1: Deena, The Freak, Munson

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I'm Deena Munson, but people know me as 'the freak'. I'm 16 and I live with my brother and my Uncle Wayne in a shitty trailer-park. We've always lived in this shit-hole because we have always struggled with money. Plus, whatever money we do have probably gets spent on drugs, alcohol and my medication. The medication is for my anxiety but I barely ever take it, which my uncle hates. My mom and dad never cared for me very much and they were barely around, i haven't heard from them in years.


I awoke to the sound of people shouting outside, which isn't a surprise because there's fights around here all the time.
I rolled over in my uncomfortable bed and tried to fall back to sleep, until I heard the hyperactive boy that I live with.

"Hey." Eddie appears at my door, then starts rummaging through my drawers loudly, chucking everything on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I groan, as I rolled over to face him, "Eddie!"
My brother was basically tearing my room apart, "Eddie, what the fuck!"
I quickly stood up, throwing my bedsheets off of me.

"Calm down, little sis." Eddie said calmly, "I'm just looking for something, that's all."

"That's all?" I shouted sarcastically, "Get out! Get out, Eddie!"

Eddie slowly stood up from crouching on the floor, "Jesus." He mumbled.

"I'm going to kill you one day!" I shouted, as he walked down the hallway from my room.

Now that I'm up, I have no choice but to get dressed and go to school. I live quite a while away from school, meaning that I cannot ride my bike and instead I have to take the school bus. I mean, I could ride my bike but my uncle doesn't let me because it's 'too far'.
I decide to wear my grey joggers, one of Eddie's oversized T-shirts, and a blue jumper. Once again, I have put no effort into what I look like. I keep my hair down in its natural curls, and add put loads of bracelets on my wrists.

I walked out of my messy room and made my way to the kitchen.
"Where's uncle Wayne?" I asked Eddie, who was eating cereal at the table.

"Smoking outside." Eddie replied, looking at the small tv we have in the corner of the room.

I walk outside to see my Uncle, "Morning."

"Hey, kiddo." Wayne turned to me with a cigarette in his mouth, "You ready for school?"

"Yup." I replied. I awkwardly handed him a $10 note, "Oh, erm, can you buy some tampons please?"

Wayne declined the money, "I have some cash inside, I can pay myself."

"You sure?" I questioned, putting the money into my pocket. Wayne just nodded. "Thanks."
I walked back inside, putting on my blue trainers and packing my back-bag.


I arrived at school, after what seemed like hours. On the school bus, I always sit alone at the front. I would sit at the back, but that's where all the 'popular' people sit.
I walked out of the yellow bus and started walking to the sports hall. I didn't know who to sit next to so I just sat wherever I could. All the popular cheerleaders were dancing and the crowd was going wild, then the basketball team came out.

Jason Carver, the popular boy, held the microphone, "Good morning Hawkins High! First off, I'd like to thank everyone single one of you. Without your support, we wouldn't be here!"

Honestly, I stopped listening as soon as he spoke. I thought he was a total douchebag, so I got my mixtape, put headphones on and listened to music.

I skipped first class in the bathroom, I hated Math. When the bell rang, everyone went to lunch. I walked down the long school corridor, trying not to notice all the teenagers staring at me.
I repeatedly tapped my finger-pads against my thumb in a '1,2,3,4' pattern, trying to calm myself down.

I noticed a girl with ginger hair, walking down the corridor alone too. She moved in to my neighbourhood a few months ago, but I barely ever see her. She is extremely pretty, whenever I see her I cannot keep my eyes off her. She barely smiles, but I heard her brother died last year so I don't blame her. The girl notices me too, and i get butterflies in my stomach. I try to smile but I'm basically frozen on the spot... she's beautiful.

If you can't already tell, I'm gay. I only came out to my brother but there was no point, since the whole school kind of  came out for me. Almost everyone was homophobic and saying 'I look lesbian' and 'I definitely look at girls whilst changing'. All the girls get super weird around me, it's almost like they think I have a crush on them. Which I don't.
That's why everyone calls me a freak, but I got used to it.

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