We need to go, okay? It's dangerous here."

I gripped onto Eddie's T-shirt, "I'm-I'm not leaving him! I can't leave him!"

The Upside Down shook, than I remembered what Nancy said about how Hawkins could be taken over by Vecna's World.

"Deena!" Steve hurried, "We need to go!"

"No!" I shouted, "You p-promised me everything would be okay! I t-trusted you!"
Robin took Dustin, and helped him to the trailer, he hurt his foot so he was limping.

"Eddie! Come on, man!" I cried.
Suddenly, Steve and Nancy grabbed my arms and dragged me away from Eddie. I tried to fight back as i wriggled in their arms, "Let me go! Let me go! Let go of me!"

I tried to fight as much as I could but my body was aching and bleeding from being punched.

I watched as they dragged me further away from my brother. I watched as his lifeless body rested on the ground. My brother... was gone.

Nancy and Steve managed to get me back through the gate and into my trailer. I was in shock. Tears were running down my face as I zoned out completely, letting my emotions wash over me. I was drowning in my own head, not wanting to be saved.

"Hey, hey, hey." Steve crouched down in-front of me and snapped his fingers in front of my face, "I'm so sorry, Deena."

I looked at him, snapping out of my trance. His eyes were puffy, like he'd been crying over Eddie too. In fact, everyone looked so upset: Dustin, Nancy, Robin and Steve.

It then hit me that Max was gone too, then I started to break down again.
"I-I couldn't save Max, either." I cried, "I-I tried but.."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take a deep breath." Steve comforted me, as he pulled me in for a hug, "It's okay, its not your fault."

"It's not okay." I cried, as my tears soaked his t-shirt, "Steve, you-you promised me. You promised me everything would be okay."

Steve was clearly upset, but he was trying to stay strong in front of me so I didn't freak out even more.
Robin and Nancy were comforting Dustin, who was crying at the kitchen table. Nancy glanced over at Steve, they both had tears in their eyes.

We all walked outside and stood in the trailer park. Hawkins had been divided into sections that looked like it was from Vecna's world. There were lots of smoke and people were panicking, packing their things and leaving Hawkins. Never to return.

We arrived at the hospital a few hours later, it took a while because of all the traffic leaving Hawkins.
We walked into Max's hospital room to see Lucas reading her a story and Erica sleeping on a chair.

I covered my mouth when I saw her, trying not to break down on the spot in front of everyone.
"No, Max." I whispered, my voice hoarse from all the screaming, "Max."
I sat beside her and help her hand, but her fingers were broken so it was difficult. She had a cast on her leg and arm, and her neck was being supported in a neck brace. Her heart beat was beating on the machine, so I was thankful she was alive. But, the doctor said that she was in a coma, so it was a 5o:50 chance of her making it.

"I'm so sorry, Max." I cried into her chest, "I'm so sorry. I should've been there but I couldn't and..."

I was interrupted by the door opening, and four teenagers walked in -who I presuming were El, Will, Mike and Johnathon, because Max told me a lot about them.

El hugged Lucas tightly, then walked over to me and sat down, "Deena." She sighed.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes, confused about how she knew me, "You know me?"

"I saw." El replied, "I piggybacked."
I looked at the others in confusion, hoping they would tell me what El was going on about.

"El saw what happened, she helped Max." A boy replied, he walked towards me, "I'm Johnathon, by the way. This is my brother Will, and his friend Mike. Sorry we had to meet in bad circumstances."

I tried to smile at Johnathon, "I'm Deena."

El held both of my hands, "It's okay, Deena. Max is strong, she will recover. I promise."

Everyone was telling me it was going to be okay, but the last time someone said that I ended up loosing people I love the most.

"Thank you, El." I tried to smile, but my emotions got the better of me. I stood up and walked out, "I just need to get some air."

I walked out of the hospital, as everything was going dizzy. I prayed that I wasn't going to have a panic attack, but God obviously was never on my side.

"Deena? Dee!" I heard Steve calling my name from behind me.

I carried on walking and locked myself in the bathroom. I gripped onto the sink, looking at myself in the mirror: my hair was a mess, my eyes were puffy and red, my mascara was smudged down my face, and I just looked like shit. I took some deep breathes, as sharp pains grew in my chest.
I grabbed onto the neck of my baggy T-shirt and tried to slow down my breathing, but my whole body ached and I was so exhausted.

Steve knocked on my door, "Deena. Deena, are you alright? Hey, Dee?"

"L-Leave me alone, Steve." I panted.

I slid down the wall, curling myself into a ball as I started sobbing again.

There was another knock at my door. I rolled my eyes, "Steve, I said go away."

"It's Nancy." Her soft voice spoke from the other side of the door, "Can I come in?... Please."

I stood up and unlocked the door, and before I could say anything Nancy hugged me tightly.
My knees went weak and I put my weight onto her as I cried into her shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm here." Nancy whispered into my ear, "Shh, I got you."

heyyy! sorry for this sad chapter!
it's nearly the end of this story :(
i hope you're all doing well and thank you so much for the love <33
be ready for the final chapter!!

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