19: I'm Not Ready To Die

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I sat in-between Eddie and Robin in the camper-van. I was holding Robin's hand tightly, as she looked very nervous. Steve dropped Erica, Lucas, Max and i off at the Creel House,

"Be careful, okay." Steve said softly, turning around from the steering wheel.

"Wait-Wait, can we just run through the plan again?" I panicked, wanting reassurance one last time.

"You'll be okay, Dee." Eddie held my hand.

I panicked, "No, I just want- please."

"Phase one: we meet Erica at the playground, she'll signal Lucas when we're ready." Robin reminded.

"Phase two: Max beats Vecna. He'll go after her which will put him in a trance." Steve explained.

"Phase three: me and Eddie distract the bats away." Dustin added.

"Phase four: we go into vecna's, newly bat-free lair, flambé." Robin added, as she hints to the bottles of gasoline.

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied." Nancy insists, "Nobody deviates from the plan no matter what. Got it?"

"Got it." We all replied in unison.

"Okay, we need to go, we're running out of time." Max hurried, as she left the van followed by Erica and Lucas.

I hesitated, as everyone waited for me to leave. Chills ran down my spine as tears formed in my eyes.

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey." Steve stood up, as he noticed me crying, "It's gonna be alright, okay?"

"I-I have a bad feeling about this." I panicked.

Steve crouched down in-front of me, "The sooner we do this, the sooner this ends. Trust me, everything's gonna be okay. I promise."

I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. Eddie hugged me tightly, "I love you, asshole."

"I love you, too." I replied as I pulled out of the hug, "Do not do anything stupid, do you understand? I can't lose you."

"I won't, I won't." He chuckled, "Now, go."

I jumped out of the van, as Nancy gave me a smile of reassurance. Then, just like that, they drove away.

"You ready?" I questioned, as we walked up to the Creel House.

"Yeah." Max replied nervously, as she gripped onto my hand.

We all walked around the house, holding blue lanterns, trying to find where Vecna was.
Erica and Lucas tapped me on the shoulder, which made me jump.
Erica held up her notepad which had written on it 'found Vecna'.

I got Max and we followed them into a room, where a lantern was flashing on and off. Max walked close to it, whilst Erica wrote on her notepad 'Phase 1?'.

Lucas and I nodded.

Erica sprinted outside to the playground opposite the house, she used her flashlight to communicate with our friends in the upside down.

While we waited for the others to reply to Erica, me and Max sat on the couches opposite each-other, while Lucas got everything ready in the Attic.

I got my notepad and wrote 'Hi', turning it around to show Max.

She picked up a pen and replied, 'Hey I'm glad you're here.'

'Me too :)'

She smiled, then noticed my nervous face, 'We're gonna be okay'

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