portentous ✧

By kidcorenightmare

897 44 70

portentous: 'momentous significance', or 'done pompously to impress'. in both meanings of the word, hunter-r... More

'Journey of a Lifetime'
'Better be... Hufflepuff!'
'The Hufflepuff Princess'
'The Prank that Went Wrong'
'Hufflepuff - 1975 Quidditch Team!'
'The Potters and The Moores'
'A Day In The Life of Hunter-Rose Moore'
'The Princess and The Knight'
'Sixteen Today'
'Patrol with Lucius Malfoy'
'Letters from Mother'
'The Masquerade Ball'
'Blue-Green and Blue-Grey'
'The It Couple'
'Ravenclaw VS Hufflepuff'
'A China Doll in a Bullpen'
'Utter Rubbish!'
'The Boys Dormitory'
'Older Brother, Younger Brother'
'Start Spreading the News'
'Patrol with Remus Lupin'
'Letters from Father'
'Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Daddy's Money'
'Lover or a Fighter?'

'For The Record'

15 1 8
By kidcorenightmare

The Party

"James! Truth or dare?" Hunter shouted over the music that blasted throughout the Hufflepuff common room that night.

Charlotte Keenan, being a muggle-born girl, had set up a record player to last for the night of celebration; the volume being increased by magic.

"Dare, obviously!" the Marauder responded, grinning.

Hunter's eyes scanned the room and fell upon Lily and Marlene McKinnon, who were dancing with each other along with most other people in the room.

"Flirt with Marlene in front of Lily." Hunter stated, and James' smile dropped as Sirius, Remus and Peter laughed heartily.

"Oh no, Hunts! Don't say that! Let me do another one!" James pleaded at the Hufflepuff, who was laughing alongside the other boys.

"I didn't take you for a coward, James-y..." Hunter lightly mocked, taking a swig of her drink. James looked over at Lily and Marlene, straight-faced. He gave his cup over to Remus before marching towards the two girls.

"Oh, this I've got to hear." Sirius cackled, taking a hold of Hunter's hand and walking in the same direction as James. Hunter was laughing as she readjusted her short denim halter dress, feeling a lot more free than she had for a while.

"James, are you drunk, mate?" the raspy voice of Marlene McKinnon asked as she looked James up and down, trying to figure out what he was up to.

"No! Just... wanted to see... you, McKinnon?" he spoke slowly and unconvincingly, trying his best to avoid Lily's amused face.

"Grand, well you've seen me now." Marlene smiled at her joke, flicking her ashy blonde waves behind her back.

Her eyes went from James to Hunter and Sirius, who were rather indiscreetly watching from a very close distance. They laughed loudly at interaction and caught the attention of all three Gryffindors.

"Hunter? Black? What have you done?" Marlene asked, sending the pair into another small fit of giggles.

"Hunter dared James to talk to his one true love, is all." Remus, who appeared by Hunter and Sirius seemingly out of thin air, said with a straight face despite swaying drunkenly. James burned red as his friends all laughed, including Lily and Marlene.

"She did not! She said-" he began, whipping his head around from the group of three to the pair that he stood before.

"I'm very flattered, James, but I don't really feel the same way. Sorry, babes!" Marlene placed a faux-sympathetic hand on the Marauders shoulder.

"I, for one, am glad he's moved on from me. What was the baby name you were thinking of?" Lily joined in, cocking an eyebrow.

"No! No baby name plans! Unless you had some brewing, Lils?" James asked the red-head, poorly flirting. Hunter, Sirius and Remus all groaned, small smiles on their faces.

"Hmm... none that I'll be having with you, Potter. Lovely chat, but we really must be... walking over there now." Lily winked at Sirius, Hunter and Remus before grabbing Marlene's hand and walking aimlessly through the small crowd. Marlene blew a kiss at James.

"Oh, that was absolutely brutal to watch. Hunter-Rose, you're an evil genius, dear." Remus said as James shamefully made his way back into the group.

"Next time, Moony takes Hunter's dare." James groaned as he was handed back his drink, finishing it in two gulps.

"Moony?" Hunter asked, but she was ignored by the group over Sirius' loud voice.

She'd heard Remus been called this before, though it was never explained to her why the Gryffindor boy was so reminiscent of the moon.

"I agree, that caused me physical pain to watch. Alright, Hunter, your go. Truth or dare?" Sirius asked, and the group turned their attention to the girl.

"Interesting proposition, Black! Where's Peter?" Hunter looked over the crowd, attempting to divert the groups attention.

"Stop that, Moore, I'm not stupid! Come on, truth or dare?" Sirius reinforced.

"Ugh, fine. Truth, I suppose." Hunter shrugged, taking another swig of her drink.

"Who is your least favourite person in the school?" Sirius questioned quickly. The three boys all laughed, looking at Hunter expectantly.

"Snape, I guess." she shrugged.

"Nope, that's everyones answer, pick someone else." James commanded, smiling.

"If it's everyone's answer, surely it's valid?" Hunter challenged, frowning. She didn't want to gossip about anyone else and began to grow extremely uncomfortable.

"Nope! Pick again, Miss Moore." Sirius smirked.

"For the record, I genuinely like most people. I honestly don't know who else I dislike." Hunter tugged at her dresses short skirt before fiddling with her fringe, fluffing it up.

"If she doesn't want to say, she doesn't have to shay- say. Ask something else!" the drunken Remus spoke loudly. Hunter smiled at him, appreciative of the fact that he was in her corner.

"Alright! Okay! Hmm. What do you think of Sirius and Louise?" James asked after some thought. Hunter sighed.

"It's not official, is it? I thought it was a fling!" Hunter asked Sirius, who shrugged.

"We've not really put a label on it." he responded simply, looking over at the pretty brunette as she talked with Cassandra and Hollie. Meera has stuck with Hai for the evening.

"Merlin, Sirius..." Hunter trailed off, going back to her drink.

"What? What's up with that? I thought you two were pretty good mates!" Sirius asked, laughing slightly though void of all humour. Did Hunter really not approve?

"We are! But it's not really my place to... divulge certain information. That's all, love." Hunter answered awkwardly, thinking of how Hai had been pining for Sirius since their second year.

"No, Hunts, if there's a problem with it then you can tell me." Sirius turned towards the short blonde girl that stood besides him.

"Sirius, it's really not my place to say, love. Honestly, that's it." Hunter smiled, not wanting an argument. She looked Sirius dead in the eyes and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I promise that if there is a serious issue, I'd tell you right away. But it just isn't my place to express how I feel about it." she spoke slowly, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.

Sirius broke eye contact with her and thought to himself for a moment. "Alright, fine. I trust you." he sighed.

Hunter beamed at him and pulled the boy into a small hug. "Thank Merlin, Sirius! You had me worried!"

"Oh, don't worry, Hunts. I trust you, love."

"I'm glad to hear it. Let's go dance, my boys!" Hunter giggled, linking arms with Sirius and Remus. James wrapped his arm around Sirius' neck as the four made their way towards the main party.

The group of four danced the night away, and Hunter couldn't fight a large grin from featuring on her face. She adored the company of these Gryffindors, and they meant more to her than words could express. From Remus' protective and calming nature, to the warmness and familiarity with James and the trust and deep care that she had for Sirius.

She really did adore 'her boys'.

The Interview

It was the following afternoon, and Hunter and Regulus sat hand in hand before a young woman with styled silver-blonde hair in The Hog's Head. Walburga lingered, only a table away, her arms folded as she watched the interview conduct.

Regulus was dressed in a dark green button down shirt and black dress trousers, not appearing too dissimilar from how he did yesterday. His loose curls had been tamed, presumably by his mother, and an expensive belt with a silver buckle boasted his families wealth.

Hunter had clearly made more of an effort. She wore a forest green blouse, with a white floral pattern decorated on it. A slightly darker shade of green was found on her medium length green skirt, with a few pleats to be found on it. Her shoes and socks matched with her skirt and a pair of her mothers pearls draped around her neck.

Two small segments of her hair had been left out to frame her face as the rest of it was sweeped into a half up half down, and she wore light makeup.

She didn't need a silver buckled belt to look expensive.

"So, Regulus and Hunter-Rose, I'm Rita Skeeter, newest journalist for The Daily Prophet. This interview should only take around fifteen minutes, and then I'll get your picture for the paper. Okay?" the interviewer stated, already writing about the couples appearance and the location they were in.

"That sounds good, thank you." Regulus nodded, squeezing Hunter's hand slightly.

"Good, let's begin. So, how long have you both been together for?" Rita asked.

"A little under three weeks, I believe." Hunter answered sweetly.

"And I would assume it was Regulus who asked her out?"

"Yes, I did."

"What was the occasion?"

"I was-" Hunter began.

"Hunter threw a masquerade ball for her birthday. I deemed it fitting to ask her then."

"How romantic." Rita commented dryly as she scribbled in a tattered notebook. Regulus and Hunter glanced at each other nervously.

"How did you, Hunter-Rose, take to not being the centre of your own party?"

Hunter looked like a deer in headlights for a second, bewildered at the prospect of being bothered by sharing the spotlight, but she quickly recovered. "The party was a joint one, between one of my best friends and I. Also, I thought Reg asking me out then was sweet."

"I see. How have pupils at school taken to this newfound relationship? Any disapproval?"

"For the most part, it's been a very welcoming environment. I'm glad that our peers have been so considerate." Regulus answered, and the couple both knew that he was lying through his teeth.

"For the most part?"

"Yeah, well, um-"

"The first couple of days were ones wherein we, and the majority of the student body, took time carefully adjusting to this new change. It served as a shock to some, especially families who are also in the pureblooded community, but it calmed down quickly and we were never shunned or looked down on. I'm grateful for that." Hunter answered, noticing that Regulus didn't know how to respond. She looked over to Walburga, who smiled lightly at the girl, satisfied with her answer.

"Good to hear. Now, the main question on our readers minds are once concerning the politics of both your families. Hunter-Rose, your father is Basileus Moore. He is famously against the ideology that magic should be saved for purebloods, whereas those in Mr Black's family tree have a history of seeing muggleborn magical people as lesser. Where do you fall politically?"

Hunter thought for a moment, ignoring the intense stare that Walburga was directing towards her. "I'm recently sixteen and hopeful that the current issues are sorted out by the people it concerns. For the record, I have always agreed with my fathers stances on issues. I will never be a Death Eater, I can say that with confidence." she answered.

Maybe that wasn't what the Black family wanted to hear, but it was the truth and she refused to be painted as a Death Eater.

"And how do you feel about that, Regulus?"

"I'm also hopeful that the myriad of current challenges our wizarding community is facing will be solved by the time that I can be recognised as an adult. That's when I can make an impact, and when my opinions matter."

"You've avoided my question, Mr Black. Are you a Death Eater?"

"You're being extremely harsh with my son, Rita dearest. I advise you watch yourself." Walburga's stated.


"If you're asking whether or not I agree with the rather public figure of Lord Voldemort, then I can safely say that I disagree with the notions he puts forward." Regulus answered a little more honestly than his mother probably imagined.

"Well, that's certainly good to hear."

A silence fell as Rita went back to writing.

"Why don't you use a Quick-Quotes quill, Skeeter? I assumed that my son and his girlfriend would be interviewed by the best, not someone who is just starting out and presumably filling in for a more important person who couldn't come today." Walburga interrogated.

"I'm the one asking the questions, Mrs Black." Rita responded curtly.

Hunter's blue-green eyes met with Regulus' blue-grey ones. This had certainly been a little more tense than they expected.

The Meeting

"I didn't think you were going to show up, Snape." Hunter announced as the clock announced it was 8:00PM.

Even in the dark October night, Hunter was a standout character. She had changed into a more comfortable outfit after her interview, now wearing a slightly oversized knitted brown jumper and flared light-wash jeans. Her hair was still in its tight updo, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

Severus Snape was less presentable. His tangled dark hair hang deadly on his head, wearing his school trousers and a black jumper. His cold, dead eyes showed no sign of morality or caring.

Hunter could tell that his family was poor, and a part of her wanted to help him. The other part reminded herself that, no, this was Severus Snape she was talking about.

"Don't be melodramatic, Moore."


Snape rolled his eyes and stood a couple of metres away from the well-known blonde Hufflepuff. He could not stand this girl, a girl who he believed was nothing particularly special.

She was just a girl who happened to be part of the Sacred 29.

The smallest part, the better part of him that he decided to silence, did worry for her. Popularity has made her trusting of others, and she wasn't aware of some students motives.

The vast majority of him hoped to watch Hunter-Rose squirm with discomfort as she realised life wasn't always of high quality as she opted to believe it was.

"Well? What is it you want?" Hunter asked rather impatiently. She'd rather be spending time with James and Hai (who she hadn't seen a lot of since her relationship with Regulus began), both of whom had started to rub off on her.

"I saw a letter that Regulus was writing to his mother a few days ago. He left it out on a table."

"Okay... cool? Why should I care if it doesn't directly concern me?" The Hufflepuff Princess sighed.

She didn't want to tolerate Snape's attitude, and didn't want him to think that he could speak down to her the way that so many Hufflepuffs had been talked to. It was unfair.

"It does. He wrote that he didn't go into your relationship liking you, it was a means to an end for a plan that I've heard talk of. He said, and this is verbatim, that 'the plan may really come into fruition'. He also seemed... inconvenienced by developing feelings for you."

Hunter's face stayed straight throughout, not seeming shocked or upset by what she was heading. Since she had theorised that Regulus had ulterior motives, Snape was only strengthening her case.

He didn't want to, but he was unknowingly helping her.

"May I ask what 'plan'?" Hunter asked plainly.

Snape blinked before complying, confused by her reaction. Why wasn't she upset? "Right, okay. I've heard about it on and off from quite a few Slytherin students, most of them are part of the Sacred 29. From what I can tell, you have such a well regarded status because Voldemort wants you to join their ranks. If someone who is so well-liked and from such a light family would follow the Dark Lord, more people will follow. And I guess more followers mean more power."

This was something that Hunter-Rose wasn't expecting to hear, but she only faltered for a second and Snape seemed to disregard it. She breathed, ensuring that she would remember every detail so that she could relay it onto her father.

"Why do you tell me this now, Snape? I wouldn't be shocked if you followed that creatures teachings, considering your stances and... hobbies." Hunter sneered, taking a step towards the Slytherin.

"Because I want to watch you fail." he replied, taking a step towards her. She looked up at him, yet was somehow more threatening. The coolness she expressed was something that Snape couldn't fake even if he tried.

"For the record, Snape, you don't scare me. I don't know if you think you're intimidating, but you're utterly pathetic. Run along now, please. You're boring me." she smiled, playing the part of the chirpy blonde girl in a way that was almost disturbing to him.

"You must think you're something special, Moore."

"I don't know if I'm special. Frankly, if I am, I don't care. You know, I patrolled with Lily Evans this morning, and you came up in conversation-"

"Don't talk to me about her."

"Why not? I asked her what she thought of you. Do you want to know what she said, Snape?"

He looked down at the shorter girl, knowing that it wouldn't be good. But he wanted to know. It was Lily. He had to know. So, he stayed silent and Hunter kept talking.

"She said that you're a lowlife Slytherin who she's glad to be free from. Then she got bored. There you are, I've told you what she thinks. Off to bed, now, Snape. Wouldn't want to get caught past curfew by Lucius Malfoy or Linda Parkinson." she sneered before walking past the devastated boy.

"You could get caught too, you know." he called out bluntly, still processing the news of what Lily thought of him.

"Please, Snape. They couldn't afford to violate that plan now, could they?"

And with that, Hunter left Snape by the lake. Part of her felt that she had been too harsh on the boy, but she knew that it was justified.

She shook away her guilt and head towards the castle, ignorant to the fact that Regulus Black was watching the entire conversation from afar, and that his older brother had watched the encounter after being led there by a certain map.

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